After government censorship, Fox gives Juan Williams bigger contract


Jan 23, 2010
NPR told you everything you need to know about what government will do to control what you think or say.

Congratulations to Juan Williams.

I hope his thinking comes around when it comes to the inevitabilty of totalitarianism and the the plans of the left, with whom he usually sides. - NPR Fires Juan Williams; Fox News Expands His Role

In making the announcement, Ailes said, “Juan has been a staunch defender of liberal viewpoints since his tenure began at Fox News in 1997. He’s an honest man whose freedom of speech is protected by Fox News on a daily basis.”

Williams said Thursday he wasn't given the chance to have a face-to-face conversation with his superiors at NPR before he was let go.

Recalling a conversation with NPR's head of news, Williams said he was told, "This has been decided up the chain."

That would be the White House.

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Everyone rags on Fox being an arm of the GOP.What is NPR and MSNBC and CBS,and ABC,and NBC to mention just a few if not a part of Obama and the WH. There will be a move to stop taxpayer dollars going to NPR and I think that is the way to go.You want to support these people do so with your money not my tax dollars.
Charles_Main, et al,

I think what he said was reasonable. Sad

NPR ratings will be even worse now.

I had to chuckle at CAIR.

Council on American-Islamic Relation said:
"NPR should address the fact that one of its news analysts seems to believe that all airline passengers who are perceived to be Muslim can legitimately be viewed a security threats," said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad.

The FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists List has about 29 names. Only one of them is a non-Muslim name.

Who does CAIR think they are kidding. Maybe the FBI is not PC.

Most Respectfully,
I find it difficult to believe that if Williams said he was nervous in a "typical southern town" or maybe when he is "stopped by a cop for a traffic stop" and may be worried about racial profiling, he would have been fired.
I remember when the vast majority of libs stood firm in the mantra of: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it".
While I do not like the Liberal Bias of NPR, and hate the fact that it is in part funded by my tax dollars. I do not see how you are making the censorship connection. NPR is not stopping him from speaking his mind, they are just stopping him from saying it on their network.
This is George Soros all the way. He declares war on Fox News. The next day a Fox news contributor gets fired from NPR, which recieves contributions from Soros.

Coincidence? interesting timing.
NPR told you everything you need to know about what government will do to control what you think or say.

Congratulations to Juan Williams.

I hope his thinking comes around when it comes to the inevitabilty of totalitarianism and the the plans of the left, with whom he usually sides. - NPR Fires Juan Williams; Fox News Expands His Role

In making the announcement, Ailes said, “Juan has been a staunch defender of liberal viewpoints since his tenure began at Fox News in 1997. He’s an honest man whose freedom of speech is protected by Fox News on a daily basis.”

Williams said Thursday he wasn't given the chance to have a face-to-face conversation with his superiors at NPR before he was let go.

Recalling a conversation with NPR's head of news, Williams said he was told, "This has been decided up the chain."

That would be the White House.


...or the Ministry of Truth.

Or maybe this guy!
I pretty much agree with William Saletan on this:
The left is doing*to Juan Williams what the right did to Shirley Sherrod. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
I think the left did to Juan Williams what the right did to Shirley Sherrod, and I'll stand up and condemn 'em for that. Go look at the full context of Williams' quote, and not the edited version. It tells a whole different story.
The right did nothing to Shirley Sherrod...The White House did the typical knee-jerk and fired her, before all the facts of context were in.

The situation and politics of the players are the same.
I pretty much agree with William Saletan on this:
The left is doing*to Juan Williams what the right did to Shirley Sherrod. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
I think the left did to Juan Williams what the right did to Shirley Sherrod, and I'll stand up and condemn 'em for that. Go look at the full context of Williams' quote, and not the edited version. It tells a whole different story.

The right didn't do anything to Sherrod. The left did.

The right was saying maybe we should get some context here before anything happens. Heck it wasn't even a story until The President fired her.

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