Afghans plunge to their deaths after trying to cling to US military plane taking off from Kabul

just so tragic and sad. Xiden incompetence and desire to have some sort of 20 year politic game on 9/11, cost so many lives…
What was your response when Trumpolini pulled USA troops out of Syria enabling the Turks to get at the Kurds, and the Russians to take ground?

Was THAT incompetent?

Afghanistan was a black hole. The policies of Bush, Obama & Trump in Afghanistan all failed. Perhaps we were going about it wrongly, gee, do ya think?

I think it stinks but know of no solution. I suppose right now I hope Biden will simply wait for the Taliban to occupy the govt buildings and then bomb them all to dust. Right now we need to act a bit more like Israel.
hahahah no no...Xiden tossed that agreement out the door....

just like he did with all the other agreements Trump made.

Just stop already, you look foolish still defending Joey Xiden, the Terrorist best friend
What's stupid is this rhetoric which is baseless. Your disrespect for a decent law-abiding President borders on treason, whereas you likely supported 45 who is a psychotic traitor.

What does that make you, boy?
"Can't Find President Biden... we have Vice President Harris.... Vice President what is your reaction to Afghanistan and your Homeland Secretary quoted as saying the Border is lost?"



I was disappointed they didn't televise more like in Nam. Bosh should have never put us there as with Iraq also yet American imperialist won out and made a profit.
READ: I won't say anything about how Biden handled this, just blame past Republicans
What's stupid is this rhetoric which is baseless. Your disrespect for a decent law-abiding President borders on treason, whereas you likely supported 45 who is a psychotic traitor.

What does that make you, boy?
Well...despite your racist undertones

I am going to ignore your twisted reality.....and gross sound like a little German defending the Dear Leader, as things around you burn
I was passing MrGs tv news as I came out of the bathroom and the newsguy had a taliban spokesperson on..interviewing him and asking a question. I was sickened and ashamed. He asked the taliban guy "are you going to punish...." and I left the room. The whining tone, like begging...the fucking ENEMY to not "do" anything.

How far we have fallen. Interviewing a taliban spokesperson and begging.

People falling off aircraft would be 24/7 by MSM if Trump was in and liberal shrieking at the sky would cause birds to fall.
Biden is too depleted to be effective .
It's a heck of a thing.

You have to zoom in to see the poor saps falling to their deaths.

It wasn't immediately clear if these were people but they ended up recovering the bodies.

It must have been a real honor to cling to the outside of a U.S. jet!
If Psaki wasn't on vacation, I'm sure she would have spun it this way. :spinner:
This whole thing is a clusterf**k.

However, whenever we would have withdrew, there would have been chaos. It was inevitable.
Exodus of the Afghan allies and American civilians should have preceded the exodus of the troops. What kind of planning went into this?
It's a heck of a thing.

You have to zoom in to see the poor saps falling to their deaths.

It wasn't immediately clear if these were people but they ended up recovering the bodies.

HMPHHH. No i-Fonez ? He never had to work again
It's a heck of a thing.

You have to zoom in to see the poor saps falling to their deaths.

It wasn't immediately clear if these were people but they ended up recovering the bodies.

I wonder if the problem was that they forgot to bring their mask and were asked to leave the flight?

Exodus of the Afghan allies and American civilians should have preceded the exodus of the troops. What kind of planning went into this?
The US invaded Afghanistan in 2001 following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, ostensibly to fight Al-Qaeda and other jihadist groups.

Toby Keith puts out Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue, it goes #1, everybody's like, yeah! 'murica!

Americians get the Patriot Act shoved down their throats. Civil liberties come under attack. US central government aquires a tremendous amount of power over the American electorate and expands to a monsterous infrastructure. All in the name of 'protecting our freedoms' they begin to pee all over the constitution. And the people love them for it.

So far as the Afghan exit timeline...

February 2020​

The Trump administration signs a peace deal with the Taliban in Qatar, agreeing to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan within 14 months. The militants promise not to attack Americans and their allies and open a dialogue with Kabul. Nevertheless, the fighting resumes almost immediately.

April 14, 2021​

With President Joe Biden now in office, the US announces American troops will leave Afghanistan by September 11 – extending Trump’s previous plan for an exit by May.

“We cannot continue the cycle of extending or expanding our military presence in Afghanistan – hoping to create ideal conditions for the withdrawal and expecting a different result,” Biden declared.

He said US forces cannot remain in the country forever and must not be used as “a bargaining chip between warring parties.”

Two weeks later, the Taliban launches a major offensive in the southern Helmand Province. The assaults will only intensify from there, while attempts to revive peace talks fail.

July 8, 2021​

Biden announces that the US military mission in Afghanistan will end on August 31, two weeks ahead of his initial deadline. The statement was made days after American soldiers left Bagram Air Base, the Pentagon’s largest outpost in Afghanistan.

Asked by a reporter if the Taliban takeover of the country is inevitable, Biden replies simply: “No, it is not.” He praises the US-trained Afghan Army, saying it is “as well-equipped as any army in the world.”

