After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

What is there to defend? That they blew themselves up due to their own incompetence is given. There is no reason to believe that they wouldn't have called in a warning had that not occurred.

Did the Marathon Bombers give any type of warning?

There is actually no reason TO believe that any scumbag diseased enough to plan to commit such bombings, like Ayers and the weather underground schmoes would "call in a warning."

Usefull idiots have no use for history.

You don't?

Oh my bad. I thought -- given your illiteracy -- that you were making reference to utterly useless idiots like you.
And I can't believe so many have wasted their time and energy focusing on Bill Ayers....I mean they rail if you bring up anything about Bush but think that Bill Ayers is still red meat. Ayers was nothing but a red herring for the stupid right wingers in the first place. Dangling somebody from the 60's into their faces and they gobble it up like the trained seals that they are.

No wonder they lost in 2012.

Fuck off newbie. Red herring kiss my ass. Who wrote this shit you retarded liberal?




What is there to defend? That they blew themselves up due to their own incompetence is given. There is no reason to believe that they wouldn't have called in a warning had that not occurred.

Did the Marathon Bombers give any type of warning?

There is actually no reason TO believe that any scumbag diseased enough to plan to commit such bombings, like Ayers and the weather underground schmoes would "call in a warning."

Usefull idiots have no use for history.

What part of crazy are you?
CaféAuLait;7138858 said:
CaféAuLait;7138742 said:
So you are using incompentence as a defence for the planning of mass murder. Faisal Shahzad should be innocent too, right? Since sheer incompentence assured that bomb did not explode in Times Square. He "may" have called in a warning too, right?

The Brinks Armed Car Robbery? Your explanation for that? Killed two police officers and one security guard. Given this was 8 years past the end of the US forces involvement in the Vietnam War, what pray tell would have been the reason for them killing, maiming and robbing and murdering the first black cop in that town and two others?

They blew themselves up due to their own incompetence. And we'll still never know if they would have called in a warning or not. But since they did call in warning in nearly all of their other bombings it is likely that this would not have been an exception.

Ayers turned himself in in 1980. Boudin join B.L.A. and in 1981 was part of the robbery that you describe as the Brinks Armed Car Robbery. The Weather Underground was dead. It's death began shortly after the war ended.

Ayers was Boudin's mentor. She also belonged to the WUO and the 'above ground' WUO called the May 13 Communist Org, which Ayers started too.

May 19th Communist Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Brink's robbery of 1981 was an armed robbery committed on October 20, 1981, which was carried out by Black Liberation Army members; including Jeral Wayne Williams (aka Mutulu Shakur), Donald Weems (aka Kuwasi Balagoon), Samuel Smith, Nathaniel Burns (aka Sekou Odinga), Cecilio "Chui" Ferguson, Samuel Brown (aka Solomon Bouines); several former members of the Weather Underground, now belonging to the May 19th Communist Organization, including David Gilbert, Samuel Brown, Judith Alice Clark, Kathy Boudin, and Marilyn Buck; and an unknown number of accomplices.[1]'s_robbery_(1981)

Boudin was part of that org which robbed the Brinks truck. The May 13 Communist Org was Ayers' baby too.

Boudin, Clark, and Gilbert were found guilty and sentenced to lengthy terms in prison. Media reports listed them as former Weatherman Underground members[125] considered the “last gasps” of the Weather Underground.[126] The documentary The Weather Underground described the Brinks Robbery as the "unofficial end" of the Weather Underground.

Weather Underground - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Holy toledo. Billie and Bernie adopted Kathy's kid.

Oh no they are not connected. Pssshaw. :eusa_shhh:
CaféAuLait;7138858 said:
They blew themselves up due to their own incompetence. And we'll still never know if they would have called in a warning or not. But since they did call in warning in nearly all of their other bombings it is likely that this would not have been an exception.

Ayers turned himself in in 1980. Boudin join B.L.A. and in 1981 was part of the robbery that you describe as the Brinks Armed Car Robbery. The Weather Underground was dead. It's death began shortly after the war ended.

Ayers was Boudin's mentor. She also belonged to the WUO and the 'above ground' WUO called the May 13 Communist Org, which Ayers started too.

May 19th Communist Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia's_robbery_(1981)

Boudin was part of that org which robbed the Brinks truck. The May 13 Communist Org was Ayers' baby too.

