After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

The only reason you righties give a shit about Ayers is to somehow link him to Obama - and that horse has been beaten to death. Why aren't you discussing little Timmy McVeigh...?


The other day Salon ran an article when the writer hoped the Boston bomber was a 'white American"

Let?s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American -

Followed it up with a second:

I still hope the bomber is a white American -

The writer was trying to say that whites are looked on as “lone wolves” while Muslims are seen as a whole. My grip with that is you have your “white terrorist’s”, many in fact, The Weathermen. Instead of slamming them they are embraced and allowed to teach our children. Their crimes, which include murder and terror, millions and millions in damage swept under the rug because they came from wealth and are left leaning. It matters not how much, death, mayhem and terror they caused. And seemingly because he or they ‘may’ have a connection with Obama, these admitted terrorist's can’t be held up for their actions. That is atrocious and disgusting.

Again this holds true:

The only reason they were not guilty of mass murder is mere incompetence. I don't know what sort of defense that is
Kathy Boudin is such a pig. But such a leftie. And every leftie on this board supports these terrorists.
CaféAuLait;7129486 said:
The only reason you righties give a shit about Ayers is to somehow link him to Obama - and that horse has been beaten to death. Why aren't you discussing little Timmy McVeigh...?


The other day Salon ran an article when the writer hoped the Boston bomber was a 'white American"

Let?s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American -

Followed it up with a second:

I still hope the bomber is a white American -

The writer was trying to say that whites are looked on as “lone wolves” while Muslims are seen as a whole. My grip with that is you have your “white terrorist’s”, many in fact, The Weathermen. Instead of slamming them they are embraced and allowed to teach our children. Their crimes, which include murder and terror, millions and millions in damage swept under the rug because they came from wealth and are left leaning. It matters not how much, death, mayhem and terror they caused. And seemingly because he or they ‘may’ have a connection with Obama, these admitted terrorist's can’t be held up for their actions. That is atrocious and disgusting.

Again this holds true:

The only reason they were not guilty of mass murder is mere incompetence. I don't know what sort of defense that is

Thank you.
A week after the left wing defended Columbia University's decision to hire a freaking murderer and racist who killed the first Black Police officer hired in Nyack NY and his white partner as well as two Brinks guards we have another terrorist bombing using the same components as Bill Ayers did when he made the bomb intended for Ft. Dix Soldiers.

I wonder if they know you are speaking about Kathy Boudin?

Another fine teacher we have is Ericka Huggins, ( black panthers) tortured and murdered Alex Rackley along with Warren Kimbro who was also a professor after his release for murder.
CaféAuLait;7129486 said:
The only reason you righties give a shit about Ayers is to somehow link him to Obama - and that horse has been beaten to death. Why aren't you discussing little Timmy McVeigh...?


The other day Salon ran an article when the writer hoped the Boston bomber was a 'white American"

Let?s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American -

Followed it up with a second:

I still hope the bomber is a white American -

The writer was trying to say that whites are looked on as “lone wolves” while Muslims are seen as a whole. My grip with that is you have your “white terrorist’s”, many in fact, The Weathermen. Instead of slamming them they are embraced and allowed to teach our children. Their crimes, which include murder and terror, millions and millions in damage swept under the rug because they came from wealth and are left leaning. It matters not how much, death, mayhem and terror they caused. And seemingly because he or they ‘may’ have a connection with Obama, these admitted terrorist's can’t be held up for their actions. That is atrocious and disgusting.

Again this holds true:

The only reason they were not guilty of mass murder is mere incompetence. I don't know what sort of defense that is

Thank you.

This whole route of not calling a terrorist a terrorist is rooted in the FACT the left radicals used the same tactics as Al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda is said to have bombed us because of WAR and it is the US's fault. That is the EXACT reason the Weathermen, New Year's Gang and others bombed buildings, planned attacks, and robbed Brinks cars, because of WAR. But they were supposedly educating us. Instead of admitting these were terrorist tactics there is now a movement to try and eradicate the word terrorist since they too used the same tactics. Let's down play it, because if we call Al-Qaeda terrorists then we are guilty of the same. Oh, don’t suggest I was a terrorist, or any left wing radical!! No, we are not! We were educating you!

Weathermen: Bombed Pentagon—Check
Weatherman Bombed Capitol – Check
Al-Qaeda attacked Pentagon -Check

Reason: War, check, check.

