After 8 years of Hope and Change why are people still hungry?

Why are democrats so stupid to not see that liberals arent for the little guy.

  • Because the liberal little guy is a stooge for their party and love welfare and other free stuff.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Because the liberal little guy is indoctrinated to think that Rich people are bad(unless Liberal)

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Because the lies from liberals about Republicans scare the shit out of the mindless libs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Liberals who survived being aborted just never grew a mind, since the parents are Dopers.

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
America's dirty little secret: 42 million people are suffering from hunger
In the midst of a recovering economy, low unemployment and nearly nonexistent inflation, the fact remains that nearly 1 in 7 Americans still goes to bed hungry each night.
When Obama took over the National Debt was 9 Trillion Dollars(which George Bush had added 5 Trillion of that debt). Now that 8 years of Obama has passed(thank God we survived) he added 10 Trillion Dollars more to the debt, but we have people going to bed hungry. Why is that? Wasn't the Hope and Change, the Fundamental Transformation, supposed to help those in need? Did you know that Warren Buffet(liberal), Bill Gates(liberal), Al Gore(Liberal) Bill Clinton(liberal) and even Barrack Hussein Obama(liberal) got filthy rich.
I'm glad you posted this, I've seen the stat about hunger but I dont get it. I'm asking as a human with no political slant, where are these people? I've lived in poor rural areas and everyone is fat. Look at Norman Rockwell paintings of his thin, almost gaunt, neighbors in East Arlington, VT and go there today, everyone has an extra 50 pounds. By and large urban and suburban homeless have easy access to food, schools give away lunches and some breakfast, food cupboards are even in the smallest communities, etc.

In India, Nepal and China I've seen real hunger in a shocking way. Maybe you call it starvation but it's very obvious and in great contrast to what I have seen in rural Mexico or Indian reservations in US and Canada or in the Bronx, or the poorest rural southern and Appalachian towns I have seen.

I'm perfectly willing to believe that 42 million Americans are suffering from hunger - but where are they hiding?
I'm glad you posted this, I've seen the stat about hunger but I dont get it. I'm asking as a human with no political slant, where are these people? I've lived in poor rural areas and everyone is fat. Look at Norman Rockwell paintings of his thin, almost gaunt, neighbors in East Arlington, VT and go there today, everyone has an extra 50 pounds. By and large urban and suburban homeless have easy access to food, schools give away lunches and some breakfast, food cupboards are even in the smallest communities, etc.

In India, Nepal and China I've seen real hunger in a shocking way. Maybe you call it starvation but it's very obvious and in great contrast to what I have seen in rural Mexico or Indian reservations in US and Canada or in the Bronx, or the poorest rural southern and Appalachian towns I have seen.

I'm perfectly willing to believe that 42 million Americans are suffering from hunger - but where are they hiding?
My understanding is that everyone school child gets breakfast and lunch at schools, yet there are people suffering from hunger. Socialism is all about misery and poverty, maybe the Truth is finally coming out, how bad liberalism really is?
America's dirty little secret: 42 million people are suffering from hunger
In the midst of a recovering economy, low unemployment and nearly nonexistent inflation, the fact remains that nearly 1 in 7 Americans still goes to bed hungry each night.
When Obama took over the National Debt was 9 Trillion Dollars(which George Bush had added 5 Trillion of that debt). Now that 8 years of Obama has passed(thank God we survived) he added 10 Trillion Dollars more to the debt, but we have people going to bed hungry. Why is that? Wasn't the Hope and Change, the Fundamental Transformation, supposed to help those in need? Did you know that Warren Buffet(liberal), Bill Gates(liberal), Al Gore(Liberal) Bill Clinton(liberal) and even Barrack Hussein Obama(liberal) got filthy rich.

1)why hungry if the have food stamps?
2) far more Americans go to bed too fat rather than too hungry?
America's dirty little secret: 42 million people are suffering from hunger
In the midst of a recovering economy, low unemployment and nearly nonexistent inflation, the fact remains that nearly 1 in 7 Americans still goes to bed hungry each night.
When Obama took over the National Debt was 9 Trillion Dollars(which George Bush had added 5 Trillion of that debt). Now that 8 years of Obama has passed(thank God we survived) he added 10 Trillion Dollars more to the debt, but we have people going to bed hungry. Why is that? Wasn't the Hope and Change, the Fundamental Transformation, supposed to help those in need? Did you know that Warren Buffet(liberal), Bill Gates(liberal), Al Gore(Liberal) Bill Clinton(liberal) and even Barrack Hussein Obama(liberal) got filthy rich.