Boudin, Clark, and Gilbert were found guilty and sentenced to lengthy terms in prison. Media reports listed them as former Weatherman Underground members[125] considered the “last gasps” of the Weather Underground.[126] The documentary The Weather Underground described the Brinks Robbery as the "unofficial end" of the Weather Underground.

Weather Underground - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Holy toledo. Billie and Bernie adopted Kathy's kid.

Oh no they are not connected. Pssshaw. :eusa_shhh:

NO kidding, eh? Forget that they ( Dhorn and Ayers) raised Boudin's child and adopted him. Dhorn ( Ayers' wife) also refused to testify in the Brinks robbery and was jailed for it. Forget the fact that where she worked there were stolen customer ID's which were used to rent trucks that just happened to be used in a series of robberies which led to the Brinks Robbery resutling in the death of three and over a million dollars stolen.

They are everyday people and no one should be upset at all. They were only fighting the Vietnam War in 1981. :eusa_hand:
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Different times, different war. They were forcing young American men, who couldn't get a deferment, into killing and being killed. Today no one is forced to join the military. It was a war of choice as we were not defending America. I should think that if somehow the Government reinstated the drafts and got involved in another war of choice like Vietnam or Iraq, we would see a lot more protest. IMHO.

I wasn't for the Viet Nam "police action" and I have no problem with demonstrations. The use of the bombs goes far beyond a demonstration.

Peaceful demonstrations were not working. peaceful protest got civil right peaceful demonstrators killed. Are we demonstrating peaceful in Iraq and Afghanistan. No we are violently demonstrating our opposition to terrorist that attacked us on 9-11? We just call it war.

Listen up and learn, the violence from the Weathermen didn't bring the war to an end, no matter how many times you say it.
Peaceful demonstrations and the media with Walter Cronkite's message was what turned the politicians off to funding the "police action" and brought the soldiers home.
The weatherman's intent was to draw attention to a government and political/military industrial complex that was murdering thousands of good American boys a month and many more thousands of Asians....As the best president we ever had warned us. That would be Eisenhower. What those kids did was patriotic.

What a load of crap. The weatherman's real intent was centered on a future in which the communist nations of Cuba, North Korea, China and the Soviet Union would occupy various parts of the U.S., with “re-education centers” established in the Southwest to prevent counterrevolution. These concentration camps were to be for re-educating die-hard capitalists. And those who couldn't be re-educated would need to be eliminated. As was stated: "And when I say ‘eliminate,’ I mean ‘kill....twenty-five million people.”

"Praying for wisdom" is an oxymoron Sport.
It worked for Solomon. He threatened to split a baby to determine the mother's true identity. He wasn't just smart. He was wise and knew how to get down to the brass tacks by decimating the lie with a truth: a real mother would save the baby's life rather than have it killed on principle.
The weatherman's intent was to draw attention to a government and political/military industrial complex that was murdering thousands of good American boys a month and many more thousands of Asians....As the best president we ever had warned us. That would be Eisenhower. What those kids did was patriotic.

What a load of crap. The weatherman's real intent was centered on a future in which the communist nations of Cuba, North Korea, China and the Soviet Union would occupy various parts of the U.S., with “re-education centers” established in the Southwest to prevent counterrevolution. These concentration camps were to be for re-educating die-hard capitalists. And those who couldn't be re-educated would need to be eliminated. As was stated: "And when I say ‘eliminate,’ I mean ‘kill....twenty-five million people.”

"Praying for wisdom" is an oxymoron Sport.

So, instead of debating the facts I posted, you have to attack a quote in my sig by a friend I respect, freedombecki. How leftist of you.
The weatherman's intent was to draw attention to a government and political/military industrial complex that was murdering thousands of good American boys a month and many more thousands of Asians....As the best president we ever had warned us. That would be Eisenhower. What those kids did was patriotic.

What a load of crap. The weatherman's real intent was centered on a future in which the communist nations of Cuba, North Korea, China and the Soviet Union would occupy various parts of the U.S., with “re-education centers” established in the Southwest to prevent counterrevolution. These concentration camps were to be for re-educating die-hard capitalists. And those who couldn't be re-educated would need to be eliminated. As was stated: "And when I say ‘eliminate,’ I mean ‘kill....twenty-five million people.”

