After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Ayers was/is a convicted domestic terrorist. He is not in jail today because the police screwed up the investigation. Obama and Ayers were political hacks together in Chicago. Ayers supported Obama in every election.

No one is lying about that but you.

As to Benghazi, 4 americans died because obama tried to cover it up before the election. That is also a historical fact.

spin all you wish, in the end the truth will win out.

The left defends Ayers because he is one of their "heroes". He fits the mold of "radical, pseudo-intellectual" that the left looks to for inspiration. Anything to "stick it to the "man"".

He is worthless garbage. If he were to be hit by a train, I would cheer. Just like tht bitch Jane Fonda.
Only the left would sit on their smug asses and try to justify Bill Ayers' behavior by pointing to the fact that "he didn't kill anyone". Just serves to prove what pigs the left are.

Please don't insult all female dogs in the future. "Hanoi Jane" is proper protocall for that traitor. :eusa_eh:

The biggest traitor to this country, after Benedict Arnold, was Ronald Reagan.

You should understand what "traitor" means.

Reagan and Arnold fill the bill.
Again, you can try that and all... but Nixon expanded the war, sabotaged an attempt by LBJ to get a settlement, and ordered unconstitutional actions against war opponents.

Oh, yeah, and there was that whole "resigning in disgrace thing".

Now, that said, Nixon was a far better president than any Republican who followed him.

So he has that going for him.

With the exception of killing millions in south east asia.

Millions were killed in Southeast Asia before he got there, and millions were killed in Southeast asia after he left. So, no, the only thing I blame Nixon for was putting "America saving face" above saving AMERICAN lives.

He expanded the war into Cambodia and Laos. Cambodia was particularly disgusting since it gave rise to the Khmer Rouge, who for a short time, Nixon supported as a foil against the NVA. Millions died due to the actions of Nixon. Fact is, that Kissinger had to stop Nixon from blowing up dykes that would have killed 250K Vietnamese in just one day.

Nixon was a sociopath.
Its sickening to listen to the libtards defend Ayers. They do it because if they told the truth about him it would reflect negatively on the kenyan messiah.

the kool aide continues to be consumed in copious quantities by the left.

Where have I defended Ayers? I was just correcting the lie that innocent people were killed in the bombings and the notion that Obama was "palling around" with a killer. Apparently repeating a lie is no problem for you. In forty years your kind will undoubtedly be spreading the word that Obama went to Ben Ghazi and killed four Americans personally.

Ayers was/is a convicted domestic terrorist. He is not in jail today because the police screwed up the investigation. Obama and Ayers were political hacks together in Chicago. Ayers supported Obama in every election.

No one is lying about that but you.

As to Benghazi, 4 americans died because obama tried to cover it up before the election. That is also a historical fact.

spin all you wish, in the end the truth will win out.

He's not in jail because he was never convicted on anything.

And there was no cover up. President Obama sent officials, right away, to explain what happened.

After that, the right wing nuts played a game of gotcha, wasting tax payer money to try to bring down a President they didn't like.

Romney, in a particularly disgusting and unprecedented move, was criticizing the President while the situation was still fluid.

You folks really showed your druthers.
As we see from the responses, Libs would be cool with the Boston Bombers involvement in Democrat politics. They had a Grand Kleagle, a guy who murdered his GF in a car as party leaders, so yeah, they don't get why this would bother normal people
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Its sickening to listen to the libtards defend Ayers. They do it because if they told the truth about him it would reflect negatively on the kenyan messiah.

the kool aide continues to be consumed in copious quantities by the left.

Where have I defended Ayers? I was just correcting the lie that innocent people were killed in the bombings and the notion that Obama was "palling around" with a killer. Apparently repeating a lie is no problem for you. In forty years your kind will undoubtedly be spreading the word that Obama went to Ben Ghazi and killed four Americans personally.

Ayers was/is a convicted domestic terrorist. He is not in jail today because the police screwed up the investigation. Obama and Ayers were political hacks together in Chicago. Ayers supported Obama in every election.

