CDZ After I already proved leaky vaccine, and it’s now confirmed, here’s an article from 2015 on why that’s very dangerous

Spreading this information is helping the enemy.

That’s right. I’m taking a victory lap. Anyone hear going to try to argue that the vaccines aren’t leaky? No? Okay good. as we all know these vaccines are garbage, and now my Dallas Cowboys, fully vaccinated, star right guard will be out for the season opener against one of the best d-lines in the league. I’m not happy. That’s one reason, another is, it’s incredibly fucking dangerous to push mass vaccination with leaky vaccines. Why?

Well here’s a PBS article on Merricks disease in 2015. This should scare the piss out of everyone.

But but but the left just adores big pharma. And trusts everything they say, right?

Well, they do now. I'm not sure what changed. Because just a year ago, they were all against big pharma. Maybe it was Trump advising the left to get the vaccine is what changed their mind. You know how they trust Trump.
Marek’s causes chicken paralysis and OP’s article says “for the first time” as if “up till now” is a valid argument. For this virus? Consider that mutating poliovirus makes it more virulent. How far back should we go? Landsteiner was working with poliovirus in 1908.
If this is accurate, and this leaky vaccine in humans, does to unvaccinated humans as it does to unvaccinated chickens, then all of the country's unvaccinated, will be dead....very shortly.
what's that mean? if an unvaccinated person hasn't taken the vaccine, how are they leaky? psst, I'm still here. nineteen months now.

Chicago Blackhawks and Bears testing positive all over the place all vaccinated. oops.....Me, my wife, my kids all unvaccinated still zip
COVID Vaccine does help reduce your chance of getting it and also lower your viral load so it reduces your chance of passing it one.. This has reduced in fighting Delta but is still way better than no vaccine at all...
I'm not vaccinated, my wife isn't, nor my kids, we haven't gotten it. Why are all of these vaccinated people getting it instead?
From your own Article:

"However, in the end, Read said, leakiness isn’t a strike against these vaccines, but more motivation to conduct surveillance of their effects after they exit clinical trials and enter the broader population."

COVID Vaccine does help reduce your chance of getting it and also lower your viral load so it reduces your chance of passing it one.. This has reduced in fighting Delta but is still way better than no vaccine at all...

medRxiv (pronounced "med-archive") is an Internet site distributing unpublished eprints about health sciences.[1][2][3][4] It distributes complete but unpublished manuscripts in the areas of medicine, clinical research, and related health sciences without charge to the reader. Such manuscripts have yet to undergo peer review and the site notes that preliminary status and that the manuscripts should not be considered for clinical application, nor relied upon for news reporting as established information.

Written in your article:
This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.

By the way goto the comments sections, there is loads of holes pointed out in the article, thus why it is not peer reviewed...

To be fair -- in a pandemic it just might not be WISE OR MORAL to wait on the "rigorous clinical trials" or peer reviews or EVEN CONDUCT the most important clinical trials because of risks. So -- I'm not opposed to using science that's disciplined, but somewhat anecdotal.. Because "pedigreed" science is simply too slow to develop under these emergencies..

As for the worries about being "leaky", NO ONE ever sold a covid vaccine as a method to keep you from getting infected. It was granted emergency use to GREATLY reduce hospitalizations and deaths. FOR WHICH -- it works damn well..

The "original" coronavirus" is the common cold.. Which at SOME EARLY POINT in its existence -- produced NATURAL body immunity that was also LEAKY... There's no substantial diff between natural immunity that the BODY DESIGNS and the new Covid vaxxes. And respiratory viruses are almost impossible to vaccinate against with one-time immunizations.

People need to realize that there are MANY stages of infection for these. There is EXPOSURE for which a CV test will produce positive results BEFORE any systemic infection even exists and there is the symptomatic infection.. Then you progress into clinical stages of seriousness from there.

If the OPoster here is EXPECTING that anybody (even your favorite football player) will NEVER TEST POSITIVE for CV after vax -- you're not really understanding the science or the limitations of testing... Or if you dont understand that no one ever promised that EVERY vaxxed person wouldn't need SOME LEVEL of medical attention -- you can't really be comparing other "leaky" vaccines to the Cvid shots.