Weathermen planned bombing of Military instillation- Check—FAIL three dead, millions in damage because the bombs did not make it to their intended target, a dance at Fort Dix.

Al-Qaeda planned bombing of Military Instillation—Check-

Don’t call it terror because you are giving them too much power! But what the hell was the point of the Weathermen if it was not power? Power of thought and terror is what is was.

So go ahead and commit a crime, “expropriate” a bank. Just make sure you leave an incoherent manifesto at the scene, claiming that you’re shooting your guns and filling your pockets with loot for the people. When caught, you won’t be a convicted murderer, but a “political prisoner.” And when released, you can be a college professor.
CaféAuLait;7129642 said:
CaféAuLait;7129486 said:

The other day Salon ran an article when the writer hoped the Boston bomber was a 'white American"

Let?s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American -

Followed it up with a second:

I still hope the bomber is a white American -

The writer was trying to say that whites are looked on as “lone wolves” while Muslims are seen as a whole. My grip with that is you have your “white terrorist’s”, many in fact, The Weathermen. Instead of slamming them they are embraced and allowed to teach our children. Their crimes, which include murder and terror, millions and millions in damage swept under the rug because they came from wealth and are left leaning. It matters not how much, death, mayhem and terror they caused. And seemingly because he or they ‘may’ have a connection with Obama, these admitted terrorist's can’t be held up for their actions. That is atrocious and disgusting.

Again this holds true:

The only reason they were not guilty of mass murder is mere incompetence. I don't know what sort of defense that is

Thank you.

This whole route of not calling a terrorist a terrorist is rooted in the FACT the left radicals used the same tactics as Al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda is said to have bombed us because of WAR and it is the US's fault. That is the EXACT reason the Weathermen, New Year's Gang and others bombed buildings, planned attacks, and robbed Brinks cars, because of WAR. But they were supposedly educating us. Instead of admitting these were terrorist tactics there is now a movement to try and eradicate the word terrorist since they too used the same tactics. Let's down play it, because if we call Al-Qaeda terrorists then we are guilty of the same. Oh, don’t suggest I was a terrorist, or any left wing radical!! No, we are not! We were educating you!

Weathermen: Bombed Pentagon—Check
Weatherman Bombed Capitol – Check
Al-Qaeda attacked Pentagon -Check

Reason: War, check, check.

Weathermen planned bombing of Military instillation- Check—FAIL three dead, millions in damage because the bombs did not make it to their intended target, a dance at Fort Dix.

Al-Qaeda planned bombing of Military Instillation—Check-

Don’t call it terror because you are giving them too much power! But what the hell was the point of the Weathermen if it was not power? Power of thought and terror is what is was.

So go ahead and commit a crime, “expropriate” a bank. Just make sure you leave an incoherent manifesto at the scene, claiming that you’re shooting your guns and filling your pockets with loot for the people. When caught, you won’t be a convicted murderer, but a “political prisoner.” And when released, you can be a college professor.

you summed it up very nicely. :clap2:
I can cite threads I've started citing Obama's failures. I have called the man a liar. I'm a liberal so by definition #1 is inaccurate. Sorry.

And yes, you're too sensitive it this ever bothered you and especially if it still does.

You are, at best, merely an example of an outlying statistic.

So, no. It's accurate, but I accept your apology.

And no. It's not at all a matter of being too "sensitive." That cheap ass attempt of yours at rhetoric is completely unpersuasive.

I'm always tickled when non liberals tell us how "all" liberals feel. And yes, it's a matter of being overly sensitive if you're still hung up on Ayers. Persuasive or not, it's the truth...much like poll numbers from last November; I remember more than one conservative poster here not believing'll never guessed what happened to them. Those numbers weren't "persuasive either" but they were the truth.

Get back to me when you find where "I" said "all liberals", but nice of you to inject the word "all" to make your point, seems you are a wee bit sensitive. :eusa_whistle:
The point is that it does goes to the core of Obama's values in who he hangs with.
You have made my original point quite nicely, and I thank you for that....pos rep coming your way.
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Its sickening to listen to the libtards defend Ayers. They do it because if they told the truth about him it would reflect negatively on the kenyan messiah.

the kool aide continues to be consumed in copious quantities by the left.

