African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

Trump inherited a TEPID economy. Yes unemployment was in decline, but not to the levels we are seeing under Trump. I don't call an average GDP growth of 1.6% that Obama had a "good economy".
Trump inherited a TEPID economy. Yes unemployment was in decline, but not to the levels we are seeing under Trump. I don't call an average GDP growth of 1.6% that Obama had a "good economy".

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Please explain
Shows Trump once again being born on third base and claiming he hit a triple

Obama as well as Dubya were also born into very privileged circumstances. Obama's Putative Father was a high mucky muck in the Kenyan government, his step dad was an Indonesian Oil Oligarch, his grandmother was one of the most powerful banktresses in Hawaii.
Where do you get your bullshit?

You make it up or get it off of conspiracy sites?

What "bullshit"? Do you deny B. Hussein O Sr.'s high rank in the Kenyan government? Or Lolo Soetoro's work in the oil industry? Or. Grandma's leadership in the Bank of Hawaii? B. Hussein O attended the snootiest prep school in the Pacific Rim, with royal alumni like King Curtis.
Obama came from humble beginnings compared to the likes of Trump, Bush, Romney and McCain
As it has been shown that White Soldiers bore the brunt of the battle during WWII and thus won the war protecting America from the likes of Nazi Germany and Japan and this protection afforded by our victory in WWII thus extended to the protection of the Negro Race in America..........can the ungrateful Negroes possibly imagine what their fate would have been if our White Soldiers had not won that war?

Obviously not as they 'the so called African-Americans' have never acknowledged their debt of gratitude to them...quite to the contrary they have dishonored them by calling them racists etc. t and now to add insult to injury the blacks claim they have not been honored for participating in much honor do they deserve?

Only 708 blacks were killed during WWII compared to 480,000 thousand White Soldiers....let us give honor to those who deserve it.

Not even to mention the Civil War where 600,000 whites died in a war that allowed the blacks to go free. Has any prominent Negroid politician ever expressed his thanks to whites for that? Of course not. It is time for the Negro community to honor those who gave their all in that War to free the Negro Slaves.

Such hypocrisy as we see in this thread coming from ignorant negroes and stupid liberals is quite disgusting.
600,000 whites died because our country was too bigoted to give up slavery without a civil war

Yea, Democrats who cared more about corporate profits than the well being of the country. Sound familiar?

They do deserve sympathy for letting the liberals and their policies to turn them into parasites.

If it had not been for the liberals and their mis-guided policies the blacks would not have so many black women being the heads of the households and the children would not have multiple fathers who never show up.

The abrupt manner in which slavery was ended by Lincoln did more damage to the blacks than slavery ever did....therre was no logistics in place to help the newly freed moment they had a home....then with Mr. Lincolns emancipation proclamation they essentially became homeless with no place to go...after the euphoria of being free evaporated....they realized they must have did they manage to sustain themselves?

by going to work as sharecroppers for the same people who had previously enlsaved them.
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Obama as well as Dubya were also born into very privileged circumstances. Obama's Putative Father was a high mucky muck in the Kenyan government, his step dad was an Indonesian Oil Oligarch, his grandmother was one of the most powerful banktresses in Hawaii.
Where do you get your bullshit?

You make it up or get it off of conspiracy sites?

What "bullshit"? Do you deny B. Hussein O Sr.'s high rank in the Kenyan government? Or Lolo Soetoro's work in the oil industry? Or. Grandma's leadership in the Bank of Hawaii? B. Hussein O attended the snootiest prep school in the Pacific Rim, with royal alumni like King Curtis.
Obama came from humble beginnings compared to the likes of Trump, Bush, Romney and McCain

Well, maybe. But his roots were still not that humble at all, and he was still born in the top 1%.
Shows Trump once again being born on third base and claiming he hit a triple

Obama as well as Dubya were also born into very privileged circumstances. Obama's Putative Father was a high mucky muck in the Kenyan government, his step dad was an Indonesian Oil Oligarch, his grandmother was one of the most powerful banktresses in Hawaii.
Where do you get your bullshit?

You make it up or get it off of conspiracy sites?