And since this thread started back in Sept -- the dreaded "Delta" has peaked and is disappearing. OTHER variants will pop up.. But the "limited immunity" of mass vaccinations will make those largely feast on the unvaxxed. Genie is out of the bottle -- you got to make your OWN -- "informed consent".. No MANDATES...
To be fair -- in a pandemic it just might not be WISE OR MORAL to wait on the "rigorous clinical trials" or peer reviews or EVEN CONDUCT the most important clinical trials because of risks. So -- I'm not opposed to using science that's disciplined, but somewhat anecdotal.. Because "pedigreed" science is simply too slow to develop under these emergencies..

As for the worries about being "leaky", NO ONE ever sold a covid vaccine as a method to keep you from getting infected. It was granted emergency use to GREATLY reduce hospitalizations and deaths. FOR WHICH -- it works damn well..

The "original" coronavirus" is the common cold.. Which at SOME EARLY POINT in its existence -- produced NATURAL body immunity that was also LEAKY... There's no substantial diff between natural immunity that the BODY DESIGNS and the new Covid vaxxes. And respiratory viruses are almost impossible to vaccinate against with one-time immunizations.

People need to realize that there are MANY stages of infection for these. There is EXPOSURE for which a CV test will produce positive results BEFORE any systemic infection even exists and there is the symptomatic infection.. Then you progress into clinical stages of seriousness from there.

If the OPoster here is EXPECTING that anybody (even your favorite football player) will NEVER TEST POSITIVE for CV after vax -- you're not really understanding the science or the limitations of testing... Or if you dont understand that no one ever promised that EVERY vaxxed person wouldn't need SOME LEVEL of medical attention -- you can't really be comparing other "leaky" vaccines to the Cvid shots.

And since this thread started back in Sept -- the dreaded "Delta" has peaked and is disappearing. OTHER variants will pop up.. But the "limited immunity" of mass vaccinations will make those largely feast on the unvaxxed. Genie is out of the bottle -- you got to make your OWN -- "informed consent".. No MANDATES...
Oh flacaltenn, you disappoint me. True, the vaccines worked pretty damn well...FOR THE ALPHA VARIANT. Why haven’t we made a vaccine for HIV yet? We have the technology, we’ve had it a long long time. The reason is that the HIV virus is a rapidly mutating RNA virus. So by the time you get the vax out, the virus will mutate to escape it. SARS COV-2 is also a rapidly mutating RNA virus. This is micro evolution 101. You put that type of evolutionary pressure on a virus, it’s either going to die off or adapt. You can always bet on rapidly mutating RNA viruses falling into the adapting category, On top of that, the vaccines provide a very narrow immunity. They only provide immunity to the the singular spike protein, vs the entire outer and innards of the virus that come from naturally acquired immunity. If we were to go with a mugshot metaphor, natural immunity provides a full HD picture of the perpetrator(virus), while the vaccine only provides a description of the perpetrators haircut. To which this rapidly mutating virus (with already a few thousand identified variants) only has to change up its haircut in order to beat the vaccine. This is why natural immunity is holding up against the delta. The data they give for the vaccines effectiveness is all cumulative from back when it was used with the alpha. We’re way past the alpha now. It’s basically 50/50 new infections vaxed vs unvaxed. These vaccines were never going to work. Big pharma knew this.

You are also dead wrong on “they never promised to stop infection/spread”. They absolutely did. That’s what it’s officially labeled to do. They obviously had to change their marketing for that, which is illegally because it goes against what the actual label says.
The reason is that the HIV virus is a rapidly mutating RNA virus. So by the time you get the vax out, the virus will mutate to escape it. SARS COV-2 is also a rapidly mutating RNA virus. This is micro evolution 101.

Of course.. Viruses do what they've always done. But the CV2 vaccines LARGELY HELD against against delta and mu and others.

There was NEVER ANY expectation that the shots would protect ANYONE from testing CV positive. Because a positive test is just PRESENCE of virus, NOT a diagnosis of infection.. And the goal was ALWAYS to MODERATE INFECTION so that treatment and hospitalization and ICU care didn't happen..

Since the mRNA snippet USED in Pfizer and Moderna is JUST A PIECE of the "spike protein" and not the OTHER 98% (or more) of the genetic coding, it's RESILIENT to mutations.

Another tenet of virology is that virus generally mutate towards being MORE transmissable and LESS virulent as they progress from evolution that FAVORS more transmission and less early death of the host.
If we were to go with a mugshot metaphor, natural immunity provides a full HD picture of the perpetrator(virus), while the vaccine only provides a description of the perpetrators haircut.