Where have I defended Ayers? I was just correcting the lie that innocent people were killed in the bombings and the notion that Obama was "palling around" with a killer. Apparently repeating a lie is no problem for you. In forty years your kind will undoubtedly be spreading the word that Obama went to Ben Ghazi and killed four Americans personally.

Ayers was/is a convicted domestic terrorist. He is not in jail today because the police screwed up the investigation. Obama and Ayers were political hacks together in Chicago. Ayers supported Obama in every election.

No one is lying about that but you.

As to Benghazi, 4 americans died because obama tried to cover it up before the election. That is also a historical fact.

spin all you wish, in the end the truth will win out.

Ayers was never convicted.

4 Americans died because of a military style assaut on the compound where he was.

Your ODS is showing.
Where have I defended Ayers? I was just correcting the lie that innocent people were killed in the bombings and the notion that Obama was "palling around" with a killer. Apparently repeating a lie is no problem for you. In forty years your kind will undoubtedly be spreading the word that Obama went to Ben Ghazi and killed four Americans personally.

Ayers was/is a convicted domestic terrorist. He is not in jail today because the police screwed up the investigation. Obama and Ayers were political hacks together in Chicago. Ayers supported Obama in every election.

No one is lying about that but you.

As to Benghazi, 4 americans died because obama tried to cover it up before the election. That is also a historical fact.

spin all you wish, in the end the truth will win out.

Ayers was never convicted.

4 Americans died because of a military style assaut on the compound where he was.

Your ODS is showing.

wrong on both counts. ayers was found guilty but was let off due to a technicality.

Benghazi happened because obama did not respond to warnings because he thought it might hurt his campaign.
Ayers was never convicted because of an error in the investigation that resulted in the charges being thrown out, not because he proved his innocence.

To liberals, Bill Ayers was always right. He didn't do enough. Today's muslims are merely correcting that error.
You are, at best, merely an example of an outlying statistic.

So, no. It's accurate, but I accept your apology.

And no. It's not at all a matter of being too "sensitive." That cheap ass attempt of yours at rhetoric is completely unpersuasive.

I'm always tickled when non liberals tell us how "all" liberals feel. And yes, it's a matter of being overly sensitive if you're still hung up on Ayers. Persuasive or not, it's the truth...much like poll numbers from last November; I remember more than one conservative poster here not believing'll never guessed what happened to them. Those numbers weren't "persuasive either" but they were the truth.

Get back to me when you find where "I" said "all liberals", but nice of you to inject the word "all" to make your point, seems you are a wee bit sensitive. :eusa_whistle:
When you aren't qualifying your statement with "some" or "many" the inference is there.

Posters on this message board can be real dicks sometime. Do I mean you? Who knows?

The point is that it does goes to the core of Obama's values in who he hangs with.
You have made my original point quite nicely, and I thank you for that....pos rep coming your way.

And I guess you think Obama approved of what happened in Boston because of his relationship with Ayers?
I'm always tickled when non liberals tell us how "all" liberals feel. And yes, it's a matter of being overly sensitive if you're still hung up on Ayers. Persuasive or not, it's the truth...much like poll numbers from last November; I remember more than one conservative poster here not believing'll never guessed what happened to them. Those numbers weren't "persuasive either" but they were the truth.

Get back to me when you find where "I" said "all liberals", but nice of you to inject the word "all" to make your point, seems you are a wee bit sensitive. :eusa_whistle:
When you aren't qualifying your statement with "some" or "many" the inference is there.

Posters on this message board can be real dicks sometime. Do I mean you? Who knows?

The point is that it does goes to the core of Obama's values in who he hangs with.
You have made my original point quite nicely, and I thank you for that....pos rep coming your way.

And I guess you think Obama approved of what happened in Boston because of his relationship with Ayers

Again, you're injecting something that was never inferred or stated. Go back to the OP and re-read that.
This isn't the 60's anymore, idiot.

The most dangerous people out there these days are right-wing extremists blowing up women's healthcare clinics and shooting and blowing up other Americans, and Islamic terrorists.

A left-wing fanatic nowadays is the kind of person who wishes to smoke pot after a lascivious afternoon of gay sex.

Weird how all the mass shootings end up being mentally ill left wing city dwellers.