"Praying for wisdom" is an oxymoron Sport.

Cocking sucking doesnt give you wisdom, praying might.....
desperate op is really desperate

What part of this don't you get? The WU and Bernie and Billie were terrorists don't you get?

Your response to the desperate op is really desperate

Your efforts to offer your rejoinders are lame.

Bill Ayers was a fucking terrorist and belonged to a scumbag terrorist group.

His lovely wife was too.

And President Obama got his filthy political career launched at their little booster session. He and Ayers worked together thereafter too.

If any GOP President had a terrorist "pal" like Obama does, the media would have flayed him alive.

You know that to be the truth, too. But you are never honest enough to admit the obvious if it disturbs your silly propagandized world view.

You are just a hack.
What part of this don't you get? The WU and Bernie and Billie were terrorists don't you get?

Your response to the desperate op is really desperate

Your efforts to offer your rejoinders are lame.

Bill Ayers was a fucking terrorist and belonged to a scumbag terrorist group.

His lovely wife was too.

And President Obama got his filthy political career launched at their little booster session. He and Ayers worked together thereafter too.

If any GOP President had a terrorist "pal" like Obama does, the media would have flayed him alive.

You know that to be the truth, too. But you are never honest enough to admit the obvious if it disturbs your silly propagandized world view.

You are just a hack.

how many years will it take

for the surviving bomber

to be a folk hero to the left

there really is no difference between that guy

and ayers
Your response to the desperate op is really desperate

Your efforts to offer your rejoinders are lame.

Bill Ayers was a fucking terrorist and belonged to a scumbag terrorist group.

His lovely wife was too.

And President Obama got his filthy political career launched at their little booster session. He and Ayers worked together thereafter too.

If any GOP President had a terrorist "pal" like Obama does, the media would have flayed him alive.

You know that to be the truth, too. But you are never honest enough to admit the obvious if it disturbs your silly propagandized world view.

You are just a hack.

how many years will it take

for the surviving bomber

to be a folk hero to the left

there really is no difference between that guy

and ayers

How many minutes after the bombs went off did it take for the pseudo-conservatives to start building their strawmen to attack and try and gain polical points from this tragedy?
Your efforts to offer your rejoinders are lame.

Bill Ayers was a fucking terrorist and belonged to a scumbag terrorist group.

His lovely wife was too.

And President Obama got his filthy political career launched at their little booster session. He and Ayers worked together thereafter too.

If any GOP President had a terrorist "pal" like Obama does, the media would have flayed him alive.

You know that to be the truth, too. But you are never honest enough to admit the obvious if it disturbs your silly propagandized world view.

You are just a hack.

how many years will it take

for the surviving bomber

to be a folk hero to the left

there really is no difference between that guy

and ayers

How many minutes after the bombs went off did it take for the pseudo-conservatives to start building their strawmen to attack and try and gain polical points from this tragedy?

Yes, yes those damn conservatives with politizing....

- Just hours after the bombing, Michael Moore blamed the Tea Party for the tragedy, tweeting “2+2 =” followed by “Tax Day. Patriots Day.”

- A opinion piece published last night entitled, “Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American,” expressed the desire that the “bomber ends up being a white anti-government extremist.”

- Former Bill Clinton and Obama advisor David Axelrod also hinted on MSNBC that the attack could have been a form of tax protest.

- CNN analysts claimed that “extreme right-wing individuals” are fond of the pressure cooker device featured in al-Qaeda’s magazine that was purportedly used to bomb the Boston Marathon finish line.

- CNN’s Wolf Blitzer stated on live television within one hour after the bombings: “It is a state holiday, in addition to the Boston Marathon. It is a state holiday in Massachusetts today, called Patriots’ Day. And who knows if that had anything at all to do with these twin explosions?”

- MSNBC’s Chris Matthews also theorized that the bombing could be the result of a protest against federal income taxes. “As you point out, and I just forgot, I filed already. It’s filing day for the federal income tax, which does cause some emotions around the country – sometimes in the wrong parts of the brain anyway,” Matthews said during his show.


Will Obama Insider, Media Mouthpieces Apologize For Fingering Tea Party As Bombers? | Tea Party

I forgot....what were you saying, BlindBoo?

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