I originally thought that could be true.. But the fact is that the T-Cells that are FINDING the virus and dealing with and creating the anti-bodies aren't generally finding "a full HD" sample of every individual cell.. There's the equivalent of a "shark feeding frenzy" when the body is battling a virus and what most white cells find are indeed "just chum in bloody water". The LONG TERM antibody memory of the encounter from NATURAL immunity may be more robust because the bone marrow storage of this encounter includes more snippets of proteins than what's in the vaccines and MAY HAVE A narrower tolerance for mutation.
You are also dead wrong on “they never promised to stop infection/spread”. They absolutely did. That’s what it’s officially labeled to do. They obviously had to change their marketing for that, which is illegally because it goes against what the actual label says.

I'll wager the word STOP isn't in there. But I dont recall. And YEAH -- if the body doesn't lose the war with an infection BECAUSE of a vaccine, than NUMERICALLY that person will infect LESS secondary people. Because they SYMPTOMATICALLY dont cough or sneeze or PRODUCE MORE virus in their bodies..

CAN both vaxxed and unvaxxed SPREAD CV2... Well Yeah BUT -- when you put a transmission NUMBER factor to those two cohorts --- The grossly SYMPTOMATIC UNVAXXED are gonna out pollute and spray more virus BY A LARGE MARGIN over a vaxxed person..

And realize that those numbers I NEED in the last paragraph are not simple to get or quantify or explain to the public -- BECAUSE when unvaxxed get CV2 -- their outcome ranges from not knowing they're infected to a rather large probability of dying..

It's not easy or simple to get the nuances out in the open, because it's nowhere near as simple as a tyrannical mandate or CDC "suggestion".
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Of course.. Viruses do what they've always done. But the CV2 vaccines LARGELY HELD against against delta and mu and others.

There was NEVER ANY expectation that the shots would protect ANYONE from testing CV positive. Because a positive test is just PRESENCE of virus, NOT a diagnosis of infection.. And the goal was ALWAYS to MODERATE INFECTION so that treatment and hospitalization and ICU care didn't happen..

Since the mRNA snippet USED in Pfizer and Moderna is JUST A PIECE of the "spike protein" and not the OTHER 98% (or more) of the genetic coding, it's RESILIENT to mutations.

Another tenet of virology is that virus generally mutate towards being MORE transmissable and LESS virulent as they progress from evolution that FAVORS more transmission and less early death of the host.

I originally thought that could be true.. But the fact is that the T-Cells that are FINDING the virus and dealing with and creating the anti-bodies aren't generally finding "a full HD" sample of every individual cell.. There's the equivalent of a "shark feeding frenzy" when the body is battling a virus and what most white cells find are indeed "just chum in bloody water". The LONG TERM antibody memory of the encounter from NATURAL immunity may be more robust because the bone marrow storage of this encounter includes more snippets of proteins than what's in the vaccines and MAY HAVE A narrower tolerance for mutation.


From the horses mouth. It is illegal to have a drug that does not actually do what the official label says. It’s perfectly legal to use a drug for off label purposes, which we do with about 20% of our drugs. But you can’t have a drug which the label says “to treat athletes foot” that doesn’t actually treat athletes foot.
Another tenet of virology is that virus generally mutate towards being MORE transmissable and LESS virulent as they progress from evolution that FAVORS more transmission and less early death of the host
Yes this is called mullers ratchet. I’ve spoken extensively about this in other posts. We WERE seeing it initially in India where the delta variant originated, and a little bit earlier on in the UK. This past September and October, with some 60% of the population “vaccinated”, and with double the seroprevalence we had last year (people who’ve caught and recovered from covid), we have seen more deaths from covid in Oct/Sept 2021 than we did in Oct/Sep 2020. Care to explain that math? How in India, a country that at the time only had around 3% of the pop vaccinated, we clearly see mullers ratchet playing out, but not here?