No one is lying about that but you.

As to Benghazi, 4 americans died because obama tried to cover it up before the election. That is also a historical fact.

spin all you wish, in the end the truth will win out.

We could only hope but I think you underestimate the power of the MSM and the democrat propaganda.
As we see from the responses, Libs would be cool with the Boston Bombers involvement in Democrat politics. They had a Grand Kleagle, a guy who murdered his GF in a car as party leaders, so yeah, they don't get why this would bother normal people

Last time I checked, we didn't make accussations facts.

for the record, Byrd was not really a "Kleagle" or whatever you guys want to make him, nor did Ted "murder" anyone. It was an accident. Just like that mormon missionary that was killed in an accident where Mitt Romney was driving was an accident or Laura Bush's boyfriend was killed in his covair when she slammed into it was an accident.

Honestly, guy, here's the thing.

I voted Republican in every election from 1980 to 2008. But I didn't this time because I realized that the Republicans care more about rich people than my problems. And I really fucking hate Mormons. But that's neither here nor there.

Not saying the democrats care all that much more, but the GOP lost my vote, the Democrats didn't gain it. And trying to get me upset about shit that happened 40 years ago when the country had lost its mind isn't gonig to change that.
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As we see from the responses, Libs would be cool with the Boston Bombers involvement in Democrat politics. They had a Grand Kleagle, a guy who murdered his GF in a car as party leaders, so yeah, they don't get why this would bother normal people

You say that after running Romney for President.

Who murdered his GF in a car as well.
With the exception of killing millions in south east asia.

Millions were killed in Southeast Asia before he got there, and millions were killed in Southeast asia after he left. So, no, the only thing I blame Nixon for was putting "America saving face" above saving AMERICAN lives.

He expanded the war into Cambodia and Laos. Cambodia was particularly disgusting since it gave rise to the Khmer Rouge, who for a short time, Nixon supported as a foil against the NVA. Millions died due to the actions of Nixon. Fact is, that Kissinger had to stop Nixon from blowing up dykes that would have killed 250K Vietnamese in just one day.

Nixon was a sociopath.

Or he lived in a different time.

During World War II, we blew up a whole bunch of German Dams that killed 1600 people, including 1000 prisoners in forced labor camps.

And Cambodia was hardly innocent. They turned a blind eye for years to the NVA moving weapons through their country. So did Laos. (Eisenhower had first suggested that the US Occupy Laos to JFK to interdict the arms flow to South Vietnam).

Again, in a War, we tolerate a lot of behavior that we wouldn't in peacetime.

Not praising Nixon, just putting him in context. And putting Ayers in context as well.

Shit, will there ever be a point where we STOP fighting the Vietnam war amongst ourselves? Even the freakin' Vietnamese are more over this than we are.
As we see from the responses, Libs would be cool with the Boston Bombers involvement in Democrat politics. They had a Grand Kleagle, a guy who murdered his GF in a car as party leaders, so yeah, they don't get why this would bother normal people

You say that after running Romney for President.

Who murdered his GF in a car as well.

Uh, no, he didn't.

A Missionary leader was killed when a car driven by a drunk French priest hit theirs. The police found said priest was drunk off his gourde. This woman was not Romney's "Girlfriend", she was a married Mormon about 30 years Romney's senior.

And everyone here knows, I am HARDLY a Romney sympathizer.
I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

No. I don't get it at all. Nor do most voters. Get over it.
There has to be a disconnect in the liberal mind. Ayers was in the process of making exactly the same anti-personnel bomb full of nails and shrapnel and testimony indicates that it was intended for a Ft. Dix Soldier's dance. It went off prematurely killing Ayers girlfriend and a couple of other revolutionaries. That makes Ayers guilty of felony murder in NY. Americans would be shocked and outraged if the Boston bomber was released because of some technical reason related to surveillance but that's what happened to Ayers. Of course lefties supported Columbia U. hiring a particularly vicious (former) terrorist, Kathy Boudin, who murdered two Police Officers and two Brinks guards in a botched robbery.

