After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

how many years will it take

for the surviving bomber

to be a folk hero to the left

there really is no difference between that guy

and ayers

How many minutes after the bombs went off did it take for the pseudo-conservatives to start building their strawmen to attack and try and gain polical points from this tragedy?

Yes, yes those damn conservatives with politizing....

- Just hours after the bombing, Michael Moore blamed the Tea Party for the tragedy, tweeting “2+2 =” followed by “Tax Day. Patriots Day.”

- A opinion piece published last night entitled, “Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American,” expressed the desire that the “bomber ends up being a white anti-government extremist.”

- Former Bill Clinton and Obama advisor David Axelrod also hinted on MSNBC that the attack could have been a form of tax protest.

- CNN analysts claimed that “extreme right-wing individuals” are fond of the pressure cooker device featured in al-Qaeda’s magazine that was purportedly used to bomb the Boston Marathon finish line.

- CNN’s Wolf Blitzer stated on live television within one hour after the bombings: “It is a state holiday, in addition to the Boston Marathon. It is a state holiday in Massachusetts today, called Patriots’ Day. And who knows if that had anything at all to do with these twin explosions?”

- MSNBC’s Chris Matthews also theorized that the bombing could be the result of a protest against federal income taxes. “As you point out, and I just forgot, I filed already. It’s filing day for the federal income tax, which does cause some emotions around the country – sometimes in the wrong parts of the brain anyway,” Matthews said during his show.


Will Obama Insider, Media Mouthpieces Apologize For Fingering Tea Party As Bombers? | Tea Party

I forgot....what were you saying, BlindBoo?

Cause Infowars never takes brief snippets out of a sentence to take it out of context or anything. Then of course they can't get it right either.

(Infowars) – "Now a clear narrative has emerged that the main suspects in the Boston bombing were radicalized foreigners who recently converted to Islam......"
How many minutes after the bombs went off did it take for the pseudo-conservatives to start building their strawmen to attack and try and gain polical points from this tragedy?

Yes, yes those damn conservatives with politizing....

- Just hours after the bombing, Michael Moore blamed the Tea Party for the tragedy, tweeting “2+2 =” followed by “Tax Day. Patriots Day.”

- A opinion piece published last night entitled, “Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American,” expressed the desire that the “bomber ends up being a white anti-government extremist.”

- Former Bill Clinton and Obama advisor David Axelrod also hinted on MSNBC that the attack could have been a form of tax protest.

- CNN analysts claimed that “extreme right-wing individuals” are fond of the pressure cooker device featured in al-Qaeda’s magazine that was purportedly used to bomb the Boston Marathon finish line.

- CNN’s Wolf Blitzer stated on live television within one hour after the bombings: “It is a state holiday, in addition to the Boston Marathon. It is a state holiday in Massachusetts today, called Patriots’ Day. And who knows if that had anything at all to do with these twin explosions?”

- MSNBC’s Chris Matthews also theorized that the bombing could be the result of a protest against federal income taxes. “As you point out, and I just forgot, I filed already. It’s filing day for the federal income tax, which does cause some emotions around the country – sometimes in the wrong parts of the brain anyway,” Matthews said during his show.


Will Obama Insider, Media Mouthpieces Apologize For Fingering Tea Party As Bombers? | Tea Party

I forgot....what were you saying, BlindBoo?

Cause Infowars never takes brief snippets out of a sentence to take it out of context or anything. Then of course they can't get it right either.

(Infowars) – "Now a clear narrative has emerged that the main suspects in the Boston bombing were radicalized foreigners who recently converted to Islam......"
Hey, you posted something and I nailed you on your hypocrisy....period.
At least I backed up my assertion. You? emotional response as usual.
Yes, yes those damn conservatives with politizing....

- Just hours after the bombing, Michael Moore blamed the Tea Party for the tragedy, tweeting “2+2 =” followed by “Tax Day. Patriots Day.”

- A opinion piece published last night entitled, “Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American,” expressed the desire that the “bomber ends up being a white anti-government extremist.”

