After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

"After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?"


Sad, but expected.

As I have said, there is no chance that liberals will ever "get" anything so glaringly obvious.

But that doesn't mean that the truth should not be preached loud and clear.

Obama started his political career on the back of a vile scumbag evil motherfucking domestic terrorist.
I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Was Ayers ever convicted of setting a bomb off?

Convicted? No.

Isn't it enough for him to have admitted it?

Liberals get caught up in their misconstrued notions.

Give him a few decades. NoNukes might yet catch on.

Doubtful. But possible.
The Weathermen turned to violence in response to an unjust war that was robbing America of its young men and endangering the republic.

I am surprised that Dorhn and Ayers were not killed like members of the Symbionese Liberation Front and the Black Panther Party.

I guess they didn't kidnap an heiress or scare the hell out of white people.
The Weathermen turned to violence in response to an unjust war that was robbing America of its young men and endangering the republic.

I am surprised that Dorhn and Ayers were not killed like members of the Symbionese Liberation Front and the Black Panther Party.

I guess they didn't kidnap an heiress or scare the hell out of white people.

Oh. So their form of domestic terrorism was all "ok" then?

It would have made me laugh if Ayers had been one of the ones killed in the Boston Marathon bombing.

Sick shit, but poetic justice indeed.
"After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?"


Sadly, you're right.

#1 Libs think that Obama can do no wrong
#2 Ayers is on the same side as Obama and the libs, so the right just needs to get over it.

#1, That is inaccurate.
#2, Not sure what you mean by that but if if you're bothered by an aged 1960's radical, you're likely too sensitive.
"After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?"


Sadly, you're right.

#1 Libs think that Obama can do no wrong
#2 Ayers is on the same side as Obama and the libs, so the right just needs to get over it.

#1, That is inaccurate.
#2, Not sure what you mean by that but if if you're bothered by an aged 1960's radical, you're likely too sensitive.

It was accurate.

And yeah, I am "bothered" by that piece of shit who regrets not having done more. That's not being overly sensitive. It's basic common sense.

Fuck him and all the scumbags like him.
Sadly, you're right.

#1 Libs think that Obama can do no wrong
#2 Ayers is on the same side as Obama and the libs, so the right just needs to get over it.

#1, That is inaccurate.
#2, Not sure what you mean by that but if if you're bothered by an aged 1960's radical, you're likely too sensitive.

It was accurate.

And yeah, I am "bothered" by that piece of shit who regrets not having done more. That's not being overly sensitive. It's basic common sense.

Fuck him and all the scumbags like him.

I can cite threads I've started citing Obama's failures. I have called the man a liar. I'm a liberal so by definition #1 is inaccurate. Sorry.

And yes, you're too sensitive it this ever bothered you and especially if it still does.
#1, That is inaccurate.
#2, Not sure what you mean by that but if if you're bothered by an aged 1960's radical, you're likely too sensitive.

It was accurate.

And yeah, I am "bothered" by that piece of shit who regrets not having done more. That's not being overly sensitive. It's basic common sense.

Fuck him and all the scumbags like him.

I can cite threads I've started citing Obama's failures. I have called the man a liar. I'm a liberal so by definition #1 is inaccurate. Sorry.

And yes, you're too sensitive it this ever bothered you and especially if it still does.

You are, at best, merely an example of an outlying statistic.

So, no. It's accurate, but I accept your apology.

And no. It's not at all a matter of being too "sensitive." That cheap ass attempt of yours at rhetoric is completely unpersuasive.
It was accurate.

And yeah, I am "bothered" by that piece of shit who regrets not having done more. That's not being overly sensitive. It's basic common sense.

Fuck him and all the scumbags like him.

I can cite threads I've started citing Obama's failures. I have called the man a liar. I'm a liberal so by definition #1 is inaccurate. Sorry.

And yes, you're too sensitive it this ever bothered you and especially if it still does.

You are, at best, merely an example of an outlying statistic.

So, no. It's accurate, but I accept your apology.

And no. It's not at all a matter of being too "sensitive." That cheap ass attempt of yours at rhetoric is completely unpersuasive.

I'm always tickled when non liberals tell us how "all" liberals feel. And yes, it's a matter of being overly sensitive if you're still hung up on Ayers. Persuasive or not, it's the truth...much like poll numbers from last November; I remember more than one conservative poster here not believing'll never guessed what happened to them. Those numbers weren't "persuasive either" but they were the truth.
The Weathermen turned to violence in response to an unjust war that was robbing America of its young men and endangering the republic.

