Afghanistan is impossible to conquer.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Our leaders knew this before using 9/11 as an excuse to invade.

This video is from 2 weeks ago....before the 'big news' of the Taliban taking the country back.

The 20th anniversary of 9/11 coming up , and US and UK are sending 10,000 troops back in. It's crazy.
I think it was the Canadian military who did a scenario assessment of the worst military campaigns to be bogged down in. A ground war in Afghanistan was the winner of the worst campaign.

A few years later the terror of 9/11 occurred and the rest is history.
There are no unconquerable nations and never have been.

Afghanistan was part of Tamerlane's empire back in the day- if Biden new history he could have easily kept it by just doing the same as Timur the Tremendous, the emperor back then.
Irrelevant.....we did not go there to conquer the Afghani people.

We went there to destroy the taliban and alquada.

We drove out the taliban and killed bin laden and inflicted much damage on Al-quada.

We stayed there for years in order to keep the talbian out in partnership with the Afghani government to prevent the use of Afghanistan by Alquada as a base for terrorism.

Our biggest mistake was to allow the taliban a safe haven in Pakistan from whence they went back and forth to Pakistan to engage in sabotage and attacks on Afghans and Americans.

Trump made a mistake by deciding to withdraw....though he had a plan that would have allowed it to be done in a orderly fashion.

Unfotunately biden tossed that plan out the window and the result is the chaos we now see and a great humanitarian crisis...with thousands likely to be executed.

Not even to mention all the Americans who are now trapped there and confronted with possible executions but biden seems not to care....he is on vacation and does not want to be bothered and refuses to answer questions.

What will the biden administration do if the taliban begins to execute Americans?
Any war is winnable as long as leaders do the right thing and let their troops shoot first and ask questions later. When Dems are in power and tie the hands of our soldiers, wars are lost.
Excuse me but when Bush took us into Afghanistan wasn't he warned not to go to Iraq two years later but he did anyway ?

If the Afghan war had once been 'winnable' by us, they blew it in 2003.
Any war is winnable as long as leaders do the right thing and let their troops shoot first and ask questions later. When Dems are in power and tie the hands of our soldiers, wars are lost.
Bush kowtowed to Pakistan and every president following him went along with it.
Excuse me but when Bush took us into Afghanistan wasn't he warned not to go to Iraq two years later but he did anyway ?

If the Afghan war had once been 'winnable' by us, they blew it in 2003.
The Afghan war was won and very quickly by a handful of special forces troops in conjunction with our Air Force.

We got bogged down there for 20 years because we allowed the taliban a safe haven right next door from whence they harassed and attacked us for all those long years.

The problem being Pakistan who played a double game. Not to forget they harbored bin laden.
The Afghan war was won and very quickly by a handful of special forces troops in conjunction with our Air Force.

We got bogged down there for 20 years because we allowed the taliban a safe haven right next door from whence they harassed and attacked us for all those long years.

The problem being Pakistan who played a double game. Not to forget they harbored bin laden.
Not as much of a problem as it was since Pakistan put a fence up.
Our leaders knew this before using 9/11 as an excuse to invade.

This video is from 2 weeks ago....before the 'big news' of the Taliban taking the country back.

The 20th anniversary of 9/11 coming up , and US and UK are sending 10,000 troops back in. It's crazy.

Oh it can be conquered.......but you are dealing with a bully religion/ being a nice guy and doing nation building isn't how it will be conquered. They only respect the sword and see kindness as a weakness and invitation to attack.

Killing off the terror groups and their fucking clerics and entire families and clans is the only way it will be. The west doesn't have the stomach for it. Annihilating most of the males would allow the females to take over government/education/medical etc roles and change a lot of their evil cultures need to kill and rape. Terrorists get new recruits because with the rich taking 4 young wives---and killing off females for a variety reasons, it forces the males to attack others in hopes of ever getting laid.
Oh it can be conquered.......but you are dealing with a bully religion/ being a nice guy and doing nation building isn't how it will be conquered. They only respect the sword and see kindness as a weakness and invitation to attack.

