After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Are you serious? You cannot possible remember the Vietnam war. Compare Ayers and the Weather Underground to the Boston terrorist? Where are the convictions if they were terrorist??? Ayers blew up buildings, Boston terrorist blew up people. Get it?
Wright was right. The "chicken has come home to roost" We have to face the consequences of our mistakes or bad deeds.

There were no convictions because of a recent ruling by the Supreme Court which would not allow the phone taps therefore he was never convicted, but you knew that right? Not to mention he admitted to what he did. Many of his partners in crime and fellow Weathermen and members of the 'above ground" May 19th Communist Org ( Ayers has written this was his 'above ground" group) have admitted the same.

The only reason they did not commit mass murder was because of sheer incompetence and ended up blowing up three of their own, a four story townhouse and half a city block. Ayers girlfriend, Diana Oughton was blown to smitherinnes in that blast.

On March 6, 1970, during preparations for the bombing of a Non-Commissioned Officers’ (NCO) dance at the Fort Dix U.S. Army base and for Butler Library at Columbia University,[2] there was an explosion in a Greenwich Village safe house when the nail bomb being constructed prematurely detonated for unknown reasons. WUO members Diana Oughton, Ted Gold, and Terry Robbins died in the explosion.

Weather Underground - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of the people Ayers mentored in the Underground went on to murder 2 policemen and a security guard. One of those policemen was the first black cop of the town, Waverly Brown.
The WU were not just anti Vietnam war. They were true communists trying to overthrow the American government at the time.


And in less than a year they put out another booklet "Politics in Command" was their new political-military strategy. It furthers the line of building a legal, above-ground organization and begins to minimize the armed struggle role.

List of Weatherman actions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But by then the war was over and they were losing members and soon the whole organization began to splinter.

But in all their years as a militant radical organization, they never targeted innocent women and children like the Boston Bombers did.

"Put a fork in her" Bernie?

What part did you miss about the WU?
CaféAuLait;7138536 said:
The WU were not just anti Vietnam war. They were true communists trying to overthrow the American government at the time.


And in less than a year they put out another booklet "Politics in Command" was their new political-military strategy. It furthers the line of building a legal, above-ground organization and begins to minimize the armed struggle role.

List of Weatherman actions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But by then the war was over and they were losing members and soon the whole organization began to splinter.

But in all their years as a militant radical organization, they never targeted innocent women and children like the Boston Bombers did.

(emphasis added)


On March 6, 1970, during preparations for the bombing of a Non-Commissioned Officers’ (NCO) dance at the Fort Dix U.S. Army base and for Butler Library at Columbia University,[2] there was an explosion in a Greenwich Village safe house when the nail bomb being constructed prematurely detonated for unknown reasons. WUO members Diana Oughton, Ted Gold, and Terry Robbins died in the explosion.

Weather Underground - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The bombs were never placed nor is ther any reason to suspect that they would not have called in a warning about the bombs. And not being the British the authorities would have evacuated the buildings. But since they did explode prematurely we'll never know for sure.
I can't imagine how many innocent men and women would have been killed if their bomb had reached it's final destination of the Fort Dix Dance. They 'only' blew up three of their own and part of a NY City block afterall. /sarcasm

Sheer incompetence kept them from becoming mass murders.


deafdumbblindpoo is a dedicated but ineffective defender of the domestic terrorist piece of shit Bill Ayers.

poo is SUCH a massive hack that he probably even accepts the subsequent words of Bill Ayers to the effect that when he said that he regretted not doing more, he didn't "mean" more bombings.

And he didn't mean "we."

And when they did their version of "vandalism" that's really all it ever was.

Nothing to see here.

It's all just a big misunderstanding. Bill Ayers and dogpoo say so.
CaféAuLait;7138536 said:
And in less than a year they put out another booklet "Politics in Command" was their new political-military strategy. It furthers the line of building a legal, above-ground organization and begins to minimize the armed struggle role.

List of Weatherman actions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But by then the war was over and they were losing members and soon the whole organization began to splinter.

But in all their years as a militant radical organization, they never targeted innocent women and children like the Boston Bombers did.

(emphasis added)


On March 6, 1970, during preparations for the bombing of a Non-Commissioned Officers’ (NCO) dance at the Fort Dix U.S. Army base and for Butler Library at Columbia University,[2] there was an explosion in a Greenwich Village safe house when the nail bomb being constructed prematurely detonated for unknown reasons. WUO members Diana Oughton, Ted Gold, and Terry Robbins died in the explosion.

Weather Underground - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The bombs were never placed nor is ther any reason to suspect that they would not have called in a warning about the bombs. And not being the British the authorities would have evacuated the buildings. But since they did explode prematurely we'll never know for sure.

