After 12 years of conservatism most people cant afford to switch the heating on

I agree with you in only a certain context. I think that human life will still survieve to some extent, but in much reduced numbers and in misery.

Essentially, I agree with everything you say because your intent is honest and honourable.

I don't care to debate the matter with people on this board because I see them as mostly evil and not worthy of my time. The attraction is in something else, which I don't discuss lightly.

Says the person who wants to kill off billions.

This is a direct result of conservative policies.
Refusing to invest in renewables and leaving us dependent on world energy markets.
Lo wages have also lead to people not having any savings.
Nothing in conservative Britain works. Nothing.

Good lord, if this is the best counter argument the progs can come up with for Tommy twat to regurgitate, then they really are panicking about energy this winter in Europe.
I agree with you in only a certain context. I think that human life will still survieve to some extent, but in much reduced numbers and in misery.

Essentially, I agree with everything you say because your intent is honest and honourable.

I don't care to debate the matter with people on this board because I see them as mostly evil and not worthy of my time. The attraction is in something else, which I don't discuss lightly.

The only misery in the future is if progs get their way so the 2% can keep their jets and gas stoves while the rest of us suffer.
Good lord, if this is the best counter argument the progs can come up with for Tommy twat to regurgitate, then they really are panicking about energy this winter in Europe.

As well they should be.
You don't appreciate the need to eliminate the causes of climate change. That's well established with you.
I'm not wrong in saying that Bob.

And that prevents you from understanding that liberal policy is the only choice now.

And I could be wrong about that, in fairness, but it's for you to convince others of your beliefs.
What are the causes of "Climate Change", guy? :rolleyes-41:
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It sounds like the US has the same education issues as the UK..
Some, but the UK schools have been fucked since the 70s and this only got going in America in the last couple decades, and not in every state in the US.

Turning the schools into commie indoctrination centers that churn out mindless drones, that is.

That's actually what this song from like..'79 is about.

Good lord, if this is the best counter argument the progs can come up with for Tommy twat to regurgitate, then they really are panicking about energy this winter in Europe.
It is a massive increase. People are paying twice as much even with the government subsidy and that is going to go way up for many in April.
It isn't an if or or, it is that we have very little time left to move to where we can have a life without the worst side effects, which would make human life impossible. It was expected that this year would be a year where everything was put in to do as much as possible. Not only has that been stopped by the war but people have gone back to using coal and not just Europeans. If you read you will find many people wondering if this is the straw that broke our back. We should not be killing each other when the world needs our attention for our survival. However the Ukraine war seems intent on stopping that either through nuclear war or lacking to have the interest to clear up the mess we have made of the planet so that those born now may have a home. The US is also one of the worst on a National level on doing its side for climate survival, though on the local level they tend to be quite good.

Sorry but yes a time comes when our chance is completely blown. We were very near the edge at the beginning of the year. We are a good bit more near now having wasted a year with virtually no work towards the climate crises and instead people moving back to a more fossil fuel age. All that despite the environmental effects of the Ukraine war. However I would agree that the best way is to keep on working as if we will survive and it is not impossible now.

I am aware of the anti climate change people and have no intention of discussing this with them. I don't want a deep discussion on it either. It was just when I gave a one liner you're denial it when it it could well be true. That war is not over.
I think it far more likely that going back to burning coal and other fossil fuels out of necessity will underscore that while air quality in the big cities may suffer somewhat--I live in one where winter inversions creating smog are common--annoying but not deadly--overall I think it will underscore that the effect on the overall climate will be negligible. As has been the draconian measures used to force people to use green energy that now is inadequate and such measures haven't moved the needle much if any at all in decreasing CO2 in the atmosphere or climate change.
I think it far more likely that going back to burning coal and other fossil fuels out of necessity will underscore that while air quality in the big cities may suffer somewhat--I live in one where winter inversions creating smog are common--annoying but not deadly--overall I think it will underscore that the effect on the overall climate will be negligible. As has been the draconian measures used to force people to use green energy that now is inadequate and such measures haven't moved the needle much if any at all in decreasing CO2 in the atmosphere or climate change.
Its only relationship to Green energy is that it can be seen that this must have more put in it so that we can live on Green energy. The reason people are having trouble with their energy needs is because of the war with Russia. Germany has been getting its gas from Russia for 50 years and most of Europe gets at least some from Russia so this war and the blowing up of the pipeline coupled with your own Government selling LNG to Europe at 4 times what it charges you is certainly the reason there have been such rises in Europe.

Why we in the UK are getting these massive increases I do not yet know.
Talking of blowing up pipelines, we are in a Methane Emergency.


This is a direct result of conservative policies.
Refusing to invest in renewables and leaving us dependent on world energy markets.
Lo wages have also lead to people not having any savings.
Nothing in conservative Britain works. Nothing.
Commie that TDS tumor is pressing down on your tiny brain again....
Its only relationship to Green energy is that it can be seen that this must have more put in it so that we can live on Green energy. The reason people are having trouble with their energy needs is because of the war with Russia. Germany has been getting its gas from Russia for 50 years and most of Europe gets at least some from Russia so this war and the blowing up of the pipeline coupled with your own Government selling LNG to Europe at 4 times what it charges you is certainly the reason there have been such rises in Europe.

Why we in the UK are getting these massive increases I do not yet know.
Talking of blowing up pipelines, we are in a Methane Emergency.

The UK put too much money and focus into creating green energy the world is not ready for and neglected stockpiling liquid natural gas and other petroleum to be used in times of emergencies when your normal supply lines are disrupted. That is why the current energy crisis is so grim there, in Germany and elsewhere in Europe where too much dependence is on others to supply necessities.

On the other hand we have an incompetent President who not only has declared war on fossil fuels and hindered ability to produce our own energy needs--THAT is a huge reason energy costs are so high and that is driving a great deal of the worldwide inflation--but he is drawing down our own emergency reserves to make him and his party look better in advance of an election.

Restore Trump era policies for energy production and further reduce unnecessary controls and regulation and provide incentives to increase production, and ALL of our economies would improve quickly. Fossil fuels are so integrated into the components of most things we buy and use as well as for storage and transportation of those things, the costs of energy production are a huge factor in inflation.
And how is that the right's problem, and not the left's?
I never said it was. It is however the situation. We have ever increasing working people needing to use food banks when we never had any before. The first foodbank in the UK was in 2000 and in 2004 they started telling churches and others how they could help. However the need has been more and more urgent in recent years. That this would be the Right would be that they have been the people who have been in power for the past 12 years and we have not had such poverty since before WW2. I also was suspicious at the beginning of the Rights term in Office for this 12 year spell when they said that they would no longer be speaking about absolute and relative poverty. They have indeed done what I feared and left UK people in absolute poverty. On another level it also can be attributed to the 2008 recession which basically showed that capitalism was not working. Something both your left and Right, given you believe the Democrats are Left have completely ignored. I have been suspicious for some time that there could be an intent to bring down the living standards of the majority of people. The current intent of the UK government if it stops fuel help to those in the middle class who are trying to pay their mortgage and now have to pay twice as much for that because of the rise in interest and would have to pay the same again and possibly more for their fuel if they no longer get help would be catastrophic for them.

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