Afghans plunge to their deaths after trying to cling to US military plane taking off from Kabul

If you, gentlemen politicians, had not supported these "anti-Soviet warriors", Afghanistan in the 80s of the twentieth century could have had a chance for a normal life and a future. For the first time then, people learned what hospitals and schools and houses with sewerage are. But you have deprived them of this. If not forever, then for a very long time.
Time to pray!
Pray like you have never prayed before.... for the Afghan people.

What I don't understand is why the Afghan people who are afraid of the Taliban, never stood on their own, to fight them?
Great question and after nineteen years they should have been able to slap the dog shit out of the Taliban and yet they instead flee…
In my opinion, now is a golden opportunity for Hollywood to bring Rambo back to the screens - " Rambo VI. Back to Afghanistan or How I Defeated the Taliban"
Yeah. It's certainly a sight to see.

Certainly my heart bleeds for those who truly cannot defend themelves. Women. Children. The elderly. But placing that aside, I look at it like this.

Our leaders propped up a corrupt Potemkin regime for two decades.

Twenty years we trained that army. We spent billions of dollars doing so. Money we don't have.

If grown men can hang onto a C-17 in flight, they can sure as heck pull a trigger and defend themselves. That may sting. But it's true. They have to fight for themselves. That's what men do. Again, we trained them for twenty years. We armed them.

We cannot keep doing this. We're broke. And our own livelihoods are at stake here at home at the hands of these same politicians who are going to war against the very notion of freedom itself. They're literally labeling anyone in the electorate who disagrees with a government functioning out of the range of its 'just powers' as an extremist. We've got our own problems. And we should focus on that first and foremost.

Moving forward, we're going to see a flood of warmongering neo-cons and special interests in the weapons industry as well as the privatized military contracting industry and other war profiteers attempting to self-servingly spin and redefine what the term isolationism actually means. And they're going to try to do so in order justify these never-ending, unconstitutional occupations that cost of trillions of dollars we don't have. They're going to try to appeal to emotion. They will promote fear propaganda. It's what they do.

I don't think there's a nickel's worth of difference between many of these politicians, to be honest. But I hope you're right and that there really is a special place in Hell's burner for them.
That said, American "Intelligence" isn't worth poop. Intelligence told us that the Afghan troops would hold off the Taliban? They told us they had every scenario covered. BS. They told us there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Pathetic.
Time to pray!
Pray like you have never prayed before.... for the Afghan people.

What I don't understand is why the Afghan people who are afraid of the Taliban, never stood on their own, to fight them?
I've wondered about this. I think the problem is in the nature of Islam. They cannot openly rebel against Allah's anointed. The Taliban has declared itself Allah's spokesmen
Great question and after nineteen years they should have been able to slap the dog shit out of the Taliban and yet they instead flee…
Seems like the Afghani men are cowards, our military should have been training the Afghani Women to be the soldiers and warriors, they likely would have been tougher and more courageous than the men, because they are the ones that have everything to lose by the Taliban being in charge!!!
Not a single woman or child in that crowd trying to escape on the US planes.

Nothing but able bodied men.

Why are they not fighting for their country?
Not a single woman or child in that crowd trying to escape on the US planes.

Nothing but able bodied men.

Why are they not fighting for their country?
Maybe, they will....? Maybe now that we and our allies are gone and they get over the shock and awe of it, they will....?

They and families, especially their female relatives, got a taste of the 'good life' and may come to realize, it's worth fighting for...?
After discharging from the military in the 1970's, I was disillusioned that the Affirmative Action, Quotas, Political Correctness and Diversity was still making it difficult as a Caucasian male for getting half decent jobs without going to college as when I graduated from high school some years earlier. I then started to read a lot of Conservative Books from Religion to Political ways of out nation including making a best of our financial system forced on us by our political system with the fiat currency we have. Anyway, the books gave names of some people that were globalist or new world order people. The Bush family was one of them as I remember. And a few year later, it is believed that Reagan was forced to take Bush as V.P. Reagan was also pushed out of winning the 1976 Repub Nomination to let Ford run for President. The enemy has gotten much smarter and thought they won in 2016 for total domination. Many are the same as they promote themselves different. It is just the speed to globalism that is affected. They corrected their mistakes in 2020.
No wonder you're so fucked up.
Maybe, they will....? Maybe now that we and our allies are gone and they get over the shock and awe of it, they will....?

They and families, especially their female relatives, got a taste of the 'good life' and may come to realize, it's worth fighting for...?
Send about a thousand Kurdish and Israeli women there to train them and see how fast the Taliban run!
People falling from american planes in Afghanistan should not distract the Free world from the blatant human rights violations in Russia, China, and Belarus.

Josep Borrel is gathering the EU foreign ministers tomorrow to discuss the situation in Afghanistan.

Will they discuss sanctions against the United States for human rights violations at the Kabul airport?

Or rather, they will discuss how to let into Europe fewer refugees from another democratized country?
I believe we have a new Darwin Award front-runner this year.

Ashli Babbitt has been bumped out of contention.
Send about a thousand Kurdish and Israeli women there to train them and see how fast the Taliban run!
Screw all this hand wringing. Heads need to roll at the Pentagon and State Department.

Of course, they won’t.

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