Oh so your defense is incompetence? Not the FACT that this is what they planned and the only reason they did not blow up the dance is because they blew up three of their own and part of a NYC block trying to prepare?
You don't have a clue what you are talking about with the draft. Not at all. Your post actually surprised me.

With all due respect, you are so wrong on this post.

So do you remember anybody whose number came up that came home in a box KIA? Who died a half a world away from their family and loved ones? Or even some that never returned at all MIA?

To claim that what the WUO did in the late 60's and early 70's to what these two religonist, or other Islamic terrorist have done, targeting civilians, women and childrenn is wrong.

Let's address my friends first. Every summer the journey was normally to Ormond Beach from up here.

You have to understand that if you jump into Lake Ontario even in freaking August you are going to suffer from hypothermia.

I digress.

My dad loved Florida. YAY!!! Because I have suffered the effects of Lake Ontario as a child. :eusa_angel:I adored going south.

Now to my friends.

Arthur and Doug. Yes. I knew two young men. Carolinas. Let me pull a Sophia on you here.

Picture it. My Baba was dying of cancer. We knew it was going to be the last trip with her. My dad couldn't take us. So three generations of women headed south to make sure my Baba enjoyed her last summer.

I ran into these two guys called Arthur and Doug. Just drafted.Vietnam was a big deal. My mom actually ended up sneaking them across the Canadian border as draft dodgers.

But they were good souls. They went home and served. Long story, truly a long story in between. My dad's face when we rolled in with them was priceless. :eusa_angel:

I'm posting on the fly so I'm praying there's a coherent message here.

Long story short. Yeah I knew two friends who served in Vietnam. One came back ok. Doug didn't.

That's a nice story. I think we've been here before too. Deja Vu.

I like the weather down here in the south. Such a mild winter this year and a mild spring, not to hot yet.
deafdumbblindpoo is a dedicated but ineffective defender of the domestic terrorist piece of shit Bill Ayers.

poo is SUCH a massive hack that he probably even accepts the subsequent words of Bill Ayers to the effect that when he said that he regretted not doing more, he didn't "mean" more bombings.

And he didn't mean "we."

And when they did their version of "vandalism" that's really all it ever was.

Nothing to see here.

It's all just a big misunderstanding. Bill Ayers and dogpoo say so.

After all the lapping up of the rightie propaganda, you must have been amazed that most American voters rejected those Rabid Talking points huh?
deafdumbblindpoo is a dedicated but ineffective defender of the domestic terrorist piece of shit Bill Ayers.

poo is SUCH a massive hack that he probably even accepts the subsequent words of Bill Ayers to the effect that when he said that he regretted not doing more, he didn't "mean" more bombings.

And he didn't mean "we."

And when they did their version of "vandalism" that's really all it ever was.

Nothing to see here.

It's all just a big misunderstanding. Bill Ayers and dogpoo say so.

After all the lapping up of the rightie propaganda, you must have been amazed that most American voters rejected those Rabid Talking points huh?

Personally, I haven't lapped up any propaganda. I certainly reject your pathetic & idiotic efforts to propagandize for the likes of that scumbag Bill Ayers.

And I have no clue what alleged "Rabid Talking" points you are alluding to above. Your comical lack of clarity is quite similar to TderpM's. Do you two fuck each other?
CaféAuLait;7138640 said:
CaféAuLait;7138536 said:

The bombs were never placed nor is ther any reason to suspect that they would not have called in a warning about the bombs. And not being the British the authorities would have evacuated the buildings. But since they did explode prematurely we'll never know for sure.

Oh so your defense is incompetence? Not the FACT that this is what they planned and the only reason they did not blow up the dance is because they blew up three of their own and part of a NYC block trying to prepare?

What is there to defend? That they blew themselves up due to their own incompetence is given. There is no reason to believe that they wouldn't have called in a warning had that not occurred.

Did the Marathon Bombers give any type of warning?
CaféAuLait;7138640 said:
CaféAuLait;7138536 said:

The bombs were never placed nor is ther any reason to suspect that they would not have called in a warning about the bombs. And not being the British the authorities would have evacuated the buildings. But since they did explode prematurely we'll never know for sure.

Oh so your defense is incompetence? Not the FACT that this is what they planned and the only reason they did not blow up the dance is because they blew up three of their own and part of a NYC block trying to prepare?

Just think if Ayers had been with them on this one perhaps Obama would have never ran in politics. What a pleasant thought.
This isn't the 60's anymore, idiot.

The most dangerous people out there these days are right-wing extremists blowing up women's healthcare clinics and shooting and blowing up other Americans, and Islamic terrorists.