- Former Bill Clinton and Obama advisor David Axelrod also hinted on MSNBC that the attack could have been a form of tax protest.

- CNN analysts claimed that “extreme right-wing individuals” are fond of the pressure cooker device featured in al-Qaeda’s magazine that was purportedly used to bomb the Boston Marathon finish line.

- CNN’s Wolf Blitzer stated on live television within one hour after the bombings: “It is a state holiday, in addition to the Boston Marathon. It is a state holiday in Massachusetts today, called Patriots’ Day. And who knows if that had anything at all to do with these twin explosions?”

- MSNBC’s Chris Matthews also theorized that the bombing could be the result of a protest against federal income taxes. “As you point out, and I just forgot, I filed already. It’s filing day for the federal income tax, which does cause some emotions around the country – sometimes in the wrong parts of the brain anyway,” Matthews said during his show.


Will Obama Insider, Media Mouthpieces Apologize For Fingering Tea Party As Bombers? | Tea Party

I forgot....what were you saying, BlindBoo?

Cause Infowars never takes brief snippets out of a sentence to take it out of context or anything. Then of course they can't get it right either.

(Infowars) – "Now a clear narrative has emerged that the main suspects in the Boston bombing were radicalized foreigners who recently converted to Islam......"
Hey, you posted something and I nailed you on your hypocrisy....period.
At least I backed up my assertion. You? emotional response as usual.

Your cut-n-paste didn't nail anything. They lied in the very beginning. And of course they couldn't publish the or post the entire sentences because then their subscribers would know that most of the anchors were including all possibilities not just the ultra right wing nuts of the Teabag Party. Even Fox News anchors were doing it.

But your right my post was an emotional response to the notion that the liberal left will make these murdering assholes some kind of hero. My bad.
desperate op is really desperate

What part of this don't you get? The WU and Bernie and Billie were terrorists don't you get?

Your response to the desperate op is really desperate

How stupid are you?

In their own words they said they were revolutionaries.
Prairie Fire!


Stop lying. I hate liars.

William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire
Look you stupid liberals they dedicated this book in part to Sirhan Sirhan. You know Bobby Kennedy's assassin?

You happy with that you liberal idiots?
how many years will it take

for the surviving bomber

to be a folk hero to the left

there really is no difference between that guy

and ayers

How many minutes after the bombs went off did it take for the pseudo-conservatives to start building their strawmen to attack and try and gain polical points from this tragedy?

Yes, yes those damn conservatives with politizing....

- Just hours after the bombing, Michael Moore blamed the Tea Party for the tragedy, tweeting “2+2 =” followed by “Tax Day. Patriots Day.”

- A opinion piece published last night entitled, “Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American,” expressed the desire that the “bomber ends up being a white anti-government extremist.”

- Former Bill Clinton and Obama advisor David Axelrod also hinted on MSNBC that the attack could have been a form of tax protest.

- CNN analysts claimed that “extreme right-wing individuals” are fond of the pressure cooker device featured in al-Qaeda’s magazine that was purportedly used to bomb the Boston Marathon finish line.

- CNN’s Wolf Blitzer stated on live television within one hour after the bombings: “It is a state holiday, in addition to the Boston Marathon. It is a state holiday in Massachusetts today, called Patriots’ Day. And who knows if that had anything at all to do with these twin explosions?”

- MSNBC’s Chris Matthews also theorized that the bombing could be the result of a protest against federal income taxes. “As you point out, and I just forgot, I filed already. It’s filing day for the federal income tax, which does cause some emotions around the country – sometimes in the wrong parts of the brain anyway,” Matthews said during his show.


Will Obama Insider, Media Mouthpieces Apologize For Fingering Tea Party As Bombers? | Tea Party

I forgot....what were you saying, BlindBoo?
That's quite a lot of straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel to gain political points from this travesty that leftists did. Clinton knows better. Journalists know better also, but then, Salon, MSNBC, CNN's Wulf Blitzer, and Chris Matthews don't do honest journalism. They take whatever benefits the push to redistribute America's wealth to themselves, and make truth a casualty of their imaginary stressing out over false allegations they make against conservatives, especially if they think they might lose ground if a Republican wins even one nod from the public for doing the right thing. They know the American public will forget the bull.