Really? Mass shooting are mostly by gun clutching crackers

Since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass shootings across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and seven of them took place in 2012. We've mapped them below, including details on the shooters' identities, the types of weapons they used, and the number of victims they injured and killed.

A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

Why are these crackers so bitter?
Ayers was/is a convicted domestic terrorist. He is not in jail today because the police screwed up the investigation. Obama and Ayers were political hacks together in Chicago. Ayers supported Obama in every election.

No one is lying about that but you.

As to Benghazi, 4 americans died because obama tried to cover it up before the election. That is also a historical fact.

spin all you wish, in the end the truth will win out.

Ayers was never convicted.

4 Americans died because of a military style assaut on the compound where he was.

Your ODS is showing.

wrong on both counts. ayers was found guilty but was let off due to a technicality.

Benghazi happened because obama did not respond to warnings because he thought it might hurt his campaign.

The charges against Ayers were dropped. No conviction.

Benghazi was a military sytle assault on our compound. Republicans showed their true colors during the events that day didn't they? They couldn't wait till the fact were known before they were trying to make political point on the deaths.

Shit you're still trying........
This isn't the 60's anymore, idiot.

The most dangerous people out there these days are right-wing extremists blowing up women's healthcare clinics and shooting and blowing up other Americans, and Islamic terrorists.

A left-wing fanatic nowadays is the kind of person who wishes to smoke pot after a lascivious afternoon of gay sex.

Weird how all the mass shootings end up being mentally ill left wing city dwellers.

Really? Mass shooting are mostly by gun clutching crackers

Since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass shootings across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and seven of them took place in 2012. We've mapped them below, including details on the shooters' identities, the types of weapons they used, and the number of victims they injured and killed.

A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

Why are these crackers so bitter?

mmmm, thats what makes the news. you never hear about all the inner city drivebys. fact is, you only have a handful of mass shootings in the last decade. they really aren't all that frequent.
This isn't the 60's anymore, idiot.

The most dangerous people out there these days are right-wing extremists blowing up women's healthcare clinics and shooting and blowing up other Americans, and Islamic terrorists.

A left-wing fanatic nowadays is the kind of person who wishes to smoke pot after a lascivious afternoon of gay sex.

Weird how all the mass shootings end up being mentally ill left wing city dwellers.

Really? Mass shooting are mostly by gun clutching crackers

Since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass shootings across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and seven of them took place in 2012. We've mapped them below, including details on the shooters' identities, the types of weapons they used, and the number of victims they injured and killed.

A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

Why are these crackers so bitter?

Strange map! It includes "spree killings", but there's no mention of the Washington area sniper killings!

One man's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter.

^ An oft-repeated mantra of tragically stupid modern American liberoidalism.

I have sad news for you.

SOMETIMES, you dipshit, a freedom fighter is also just a scumbag terrorist.

NO, it's just a reality.

If they used the word in 1776, George Washington would be a "terrorist". Menachem Begin was considered a "Terrorist" by the British when they blew up the Kind David Hotel.

Our "problem" with Islam is that we keep sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

No. The tripe you spews is just modern American liberal pablum puke.

AS I ALREADY correctly noted, SOMETIMES a so-called freedom fighter IS just a terrorist.

And you are wrong about what "our" problem with Islam is.

It is a diseased mental illness passing itself off as a "religion," which standing alone may not be of much concern to me or most folks.

But part of the mental illness of that diseased scumbag religion is that it calls upon its adherents to do evil shit in the name of "Allah." Thankfully, I do not require a "by your leave" to address what they do.

Muslims may be, by and large, plenty good enough people. But their religion is a cancer.
I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Sure, this shows there was an ongoing threat of terrorism after 9/11.

And equivalently, the statements made by the Uncle show that
Muslims are not to blame, but the militant radicalization by Jihadists
which the faithful Muslims reject as conflicting with their spiritual values.

Do you see why this is a problem to blame all Muslims instead of isolating the Jihadists?
That is like blaming Christians for the radical Zionists who believe in violent Armeggeddon.

This incident should end equal denial on both sides, and maybe we'll be more effective
in the future by working together to address the causes instead of divided in conflict.
When the ones engaged in "radicalizing" brain-damaaged shitbirds like the Tsarnaev brothers ARE radical jihadist Islamo-filth, then it is STILL Islam that is the problem.

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