'Africans slashed, Arabs thrashed' by boat traffickers


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
The take your money and then want to kill you.

'Africans slashed, Arabs thrashed' by boat traffickers
2015-08-07 17:14


Migrants climb onto a rescue dinghy as rescuers approach it on the scene of the capsizing and sinking of a fishing boat in the Mediterranean sea off Libya. (Italian Navy VIA AP Photo)

Palermo - Knife-wielding traffickers sealed migrants in the hull of a boat which sank off Libya, condemning them to drown after slashing or thrashing them depending on their ethnicity, according to survivor testimony reported on Friday.

Italy has arrested five men accused of multiple murders and human trafficking following Wednesday's shipwreck, which left more than 200 people feared drowned.

Two Libyans, two Algerians and a Tunisian were held by police after survivors of the disaster were brought to Sicily, as testimony emerged as to how the suspects had beaten and stabbed passengers during the perilous crossing.

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Africans slashed Arabs thrashed by boat traffickers News24?
Worldwide drug and human trafficking bust...

Countries across globe combine for week-long sweep on drugs and human trafficking
Thursday 20th October, 2016 - 2.38 tonnes of cocaine have been seized, 529 human trafficking victims identified and 386 individuals arrested following a week-long international operation carried out in over 11,000 locations worldwide.
Fifty-one countries and four international organisations teamed up with Europol to deliver a major blow to organised crime groups operating across the European Union and beyond. Cooperation with partners from the private sector was also key to the operation. Focusing on disrupting the most dangerous criminal networks currently active, investigators put an emphasis on cases related to facilitated illegal immigration, trafficking in human beings (THB), drug trafficking (cocaine, heroin and synthetic drugs) and cybercrime (payment card fraud – Global Airport Action Day).

Law enforcement officers in the field were supported 24/7 from an operational coordination centre located at Europol’s headquarters in The Hague. Here, Europol officers, liaison officers and national experts from the participating countries, working with specialists from other international partners, offered fast and smooth information exchange using Europol’s secure channels, and constantly analysed intelligence gathered. Simultaneously, 16 Europol specialists were deployed on the spot in several countries across the world. From there, they worked hand-in-hand with investigators to provide forensic support, analytical reports and live crosschecks against Europol’s databases.


During the actions, law enforcement checks related to THB targeted red-light districts, brothels, massage parlours, private apartments, airports and immigration reception centres. The nationality of the identified victims of human trafficking, and the suspects arrested during the operations, confirmed that trafficking networks originating in Nigeria, Asia and Eastern Europe are the most active in the EU. In one case, Austrian authorities discovered a cannabis plantation while performing checks at a brothel to identify potential victims of sexual exploitation. The officers ordered the closure of the premises, which was being run as an illegal brothel, and a new investigation was initiated.

In another case, Europol was able to establish links between a payment card fraud case and a case on facilitating illegal immigration. This information was forwarded to colleagues from the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) based at an airport in Athens, Greece. Following the lead provided by Europol, the officers intercepted four irregular migrants who were intending to travel to Italy. Four forged passports and four fraudulently-purchased flight tickets to Italy were found on them, and the individuals were arrested. Also, a fake travel agency was discovered in Greece that was facilitating the trafficking of human beings and illegal immigration. The successful result was based on analysis of Europol information, notifications from airlines and the proactive approach of Greek police. In addition, intelligence collected during the operations triggered the initiation of 449 new investigations.

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More than 300 arrested in Europe-wide crime swoop
Thursday 20th October, 2016: Police forces from 52 countries arrested more than 300 people and swooped on red-light districts to bust several trafficking gangs in a week-long, round-the-clock operation, Europol said Wednesday (Oct 19).
The action led by the European police agency focused "on disrupting the most dangerous criminal networks currently active" including those dealing in illegal immigration, people and drug trafficking and cybercrime. Some 529 victims of trafficking were found in brothels and massage parlours, a total of 314 people arrested and about 2.4 tonnes of cocaine was seized. Operation Ciconia Alba was coordinated by Europol from its headquarters in The Hague in what it called "a major blow to organised crime groups operating across the European Union and beyond."

Raids "targeted red-light districts, brothels, massage parlours, private apartments, airports and immigration reception centres," the agency said in a statement. The nationalities of those arrested as well as those rescued showed that "trafficking networks originating in Nigeria, Asia and Eastern Europe are the most active in the EU". A fake travel agency was uncovered in Greece and a total of 745 migrants were identified in the operation which also involved the European border agency Frontex, Interpol and Eurojust. More than 540,000 people and vehicles were searched and checked and a total of 181,500 euros was seized.

The raids also aimed to crackdown on credit card fraud, and among those arrested were 140 people caught with airline tickets bought with stolen credit cards. And in Austria, during a raid on an illegal brothel, police also uncovered a cannabis plantation. "Countries and organisations across the globe working together as one entity is the modern response to borderless serious and organised crime," said Europol chief Rob Wainwright. Alongside all EU members, some 24 non-EU nations took part including Ecuador, Indonesia, Nigeria, the United States and the United Arab Emirates.

More than 300 arrested in Europe-wide crime swoop
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