After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

And you are wrong about what "our" problem with Islam is.

It is a diseased mental illness passing itself off as a "religion," which standing alone may not be of much concern to me or most folks.

But part of the mental illness of that diseased scumbag religion is that it calls upon its adherents to do evil shit in the name of "Allah." Thankfully, I do not require a "by your leave" to address what they do.

Muslims may be, by and large, plenty good enough people. But their religion is a cancer.

Hi IM: it's the factor of "unforgiveness" that causes mental imbalance and illness.
And yes, when Muslims or Christians or anyone mixes "unforgiveness" with religious
justification, then this get out of hand, and can easily become either abusive, cultish, oppressive and/or violent.

You are right that there is a problem teaching Islam or ANY religion without teaching "forgiveness" along with that. If you look at all cases of mental or criminal illness, crime or violence, there is the issue of unforgiveness, where people take past issues, project that BLAME on to some other person or group, and in the case of religion justify making others pay with judgment and punishment as retribution. None of that chain of escalation would occur if the root cause was forgiven in the first place.
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And you are wrong about what "our" problem with Islam is.

It is a diseased mental illness passing itself off as a "religion," which standing alone may not be of much concern to me or most folks.

But part of the mental illness of that diseased scumbag religion is that it calls upon its adherents to do evil shit in the name of "Allah." Thankfully, I do not require a "by your leave" to address what they do.

Muslims may be, by and large, plenty good enough people. But their religion is a cancer.

Hi IM: it's the factor of "unforgiveness" that causes mental imbalance and illness.
And yes, when Muslims or Christians or anyone mixes "unforgiveness" with religious
justification, then this get out of hand, and either abusive, cultish, oppressive and/or violent.

You are right that there is a problem teaching Islam or ANY religion without teaching forgiveness with that. If you look at all cases of mental or criminal illness, crime or violence, there is the issue of unforgiveness, where people take past issues, project that on to some other person or group, and in the case of religion justify making others pay with jdugment and retribution. None of that chain of escalation would occur if the root cause was forgiven.


Islam preaches a disdain and hatred of Jews beyond any issue of forgiveness, whatever that might mean.

Back in the times of that raving asshole, Mohammed (peanut butter and jelly) there was nothing done by Jews to Muslims that required forgiveness.

I do not seek to have Muslims forgiven for adhering to the hatred preached by that filthy religion we call "Islam." I just want them to reject so much of the lunatic prophet's words and mutterings as suggest that Allah demands such hatred from anybody.
When the ones engaged in "radicalizing" brain-damaaged shitbirds like the Tsarnaev brothers ARE radical jihadist Islamo-filth, then it is STILL Islam that is the problem.

Yes, so how do we lend support, and I mean a worldwide support network, to followers such as the Uncle and Dad who fought to defend the good name and faith of the family from this radical jihadist infiltration and subversion?

On Huckabee the other day, they interviewed the father of a Vet killed by a radicalized Muslim, where both fathers (of the killer and of the killed in that case) campaigned together on outreach to address this problem they both lost their sons to. How can we help more Muslim parents and communities to protect their faith from hijacking and subversion?
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When the ones engaged in "radicalizing" brain-damaaged shitbirds like the Tsarnaev brothers ARE radical jihadist Islamo-filth, then it is STILL Islam that is the problem.

Yes, so how do we lend support, and I mean a worldwide support network, to followers such as the Uncle and Dad who fought to defend the good name and faith of the family from this radical jihadist infiltration and subversion?

On Huckabee the other day, they interviewed the father of a Vet killed by a radicalized Muslim, where both fathers (of the killer and of the killed in that case) campaigned together on outreach to address this problem they both lost their sons to. How can we help more Muslim parents and communities to protect their faith from hijacking and subversion?

The "faith" of Islam isn't being hijacked. Its precepts are already interlaced with hatred and bigotry and irrationality and violence.

Islam preaches a disdain and hatred of Jews beyond any issue of forgiveness, whatever that might mean.

Back in the times of that raving asshole, Mohammed (peanut butter and jelly) there was nothing done by Jews to Muslims that required forgiveness.

I do not seek to have Muslims forgiven for adhering to the hatred preached by that filthy religion we call "Islam." I just want them to reject so much of the lunatic prophet's words and mutterings as suggest that Allah demands such hatred from anybody.