Killing off the terror groups and their fucking clerics and entire families and clans is the only way it will be. The west doesn't have the stomach for it. Annihilating most of the males would allow the females to take over government/education/medical etc roles and change a lot of their evil cultures need to kill and rape. Terrorists get new recruits because with the rich taking 4 young wives---and killing off females for a variety reasons, it forces the males to attack others in hopes of ever getting laid.
Our CIA helped create the Taliban...... we armed them covertly to fight the Soviets the same way we armed Saddam Hussein against Iran in the 80s.

There's no way this wouldn't come back to bite us.
Afghanistan isn't a country. The people won't recognize it as a country. It is a collection of tribes run by tribal warlords. Without a central government there is nothing to conquer.
There is only one way to win a war...kill as many of the enemy as possible...civilian and uniformed....destroy there entire will never win by just picking off enemy must kill without sympathy for the people you must break out your entire arsenal and bring it to your enemy...if you are not willing or capable of doing that than you will never win a war.....and so you should never go to war unless you will go all the way....
Our leaders knew this before using 9/11 as an excuse to invade.

This video is from 2 weeks ago....before the 'big news' of the Taliban taking the country back.

The 20th anniversary of 9/11 coming up , and US and UK are sending 10,000 troops back in. It's crazy.

As is now, so before. In ancient times the region we now refer to as Afghanistan was the world's primary source of tin, which was a necessary ingredient for making Bronze. For eons one world power or another has coveted something one can only find in Afghanistan. So it's all really no big deal. America is simply the latest superpower to learn this ancient lesson.
Oh it can be conquered.......but you are dealing with a bully religion/ being a nice guy and doing nation building isn't how it will be conquered. They only respect the sword and see kindness as a weakness and invitation to attack.

The thing is, there was a way to have settled the country down quickly.

Mohammed Zahir Shah was the last "King of Afghanistan", and very popular. He was their king, until his cousin staged a coup and he was forced into exile. When the Taliban was deposed, the Afghan government named him "Father of the Country", and gave him a lifetime pension. But he was forced to make concessions in order to be allowed to return to Afghanistan, where he renounced throne.

If the State Department was smart, they would have restored the monarchy, and used it to restore stability and given the people a popular figure to rally around. Set up a modern Constitutional Monarchy, then start the process of moving them into a Republic. After a period of a few decades.

But no, they were so obsessed on "democracy", that none of them thought about what it meant. Especially when such a nation never had that in their entire history. To them, it meant "mob rule", and the ones that had the most voted ruled over everybody else. And ultimately, the same thing as has happened in Iraq. A failed government, and the Diplomats looking at each other and wondering why it failed.

The only real examples in the last century of a successful transition almost always resulted form a strong dictator, who then towards the end set up the foundation to form a Republic after they died. Franco did that in Spain, and Chiang Kai-shek did that in Taiwan. However, even that will not always work, as we all learned in watching Yugoslavia implode after Marshal Tito died. But so long as the processes are established and being followed, it seems to greatly enhance the odds that the country will pass into a Republic rule, in time.
For eons one world power or another has coveted something one can only find in Afghanistan.

Also it was important as part of the Silk Road.

But the era of large land caravans died hundreds of years ago. To most of the world since the 1800's, Afghanistan has been of little interest itself. It's only interest was in that roads could be pushed through it to get to somewhere they really wanted to go. Like to and from India.
There is only one way to win a war...kill as many of the enemy as possible...civilian and uniformed....destroy there entire will never win by just picking off enemy must kill without sympathy for the people you must break out your entire arsenal and bring it to your enemy...if you are not willing or capable of doing that than you will never win a war.....and so you should never go to war unless you will go all the way....
Put me down as a ditto, no further comment needed.
Irrelevant.....we did not go there to conquer the Afghani people.

We went there to destroy the taliban and alquada.
Dumbassed politicians from the west thought they could build Afganistan as a model of democracy in the middle east.
What an epic failure.
Now twenty years later the Taliban is again in control armed with weapons we left behind.
What an embarrassment.

"We must Never forget".
Well our leaders sure as hell have.

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