CDZ After I already proved leaky vaccine, and it’s now confirmed, here’s an article from 2015 on why that’s very dangerous

Then a study after that if you’ve read it. Most you fucks don’t so I put up a Twitter post as well.

I’m sorry what is your argument exactly? Are you somehow under the impression that the vaccines aren’t leaky?

Whatever "leaky" means...LOL

The vaccine is safe, effective, available, and free. 200M Americans have taken at least one dose. Very few adverse reactions and the real proof in the pudding is that almost everyone who is dying in our hospitals is un-vaxxed.

That would tell you something if your mind wasn't "leaky".
Whatever "leaky" means...LOL

The vaccine is safe, effective, available, and free. 200M Americans have taken at least one dose. Very few adverse reactions and the real proof in the pudding is that almost everyone who is dying in our hospitals is un-vaxxed.

That would tell you something if your mind wasn't "leaky".
Very few adverse events? Compared to what? It’s got more AEs than all other vaccines combined since the inception of VAERS. Mind you the CDCs VAERS system has been overloaded and basically aren’t reporting anymore. 13,000 deaths alone on VAERS which is wildly underreported. We’ve pulled other vaccines for less.These vaccines tell your body to make the spike protein. They very same one that causes the crazy inflammation and thrombosis that we see in covid patients. The entire safety of this vaccine hinges whether or not the spike protein does not leave the injection site.They did a half ass job at testing to see if it travels. It clearly does. It’s actually been proven from docs from the Japanese government.

it’d be one thing if they actually weren’t leaky, and effective. I’d say take them at your own risk if your are at risk. But they’re pushing these goddamn things on everyone including the already recovered and kids who are neither victims nor vectors of covid. 6 year olds with fucking myocarditis don’t mix.
Very few adverse events? Compared to what? It’s got more AEs than all other vaccines combined since the inception of VAERS. Mind you the CDCs VAERS system has been overloaded and basically aren’t reporting anymore. 13,000 deaths alone on VAERS which is wildly underreported. We’ve pulled other vaccines for less.These vaccines tell your body to make the spike protein. They very same one that causes the crazy inflammation and thrombosis that we see in covid patients. The entire safety of this vaccine hinges whether or not the spike protein does not leave the injection site.They did a half ass job at testing to see if it travels. It clearly does. It’s actually been proven from docs from the Japanese government.

it’d be one thing if they actually weren’t leaky, and effective. I’d say take them at your own risk if your are at risk. But they’re pushing these goddamn things on everyone including the already recovered and kids who are neither victims nor vectors of covid. 6 year olds with fucking myocarditis don’t mix.
VAERS reports are open to anyone and the CDC is getting rid of the non-sensical idiocy that anti-vaxxers are flooding the site with.

VAERS reports are open to anyone and the CDC is getting rid of the non-sensical idiocy that anti-vaxxers are flooding the site with.

Yes VAERS is open to anyone...but the CDC confirms with medical records, and then it’s gets posted to VAERS. It’s not just anyone files a claim, and it winds up on VAERS. Big pharma would never allow that, that’s insane. This is why VAERS is so backed up. Because they have to confirm. The vast majority of reports are filled out by actual doctors. There is a chance that it may be coincidence, as in someone gets a jab and and they just happen to have a stroke around that time, but occums razor is a thing so... You aren’t the first asshole whose made these asinine arguments. Phizer and moderna have been distributed worldwide. You think that because drug A has a bad side effect in Kathmandu, it doesn’t count????

Again WTF are you even arguing? Do you understand the concept of a leaky vaccine? This has been confirmed by the goddamn manufacturers, the CDC, FDA, What are you even doing on this thread??? I stated in the beginning of it that I’m taking a victory lap because I’ve already thoroughly been though all these issues with the vaccine and have PROVEN TO BE 100% CORRECT. You’re 2 months late to this game.
Yes VAERS is open to anyone...but the CDC confirms with medical records, and then it’s gets posted to VAERS. It’s not just anyone files a claim, and it winds up on VAERS. Big pharma would never allow that, that’s insane. This is why VAERS is so backed up. Because they have to confirm. The vast majority of reports are filled out by actual doctors. There is a chance that it may be coincidence, as in someone gets a jab and and they just happen to have a stroke around that time, but occums razor is a thing so... You aren’t the first asshole whose made these asinine arguments. Phizer and moderna have been distributed worldwide. You think that because drug A has a bad side effect in Kathmandu, it doesn’t count????

Again WTF are you even arguing? Do you understand the concept of a leaky vaccine? This has been confirmed by the goddamn manufacturers, the CDC, FDA, What are you even doing on this thread??? I stated in the beginning of it that I’m taking a victory lap because I’ve already thoroughly been though all these issues with the vaccine and have PROVEN TO BE 100% CORRECT. You’re 2 months late to this game.
Yeah…and they quite regularly remove the silly “findings”. The vaccine is safe, effective, free and available.
Yeah…and they quite regularly remove the silly “findings”. The vaccine is safe, effective, free and available.
The silly findings that they themselves confirmed? They got the medical records, they posted it on VAERS. Do you understand how VAERS works? You’re not on my level. I’ve been reading med lit since I was in clinicals. I actually understand this stuff. You’re a fucking media parrot.
The silly findings that they themselves confirmed? They got the medical records, they posted it on VAERS. Do you understand how VAERS works? You’re not on my level. I’ve been reading med lit since I was in clinicals. I actually understand this stuff. You’re a fucking media parrot.
Ummm no.

