After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Different times, different war. They were forcing young American men, who couldn't get a deferment, into killing and being killed. Today no one is forced to join the military. It was a war of choice as we were not defending America. I should think that if somehow the Government reinstated the drafts and got involved in another war of choice like Vietnam or Iraq, we would see a lot more protest. IMHO.

I wasn't for the Viet Nam "police action" and I have no problem with demonstrations. The use of the bombs goes far beyond a demonstration.

Peaceful demonstrations were not working.

Do you want to get seriously embarrassed again? I will accomodate you. :eusa_angel:I'll smear you all over this board again.

The WU were not just anti Vietnam war. They were true communists trying to overthrow the American government at the time.

These are truths. I am so tired of the likes of L'ol Lady trying to pervert truth.

Now she can lie her ass off from here to Kingdom come but I also have the right to call her out. Her lies are horrid.
Those Cheznians were Navy seals and members of The Craft --- numerous videos .
You are being hoodwinked again by another American False Flag .

Dear BC: Be sure to get this information to their dear Aunt in Canada. IF you want to send that poor woman further over the edge with conspiracy theories. Or better yet, list all your sources where you get your information. If the FBI hired these websites to do background checks on suspected terrorists and conspirators, nobody would get through! I even found sources digging up dirt on Mother Teresa. So that would end the immigration issue. Next?
Do you want to get seriously embarrassed again? I will accomodate you. :eusa_angel:I'll smear you all over this board again.


LOL....Common peanut butter talking to Nutella. LOL

Any post you can dispute girl? Have I lied? Have I given truth girl?

No, harlot, the truth is not in you. Girl? You don't know me like that. In fact, you don't know me at all...stay in your little corner and hush.
Bill Ayers: Domestic Terrorist or American Hero
Ayers did not blow anyone up but the could have if he wanted to. He was protesting the VIetnam war and it's atrocities and he was my hero because he contributed to ending the war and saving lives of Americans. I wish he had done more sooner and wish there are Ayers today to protest the Iraq and Afghanistan war. Bush is the terrorist because he blew up almost a million innocent people sending your children to sacrifice their lives to satisfy his ego_Oh,Yes, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld was found guilty of war crimes by International Tribune and we should have them on trial also. We don't have heroes like Ayers, Fonda anymore only a bunch of wussies with talk but no action in them.

Bill Ayers: Domestic Terrorist or American Hero? - Hippyland

Different times, different war. They were forcing young American men, who couldn't get a deferment, into killing and being killed. Today no one is forced to join the military. It was a war of choice as we were not defending America. I should think that if somehow the Governement reinstated the drafts and got involved in another war of choice like Vietnam or Iraq, we would see a lot more protest. IMHO.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about with the draft. Not at all. Your post actually surprised me.

With all due respect, you are so wrong on this post.

So do you remember anybody whose number came up that came home in a box KIA? Who died a half a world away from their family and loved ones? Or even some that never returned at all MIA?

To claim that what the WUO did in the late 60's and early 70's to what these two religonist, or other Islamic terrorist have done, targeting civilians, women and childrenn is wrong.
The WU were not just anti Vietnam war. They were true communists trying to overthrow the American government at the time.


What's also sad is Ho Chi Minh pushed ideals of equality and ownership of the land by the people, that went against Communist oppression. They aligned with a bigger bully for support to try to win national independence, but got taken over by that bigger force. As long as the Vietnamese people blame each other for enabling enemy influences, it's harder to unite and defend the country from continuing political hijacking exploiting this division.
Divide and conquer, same old story, over and over until we learn to unite and overcome.
We get distracted going to battle over the symptoms, and miss resolving the root causes.
Maybe, this time around, we can get past that and do differently. And not repeat the past.
LOL....Common peanut butter talking to Nutella. LOL

Any post you can dispute girl? Have I lied? Have I given truth girl?

No, harlot, the truth is not in you. Girl? You don't know me like that. In fact, you don't know me at all...stay in your little corner and hush.

Harlot ?:lmao: oh too funny. Stay in my corner and hush. It's gets better with every post. Keep rocking on.
The WU were not just anti Vietnam war. They were true communists trying to overthrow the American government at the time.


And in less than a year they put out another booklet "Politics in Command" was their new political-military strategy. It furthers the line of building a legal, above-ground organization and begins to minimize the armed struggle role.

List of Weatherman actions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But by then the war was over and they were losing members and soon the whole organization began to splinter.

