After Four Years,We Still Hear,"But It's For The Children"Excuses For Obama-Care.

I caught a few minutes of the crazy Ed Schultz radio show.
He's still pushing that old gag that before Obama Care 48 million Americans had no health care.

Even stupid conservatives still use that term and it is SO false!
18 million people under 34 don't WANT health insurance as they pay out of their OWN pocket!
14 million people who say they are uninsured actual too lazy to register with Medicaid and they are covered!
10 million ARE NOT citizens!
That adds up to 42 million of the supposedly 46 million!

That leaves 4 million that really want health insurance but can't afford it!

Well if EVERYONE recognized what doctors do, that the doctors (who don't make anything off running duplicate tests as
it is against the Stark law) have said nearly $850 billion a year is out of FEAR of Lawsuits they run duplicate tests,referrals,etc.!
All out of fear from lawyers filing lawsuits even though less the 5% go to trial! Settle out of court!
So why not tax as Obamacare does the tanning salons as they cause cancer which causes expenses, tax lawyers!
10% tax of the $200 billion a year lawyers make would generate $20 billion a year.
Use that $20 billion to pay a $5,000 premium for EACH of the 4 million that truly want health insurance and that go
to the hospital when have problems and run up unreimbursed bills BECAUSE Medicare requires the hospitals to see them.
Called EMTALA in 1986 Congress thinking they were doing something good said if hospitals take Medicare they have to see the uninsured!
So now hospitals "pad and pass" on to those that pay sometimes 6,000% MARK UPs.. recoup the uninsured!
With the above plan.. NO excuse from hospitals for 6,000% mark ups!

So using tax revenue from lawyers the truly 4 million uninsured are covered!
The $850 billion will reduce because the tax rate would decline as the $850 billion in defensive medicine bills decline!
Seems very fair. Everyone covered. Current health programs UNToUCHED which work very well and the premiums
will decline because 80% historically have been paid out by insurance companies in claims!
Reduce the $850 billion and the hospitals "padding and passing" you will SEE premiums decline! It is a fact of the market !

And NO massive govt. destruction of health care as we have with Obamacare!
As popularity keeps declining, we are still hearing some commentators on Cable News still using the same old worn out excuse why we should "Love Obama-Care"!!! Yes, All Children Under The Age Of 27 Are Covered For Free !!!!
Every time we see them still fighting over the great things about Obama-Care, you feel like screaming back at them "YAH? WELL WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR IT YOU Dumbass Dufass ??!!!!.
We all know it's going to collapse by the summer of 2014 and Dem's will have nothing to run on come September/October. :lol::lol::eusa_shifty:
"For the children..." ? And this comes from the same people that advocates killing them in the womb, and even outside the womb...

~go figure.
I have a question, being I have all three forms of Diahrreah, Peaceful, Violent, and "Acting Stupidly Diahrrea, does Obama-Care cover all three?
and why hasn't Obama make praises that the IRS will be overseeing health-care to his adoring crowds?
and why hasn't Obama make praises that the IRS will be overseeing health-care to his adoring crowds?

And WHY is the IRS director telling Congress that he and the IRS can't be bound to it? (In other words? [like Congress and their staffers]; It's too expensive for them to pay up) Are they going to demand TAXPAYERS subsidize them too?

This shit is INSANE. OUR EMPLOYEES are telling US that WE have to pay for them too...Don't WE pay them enough already?


Even IRS Chief Doesn’t Want to Switch to Obamacare: Remix Edition

[ame=""]REMIX: IRS Chief Werfel says he'd rather not switch to Obamacare plan - YouTube[/ame]

Via, here’s a remix of acting IRS chief Danny Werfel saying this week he’d rather not switch his own health insurance to the system created under the new health care law, to LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem”:

But good enough for 'The Children'? REALLY?
and all this hype that a 27 or younger baby can still be on his parents plan,,,hahaha,,,oh, in other words, these kids already drink prune juice, early signs of dementia/senility and already need to use a walker and need assistance to take a crap,,,right?
and all this hype that a 27 or younger baby can still be on his parents plan,,,hahaha,,,oh, in other words, these kids already drink prune juice, early signs of dementia/senility and already need to use a walker and need assistance to take a crap,,,right?

I think Anthony Weiner is part of the "Children's Group". right, he does act like a horny 23 yr old man running for mayor.
I can still remember way back in 2010 when Ed Schultz was attempting to promote Obama-Care like it was the answer to all of our problems! yes it will be like going back to 1995 when life was a party., just like 2013! yah! who want's to go back to 1995 when we live in the happiest/economic times of our lives? anyone?

As popularity keeps declining, we are still hearing some commentators on Cable News still using the same old worn out excuse why we should "Love Obama-Care"!!! Yes, All Children Under The Age Of 27 Are Covered For Free !!!!
Every time we see them still fighting over the great things about Obama-Care, you feel like screaming back at them "YAH? WELL WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR IT YOU Dumbass Dufass ??!!!!.
We all know it's going to collapse by the summer of 2014 and Dem's will have nothing to run on come September/October. :lol::lol::eusa_shifty:

No one is covered for 'free'. You can ADD a child under 27 TO your POLICY.

To your policy that is subsidized, provided you meet certain specious criteria. Someone else can damned well pay for your adult offspring if you so choose.
I keep hearing "let him die". Isn't that the Republican plan?

Seriously, how many Republicans who have no health care cry about how unfair Obamacare is?

"Unfair" is a word used by the weak......these are those who hid behind mommies skirt and cried.

Thats you dean, you are a weak piece of shit like all Liberals are.

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