How do we end this misteaching?
And emphasize the teachings of Mohammad to love ALL people of the Book,
to respect ALL sent by God as specifically named as the Jewish Torah/Judaism,
Christian Scripture/Christianity, and the Muslim Quran/Islam.

the peaceloving Muslims I know all recognize that Mohammad taught this,
even if they disagree on Christianity.* So how to help the Islamic community
to enforce INCLUSIVE teachings of Jews/Christians/Muslims together as Mohammad taught?

*[the head of CAIR in Houston teaches it even BROADER, that Mohammad taught there is NO indoctrination in religion, so this includes respect for and peaceful coexistence among ALL faiths, in alignment with Constitutional principles which I also teach as sent by God.]
The "faith" of Islam isn't being hijacked. Its precepts are already interlaced with hatred and bigotry and irrationality and violence.

Mohammad was both a military leader at a time of war, who left those strategies and wartime instructions behind as part of history,
AND a spiritual prophet trying to prepare the way for peace,
even teaching that all the laws in the lineage from Jewish to Christian to Muslim
were to be respected as sent by God.

If you take his wartime battlecries out of context, of course that calls for war.

Same as taking George Bush and the military instructions out of context
with the rest of the Constitution that protects due process. One is for wartime,
the other is for peacetime. you cannot apply rules or laws of war onto civilians
during peacetime and say that is Constitutional. but it is legal for the military to bypass due process in war,
if they are ordered by higher command.

Bush may order and sanction killing without due process in wartime.
And so with Mohammad or any other military leader in that context.

but Bush's spiritual teachings of Christianity are about forgiveness and charity.
So does that mean Bush is a killer and a hypocrite? Some would say so.

So if you are going to say that about one person in one context
be fair and look at the other person in the same dual situations.

BTW I do agree with you that Islam is too easily hijacked because of
this dual role that Mohammad played, if it is not taught correctly in full context and perspective
with all other religions sent by God. And I would not recommend teaching
Islam outside of the context of either Christianity or Constitutionalism or both.
Something needs to check this and other religions from getting abused this way.
but I don't think Islam itself is the problem, but balancing all the teachings
that are *supposed* to be included within it as given by God, instead of leaving these out and taking out of context.
I wouldn't practice Buddhism by itself either, without Christianity or the Constitution to check it,
or people being too passive would get run over by others without equal defense, as what happened in Tibet.
I find all religions have some weaknesses and strengths this way,
that it takes check and balance with the others to stay in line and not off on some extreme that becomes a problem.
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Islam preaches a disdain and hatred of Jews beyond any issue of forgiveness, whatever that might mean.

Back in the times of that raving asshole, Mohammed (peanut butter and jelly) there was nothing done by Jews to Muslims that required forgiveness.

I do not seek to have Muslims forgiven for adhering to the hatred preached by that filthy religion we call "Islam." I just want them to reject so much of the lunatic prophet's words and mutterings as suggest that Allah demands such hatred from anybody.

How do we end this misteaching?
And emphasize the teachings of Mohammad to love ALL people of the Book,
to respect ALL sent by God as specifically named as the Jewish Torah/Judaism,
Christian Scripture/Christianity, and the Muslim Quran/Islam.

the peaceloving Muslims I know all recognize that Mohammad taught this,
even if they disagree on Christianity.* So how to help the Islamic community
to enforce INCLUSIVE teachings of Jews/Christians/Muslims together as Mohammad taught?

*[the head of CAIR in Houston teaches it even BROADER, that Mohammad taught there is NO indoctrination in religion, so this includes respect for and peaceful coexistence among ALL faiths, in alignment with Constitutional principles which I also teach as sent by God.]

I am afraid your question (however well intentioned it might be) is irrelevant.

WE don't teach Muslims diddly dog about Islam.

WE don't correct the vile notions preached at them by those who do the actual teaching of Islam to Muslims: other Muslims.

WE did not right their stupid comic book Qu'ran.

WE cannot edit it.

WE cannot teach those too ignorant to challenge the mutts who preach it in an even more vile manner than its own words mandate.
Meanwhile, modern American liberals of the stripe and ilk of candycorny "argue" that anybody who objects to William Ayers is being overly sensitive. :cuckoo:

Her basis for THAT bit of imbecility?

Hey. Bill Ayers did what he did a long time ago.


That's right. So did Hitler. I guess morons like candycorny think it's just being "too sensitive" to object to fascism and Hitlerism.