200M Americans have gotten at least one shot. Very few adverse reactions. The reason the media reports that narrative is because that narrative is correct.

Conspiracy theories need not apply.

The overwhelming majority (95%+) of those dying today are un-vaxxed. Again....that is the truth.

Conspiracy theories need not apply.
Ummm no.

200M Americans have gotten at least one shot. Very few adverse reactions. The reason the media reports that narrative is because that narrative is correct.

Conspiracy theories need not apply.

The overwhelming majority (95%+) of those dying today are un-vaxxed. Again....that is the truth.

Conspiracy theories need not apply.
Ummm no.

200M Americans have gotten at least one shot. Very few adverse reactions. The reason the media reports that narrative is because that narrative is correct.

Conspiracy theories need not apply.

The overwhelming majority (95%+) of those dying today are un-vaxxed. Again....that is the truth.

Conspiracy theories need not apply.
No you fucking idiot, it’s not 95%. Not even close. You don’t know how to read data. LOOK AT ISRAEL. Hospitalized WITH covid is way different than hospitalized becuase of covid. Again, when you go to the hospital, because you broke your leg, they give you a PCR test if you have not been vaccinated. The same PCR test with a 30 cycle rate. That’s gonna inflate the supposed unvaccinated infection rate vs the vaxed. Look at the Massachusetts data. 2nd most vaxed state in the union. 48% of all new covid cases are from those who are fully vaccinated.

It is not a conspiracy that the spike protein in the virus causes thrombosis and inflammation. It’s also not a conspiracy that the vax uses the very same spike protein. It’s not a conspiracy that we don’t make vaccines for these rapidly mutating RNA viruses because they’re old news by the time they come out. It’s also not a conspiracy that the single spike protein provides a lot less antigens for the body to learn immunity too than the entire virus. If your unable to connect the dots on what that means, it means all the the rapidly mutating RNA virus has to do to beat the vaccine is mutate the spike protein. OOOPPPSSS, it already did. It’s also not a conspiracy that the scientist at big pharma knew all this. They did. They just saw the dollar signs from having to push a new vaccine on everyone every 6 months and having to deal with ZERO liability from it.
Whatever "leaky" means...LOL

The vaccine is safe, effective, available, and free. 200M Americans have taken at least one dose. Very few adverse reactions and the real proof in the pudding is that almost everyone who is dying in our hospitals is un-vaxxed.

That would tell you something if your mind wasn't "leaky".

Look at the idiotic propaganda machine here: "safe, effective, available and free..." that's all they have. Bend their necks, they spout propaganda like Pez dispensers
No you fucking idiot, it’s not 95%. Not even close. You don’t know how to read data. LOOK AT ISRAEL. Hospitalized WITH covid is way different than hospitalized becuase of covid. Again, when you go to the hospital, because you broke your leg, they give you a PCR test if you have not been vaccinated. The same PCR test with a 30 cycle rate. That’s gonna inflate the supposed unvaccinated infection rate vs the vaxed. Look at the Massachusetts data. 2nd most vaxed state in the union. 48% of all new covid cases are from those who are fully vaccinated.

It is not a conspiracy that the spike protein in the virus causes thrombosis and inflammation. It’s also not a conspiracy that the vax uses the very same spike protein. It’s not a conspiracy that we don’t make vaccines for these rapidly mutating RNA viruses because they’re old news by the time they come out. It’s also not a conspiracy that the single spike protein provides a lot less antigens for the body to learn immunity too than the entire virus. If your unable to connect the dots on what that means, it means all the the rapidly mutating RNA virus has to do to beat the vaccine is mutate the spike protein. OOOPPPSSS, it already did. It’s also not a conspiracy that the scientist at big pharma knew all this. They did. They just saw the dollar signs from having to push a new vaccine on everyone every 6 months and having to deal with ZERO liability from it.
You're in the your mouth.

It's 95%+ of the deaths due to covid are un-vaxxed covid deniers. This comes from every reputable source on the planet.
Look at the idiotic propaganda machine here: "safe, effective, available and free..." that's all they have. Bend their necks, they spout propaganda like Pez dispensers
You've established that you're as dumb as a box of rocks. Dismissed.
You're in the your mouth.

It's 95%+ of the deaths due to covid are un-vaxxed covid deniers. This comes from every reputable source on the planet.
We’re already at 8,000 deaths and that number is going to skyrocket, like it did in Israel. Like it did in England. like it did in Iceland. Like it does in all the heavily vaccinated countries. We are behind those countries. They foreshadow what’s coming here. Come winter time the lambda and Mu will start to become dominant, which these vaccines have zero efficacy against, not to forget the waning immunity with alpha and delta. Even phizer is saying vaccination is not the strategy to end this. These are leaky vaccines. Leaky vaccines are dangerous. Like we’ve seen with maericks disease. Like we’ve seen with dengue.