But in all their years as a militant radical organization, they never targeted innocent women and children like the Boston Bombers did.
The WU were not just anti Vietnam war. They were true communists trying to overthrow the American government at the time.


And in less than a year they put out another booklet "Politics in Command" was their new political-military strategy. It furthers the line of building a legal, above-ground organization and begins to minimize the armed struggle role.

List of Weatherman actions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But by then the war was over and they were losing members and soon the whole organization began to splinter.

But in all their years as a militant radical organization, they never targeted innocent women and children like the Boston Bombers did.
dude, who cares? they blew shit up. what part of that don't you get? their actions were illegal. not to mention the risk involved with their actions. intending to kill or not, when you blow shit up, especially public buildings, people could die. there is no defending ayers and these other assholes.

Dear Tinydancer: Most groups I know that sound like this are too scattered to form any threatening network. The terror cells of Al Qaeda and related terrorists are probably the most cohesive and threatening, but their top leaders were mostly killed off and now it's just reduced to independent groups, so these need to be addressed locally per country in order to prevent from these spreading internationally.

the groups rebelling against corporate capitalism have to work peacefully in order to be sustainable or they fracture off. Even Occupy, which is peaceful in comparison, fell apart as a global movement, and is now separate projects and groups, where the ones that last have SUSTAINABLE ideas, such as the rolling jubilee and strike debt that actually involve microdonations into doing some good for some people.

Any group that is based on using force to rebel tends to self-implode. People cannot generally agree on a leader if the point is to rebel against top-down hierachy. So the groups stable enough to keep going, by their nature, tend to be peaceful ones against coersion.

If you are worried about where racketeering is going on, look into prisons, and gangs into drug or human trafficking, with some cult-related torture and violent rituals mixed in there.
That is where some real danger is. And law enforcement needs all the help they can get!
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Different times, different war. They were forcing young American men, who couldn't get a deferment, into killing and being killed. Today no one is forced to join the military. It was a war of choice as we were not defending America. I should think that if somehow the Governement reinstated the drafts and got involved in another war of choice like Vietnam or Iraq, we would see a lot more protest. IMHO.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about with the draft. Not at all. Your post actually surprised me.

With all due respect, you are so wrong on this post.

So do you remember anybody whose number came up that came home in a box KIA? Who died a half a world away from their family and loved ones? Or even some that never returned at all MIA?

To claim that what the WUO did in the late 60's and early 70's to what these two religonist, or other Islamic terrorist have done, targeting civilians, women and childrenn is wrong.

Let's address my friends first. Every summer the journey was normally to Ormond Beach from up here.

You have to understand that if you jump into Lake Ontario even in freaking August you are going to suffer from hypothermia.

I digress.

My dad loved Florida. YAY!!! Because I have suffered the effects of Lake Ontario as a child. :eusa_angel:I adored going south.

Now to my friends.

Arthur and Doug. Yes. I knew two young men. Carolinas. Let me pull a Sophia on you here.

Picture it. My Baba was dying of cancer. We knew it was going to be the last trip with her. My dad couldn't take us. So three generations of women headed south to make sure my Baba enjoyed her last summer.

I ran into these two guys called Arthur and Doug. Just drafted.Vietnam was a big deal. My mom actually ended up sneaking them across the Canadian border as draft dodgers.

But they were good souls. They went home and served. Long story, truly a long story in between. My dad's face when we rolled in with them was priceless. :eusa_angel:

I'm posting on the fly so I'm praying there's a coherent message here.

Long story short. Yeah I knew two friends who served in Vietnam. One came back ok. Doug didn't.
The WU were not just anti Vietnam war. They were true communists trying to overthrow the American government at the time.


And in less than a year they put out another booklet "Politics in Command" was their new political-military strategy. It furthers the line of building a legal, above-ground organization and begins to minimize the armed struggle role.

List of Weatherman actions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But by then the war was over and they were losing members and soon the whole organization began to splinter.

But in all their years as a militant radical organization, they never targeted innocent women and children like the Boston Bombers did.

(emphasis added)


On March 6, 1970, during preparations for the bombing of a Non-Commissioned Officers’ (NCO) dance at the Fort Dix U.S. Army base and for Butler Library at Columbia University,[2] there was an explosion in a Greenwich Village safe house when the nail bomb being constructed prematurely detonated for unknown reasons. WUO members Diana Oughton, Ted Gold, and Terry Robbins died in the explosion.

Weather Underground - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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