After a Vote to Cancel the Cops, Minneapolis Sees Its First Mass Shooting

People are trying.
We mess around on forums. Even if serious. There are people who read these things and think it is really real. There are people who abuse their powers. They have gotten away with it. For many many years. If these communities do this, it may not end the way you want. Why? Because the people you back have flaws also. You must count that. We must come to an agreement that a percentage of people can not be helped. In all cultures. Getting tougher with social welfare programs and public schools will help. Is that going to happen? And if it does, the screams of accusations will be heard on the highest places on earth. And then nothing will change. As there has been massive resources spent with men and women playing the social welfare system like a finely tuned violin, countering the official intended results. Of course perhaps this is what has been intended all along.
We mess around on forums. Even if serious. There are people who read these things and think it is really real. There are people who abuse their powers. They have gotten away with it. For many many years. If these communities do this, it may not end the way you want. Why? Because the people you back have flaws also. You must count that. We must come to an agreement that a percentage of people can not be helped. In all cultures. Getting tougher with social welfare programs and public schools will help. Is that going to happen? And if it does, the screams of accusations will be heard on the highest places on earth. And then nothing will change. As there has been massive resources spent with men and women playing the social welfare system like a finely tuned violin, countering the official intended results. Of course perhaps this is what has been intended all along.

As long as we are wasting trillions over seas to protect the interests of Wall Street I'm not going to get upset over people getting a few bucks they don't deserve to keep their heads above water.
Just think your BLM buddies are gonna cause record number of your people getting murdered. You can laugh at that.
Marc must love black funerals. He seems to cheer for them. Think he celebrates his birthday at planned parenthood cheering the black women going in for abortions?
The only way to fix Minneapolis is to kick the present city administration from office.

Does Minneapolis have a Recall mechanism for its elected officials?
We have had many mass shootings. In every instance we have had standard police forces and it didn't stop it. (We even had one instance where the officer ran away)

So if one instance proves something what does many instances prove?

Quick, call your social worker...dumbass.
We have had many mass shootings. In every instance we have had standard police forces and it didn't stop it. (We even had one instance where the officer ran away)

So if one instance proves something what does many instances prove?

Quick, call your social worker...dumbass.

In certain cases that is exactly what we should do.

We have had many mass shootings. In every instance we have had standard police forces and it didn't stop it. (We even had one instance where the officer ran away)

So if one instance proves something what does many instances prove?

Quick, call your social worker...dumbass.

In certain cases that is exactly what we should do.

When you defund the police it will become ALL cases. Good luck with that.
We have had many mass shootings. In every instance we have had standard police forces and it didn't stop it. (We even had one instance where the officer ran away)

So if one instance proves something what does many instances prove?

Quick, call your social worker...dumbass.

In certain cases that is exactly what we should do.

When you defund the police it will become ALL cases. Good luck with that.

We have had many mass shootings. In every instance we have had standard police forces and it didn't stop it. (We even had one instance where the officer ran away)

So if one instance proves something what does many instances prove?

Quick, call your social worker...dumbass.

In certain cases that is exactly what we should do.

When you defund the police it will become ALL cases. Good luck with that.


Yep, ROFL.
Didn't happen in the autonomous zone.
That’s the genius take you got from that. You pathetic clown.
That's the truth.

I realize you aren't familiar with it these days.
Truth of what? The CHAZ has four fucking shootings now and counting. That’s about a shooting per block. How many rapes? Robberies etc? They probably think reporting that is racist. I’m not sure what your point was. Are you?
As CHOP collapses into lawless chaos with another shooting, we see the 1st of more mass shootings to come from Cancel Culture / Soros-funded 'Autonomous Zone' / Defund The Cops' campaign

Didn't happen in the autonomous zone.

Bad news champ, you're ignorant and uninformed.

Teen shot in Seattle protest zone declines police interview
Ouch...once again Creep proves he is WRONG....SURPRISE, SURPRISE...

As CHOP collapses into lawless chaos with another shooting, we see the 1st of more mass shootings to come from Cancel Culture / Soros-funded 'Autonomous Zone' / Defund The Cops' campaign

Didn't happen in the autonomous zone.

Bad news champ, you're ignorant and uninformed.

Teen shot in Seattle protest zone declines police interview
The mass shooting did not happen in the protest zone.

You are confusing two separate events.
The head of the no cops mass murder brigade seems happy.
Yep... he thinks all the rioting, violence and shooting is... "FUNNY." Damn good example of how STUPID he is.

I doubt he thinks the shootings are funny but the comments from you losers certainly are.
Quote the post you think is funny. I’d ask him but you seem to be begging to be his proxy. Show me the post that would have you on the floor laughing. Point out the humor in this thread.
Didn't happen in the autonomous zone.
That’s the genius take you got from that. You pathetic clown.
That's the truth.

I realize you aren't familiar with it these days.
Truth of what? The CHAZ has four fucking shootings now and counting. That’s about a shooting per block. How many rapes? Robberies etc? They probably think reporting that is racist. I’m not sure what your point was. Are you?
Not aware of more than one shooting and none of the rest.

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