Africa the Cesspool of the World

As opposed to your racist nonsense about purely black Egyptians.

Whats nonsense about it? DNA evidence is not nonsense. Someone claiming they saw Bigfoot and you using them as a credible source is nonsense. You will never live that down. Never.

The funniest thing I have ever heard was that white people migrated to Egypt before suntan lotion was invented and built a civilization in the desert instead of doing it in England where the weather was was cooler. That shit cracks me up every time. :lol:

I hate racist liars.

No you dont. You used one as a source. The same guy that believes in bigfoot. Check the comments section on the link you provided for us. He called some Black guy the N word.



Just to let you know this Matilda women has already been debunked because she was claiming the mummies were white because of their hair.
Whats nonsense about it? DNA evidence is not nonsense. Someone claiming they saw Bigfoot and you using them as a credible source is nonsense. You will never live that down. Never.

The funniest thing I have ever heard was that white people migrated to Egypt before suntan lotion was invented and built a civilization in the desert instead of doing it in England where the weather was was cooler. That shit cracks me up every time. :lol:

I hate racist liars.

No you dont. You used one as a source. The same guy that believes in bigfoot. Check the comments section on the link you provided for us. He called some Black guy the N word.

The only racist I see here is you.
Biologists rely less and less on the outdated concept of "race"; there is only one, HUMAN. Genetic variances are superficial.

Please don't speak for scientists because you don't know Jack about this topic:

Last fall, the prestigious journal Nature Genetics devoted a large supplement to the question of whether human races exist and, if so, what they mean. The journal did this in part because various American health agencies are making race an important part of their policies to best protect the public - often over the protests of scientists. In the supplement, some two dozen geneticists offered their views. Beneath the jargon, cautious phrases and academic courtesies, one thing was clear: the consensus about social constructs was unraveling. Some even argued that, looked at the right way, genetic data show that races clearly do exist.​

Rejection of race is an IDEOLOGICAL position, not one based on science or evidence. Even some scientists can have ideological biases which they value more than evidence.
Biologists rely less and less on the outdated concept of "race"; there is only one, HUMAN. Genetic variances are superficial. Here are three Egyptions today, after centuries of invaders:

As the culture of Egypt is close to that of the Nubians, more black than Arabic.

No you must be wrong about that. The forum professor of African studies says they have to be purely black, no Caucasian influence of any kind.
Biologists rely less and less on the outdated concept of "race"; there is only one, HUMAN. Genetic variances are superficial. Here are three Egyptions today, after centuries of invaders:

As the culture of Egypt is close to that of the Nubians, more black than Arabic.

No you must be wrong about that. The forum professor of African studies says they have to be purely black, no Caucasian influence of any kind.

Where did you get that idea? I said they were not white. Its apparent they today have West Asian (Middle Eastern) blood in their admixture. I'm referring to the original people of Kemet (Egypt). they were definitely Black Africans. The ones that brought you the pyramids. You cant be 96% super saharan and be white. I'm only 72% and I am definitely Black. No way you would mistake me for anything but.



Just to let you know this Matilda women has already been debunked because she was claiming the mummies were white because of their hair.

You actually haven't presented any compelling rebuttals. Maybe you just forgot to bring your evidence.

Just debunking the verbal picture you are trying to paint since your opinion is not evidence. Real images beat out talk all day long.

It is a shame that a region which abjectly failed to build a civilization of it's own has to go to great lengths to futilely appropriate the civilizations of others.

Add to that a weakness that lent itself to enslavement to much of the world and the failure of its population wherever they are found, and the reason for great inferiority becomes clear. Still, demanding that people assign credit to where none is clearly due is hardly an elixer.
Dont forget about the Kingdom of Benin in West Africa. They made bronze sculptures, mined gold, learned how to make their own guns after they came into contact with the portuguese. The King of benin hired at some point Portuguese to act as his mercinaries in wars against other Africans. Of course the King of Benin controled the slave trade in his area for quite some time. And I believe they had at least one great city.
Biologists rely less and less on the outdated concept of "race"; there is only one, HUMAN. Genetic variances are superficial.

Please don't speak for scientists because you don't know Jack about this topic:

Last fall, the prestigious journal Nature Genetics devoted a large supplement to the question of whether human races exist and, if so, what they mean. The journal did this in part because various American health agencies are making race an important part of their policies to best protect the public - often over the protests of scientists.

I think Peaches knows as much or more about this topic than you do. You certainly aren’t very convincing when you storm in here making grand statements without any links to buttress your
claims. To be truthful, there is something eerie about this whole thing. First of all, the body of your narrative is a word for word excerpt of an original article written iin 2005 by Armand Marie Leroi, an evolutionary developmental biologist at Imperial College in London.

Although Leroi is convincing in his delivery, he really tells us little more than we already know. He even admits that the “findings” had not been widely accepted back in 2005. Now, today, in 2014, his exhortations remain shrouded in obscurity.