What "bullshit"? Do you deny B. Hussein O Sr.'s high rank in the Kenyan government? Or Lolo Soetoro's work in the oil industry? Or. Grandma's leadership in the Bank of Hawaii? B. Hussein O attended the snootiest prep school in the Pacific Rim, with royal alumni like King Curtis.
Obama came from humble beginnings compared to the likes of Trump, Bush, Romney and McCain

Well, maybe. But his roots were still not that humble at all, and he was still born in the top 1%.
As it has been shown that White Soldiers bore the brunt of the battle during WWII and thus won the war protecting America from the likes of Nazi Germany and Japan and this protection afforded by our victory in WWII thus extended to the protection of the Negro Race in America..........can the ungrateful Negroes possibly imagine what their fate would have been if our White Soldiers had not won that war?

Obviously not as they 'the so called African-Americans' have never acknowledged their debt of gratitude to them...quite to the contrary they have dishonored them by calling them racists etc. t and now to add insult to injury the blacks claim they have not been honored for participating in much honor do they deserve?

Only 708 blacks were killed during WWII compared to 480,000 thousand White Soldiers....let us give honor to those who deserve it.

Not even to mention the Civil War where 600,000 whites died in a war that allowed the blacks to go free. Has any prominent Negroid politician ever expressed his thanks to whites for that? Of course not. It is time for the Negro community to honor those who gave their all in that War to free the Negro Slaves.

Such hypocrisy as we see in this thread coming from ignorant negroes and stupid liberals is quite disgusting.
600,000 whites died because our country was too bigoted to give up slavery without a civil war

Yea, Democrats who cared more about corporate profits than the well being of the country. Sound familiar?

…..and you're dumb enough to think republicans care about the well being of the country.
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.

How many black soldiers died in battle compared to whites?

708 black military men died on the American side of WWII. There were over 400,000 total combat deaths for America during the war.

708 out of 416,800 total.

That is 0.16%

A higher percentage of African American soldiers spent the war shoveling shit in Louisiana instead of marching in the 3rd Army with Patton. A lot less hazardous.

They talk about the Tuskegee Airman a lot, but that was just a small unit. A lot more of the black guys served with the Shreveport Shit Shovelers.
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.
How many black soldiers died in battle compared to whites?

708 black military men died on the American side of WWII. There were over 400,000 total combat deaths for America during the war.

708 out of 416,800 total.

That is 0.16%

A higher percentage of African American soldiers spent the war shoveling shit in Louisiana instead of marching in the 3rd Army with Patton. A lot less hazardous.

They talk about the Tuskegee Airman a lot, but that was just a small unit. A lot more of the black guys served with the Shreveport Shit Shovelers.
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.
708 black military men died on the American side of WWII. There were over 400,000 total combat deaths for America during the war.

708 out of 416,800 total.

That is 0.16%

A higher percentage of African American soldiers spent the war shoveling shit in Louisiana instead of marching in the 3rd Army with Patton. A lot less hazardous.

They talk about the Tuskegee Airman a lot, but that was just a small unit. A lot more of the black guys served with the Shreveport Shit Shovelers.
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.

They were integrated by another Democrat.
708 out of 416,800 total.

That is 0.16%

A higher percentage of African American soldiers spent the war shoveling shit in Louisiana instead of marching in the 3rd Army with Patton. A lot less hazardous.

They talk about the Tuskegee Airman a lot, but that was just a small unit. A lot more of the black guys served with the Shreveport Shit Shovelers.
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.

They were integrated by another Democrat.

After the war was over, and most of the Greatest Generation were already back home. The ideal time to integrate the military was in 1941 and 1942 when millions of men were being drafted.

My old man fought WWII, and he just had to take people's word for it that there were black guys in the Army. He didn't see any.
708 black military men died on the American side of WWII. There were over 400,000 total combat deaths for America during the war.

708 out of 416,800 total.

That is 0.16%

A higher percentage of African American soldiers spent the war shoveling shit in Louisiana instead of marching in the 3rd Army with Patton. A lot less hazardous.

They talk about the Tuskegee Airman a lot, but that was just a small unit. A lot more of the black guys served with the Shreveport Shit Shovelers.
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.
Liberal Truman integrated the Armed Forces
Libéral LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act
708 out of 416,800 total.

