After 12 years of conservatism most people cant afford to switch the heating on

The word "Conservative" should be capitalized in Tommy's rant.

The legal name of the ruling party in the UK is the Conservative Party, which is about as much "conservative" as the People's Republic of Red China has anything to do with the People who they despise.

The so-called Conservative Party has ruled Britain for a long time, but still hasn't done anything about abortion, socialized medicine or gay marriage in the realm, which are all established atrocities there..
You view the world thru a narrow crazy american lens. The UK cons are just as cruel and greedy as their american counterparts. Evil doesnt recognise national boundaries.
While the current president is not conservative you can not dispute the facts that many conservative polices have eaten away at the middle class for decades. Ronald Reagan was just the beginning, and to this very day, policies he enacted have an enormous effect on the working class.

I have a front row seat, and what I see is quite telling. First, I live in a very rural community, one of the most conservative congressional districts in the country. These are good, God fearing people, they are just disillusioned and mislead. They are suffering, from inflation, and at this point are in survival mode. But their mailboxes are inundated every day with bullshit glossy ass mailers concerning Ted Bud and Beasly. Yeah, Biden is causing this inflation, Biden is causing the increase in gas prices. And they believe it. No bearing whatsoever on reality, and no clue as to what will happen if Republicans take back the Senate and the House.

But I drive an hour to work, run a business, in a very affluent suburb of Charlotte NC where at least half the population has a net worth in excess of a million dollars. They ain't hurting. They ain't even sweating it. You think they vote Republican? Not hardly. Mostly young professionals, and yes, young professionals with a net worth over a million dollars.

I mean the contrast is stark. So here, where I live, you got Johnny sixpack working at the Target distribution center. I mean hey, he is knocking down over 20 bucks an hour and getting overtime each week. But that car payment on that Dodge Charger ain't cheap, neither is his house payment. He is paycheck to paycheck and still plants a Trump flag in his yard. Then there is where I work. Engineers and nurses, like my son and his wife. Both knocking out six figures and dumping almost 50 grand into their 401k's every year. Not to mention their health savings account and their Roth IRA's. Got a quarter million dollars of equity in their home and both under 30. They will hit that million dollar networth mark at 30. Think they vote Republican? Not hardly.

Here is the takeaway. The fool working at Target, he actually believes Republicans are on his side. First thing they do when they attain power, eliminate the minimum 15% tax on corporate income. Seriously, that going to help Johnny? Next on the agenda, a complete rollback of environmental restrictions. Did I forget to mention that Johnny lives in a trailer next to an industrial waste pond. Think that helps him out? Then it is investigation after investigation, which does nothing for Johnny and everything to help those scam artist stay in power. Not to mention a bunch of lawyers make a bunch of money, part of which they contribute to Republicans. We getting hosed people, big time, and quite honestly, it is the Republicans that are doing the hosing. Those young professionals, they are smart enough to realize it. Preying on the poor and the uninformed is not admirable. Shame on the Republican party. Time they got the reckoning they deserve.
It sounds like the US has the same education issues as the UK..
It sounds like the US has the same education issues as the UK..

America's education issues are its failure to keep order in its Government School system.

Teachers can no longer use corporal punishment to correct the pupils, except for in a few progressive districts in eastern Kentucky and the Ozark region.

As a result, in the urban hellholes, children have to fight to keep their lunch money using shivs.
It sounds like the US has the same education issues as the UK..
Yes, the US is quickly becoming the mirror of the UK, which is a damn shithole. A huge majority of their representatives and government officials come from a private school background. London has more billionaires than any city in the world. The amount of inherited and entrenched wealth within the UK is disgusting.
America's education issues are its failure to keep order in its Government School system.

Teachers can no longer use corporal punishment to correct the pupils, except for in a few progressive districts in eastern Kentucky and the Ozark region.

As a result, in the urban hellholes, children have to fight to keep their lunch money using shivs.
In urban hellholes nobody needs lunch money, they all get free lunch.

This is a direct result of conservative policies.
Refusing to invest in renewables and leaving us dependent on world energy markets.
Lo wages have also lead to people not having any savings.
Nothing in conservative Britain works. Nothing.
Biden’s exported inflation is the OPPOSITE of Conservatism.

