Afghan women rally, turning men red-faced with anger

But -- but we've been repeatedly assured that Muslim women are respected and treasured.

Looks like Muslim women have different ideas.

Muslim men and women who have never been exposed to modernization will cling to their ancient values. It's a no-brainer.
How much common sence is needed to know that this is wrong?

How do they even know who each other is?

If a chick in a burka goes to meet her friend in a burka at a restaurant and their are a bunch of other chicks in burka there,

how the fuck do they find each other?
You know what really sucks about a Burka?

When a chick farts in a Burka the fart has no where else to go but threw the little screen up by their face.
I just went to a sexual assault victim advocate training. Sunni's stats are correct. Why aren't you guys more concerned about rape in America?
What makes you think we're not?

But this thread is about oppression of women in an Islamic nation. Start another thread. If the subject makes you uncomfortable, stay out of this one.

Bullshit. I'm not going anywhere. I'm making a point. The point is you are more concerned with rape in Afghanistan than you are in the US.

You are picking a fight with Sunni because you hate all Muslims.
Astoundingly wrong. On all counts.

You can tell the folks who object to mainstream Christianity more than they object to radical Islam. All you have to do is start a thread criticizing Islamic extremists, and they rush in saying, "Yeah, that's a little bad, but those XTIANS, now, are dangerous!"

Now, do you have anything to say about Muslim women being oppressed in Afghanistan, or are you more concerned with helping apologists whitewash radical Islam?

Please note that's a rhetorical question. You've already answered.
Women in Europe want to wear the burqa and not be banned from doing so.

I'm all for supporting Afghan women to have equal rights and choices.

I'm a feminist, remember?
That explains all your posts in this thread supporting the women in the OP who are being oppressed and abused.

Oh, wait...

I've been supporting them since I was fifteen - so, before 9/11.

Our occupation of Afghanistan does NOTHING to support women.

Looks like an organization that needs my support.

Actually, I've (for a long time) had a fantasy that we close ALL the borders of Afghanistan and only let the women and young children out...the men can stay there and not be allowed to leave....ever.

Meh, it's a fantasy.
According to United States Department of Justice document Criminal Victimization in the United States, there were overall 191,670 victims of rape or sexual assault reported in 2005

1 of 6 U.S. women has experienced an attempted or completed rape. (according to Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault

I was paid to do several of those
You go girls! I want all women of the world to have the choice of bathing, sexual encounters and career choices. Screw the uptight male gorillas.
According to United States Department of Justice document Criminal Victimization in the United States, there were overall 191,670 victims of rape or sexual assault reported in 2005

1 of 6 U.S. women has experienced an attempted or completed rape. (according to Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault

I never did fall for that "It's okay because someone else did a crime too" crap.
I agree with that also.

But Americans love to point their fingers at other nations.

When in reality, a couple of hundred American women are raped every hour of every day.

Right here in the good old US of A :doubt:
I agree with that also.

But Americans love to point their fingers at other nations.

When in reality, a couple of hundred American women are raped every hour of every day.

Right here in the good old US of A :doubt:

Maybe so, but at least we have freedom of movement to kick some balls, twist a penis or bite the fucker off, hit, run and manuever however we can to fight back. They are stuck in their burqa's and are hindered.
I agree with that also.

But Americans love to point their fingers at other nations.

When in reality, a couple of hundred American women are raped every hour of every day.

Right here in the good old US of A :doubt:

Maybe so, but at least we have freedom of movement to kick some balls, twist a penis or bite the fucker off, hit, run and manuever however we can to fight back. They are stuck in their burqa's and are hindered.

And resistance is an automatic death sentence. "How DARE that bitch resist when I try to rape her!!"
I agree with that also.
Then why are you doing it?
But Americans love to point their fingers at other nations.
Yes, civilized nations can point their fingers are barbaric pig-fucking shitholes.
When in reality, a couple of hundred American women are raped every hour of every day.

Right here in the good old US of A :doubt:
If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.

But then, if you didn't lie to make your point, you wouldn't be you.

Violence Against Women in the United States
According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That's more than 600 women every day.​
600 a day is 50 an hour. Awful indeed, but hardly the couple of hundred you claim. Using your Wiki stats, it's 22 an hour.'re lying. Gasp.

How many rapes are committed in Islamic countries?

Given the way rape victims are treated as criminals, there's absolutely no way the majority are reported.
Go ahead and manipulate and twisted figures however you want.

But the truth is that Muslim women are treated better in their countries then women are treated here in America. :cool:

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