BTW, here is a clickable link to the article for those interested in reading the whole thing!

Peaches, I advise you to stick with your current beliefs while we wait another decade for Mr Leroi’s premonition to unfold!

Rikurzhen said:
In the supplement, some two dozen geneticists offered their views. Beneath the jargon, cautious phrases and academic courtesies, one thing was clear: the consensus about social constructs was unraveling. Some even argued that, looked at the right way, genetic data show that races clearly do exist.

Looked at the right way? Would that be through the eyes of people with an agenda? If the "right looks" were so profound back in 2005, thousands of scientist must have blinked and closed their eyes after straining so hard to focus on that" right look." Now, its 2014 and still that "right look" has evaded the scientific community.

Rikurzhen said:
Rejection of race is an IDEOLOGICAL position, not one based on science or evidence. Even some scientists can have ideological biases which they value more than evidence.

Technically, the term "race" was not based on science or evidence to begin with. I will give your author credit for one thing, though. His categorizations are not designed to perpetuate the racist ideology from which the word "race" sprang. He accounts for race intermixture and inclusiveness of all human manifestations in the evolutionary process of humanity. However, he is not as clear in explaining how the mitochondrial Eve fits into all of this. If she was indeed the distant ancestor for which all living humans owe their existence, variations of her genome would be mutations spurred by environmental forces over thousands of years. But she too had genes passed from HER ancestors, some of whom may not have been human! Hominids, but not Homo Sapiens! My head hurts, I'm going to much critical thinking... heh heh heh!
To be truthful, there is something eerie about this whole thing. First of all, the body of your narrative is a word for word excerpt of an original article written iin 2005 by Armand Marie Leroi, an evolutionary developmental biologist at Imperial College in London.

Thanks for the comedy gold there buddy. You really don't seem to understand links and quotations, do you? If you clinked my link it would be the EXACT same link you provided.

Sweet Jesus, this is remedial level internet understanding.

Looked at the right way? Would that be through the eyes of people with an agenda? If the "right looks" were so profound back in 2005, thousands of scientist must have blinked and closed their eyes after straining so hard to focus on that" right look." Now, its 2014 and still that "right look" has evaded the scientific community.

You do understand that the notion that race is a social construction arose from a concerted effort to "look at it in the right way" don't you?

If you think that there's motivated reasoning going on to explain race, then let's just remove human assessment entirely from the analysis:

What makes the current study, published in the February issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics, more conclusive is its size. The study is by far the largest, consisting of 3,636 people who all identified themselves as either white, African-American, East Asian or Hispanic. Of these, only five individuals had DNA that matched an ethnic group different than the box they checked at the beginning of the study. That's an error rate of 0.14 percent.

According to Neil Risch, PhD, a UCSF professor who led the study while he was professor of genetics at Stanford, the findings are particularly surprising given that people in both African-American and Hispanic ethnic groups often have a mixed background. "We might expect these individuals to cross several different genetic clusters," Risch said. This is especially true for Hispanics who are often a mix of Native American, white and African-American ancestry. But that's not what the study found. Instead, each self-identified racial/ethnic group clumped into the same genetic cluster. . . .

For each person in the study, the researchers examined 326 DNA regions that tend to vary between people. These regions are not necessarily within genes, but are simply genetic signposts on chromosomes that come in a variety of different forms at the same location.

Without knowing how the participants had identified themselves, Risch and his team ran the results through a computer program that grouped individuals according to patterns of the 326 signposts. This analysis could have resulted in any number of different clusters, but only four clear groups turned up. And in each case the individuals within those clusters all fell within the same self-identified racial group.

"This shows that people's self-identified race/ethnicity is a nearly perfect indicator of their genetic background," Risch said.​
If not for Africa you wouldn't know the date or how to do advanced math or sciences. Before Europe had a legit country Africa had already established the foundations of the worlds current knowledge base.

If not for Africa you wouldn't know the date or how to do advanced math or sciences. Before Europe had a legit country Africa had already established the foundations of the worlds current knowledge base.
So, at what point did they become stupid?
Biologists rely less and less on the outdated concept of "race"; there is only one, HUMAN. Genetic variances are superficial. Here are three Egyptions today, after centuries of invaders:

As the culture of Egypt is close to that of the Nubians, more black than Arabic.

No you must be wrong about that. The forum professor of African studies says they have to be purely black, no Caucasian influence of any kind.

Where did you get that idea? I said they were not white. Its apparent they today have West Asian (Middle Eastern) blood in their admixture. I'm referring to the original people of Kemet (Egypt). they were definitely Black Africans. The ones that brought you the pyramids. You cant be 96% super saharan and be white. I'm only 72% and I am definitely Black. No way you would mistake me for anything but.

Your personal anecdotes debunk nothing. I thought you were going to counter with actual evidence to support your theory......still nothing.

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