I am surprised that Dorhn and Ayers were not killed like members of the Symbionese Liberation Front and the Black Panther Party.

I guess they didn't kidnap an heiress or scare the hell out of white people.

Oh. So their form of domestic terrorism was all "ok" then?

It would have made me laugh if Ayers had been one of the ones killed in the Boston Marathon bombing.

Sick shit, but poetic justice indeed.

The term domestic terrorism is simply a label extremists hang on people they wish to destroy. I was around then and they never terrorized me.

Did they terrorize you?

Can you name anyone who was terrified of them?
The Weathermen turned to violence in response to an unjust war that was robbing America of its young men and endangering the republic.

I am surprised that Dorhn and Ayers were not killed like members of the Symbionese Liberation Front and the Black Panther Party.

I guess they didn't kidnap an heiress or scare the hell out of white people.

Oh. So their form of domestic terrorism was all "ok" then?

It would have made me laugh if Ayers had been one of the ones killed in the Boston Marathon bombing.

Sick shit, but poetic justice indeed.

The term domestic terrorism is simply a label extremists hang on people they wish to destroy. I was around then and they never terrorized me.

Did they terrorize you?

Can you name anyone who was terrified of them?

Wait, are you serious? You said:

The term domestic terrorism is simply a label extremists hang on people they wish to destroy.

So their plotting to blow up Fort Dix and blowing up houses along half a city block and killing three of their own did not terrorize anyone? Their setting off bombs in police cars, the Pentagon and Capitol did not terrorize anyone? Them being convicted of murder and killing did not terrorize anyone? Ayers still proclaims he is not sorry and would do it all over again.

Maybe if Kathy Boudin had been looked at as a TERRORIST instead of only being seriously injured in that explosion she may have not have been involved in the murder of two police officers and one security guard years later and convicted of murder. As it stands she was convicted of murder BUT is now teaching in our colleges and given prestigious titles.

How 1960s Radicals Ended Up Teaching Your Kids - The Daily Beast
No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives; In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives - In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen -

Sterling Hall bombing

The bombers used a stolen Ford Econoline van filled with close to 2,000 pounds (910 kg) of ANFO (i.e., ammonium nitrate and fuel oil).[4] Pieces of the van were found on top of an eight-story building three blocks away and 26 nearby buildings were also damaged; however, the targeted AMRC was scarcely damaged.[5] Total damage to University of Wisconsin–Madison property was over $2.1 million as a result of the bombing.[6] A physics laboratory run by Henry Barschall was destroyed by the bombing; the records of 25 years of his research, measuring nuclear cross-sections under neutron bombardment, were destroyed, there having been no off-site data storage

Sterling Hall bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hummmmm sounds a lot like Tim McVeigh. When we called him a terrorist were we trying to destroy him because we are the extremists? Wow.
CaféAuLait;7128661 said:

Wait, are you serious? You said:

The term domestic terrorism is simply a label extremists hang on people they wish to destroy.

So their plotting to blow up Fort Dix and blowing up houses along half a city block and killing three of their own did not terrorize anyone? Their setting off bombs in police cars, the Pentagon and Capitol did not terrorize anyone? Them being convicted of murder and killing did not terrorize anyone? Ayers still proclaims he is not sorry and would do it all over again.

Maybe if Kathy Boudin had been looked at as a TERRORIST instead of only being seriously injured in that explosion she may have not have been involved in the murder of two police officers and one security guard years later and convicted of murder. As it stands she was convicted of murder BUT is now teaching in our colleges and given prestigious titles.

How 1960s Radicals Ended Up Teaching Your Kids - The Daily Beast

One man's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter.

When Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan for the horrible crime of teaching girls to read, Ronald Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter".

When he flew planes into buildings full of rich Americans, he was a "terrorist".

See the difference?

There is none.

He's a guy willing to use violence to acheive his goals. So was Ayers.

Terrorist is one of those words we need to retire.
I can cite threads I've started citing Obama's failures. I have called the man a liar. I'm a liberal so by definition #1 is inaccurate. Sorry.

And yes, you're too sensitive it this ever bothered you and especially if it still does.

You are, at best, merely an example of an outlying statistic.

So, no. It's accurate, but I accept your apology.

And no. It's not at all a matter of being too "sensitive." That cheap ass attempt of yours at rhetoric is completely unpersuasive.