You’d have been better off blaming global warming

This is a direct result of conservative policies.
Refusing to invest in renewables and leaving us dependent on world energy markets.
Lo wages have also lead to people not having any savings.
Nothing in conservative Britain works. Nothing.

No, that is due to your so called "green energy" bullshit.

Enjoy the freeze, moron.
Regardless of what arguments can be made in favor of such policies, the fact remains, indisputable, that it is LIbEral policies that are causing energy shortages and increases in energy costs, with conservatives generally being opposed to these policies, and warning what the consequences will be of them;
Essentiallly that's what I've told you Bob.
If you're truly stupid enough to believe in the Climate Change hoax, and stupid enough to believe that these policies are necessary and justifiable to mitigate it, then at least be honest enough to admit that the energy cost and supply issues are a cost of implementing these policies, and stop trying to blame them on those of us who are smart enough to oppose these polices.
I've done what you suggested Bob, but you're all wrapped up in your rage and so weren't able to understand.
But the, asking a LIbEral to be honest is like asking a house fly not to be a shit-eating insect.
If there's a difference between shit eating Americans and Canadians then you've found out the hard way Bob.
Essentiallly that's what I've told you Bob.

I've done what you suggested Bob, but you're all wrapped up in your rage and so weren't able to understand.

If there's a difference between shit eating Americans and Canadians then you've found out the hard way Bob.
Bob is a mormon. Dont waste your time.
Bob is a mormon. Dont waste your time.
You've created yourself a great soapbox on this board Tommy, and that gives you the potential to drive the lowlife mad.

Note how Bob has become so mad that he can't even understand how he would be getting agreement on his bugaboo of climate change needing to be addressed.

Of course it costs a lot more money.l

Now he will turn to spamming and profanity to demonstrate how he's been had because of his you'all American ignorance of the facts in the rest of the world. Fk, these people are wackos!
It's truly a scourge that reaches the rest of the world's countries if it's not actively guarded against Tommy. In Canada we are always cognizant of now allowing the pendulum to swing too far to the right.

In fact, the rightists themselves actively ensure that some moderation is preserved when they propose their extremist ideals. They will always eventually step out of bounds with their efforts to eliminate universal health care, as opposed to nurturing the need.

Then the federal Liberals are awarded another cakewalk election. And so on and off and on it goes.

The Canadian system of capitalism works Tommy, as well or better than any other. Save perhaps China's newly founded inovations to the political systems of the world.

Canaduh swinging to the right? :laughing0301:
It's truly a scourge that reaches the rest of the world's countries if it's not actively guarded against Tommy. In Canada we are always cognizant of now allowing the pendulum to swing too far to the right.

In fact, the rightists themselves actively ensure that some moderation is preserved when they propose their extremist ideals. They will always eventually step out of bounds with their efforts to eliminate universal health care, as opposed to nurturing the need.

Then the federal Liberals are awarded another cakewalk election. And so on and off and on it goes.

The Canadian system of capitalism works Tommy, as well or better than any other. Save perhaps China's newly founded inovations to the political systems of the world.
You got Justin Castreaux up there looking for Gay Guevara to make Canuckia Cuba again, motherfucker. STFU
You don't appreciate the need to eliminate the causes of climate change. That's well established with you.
I'm not wrong in saying that Bob.

And that prevents you from understanding that liberal policy is the only choice now.

And I could be wrong about that, in fairness, but it's for you to convince others of your beliefs.
The war in Ukraine and its consequences all over the world have likely blown the last chance we had.

This is a direct result of conservative policies.
Refusing to invest in renewables and leaving us dependent on world energy markets.
Lo wages have also lead to people not having any savings.
Nothing in conservative Britain works. Nothing.

Are you fucking kidding? You think the problem is that there hasn’t been enough investment in renewables?

Do you have unicorns running around your garden too?
Boris Johnson and the Tories are to the left Bill Clinton.

The "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) in England are an even bigger joke than "republicans" like Mittens Romney and Cocaine Mitch Mcturtle.
You don't appreciate the need to eliminate the causes of climate change. That's well established with you.
I'm not wrong in saying that Bob.

And that prevents you from understanding that liberal policy is the only choice now.

And I could be wrong about that, in fairness, but it's for you to convince others of your beliefs.
Eliminating that big yellow nuclear furnace that's 93 million miles away won't happen through higher taxes and freezing to death in the winter.

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