A left-wing fanatic nowadays is the kind of person who wishes to smoke pot after a lascivious afternoon of gay sex.

Weird how all the mass shootings end up being mentally ill left wing city dwellers.

Right, like that Arizona shooter who's mom said he only ever watched Glenn Beck.

Or that rural fuck who went and shot up Amish people at their church.

Or the dozens upon dozens of right-wing radicals who continue to bomb womens healthcare clinics and to kill doctors.

Or the rural fucks who killed all those people in Oklahoma.

I don't get the left-wing or the urban reference either. But notice the brown fish poster doesn't provide corroborating information about the shooters....just more rightwing fringe bullshit.
deafdumbblindpoo is a dedicated but ineffective defender of the domestic terrorist piece of shit Bill Ayers.

poo is SUCH a massive hack that he probably even accepts the subsequent words of Bill Ayers to the effect that when he said that he regretted not doing more, he didn't "mean" more bombings.

And he didn't mean "we."

And when they did their version of "vandalism" that's really all it ever was.

Nothing to see here.

It's all just a big misunderstanding. Bill Ayers and dogpoo say so.

After all the lapping up of the rightie propaganda, you must have been amazed that most American voters rejected those Rabid Talking points huh?

Personally, I haven't lapped up any propaganda. I certainly reject your pathetic & idiotic efforts to propagandize for the likes of that scumbag Bill Ayers.

And I have no clue what alleged "Rabid Talking" points you are alluding to above. Your comical lack of clarity is quite similar to TderpM's. Do you two fuck each other?

IlarMeilyr admits to being a useful idiot.

And I can't believe so many have wasted their time and energy focusing on Bill Ayers....I mean they rail if you bring up anything about Bush but think that Bill Ayers is still red meat. Ayers was nothing but a red herring for the stupid right wingers in the first place. Dangling somebody from the 60's into their faces and they gobble it up like the trained seals that they are.

No wonder they lost in 2012.
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CaféAuLait;7138640 said:
The bombs were never placed nor is ther any reason to suspect that they would not have called in a warning about the bombs. And not being the British the authorities would have evacuated the buildings. But since they did explode prematurely we'll never know for sure.

Oh so your defense is incompetence? Not the FACT that this is what they planned and the only reason they did not blow up the dance is because they blew up three of their own and part of a NYC block trying to prepare?

What is there to defend? That they blew themselves up due to their own incompetence is given. There is no reason to believe that they wouldn't have called in a warning had that not occurred.

Did the Marathon Bombers give any type of warning?

So you are using incompentence as a defence for the planning of mass murder. Faisal Shahzad should be innocent too, right? Since sheer incompentence assured that bomb did not explode in Times Square. He "may" have called in a warning too, right?

The Brinks Armed Car Robbery? Your explanation for that? Killed two police officers and one security guard. Given this was 8 years past the end of the US forces involvement in the Vietnam War, what pray tell would have been the reason for them killing, maiming and robbing and murdering the first black cop in that town and two others?

The May 19th Communist Organization (also variously referred to as the May 19 Coalition, May 19 Communist Coalition, and various alternatives of M19CO), was a US-based, self-described revolutionary organization formed by members of the Weather Underground Organization. The group was originally known as the New York chapter of the Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC), an organization devoted to legally promoting the causes of the Weather Underground

May 19th Communist Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia's_robbery_(1981)
CaféAuLait;7138742 said:
CaféAuLait;7138640 said:
Oh so your defense is incompetence? Not the FACT that this is what they planned and the only reason they did not blow up the dance is because they blew up three of their own and part of a NYC block trying to prepare?

What is there to defend? That they blew themselves up due to their own incompetence is given. There is no reason to believe that they wouldn't have called in a warning had that not occurred.

Did the Marathon Bombers give any type of warning?

So you are using incompentence as a defence for the planning of mass murder. Faisal Shahzad should be innocent too, right? Since sheer incompentence assured that bomb did not explode in Times Square. He "may" have called in a warning too, right?

The Brinks Armed Car Robbery? Your explanation for that? Killed two police officers and one security guard. Given this was 8 years past the end of the US forces involvement in the Vietnam War, what pray tell would have been the reason for them killing, maiming and robbing and murdering the first black cop in that town and two others?

They blew themselves up due to their own incompetence. And we'll still never know if they would have called in a warning or not. But since they did call in warning in nearly all of their other bombings it is likely that this would not have been an exception.

Ayers turned himself in in 1980. Boudin join B.L.A. and in 1981 was part of the robbery that you describe as the Brinks Armed Car Robbery. The Weather Underground was dead. It's death began shortly after the war ended.
CaféAuLait;7138640 said:
The bombs were never placed nor is ther any reason to suspect that they would not have called in a warning about the bombs. And not being the British the authorities would have evacuated the buildings. But since they did explode prematurely we'll never know for sure.