The LONG TERM antibody memory of the encounter from NATURAL immunity may be more robust because the bone marrow storage of this encounter includes more snippets of proteins than what's in the vaccines and MAY HAVE A narrower tolerance for mutation.
It’s not maybe true, it’s long established science that natural immunity is a more robust immunity. It’s just that with functional, safe, non leaky vaccines, you’d much rather take the jab than catch the disease, obviously. Problem is these vaccines are neither safe nor effective. They use the spike protein. The exact part of COVID that sets it apart from you’re average flu. It’s the part that is causing the crazy inflammation and micro clotting in covid patients. Now they claim “it doesn’t travel from the injection site” but it very clearly does. For one they did a half ass job testing for travel (I would argue on purpose, they all of a sudden didn’t forget that you have to actually cut tissues into slides). Not only do we have documented proof from multiple studies, but it’s obvious from how many people have been getting “bad reactions” to the vaccine. We all know someone who got the vax and got sick for a couple days. You know covid like symptoms, myocarditis, clotting, even long covid. Especially noticeable in younger people. My own idiot father, who I told not to take the vaccine, decided to because “he had such a good sales year” he didn’t want to risk getting fired. Well wouldn’t ya know 1 week later he’s in the ER because he went temporarily blind in his one eye. That’s not an adjuvant, it’s the spike protein. That’s clear micro clotting. They tried to tell him he must’ve hit his head and he just doesn’t remember. This is why we have 18,000 deaths attributed to the vaccines and even that number is severely underreported. It’s completely insane to be giving this to people who’ve already recovered. This isn’t science anymore.
I'll wager the word STOP isn't in there. But I dont recall. And YEAH -- if the body doesn't lose the war with an infection BECAUSE of a vaccine, than NUMERICALLY that person will infect LESS secondary people. Because they SYMPTOMATICALLY dont cough or sneeze or PRODUCE MORE virus in their bodies..

CAN both vaxxed and unvaxxed SPREAD CV2... Well Yeah BUT -- when you put a transmission NUMBER factor to those two cohorts --- The grossly SYMPTOMATIC UNVAXXED are gonna out pollute and spray more virus BY A LARGE MARGIN over a vaxxed person..

And realize that those numbers I NEED in the last paragraph are not simple to get or quantify or explain to the public -- BECAUSE when unvaxxed get CV2 -- their outcome ranges from not knowing they're infected to a rather large probability of dying..

It's not easy or simple to get the nuances out in the open, because it's nowhere near as simple as a tyrannical mandate or CDC suggestion".
Is there an eye roll emoji?
Because they SYMPTOMATICALLY dont cough or sneeze or PRODUCE MORE virus in their bodies..

Because they SYMPTOMATICALLY dont cough or sneeze or PRODUCE MORE virus in their bodies
Whoa whoa whoa...are you still operating under the impression that this isn’t an airborne virus? Droplet transmission??? It’s an airborne virus. It spreads in the air. They literally(and I mean literally) cross oceans. Being concerned about droplet transmission when the virus is airborne is like saying “hey, watch out for that killer, he’s got a loaded gun, he might pistol whip you to death”. And the two articles I posted show that the vaccinated have a range of either the same viral load, or 250 times greater viral load (which would explain the increased deaths this year vs 2020 in my previous post) these vaccines are either useless or way worse at stopping transmission.

The word used is PREVENT -- not STOP as I said above. Here's the meaty part...

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is authorized for use under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for active immunization to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in individuals 5 years of age and older.

Notice the fussy distinction between the name of the VIRUS (SARS-CoV-2) and the name of the disease it is "treating" or preventing (Covid-19) . Note the part of the name containing SEVERE ACUTE... That's just like the name of the 1st SARS virus a couple decades ago.. The Disease is the progression to the SEVERE ACUTE stage that the virus was named for.. Meaning hospitalizations and ICU time. Does not include folks who merely TEST positive for some CV fragments lying in their nose when they got swabbed.

It's all those POSITIVE tests that DONT PROVE you're infected that cloud this issue. You're looking at arguments made out of the testing results rather than the INTENSITY of the infection or the medical care that results.

This last spike of Delta RARELY saw a vaxxed person in ICU. And only handfuls of Admissions thru the E.R. doors. Hospitals reported 85% or more of ANY admissions CV positive were unvaxxed..
This past September and October, with some 60% of the population “vaccinated”, and with double the seroprevalence we had last year (people who’ve caught and recovered from covid), we have seen more deaths from covid in Oct/Sept 2021 than we did in Oct/Sep 2020. Care to explain that math?