That is 0.16%

A higher percentage of African American soldiers spent the war shoveling shit in Louisiana instead of marching in the 3rd Army with Patton. A lot less hazardous.

They talk about the Tuskegee Airman a lot, but that was just a small unit. A lot more of the black guys served with the Shreveport Shit Shovelers.
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.
Liberal Truman integrated the Armed Forces
Libéral LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act

It was Republicans who provided the votes to pass Civil Rights- libs voted against it.

But why didn't FDR integrate the military in the 1940's? The ranks of the military were pretty empty, we were bringing in millions of men, it would have been easy just to put them all in the same units.
A higher percentage of African American soldiers spent the war shoveling shit in Louisiana instead of marching in the 3rd Army with Patton. A lot less hazardous.

They talk about the Tuskegee Airman a lot, but that was just a small unit. A lot more of the black guys served with the Shreveport Shit Shovelers.
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.

They were integrated by another Democrat.

After the war was over, and most of the Greatest Generation were already back home. The ideal time to integrate the military was in 1941 and 1942 when millions of men were being drafted.

My old man fought WWII, and he just had to take people's word for it that there were black guys in the Army. He didn't see any.

hehheh Da negroes were way behind the front was kinda like a vacation for them...plenty of food, a cozy bed loose shoes and a warm place to shit.....not to mention access to white women who for a pair of nylons, a pack of lucky strikes or a couple of hershey bars would get very friendly

Brown Babies: Born in Germany to Black American Soldiers & German Women
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A higher percentage of African American soldiers spent the war shoveling shit in Louisiana instead of marching in the 3rd Army with Patton. A lot less hazardous.

They talk about the Tuskegee Airman a lot, but that was just a small unit. A lot more of the black guys served with the Shreveport Shit Shovelers.
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.
Liberal Truman integrated the Armed Forces
Libéral LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act

It was Republicans who provided the votes to pass Civil Rights- libs voted against it.

But why didn't FDR integrate the military in the 1940's? The ranks of the military were pretty empty, we were bringing in millions of men, it would have been easy just to put them all in the same units.

liberlal/moderate/politically correct republicans did gaurantee passage of the civil rights bills.

The southern democrats and at that time the South was a strong democratic bloc...did vote against the civil rights legislation.

The Aforementioned republicans did vote in greater percentages for the civil rights legislation than the democratic party did because of the southern democrats.

Thus the liberal democrats united with mostly moderate republicans to garner enough votes to pass LBJ's civil rights legislation.
A higher percentage of African American soldiers spent the war shoveling shit in Louisiana instead of marching in the 3rd Army with Patton. A lot less hazardous.

They talk about the Tuskegee Airman a lot, but that was just a small unit. A lot more of the black guys served with the Shreveport Shit Shovelers.
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.
Liberal Truman integrated the Armed Forces
Libéral LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act

It was Republicans who provided the votes to pass Civil Rights- libs voted against it.

But why didn't FDR integrate the military in the 1940's? The ranks of the military were pretty empty, we were bringing in millions of men, it would have been easy just to put them all in the same units.

WWII was a must win time to be experimenting with social policies....integration has never worked...whether in military or the civilian world.

The disaster in Vietnam is just one example of it.

GI resistance in the Vietnam war
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.

They were integrated by another Democrat.

After the war was over, and most of the Greatest Generation were already back home. The ideal time to integrate the military was in 1941 and 1942 when millions of men were being drafted.

My old man fought WWII, and he just had to take people's word for it that there were black guys in the Army. He didn't see any.

hehheh Da negroes were way behind the front was kinda like a vacation for them...plenty of food, a cozy bed loose shoes and a warm place to shit.....not to mention access to white women who for a pair of nylons, a pack of lucky strikes or a couple of hershey bars would get very friendly

Brown Babies: Born in Germany to Black American Soldiers & German Women

The few number of African Americans that got killed meant that the average black GI was probably less likely to be killed than if he had stayed in the ghetto during the war. 700 deaths in 3 1/2 years of WW2 action, that's just 200 a year. Walking the streets of Bed Stuy or Watts was a lot riskier, and a lot greater chance of death.
A higher percentage of African American soldiers spent the war shoveling shit in Louisiana instead of marching in the 3rd Army with Patton. A lot less hazardous.