Not all liberals are mindlessly and fully brain dead like that, but the ones who are cannot help making spectacles of themselves.
What was Ayers CONVICTED of RWers?

Please list them.

Nothing because the FBI dropped the ball. MarcATL I like you as a poster and I do believe you post with good intentions.

The Weathermen were terrorists. Plain and simple. And they revelled in it.

Prairie Fire was their document on their communist religion.
OK incoming. I swear I hate having to do this a million times.
Here's their book. I don't want to argue this shit any more. It's real. It's history. They freaking wrote this shit.

What was Ayers CONVICTED of RWers?

Please list them.

We both know that the FBI screwed up and his defense used such to get him off.

But I have a question, since he ADMITTED to the bombings, the screwup at the Townhouse which killed three, Days of Rage and so on and so on, does he need to be convicted? He states he did it.
Now lets get down to it. Here I go again... sheesh Right out of their book. No ghost writers.

I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Was Ayers ever convicted of setting a bomb off?

See what I mean?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Meanwhile, modern American liberals of the stripe and ilk of candycorny "argue" that anybody who objects to William Ayers is being overly sensitive. :cuckoo:

Her basis for THAT bit of imbecility?

Hey. Bill Ayers did what he did a long time ago.


That's right. So did Hitler. I guess morons like candycorny think it's just being "too sensitive" to object to fascism and Hitlerism.

Not all liberals are mindlessly and fully brain dead like that, but the ones who are cannot help making spectacles of themselves.

You can object to him all you want. You can't claim that the WUO motivation was simply to kill innocent bystanders.
Meanwhile, modern American liberals of the stripe and ilk of candycorny "argue" that anybody who objects to William Ayers is being overly sensitive. :cuckoo:

Her basis for THAT bit of imbecility?

Hey. Bill Ayers did what he did a long time ago.


That's right. So did Hitler. I guess morons like candycorny think it's just being "too sensitive" to object to fascism and Hitlerism.

Not all liberals are mindlessly and fully brain dead like that, but the ones who are cannot help making spectacles of themselves.

You can object to him all you want. You can't claim that the WUO motivation was simply to kill innocent bystanders.

No. It wasn't THAT simple. But USING the slaughter of bystanders was just peachy with those fucking scumbag pieces of liberal shit.

Your "distinction" is meaningless.

Now there's something we see everyday.
Meanwhile, modern American liberals of the stripe and ilk of candycorny "argue" that anybody who objects to William Ayers is being overly sensitive. :cuckoo:

Her basis for THAT bit of imbecility?

Hey. Bill Ayers did what he did a long time ago.


That's right. So did Hitler. I guess morons like candycorny think it's just being "too sensitive" to object to fascism and Hitlerism.

Not all liberals are mindlessly and fully brain dead like that, but the ones who are cannot help making spectacles of themselves.

You can object to him all you want. You can't claim that the WUO motivation was simply to kill innocent bystanders.

No. It wasn't THAT simple. But USING the slaughter of bystanders was just peachy with those fucking scumbag pieces of liberal shit.

Your "distinction" is meaningless.

Now there's something we see everyday.

To you and your ilk, I'm sure it is. However that distinction has nothing to do with the fundemental answer to this threads question. It has nothing to do with an aging 60's radical and more about how to use the tragedy in Boston to deningrate the President whom you dispise so much that you abandon all reason.
You can object to him all you want. You can't claim that the WUO motivation was simply to kill innocent bystanders.

No. It wasn't THAT simple. But USING the slaughter of bystanders was just peachy with those fucking scumbag pieces of liberal shit.

Your "distinction" is meaningless.

Now there's something we see everyday.

To you and your ilk, I'm sure it is. However that distinction has nothing to do with the fundemental answer to this threads question. It has nothing to do with an aging 60's radical and more about how to use the tragedy in Boston to deningrate the President whom you dispise so much that you abandon all reason.

you are correct about a couple of things. Many of us do dispise what obama is doing, and wants to do to our country. Dispising his agenda is not the same as dispising the man.

We do not want big government marxism.

we do not want obamacare

we do not want 17 trillion in national debt

we do not want the govt to operate for 4 years with no budget

we do not want more people on food stamps than ever before

we do not want more people in poverty than ever before

we do not want a president who is determined to divide us in order to force his agenda

we do not want weak foreign policy

we do not want open borders

we do not want nationalized car companies

we do not want a president who bows to the saudi king



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