This is the leakiness I’ve been talking about. AAANNNDD more importantly the articles mentions “higher viral loads”, AKA vaccine in the article on my OP and Maericks disease. This is not good. It’s only going to get worse.
We’re already at 8,000 deaths and that number is going to skyrocket, like it did in Israel. Like it did in England. like it did in Iceland. Like it does in all the heavily vaccinated countries. We are behind those countries. They foreshadow what’s coming here. Come winter time the lambda and Mu will start to become dominant, which these vaccines have zero efficacy against, not to forget the waning immunity with alpha and delta. Even phizer is saying vaccination is not the strategy to end this. These are leaky vaccines. Leaky vaccines are dangerous. Like we’ve seen with maericks disease. Like we’ve seen with dengue.

This is the leakiness I’ve been talking about. AAANNNDD more importantly the articles mentions “higher viral loads”, AKA vaccine in the article on my OP and Maericks disease. This is not good. It’s only going to get worse.

This is what's behind the rush to vaccinate everyone, I'm convinced of that. Destroy the control group as Pfizer did in the trials.
Yeah up until that efficacy fades. Then it’s a shit show.

Mind you Israel is way ahead of us on the curve when it comes to vaccinations. It’s not just Israel. They have some of the best data, and are among the most vaccinated in the world, while ours is garbage. On top of that, it should be mentioned they are having a bigger problem with covid now, than at any other time during the pandemic. Also, our policy is to automatically test ANYONE unvaccinated who comes into the hospital for covid, automatically. Even for stupid shit like hernias. While they don’t test anyone vaccinated unless displaying covid related symptoms. So, you know the old saying, there’s lies, damn lies, and statistics.

Not true at the Cleveland Clinic. Everyone is rapid tested for covid upon admission, which of course, means many false positives.

Excellent points, though, thank you.
Well its sure your choice, take medicine made for horses or FDA approved medicine approved for the virus. Agree its hard to trust the government, or drug company's BUT..... looking at the choices????

Blows my mind how so many are ignorant of a common human medication.

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Our effing congressmen have been on ivermectin protocols since this started. NO WONDER NONE OF THEM HAVE DIED of the virus. Damn bunch of elite effing lying bastard marxists.

Our effing congressmen have been on ivermectin protocols since this started. NO WONDER NONE OF THEM HAVE DIED of the virus. Damn bunch of elite effing lying bastard marxists.


That’s right. I’m taking a victory lap. Anyone hear going to try to argue that the vaccines aren’t leaky? No? Okay good. as we all know these vaccines are garbage, and now my Dallas Cowboys, fully vaccinated, star right guard will be out for the season opener against one of the best d-lines in the league. I’m not happy. That’s one reason, another is, it’s incredibly fucking dangerous to push mass vaccination with leaky vaccines. Why?

Well here’s a PBS article on Merricks disease in 2015. This should scare the piss out of everyone.
From your own Article:

"However, in the end, Read said, leakiness isn’t a strike against these vaccines, but more motivation to conduct surveillance of their effects after they exit clinical trials and enter the broader population."

COVID Vaccine does help reduce your chance of getting it and also lower your viral load so it reduces your chance of passing it one.. This has reduced in fighting Delta but is still way better than no vaccine at all...
I don't know what it's going to take for people to believe this. Brainwashing is real.

Here, a study of data which shows it is MORE dangerous for boys age 12-15 to get the vaccine than to get covid. Yes, because of heart problems from vaccine.

medRxiv (pronounced "med-archive") is an Internet site distributing unpublished eprints about health sciences.[1][2][3][4] It distributes complete but unpublished manuscripts in the areas of medicine, clinical research, and related health sciences without charge to the reader. Such manuscripts have yet to undergo peer review and the site notes that preliminary status and that the manuscripts should not be considered for clinical application, nor relied upon for news reporting as established information.

Written in your article:
This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.

By the way goto the comments sections, there is loads of holes pointed out in the article, thus why it is not peer reviewed...
View attachment 536915
childrenshealthdefense is a propaganda site for Anti-Vaxxers...

If you have to use that you hanging out in a neighbourhood which is there to back up your beliefs...

Lets be clear at this stage...

During WW2, Lord Ha Ha(Joyce) used to have a raido show from Germany which could be heard all over UK..
Joyce had an estimated six million regular and 18 million occasional listeners in the United Kingdom.[22] The broadcasts always began with the announcer's words, "Germany calling, Germany calling, Germany calling". These broadcasts urged the British people to surrender and were well-known for their jeering, sarcastic and menacing tone."

His job was to discourage and misinform the British people. But despite a high listenership he never had that effect...

The UK people had a simple motto "Loose Lips, Sink Ships"... What they were saying is not to spread that type of information as it was most likely false which would be discouraging and misinforming.

These type of sites are killers... They are about misinforming and creating doubt in the public... These sites fight for the virus, they are aiding the enemy (the Virus).
Some people asked how the South Koreas did so well against the Virus, they knew the virus was the enemy and that we don't help the enemy.

Spreading this information is helping the enemy..... Please stop helping the Enemy..


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