Actually, it was only one brinks guard, and the robbery was "successful" in that they got away with the money. Ms. Boudin, who served 22 years in prison despite the fact she hadn't shot anyone (those who did are serving life sentences), paid her debt to society. Not that you guys are bothered by little things called "Facts", but there they are.

Now, that said. The disconnect is that it was a time period when both sides had their actors who went overboard. No, Ayers was not convicted of his terrorist acts because the FBI didn't follow the law. And the National Guardsmen at Kent State who shot unarmed students protesting the bombing of Cambodia weren't prosecuted, either.

At a certain point, we decided as a country, to kind of put the whole thing behind us. Admit Vietnam was a horrible idea, but don't entirely forgive those like John Kerry and Jane Fonda who pointed out that it was. Ayers wasn't prosecuted, and Nixon got a pardon.

Those of us that went to Vietnam thought we were there to kill communist. Perhaps it would have been better to keep the military home to get rid of the ones we had right here in this country. The likes of Fonda and Ayers did a lot of harm to America and the military that was sent to do their country's bidding. If these cowards had any real courage they would have went to Vietnam to fight along side of their brothers against American troops. Fonda came close with her photo shots as she appeared to man an anti-aircraft gun.
I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

No. I don't get it at all. Nor do most voters. Get over it.

I think the cold-blooded, ruthless support of Ayers is surprising a lot of us. He's just like these Boston Bombers, he did the same things and had the same agenda and you still support him.
I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

No. I don't get it at all. Nor do most voters. Get over it.

I think the cold-blooded, ruthless support of Ayers is surprising a lot of us. He's just like these Boston Bombers, he did the same things and had the same agenda and you still support him.

yes just the other day

the prezbo did say

"anyone who uses bombs is a terrorist"

bill ayers did use bombs

making him a terrorist
"After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?"

I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

No. I don't get it at all. Nor do most voters. Get over it.

I think the cold-blooded, ruthless support of Ayers is surprising a lot of us. He's just like these Boston Bombers, he did the same things and had the same agenda and you still support him.

they support him because he supports obama. If they admit that Ayers was/is a domestic terrorist then they admit that obama is/was a domestic terrorist sympathizer or enabler.
No. I don't get it at all. Nor do most voters. Get over it.

I think the cold-blooded, ruthless support of Ayers is surprising a lot of us. He's just like these Boston Bombers, he did the same things and had the same agenda and you still support him.

yes just the other day

the prezbo did say

"anyone who uses bombs is a terrorist"

bill ayers did use bombs

making him a terrorist

Are Hellfire missiles bombs?
Bill Ayers is not Obama's pal and Obama is not Bill Ayers pal. This is more bullshit you guys have created out of the blue. Because they crossed paths does not mean they are pals. Because Ayers supported Obama does not make them pals. Those of you who promote such nonsense are either absolute liars or extremely paranoid. Either one is not something to brag about.

Denying fact, history and reality as you do, auditor.ooo7, only makes you look more pathetic.

Bill fucking Ayers, that domestic terrorist scumbag piece of ultra-lib shit, helped launch the Obama political career.

They are indeed old pals.

And you are just a liar.

Who the hell is denying fact or history, moron?

You are the moron denying fact and history, you fucking moron.

Despite your ensuing slop, the FACT is that Bill fucking Ayers (an actual by God domestic terrorist piece of rat shit) WAS a pal of Obama.

That you know what Ayers did is so fucking commendable, you brain-dead ass-sucking moron.

Its relevance to today, you diseased coc-sucking imbecile, is that it refutes your denial of who and what Ayers is and his relationship to Obama.

Thanks for playing.

Go back to sucking your toes, you dopey twat.
"After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?"


Sadly, you're right.

#1 Libs think that Obama can do no wrong
#2 Ayers is on the same side as Obama and the libs, so the right just needs to get over it.

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