After government censorship, Fox gives Juan Williams bigger contract

RIGHT ON! I always knew NPR & PBS were jokes anyway. There is no reason for them to continue receiving Taxpayer funding. This unjust travesty has George Soros and Media Matters written all over it. I guess Soros got his pound of flesh for his recent $1.8 Million contribution. What a scam. Shame on NPR.
Btw,who still thinks Socialists/Progressives support Free Speech? No Socialists anywhere on this Planet support Free Speech. Why would our Socialists here be any different? People just need to wake up and realize who they're dealing with. These people don't support Free Speech and never have.
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I remember when the vast majority of libs stood firm in the mantra of: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it".

That has been replaced with "I don't agree with what you say, so shut the fuck up". The lefties matra.
This is George Soros all the way. He declares war on Fox News. The next day a Fox news contributor gets fired from NPR, which recieves contributions from Soros.

Coincidence? interesting timing.

Very good timing for conservatives. Very bad timing for liberals.

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