.... Or will we?
Look you stupid liberals they dedicated this book in part to Sirhan Sirhan. You know Bobby Kennedy's assassin?

You happy with that you liberal idiots?
Imagine that.. Cop killers dedicating a send-all-the-good-hard-working-people-to-hell tome to an assassin.

That's because they divorce themselves from pain caused to victims and the families and loved ones of people they eliminate, like take for example, Sargent Brian V. McDonnell, the man who was killed by shrapnel from Bernadette Dohrn's pipe bomb allegedly delivered by Bill Ayers himself.

Bob Unruh said:

A former undercover FBI informant who once spied on 1970s anti-war radicals who bombed government offices is calling on Congress to set up a committee or task force to bring “terrorists” – including those who may be in high and influential positions today – to justice.
The request comes from Larry Grathwohl, whose book “Bringing Down America – An FBI Informer with the Weathermen” alleges Bill Ayers, a friend of President Obama, told Grathwohl that Bernardine Dohrn, who later became Ayers’ wife, placed a pipe bomb outside a San Francisco Police Department building Feb. 16, 1970.

Sgt. Brian V. McConnell, slain by pipe bomb shrapnel, 1970:
I know.

If I start to go off on the Kwanza dude vs Black Panthers even black kids don't know the story. Some days I can barely hold myself together that way.

Every one is so dumbed down you can't talk to them.
Some of the most notable whines on this topic include a set that are spins on the same theme:

deafdumbandblindpoo's much repeated claim that anybody who notes the "pal" relationship between Obama and Ayers is "DENIGRATING!!!!! the President!!"

This is the same Obama who refused several times to support the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

Instead of "No Child Left Behind," the filthy Obama legacy might end up being, "no child left alive."

For if they make it out alive and aren't snuffed in the hospital AT birth, some asshole like Ayers might bomb them.

By the way, what fucking brilliant thinking to use violence to protest the killings of war.

And, liberals, it's time to get real. Obama is the one who CHOSE that evil scumbag, Ayers, as his "pal." That does say a LOT about Obama. None of it good.
Your efforts to offer your rejoinders are lame.

Bill Ayers was a fucking terrorist and belonged to a scumbag terrorist group.

His lovely wife was too.

And President Obama got his filthy political career launched at their little booster session. He and Ayers worked together thereafter too.

If any GOP President had a terrorist "pal" like Obama does, the media would have flayed him alive.

You know that to be the truth, too. But you are never honest enough to admit the obvious if it disturbs your silly propagandized world view.

You are just a hack.

how many years will it take

for the surviving bomber

to be a folk hero to the left

there really is no difference between that guy

and ayers

How many minutes after the bombs went off did it take for the pseudo-conservatives to start building their strawmen to attack and try and gain polical points from this tragedy?

World record time: the one dude at the NYT's blamed Republicans for not getting around to confirming the ATF head honcho.

Blaming the Republicans for the Boston Bombers.
Some of the most notable whines on this topic include a set that are spins on the same theme:

deafdumbandblindpoo's much repeated claim that anybody who notes the "pal" relationship between Obama and Ayers is "DENIGRATING!!!!! the President!!"

This is the same Obama who refused several times to support the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

Instead of "No Child Left Behind," the filthy Obama legacy might end up being, "no child left alive."

For if they make it out alive and aren't snuffed in the hospital AT birth, some asshole like Ayers might bomb them.

By the way, what fucking brilliant thinking to use violence to protest the killings of war.

And, liberals, it's time to get real. Obama is the one who CHOSE that evil scumbag, Ayers, as his "pal." That does say a LOT about Obama. None of it good.

It never ceases to amaze me that Bernie and Bill are given a pass.

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