Biden also rejects earlier reports by US media that his own intelligence team concluded that the Afghan government could collapse as soon as six months after withdrawal. It would not even take that long, however.

Taliban militants quickly gain ground in northern parts of the country, forcing some 1,500 government troops to flee into Tajikistan.

Washington ramps up airstrikes against Taliban to support embattled government forces, but they prove to be ineffective.

August 2, 2021​

President Ghani blames the “abrupt” withdrawal of the US-led forces for his country's deteriorating security situation

A Taliban spokesperson responds by warning Ghani that “his time is over.”

August 6-8, 2021​

The seemingly unstoppable militants begin to rapidly seize provincial capitals, which fall like domino chips.

August 10, 2021​

The Washington Post and ABC News report that the Pentagon believes Kabul could fall anytime within 30 to 90 days. “Everything is moving in the wrong direction,” an unnamed official is quoted as saying by the Post.

The Taliban captures a strategic road juncture to the north of Kabul and encircles the capital.

August 12-14, 2021​

The US sends 3,000 soldiers and marines to watch over the evacuation of American diplomatic staff, as the Taliban seizes the major cities of Kandahar, Herat, and Mazar-i-Sharif.

August 15, 2021​

The Taliban enters Kabul virtually unopposed, takes control of the presidential palace in Kabul, and declares victory.

Ghani flees the country, saying he did so to prevent the Taliban “massacring” civilians. Meanwhile, locals rush to the city’s airport in hopes of catching the last plane out of Afghanistan. Commercial flights would be officially suspended on Monday.

US Army helicopters evacuate Americans from the embassy, drawing comparisons to the iconic images of the 1975 evacuation of Saigon shortly before the capital of South Vietnam fell to the Viet Cong. State Secretary Antony Blinken rejects such grim comparisons: “Remember, this is not Saigon.”

In the interest of intellectual honesty, I copped that timeline from a web site, I didn't feel like typing all of that crap which would have amounted to the same thing anyway.

Aaaand, we're still getting our balls fondled at the airport here at home. Now they want health passes to participate in society. Those who disagree with this power grab are painted as the new terrorist threat. And everybody's like, yeah! 'murica!
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Video shows several people climbing onto United States Air Force planes as they take off while continuing to hang on...

It's just horrible....a horror movie:(

To see those poor desperate Afghans grabbing on the exterior of the American planes....and then, they just let go....knowing it's all's very distressing!

There must be a special place in Hell for Biden, for all the criminal DemonRats thugs that stole this American election and are hurting America and the whole world!
It's just horrible....a horror movie:(

To see those poor desperate Afghans grabbing on the exterior of the American planes....and then, they just let go....knowing it's all's very distressing!

There must be a special place in Hell for Biden, for all the criminal DemonRats thugs that stole this American election and are hurting America and the whole world!

Yeah. It's certainly a sight to see.

Certainly my heart bleeds for those who truly cannot defend themelves. Women. Children. The elderly. But placing that aside, I look at it like this.

Our leaders propped up a corrupt Potemkin regime for two decades.

Twenty years we trained that army. We spent billions of dollars doing so. Money we don't have.

If grown men can hang onto a C-17 in flight, they can sure as heck pull a trigger and defend themselves. That may sting. But it's true. They have to fight for themselves. That's what men do. Again, we trained them for twenty years. We armed them.

We cannot keep doing this. We're broke. And our own livelihoods are at stake here at home at the hands of these same politicians who are going to war against the very notion of freedom itself. They're literally labeling anyone in the electorate who disagrees with a government functioning out of the range of its 'just powers' as an extremist. We've got our own problems. And we should focus on that first and foremost.

Moving forward, we're going to see a flood of warmongering neo-cons and special interests in the weapons industry as well as the privatized military contracting industry and other war profiteers attempting to self-servingly spin and redefine what the term isolationism actually means. And they're going to try to do so in order justify these never-ending, unconstitutional occupations that cost of trillions of dollars we don't have. They're going to try to appeal to emotion. They will promote fear propaganda. It's what they do.

I don't think there's a nickel's worth of difference between many of these politicians, to be honest. But I hope you're right and that there really is a special place in Hell's burner for them.
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It's a heck of a thing.

You have to zoom in to see the poor saps falling to their deaths.

It wasn't immediately clear if these were people but they ended up recovering the bodies.

Can not believe that any of those poor sods that we could see clinging onto the side of the fuselage when the plane was taking off, seriously believed they would still be there when the plane landed.

It WAS Trump who decided to take America into isolation mode even before telling his allies. Bidon just used the excuse.

So America can't stay in Afghanistan any longer than 20 years. Why? They have left a far bigger contingent in Germany for 75 years!
We just about did it all for a long time. Then we had to stop but man what a human horror show.
Time to pray!
Pray like you have never prayed before.... for the Afghan people.