They talk about the Tuskegee Airman a lot, but that was just a small unit. A lot more of the black guys served with the Shreveport Shit Shovelers.
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.
Liberal Truman integrated the Armed Forces
Libéral LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act

It was Republicans who provided the votes to pass Civil Rights- libs voted against it.

Actually it was broke down by regions. North voted for it, South voted against it.

But why didn't FDR integrate the military in the 1940's?

Why didn't Herbert Hoover integrate the military and do away with Jim Crow?

The ranks of the military were pretty empty, we were bringing in millions of men, it would have been easy just to put them all in the same units.

Why did Jim Crow segregation go on until 1964?
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.

They were integrated by another Democrat.

After the war was over, and most of the Greatest Generation were already back home. The ideal time to integrate the military was in 1941 and 1942 when millions of men were being drafted.

My old man fought WWII, and he just had to take people's word for it that there were black guys in the Army. He didn't see any.

hehheh Da negroes were way behind the front was kinda like a vacation for them...plenty of food, a cozy bed loose shoes and a warm place to shit.....not to mention access to white women who for a pair of nylons, a pack of lucky strikes or a couple of hershey bars would get very friendly

Brown Babies: Born in Germany to Black American Soldiers & German Women

More racist babble from a racist coward.
hehheh Yet they claim they deserve to be honored...have you ever seen any blacks praise white men for winning WWII or for the 600,000 who died in the Civil War which enabled them to leave slavery behind.

Blacks are all about themselves what the white man can do for them...their sense of entitlement is ridiiculous...based on their ancestors period of enslavement. Yet many forget white americans were also enslaved during the colonial era.

Not even to mention the so called indentured servant program wherein many of our ancestors agreed to work for a master for 7yrs in order to get passage to America....essentially they were slaves at the mercy of their master....some of the masters were good others were not and took advantage of their servants, abused them and kept them enslaved to their deaths.

Indentured Servitude: Really In Depth

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?

The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.
Liberal Truman integrated the Armed Forces
Libéral LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act

It was Republicans who provided the votes to pass Civil Rights- libs voted against it.

But why didn't FDR integrate the military in the 1940's? The ranks of the military were pretty empty, we were bringing in millions of men, it would have been easy just to put them all in the same units.

liberlal/moderate/politically correct republicans did gaurantee passage of the civil rights bills.

The southern democrats and at that time the South was a strong democratic bloc...did vote against the civil rights legislation.

The Aforementioned republicans did vote in greater percentages for the civil rights legislation than the democratic party did because of the southern democrats.

Thus the liberal democrats united with mostly moderate republicans to garner enough votes to pass LBJ's civil rights legislation.

That was a sad day for the Sheet wearers, wasn't it?
Here we go folks, more of the usual right wing, racist bullshit.

Actually, the vast majority of racism in America is Liberal racism. Remember it was liberal Icon FDR who fielded a Jim Crow Military during WWII. If it were up to me, the units would have been integrated.

They were integrated by another Democrat.

After the war was over, and most of the Greatest Generation were already back home. The ideal time to integrate the military was in 1941 and 1942 when millions of men were being drafted.

My old man fought WWII, and he just had to take people's word for it that there were black guys in the Army. He didn't see any.

hehheh Da negroes were way behind the front was kinda like a vacation for them...plenty of food, a cozy bed loose shoes and a warm place to shit.....not to mention access to white women who for a pair of nylons, a pack of lucky strikes or a couple of hershey bars would get very friendly

Brown Babies: Born in Germany to Black American Soldiers & German Women

The few number of African Americans that got killed meant that the average black GI was probably less likely to be killed than if he had stayed in the ghetto during the war. 700 deaths in 3 1/2 years of WW2 action, that's just 200 a year. Walking the streets of Bed Stuy or Watts was a lot riskier, and a lot greater chance of death.

Has anyone ever noticed that most of the racist have never served, but they have plenty to say about the military and how it functions.

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