1)why hungry if the have food stamps?
2) far more Americans go to bed too fat rather than too hungry?

Carbs and fats tend to be cheap but low in nutrition
America's dirty little secret: 42 million people are suffering from hunger
In the midst of a recovering economy, low unemployment and nearly nonexistent inflation, the fact remains that nearly 1 in 7 Americans still goes to bed hungry each night.
When Obama took over the National Debt was 9 Trillion Dollars(which George Bush had added 5 Trillion of that debt). Now that 8 years of Obama has passed(thank God we survived) he added 10 Trillion Dollars more to the debt, but we have people going to bed hungry. Why is that? Wasn't the Hope and Change, the Fundamental Transformation, supposed to help those in need? Did you know that Warren Buffet(liberal), Bill Gates(liberal), Al Gore(Liberal) Bill Clinton(liberal) and even Barrack Hussein Obama(liberal) got filthy rich.

1)why hungry if the have food stamps?
2) far more Americans go to bed too fat rather than too hungry?

Carbs and fats tend to be cheap but low in nutrition

1)why hungry if the have food stamps and other programs?
2) far more Americans go to bed too fat rather than too hungry
Why are they still hungry?

There was this bird and her chick sitting on on the hindquarters of a horse terribly afflicted with dry heaves.

The chick was rapt in anticipation of what was to come.....

The wise old momma bird smiled and gently told her chick....

"The horse is a Democrat"
"They fart but they don't deliver"
"You can't live on promises"
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America's dirty little secret: 42 million people are suffering from hunger
In the midst of a recovering economy, low unemployment and nearly nonexistent inflation, the fact remains that nearly 1 in 7 Americans still goes to bed hungry each night.
When Obama took over the National Debt was 9 Trillion Dollars(which George Bush had added 5 Trillion of that debt). Now that 8 years of Obama has passed(thank God we survived) he added 10 Trillion Dollars more to the debt, but we have people going to bed hungry. Why is that? Wasn't the Hope and Change, the Fundamental Transformation, supposed to help those in need? Did you know that Warren Buffet(liberal), Bill Gates(liberal), Al Gore(Liberal) Bill Clinton(liberal) and even Barrack Hussein Obama(liberal) got filthy rich.
You are forgetting the trillions in tax cuts that removed an enormous source of revenue.
Then the more than 43,000 factories that left while Bush was president. More revenue makers gone.
Then the trillions of wealth transfer to Iraq before Obama became president.

Bush and the GOP didn't just create enormous deficits but they made sure the disasters couldn't be fixed. The problem would have persisted with whoever became president. The GOP mess was just that big.

It's not like you could deny it. We were all there.
Then you have stuff like this:

The 10 Farm Subsidy Recipients Who Voted To Cut Food Stamps

Now, 10 of the members of Congress who receive those agriculture subsidies, either directly or indirectly through trusts or businesses hold by themselves or their spouses, voted to cut funding for low-income people whose only request is a modest meal.


Republicans in congress gave themselves millions while cutting food stamps for children and veterans.

That's who Republicans are. Greedy dirty people with a base that admires their Satanic ways.
The working man has little in his fridge while the non-working man has a fridge full of food, that is why many American's go to bed hungry.

If we eliminated fast food and made Americans eat real food, i.e: grains, whole wheat, and veggies for a change, we'd go to bed full, not fat, and healthy.

I must add that it must be nice to be able to sleep at night, many of us work the overnight shift, so many should feel fortunate they have that luxury.
America's dirty little secret: 42 million people are suffering from hunger
In the midst of a recovering economy, low unemployment and nearly nonexistent inflation, the fact remains that nearly 1 in 7 Americans still goes to bed hungry each night.
When Obama took over the National Debt was 9 Trillion Dollars(which George Bush had added 5 Trillion of that debt). Now that 8 years of Obama has passed(thank God we survived) he added 10 Trillion Dollars more to the debt, but we have people going to bed hungry. Why is that? Wasn't the Hope and Change, the Fundamental Transformation, supposed to help those in need? Did you know that Warren Buffet(liberal), Bill Gates(liberal), Al Gore(Liberal) Bill Clinton(liberal) and even Barrack Hussein Obama(liberal) got filthy rich.

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