Oh so your defense is incompetence? Not the FACT that this is what they planned and the only reason they did not blow up the dance is because they blew up three of their own and part of a NYC block trying to prepare?

What is there to defend? That they blew themselves up due to their own incompetence is given. There is no reason to believe that they wouldn't have called in a warning had that not occurred.

Did the Marathon Bombers give any type of warning?

There is actually no reason TO believe that any scumbag diseased enough to plan to commit such bombings, like Ayers and the weather underground schmoes would "call in a warning."
After all the lapping up of the rightie propaganda, you must have been amazed that most American voters rejected those Rabid Talking points huh?

Personally, I haven't lapped up any propaganda. I certainly reject your pathetic & idiotic efforts to propagandize for the likes of that scumbag Bill Ayers.

And I have no clue what alleged "Rabid Talking" points you are alluding to above. Your comical lack of clarity is quite similar to TderpM's. Do you two fuck each other?

IlarMeilyr admits to being a useful idiot.


Oh that's clever. Whey you have nothing and I rub your nose in it, you resort to a simple and simple-minded lie.

You didn't even make the claim, so I couldn't have "admitted" to it. And I wouldn't nobody can "admit" that your lies are truthful, you idiot.

You, by contrast, ARE a complete idiot. I see no utility in you however.
CaféAuLait;7138742 said:
What is there to defend? That they blew themselves up due to their own incompetence is given. There is no reason to believe that they wouldn't have called in a warning had that not occurred.

Did the Marathon Bombers give any type of warning?

So you are using incompentence as a defence for the planning of mass murder. Faisal Shahzad should be innocent too, right? Since sheer incompentence assured that bomb did not explode in Times Square. He "may" have called in a warning too, right?

The Brinks Armed Car Robbery? Your explanation for that? Killed two police officers and one security guard. Given this was 8 years past the end of the US forces involvement in the Vietnam War, what pray tell would have been the reason for them killing, maiming and robbing and murdering the first black cop in that town and two others?

They blew themselves up due to their own incompetence. And we'll still never know if they would have called in a warning or not. But since they did call in warning in nearly all of their other bombings it is likely that this would not have been an exception.

Ayers turned himself in in 1980. Boudin join B.L.A. and in 1981 was part of the robbery that you describe as the Brinks Armed Car Robbery. The Weather Underground was dead. It's death began shortly after the war ended.

Ayers was Boudin's mentor. She also belonged to the WUO and the 'above ground' WUO called the May 13 Communist Org, which Ayers started too.

The May 19th Communist Organization (also variously referred to as the May 19 Coalition, May 19 Communist Coalition, and various alternatives of M19CO), was a US-based, self-described revolutionary organization formed by members of the Weather Underground Organization. The group was originally known as the New York chapter of the Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC), an organization devoted to legally promoting the causes of the Weather Underground

May 19th Communist Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Brink's robbery of 1981 was an armed robbery committed on October 20, 1981, which was carried out by Black Liberation Army members; including Jeral Wayne Williams (aka Mutulu Shakur), Donald Weems (aka Kuwasi Balagoon), Samuel Smith, Nathaniel Burns (aka Sekou Odinga), Cecilio "Chui" Ferguson, Samuel Brown (aka Solomon Bouines); several former members of the Weather Underground, now belonging to the May 19th Communist Organization, including David Gilbert, Samuel Brown, Judith Alice Clark, Kathy Boudin, and Marilyn Buck; and an unknown number of accomplices.[1]'s_robbery_(1981)

Boudin was part of that org which robbed the Brinks truck. The May 13 Communist Org was Ayers' baby too.

Boudin, Clark, and Gilbert were found guilty and sentenced to lengthy terms in prison. Media reports listed them as former Weatherman Underground members[125] considered the “last gasps” of the Weather Underground.[126] The documentary The Weather Underground described the Brinks Robbery as the "unofficial end" of the Weather Underground.
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CaféAuLait;7138640 said:
Oh so your defense is incompetence? Not the FACT that this is what they planned and the only reason they did not blow up the dance is because they blew up three of their own and part of a NYC block trying to prepare?

What is there to defend? That they blew themselves up due to their own incompetence is given. There is no reason to believe that they wouldn't have called in a warning had that not occurred.

Did the Marathon Bombers give any type of warning?

There is actually no reason TO believe that any scumbag diseased enough to plan to commit such bombings, like Ayers and the weather underground schmoes would "call in a warning."

Usefull idiots have no use for history.

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