What I don't understand is why the Afghan people who are afraid of the Taliban, never stood on their own, to fight them?

Because we don't support others in their fights..... we step in front

Did you study Vietnam.
The US invaded Afghanistan in 2001 following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, ostensibly to fight Al-Qaeda and other jihadist groups.

Toby Keith puts out Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue, it goes #1, everybody's like, yeah! 'murica!

Americians get the Patriot Act shoved down their throats. Civil liberties come under attack. US central government aquires a tremendous amount of power over the American electorate and expands to a monsterous infrastructure. All in the name of 'protecting our freedoms' they begin to pee all over the constitution. And the people love them for it.

So far as the Afghan exit timeline...

February 2020​

The Trump administration signs a peace deal with the Taliban in Qatar, agreeing to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan within 14 months. The militants promise not to attack Americans and their allies and open a dialogue with Kabul. Nevertheless, the fighting resumes almost immediately.

April 14, 2021​

With President Joe Biden now in office, the US announces American troops will leave Afghanistan by September 11 – extending Trump’s previous plan for an exit by May.

“We cannot continue the cycle of extending or expanding our military presence in Afghanistan – hoping to create ideal conditions for the withdrawal and expecting a different result,” Biden declared.

He said US forces cannot remain in the country forever and must not be used as “a bargaining chip between warring parties.”

Two weeks later, the Taliban launches a major offensive in the southern Helmand Province. The assaults will only intensify from there, while attempts to revive peace talks fail.

July 8, 2021​

Biden announces that the US military mission in Afghanistan will end on August 31, two weeks ahead of his initial deadline. The statement was made days after American soldiers left Bagram Air Base, the Pentagon’s largest outpost in Afghanistan.

Asked by a reporter if the Taliban takeover of the country is inevitable, Biden replies simply: “No, it is not.” He praises the US-trained Afghan Army, saying it is “as well-equipped as any army in the world.”

Biden also rejects earlier reports by US media that his own intelligence team concluded that the Afghan government could collapse as soon as six months after withdrawal. It would not even take that long, however.

Taliban militants quickly gain ground in northern parts of the country, forcing some 1,500 government troops to flee into Tajikistan.

Washington ramps up airstrikes against Taliban to support embattled government forces, but they prove to be ineffective.

August 2, 2021​

President Ghani blames the “abrupt” withdrawal of the US-led forces for his country's deteriorating security situation

A Taliban spokesperson responds by warning Ghani that “his time is over.”

August 6-8, 2021​

The seemingly unstoppable militants begin to rapidly seize provincial capitals, which fall like domino chips.

August 10, 2021​

The Washington Post and ABC News report that the Pentagon believes Kabul could fall anytime within 30 to 90 days. “Everything is moving in the wrong direction,” an unnamed official is quoted as saying by the Post.

The Taliban captures a strategic road juncture to the north of Kabul and encircles the capital.

August 12-14, 2021​

The US sends 3,000 soldiers and marines to watch over the evacuation of American diplomatic staff, as the Taliban seizes the major cities of Kandahar, Herat, and Mazar-i-Sharif.

August 15, 2021​

The Taliban enters Kabul virtually unopposed, takes control of the presidential palace in Kabul, and declares victory.

Ghani flees the country, saying he did so to prevent the Taliban “massacring” civilians. Meanwhile, locals rush to the city’s airport in hopes of catching the last plane out of Afghanistan. Commercial flights would be officially suspended on Monday.

US Army helicopters evacuate Americans from the embassy, drawing comparisons to the iconic images of the 1975 evacuation of Saigon shortly before the capital of South Vietnam fell to the Viet Cong. State Secretary Antony Blinken rejects such grim comparisons: “Remember, this is not Saigon.”

In the interest of intellectual honesty, I copped that timeline from a web site, I didn't feel like typing all of that crap which would have amounted to the same thing anyway.

Aaaand, we're still getting our balls fondled at the airport here at home. Now they want health passes to participate in society. Those who disagree with this power grab are painted as the new terrorist threat. And everybody's like, yeah! 'murica!

Thanks for they synopsis (copied as may all seems correct as far as I can remember).

I would just like to say two, no...three, things:

1) Horrible images of the men (or women) falling from the jet air plane. Too bad they didn't pick up a fucking gun and defend their own people instead of committing suicide. (See point 3 below)

2) Secretary Antony Blinken rejects such grim comparisons: “Remember, this is not Saigon.”... *I* think he meant to say "it's not Saigon, it's much much worse" Since at least with Saigon, the region was fairly stable when we exited. This time???

3) I dislike all of "Xiden's" policies, except this one. We had to exit at some point, and there was not good time, and I KNOW we provided their men with all the fire-power and ammo AND training they could have wanted. THEY didn't want to work for it...they wanted something for free. The mission was complete, after all (perpetrators of 9/11 were dealt with). If they threaten U.S. again, we still have the option to lay waste to them. Our policies of trying to help these cowards failed. Next time we will know better (I hope).

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