Look at a graph with the proper timeline and NOT just compare the sept/october timeframe.. Why not compare THIS Sept/Oct with one of TWO peak events that happened in 2020? Those events didn't PEAK in Sept/Oct 2020.. That's largely why. In 2020, people were dying all the way from Feb thru Dec.. Compare the 2 years PEAK to PEAK with the 2021 peak that just off into the dust in October. It's not voodoo, it's just understanding WHERE in 2020 people were dying at a PEAK..

I chose Massachusetts because I was in a hurry..

Covid Death and Hosp.png

Not much dying goin on in 2020 sept/oct. 1st peak in april/may had about 170 a DAY dying in MA.. And the 2nd peak 2020 in Dec/Jan was about a third of that --

And the WIMPY 2021 peak in Sept/Oct was at 15 or 17 a day dying.

Simple to figure out your question if you look at the source data.. This DELTA PEAK you're raving about never racked up the scores that we had in the 2 2020 peak events DESPITE the political and media hype..

The VACCINE in conjunction with ever increasing NATURAL immunity is probably why EACH of these peaks were exponentially lower.

If you look at some great viruses that ravaged Britain in the 19th century you'll see about SIX YEARS of massive spikes and peaks until they start to exponentially decrease to nothing..
The word used is PREVENT -- not STOP as I said above. Here's the meaty part...

Notice the fussy distinction between the name of the VIRUS (SARS-CoV-2) and the name of the disease it is "treating" or preventing (Covid-19) . Note the part of the name containing SEVERE ACUTE... That's just like the name of the 1st SARS virus a couple decades ago.. The Disease is the progression to the SEVERE ACUTE stage that the virus was named for.. Meaning hospitalizations and ICU time. Does not include folks who merely TEST positive for some CV fragments lying in their nose when they got swabbed.

It's all those POSITIVE tests that DONT PROVE you're infected that cloud this issue. You're looking at arguments made out of the testing results rather than the INTENSITY of the infection or the medical care that results.

This last spike of Delta RARELY saw a vaxxed person in ICU. And only handfuls of Admissions thru the E.R. doors. Hospitals reported 85% or more of ANY admissions CV positive were unvaxxed..
By your definition here, no vaccine is a prophylactic...which clearly isn’t the case. Vaccines (the good ones) don’t magically create a force field where the virus gets zapped when it enters the body. Not how this works. Of course it can still enter the body, the question is does it allow for the body’s immune system to recognize and attack it before it becomes a problem. Clearly these do not since basically half (like 45% now) of all hospitalizations are coming from the vaxed. What I posted is standard prophylactic vaccine language. Here is the label for MMR.

STN: BL 101069
Proper Name: Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Virus Vaccine Live
Tradename: M-M-R II
Manufacturer: Merck, Sharp & Dohme Corp.

  • For active immunization for the prevention of measles, mumps, and rubella in individuals 12 months of age and older.”
Look at a graph with the proper timeline and NOT just compare the sept/october timeframe.. Why not compare THIS Sept/Oct with one of TWO peak events that happened in 2020? Those events didn't PEAK in Sept/Oct 2020.. That's largely why. In 2020, people were dying all the way from Feb thru Dec.. Compare the 2 years PEAK to PEAK with the 2021 peak that just off into the dust in October. It's not voodoo, it's just understanding WHERE in 2020 people were dying at a PEAK..

I chose Massachusetts because I was in a hurry..

View attachment 560538

Not much dying goin on in 2020 sept/oct. 1st peak in april/may had about 170 a DAY dying in MA.. And the 2nd peak 2020 in Dec/Jan was about a third of that --

And the WIMPY 2021 peak in Sept/Oct was at 15 or 17 a day dying.

Simple to figure out your question if you look at the source data.. This DELTA PEAK you're raving about never racked up the scores that we had in the 2 2020 peak events DESPITE the political and media hype..

The VACCINE in conjunction with ever increasing NATURAL immunity is probably why EACH of these peaks were exponentially lower.

If you look at some great viruses that ravaged Britain in the 19th century you'll see about SIX YEARS of massive spikes and peaks until they start to exponentially decrease to nothing..
Key word there is 19th century. Germ theory was barely a thing and most certainly not popular. Because we’ve created such a hostile sanitized environment for nasty bugs, we whip them into shape quickly. For nasty bugs we’ve learned to stay home and isolate so it doesn’t spread, or go to the hospital and throw the kitchen sink at it. The best bet for viruses/bacteria is to become minor colds, in which we brave going into work or skip the doc for. We’ve certainly hastened Mullers Ratchet in the past century.