I'm always tickled when non liberals tell us how "all" liberals feel. And yes, it's a matter of being overly sensitive if you're still hung up on Ayers. Persuasive or not, it's the truth...much like poll numbers from last November; I remember more than one conservative poster here not believing'll never guessed what happened to them. Those numbers weren't "persuasive either" but they were the truth.

I am always amused by pompous irrelevant bleatings from some silly liberal like you.

I did not say anything about what "all" liberals feel.

And you remain wrong, no matter how often you repeat yourself.

The liberal scumbag piece of shit, Bill Ayers, good pal of The ONE, was a domestic terrorist. He should have been sent to prison long ago. I'd be pleased if he spent every last minute of his worthless life there.

Mindless liberal idiots call that being too "sensitive" to him, but that's only because so many of you mindless liberal idiots either forget what he did or just don't care.

It is your rhetoric that is unpersuasive and your cheese dick rhetoric is not remotely akin to poll numbers. But I enjoy your many fails.
CaféAuLait;7128661 said:

Wait, are you serious? You said:

The term domestic terrorism is simply a label extremists hang on people they wish to destroy.

So their plotting to blow up Fort Dix and blowing up houses along half a city block and killing three of their own did not terrorize anyone? Their setting off bombs in police cars, the Pentagon and Capitol did not terrorize anyone? Them being convicted of murder and killing did not terrorize anyone? Ayers still proclaims he is not sorry and would do it all over again.

Maybe if Kathy Boudin had been looked at as a TERRORIST instead of only being seriously injured in that explosion she may have not have been involved in the murder of two police officers and one security guard years later and convicted of murder. As it stands she was convicted of murder BUT is now teaching in our colleges and given prestigious titles.

How 1960s Radicals Ended Up Teaching Your Kids - The Daily Beast

One man's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter.

When Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan for the horrible crime of teaching girls to read, Ronald Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter".

When he flew planes into buildings full of rich Americans, he was a "terrorist".

See the difference?

There is none.

He's a guy willing to use violence to acheive his goals. So was Ayers.

Terrorist is one of those words we need to retire.

One man's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter.

^ An oft-repeated mantra of tragically stupid modern American liberoidalism.

I have sad news for you.

SOMETIMES, you dipshit, a freedom fighter is also just a scumbag terrorist.

One man's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter.

^ An oft-repeated mantra of tragically stupid modern American liberoidalism.

I have sad news for you.

SOMETIMES, you dipshit, a freedom fighter is also just a scumbag terrorist.

NO, it's just a reality.

If they used the word in 1776, George Washington would be a "terrorist". Menachem Begin was considered a "Terrorist" by the British when they blew up the Kind David Hotel.

Our "problem" with Islam is that we keep sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.
I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Can you link the interview? I recall that he said that he didn't do enough to stop the senseless slaughter of American soldiers - but I'd love to see all his words in context. Frankly, I don't doubt he said some very radical things, some of which were violent.

Also, can you give the specific details of the bombs he exploded? I have researched some of this, but would love to see some non-partisan sources of what he was specifically involved in. I heard he bombed a statue and the Pentagon, neither of which resulted in casualties, both of which were accompanied by a political statement on his opposition to the Vietnam War. Similar to bombing an abortion clinic where the bomber is attempting to protest what they see as needless deaths.

Here is a quote from Ayers
The Weather Underground went on to take responsibility for placing several small bombs in empty offices.... We did carry out symbolic acts of extreme vandalism directed at monuments to war and racism, and the attacks on property, never on people, were meant to respect human life and convey outrage and determination to end the Vietnam war

Here is a description of the deaths caused by the group - which happened after Ayers fled the group and went underground
The bombing attacks mostly targeted government buildings, along with several banks. Most were preceded by evacuation warnings, along with communiqués identifying the particular matter that the attack was intended to protest. No persons were killed in any of their acts of property destruction, although three members of the group were killed in the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion and former members of the group robbed a Brinks armored car in 1981 resulting in the death of three people including Waverly Brown, the first black police officer on the Nyack police force

Here is an interview he gave on the matter to a partisan interviewer.
[ame=]William Ayers GMA Interview About Obama - 11/14/08 - YouTube[/ame]
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This isn't the 60's anymore, idiot.

The most dangerous people out there these days are right-wing extremists blowing up women's healthcare clinics and shooting and blowing up other Americans, and Islamic terrorists.

A left-wing fanatic nowadays is the kind of person who wishes to smoke pot after a lascivious afternoon of gay sex.
What a stupid response, IDIOT! Ayers is a scumbag murderer just like the two MUSLIMS in Boston.

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