For the graphs what you’re seeing is the seasonality of covid. Vitamin D deficiency is basically the reason we have flue seasons. Especially with covid. Vitamin D is the single most important thing you can take to protect yourself from covid. Plays a huge role in immune function as well as other bodily functions. In the southern states during the dog days of summer, everyone goes inside the AC to avoid the heat. Thus the southern state summer wave that hit in 2020 and 2021. Now we’re getting into fall in the northern states. People wear more layers, cover more skin, stay inside more, lowering their vitamin D levels. If you pull up these same graphs for 2020, it’ll look identical to 2021.
By your definition here, no vaccine is a prophylactic...which clearly isn’t the case. Vaccines (the good ones) don’t magically create a force field where the virus gets zapped when it enters the body. Not how this works.

Look up the meaning of prophylactic. It's an agent that reduces the CHANCES of infection.. Just heard the CEO of Pfizer announce their new (troublesome technology to me) virus DESTROYING pill. In the announcement he referred to his vaccine (and others) as "useful for reducing the risk of transmission and infection:" He never said -- it "PREVENTS" covid infection.. Go try and sue about what is on the vax labeling. Should read "helps to prevent" which is what it does very brilliantly.

The pill actually DESTROYS CV virus cells without the help of the body's immune system.. I'm worried that this tech needs YEARS to assure safety because it DOES CHANGE VIRAL DNA.. The mRNA vaxxes CANT and wont do that. And potentially COULD alter function in other human cells. The original company that developed the Merck "nucleotide" pill DROPPED research because there were issues in animal studies.

But besides my immediate concerns about "the pills" -- BOTH of these techniques are largely prophylactic because there is no CURE for most viruses. And no one should confuse EITHER of these methods to guarantee that no infections take hold.
By your definition here, no vaccine is a prophylactic...which clearly isn’t the case. Vaccines (the good ones) don’t magically create a force field where the virus gets zapped when it enters the body. Not how this works. Of course it can still enter the body, the question is does it allow for the body’s immune system to recognize and attack it before it becomes a problem. Clearly these do not since basically half (like 45% now) of all hospitalizations are coming from the vaxed. What I posted is standard prophylactic vaccine language. Here is the label for MMR.

STN: BL 101069
Proper Name: Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Virus Vaccine Live
Tradename: M-M-R II
Manufacturer: Merck, Sharp & Dohme Corp.

  • For active immunization for the prevention of measles, mumps, and rubella in individuals 12 months of age and older.”

Key word there is 19th century. Germ theory was barely a thing and most certainly not popular. Because we’ve created such a hostile sanitized environment for nasty bugs, we whip them into shape quickly. For nasty bugs we’ve learned to stay home and isolate so it doesn’t spread, or go to the hospital and throw the kitchen sink at it. The best bet for viruses/bacteria is to become minor colds, in which we brave going into work or skip the doc for. We’ve certainly hastened Mullers Ratchet in the past century.

For the graphs what you’re seeing is the seasonality of covid. Vitamin D deficiency is basically the reason we have flue seasons. Especially with covid. Vitamin D is the single most important thing you can take to protect yourself from covid. Plays a huge role in immune function as well as other bodily functions. In the southern states during the dog days of summer, everyone goes inside the AC to avoid the heat. Thus the southern state summer wave that hit in 2020 and 2021. Now we’re getting into fall in the northern states. People wear more layers, cover more skin, stay inside more, lowering their vitamin D levels. If you pull up these same graphs for 2020, it’ll look identical to 2021.
Look up the meaning of prophylactic. It's an agent that reduces the CHANCES of infection.. Just heard the CEO of Pfizer announce their new (troublesome technology to me) virus DESTROYING pill. In the announcement he referred to his vaccine (and others) as "useful for reducing the risk of transmission and infection:" He never said -- it "PREVENTS" covid infection.. Go try and sue about what is on the vax labeling. Should read "helps to prevent" which is what it does very brilliantly.

The pill actually DESTROYS CV virus cells without the help of the body's immune system.. I'm worried that this tech needs YEARS to assure safety because it DOES CHANGE VIRAL DNA.. The mRNA vaxxes CANT and wont do that. And potentially COULD alter function in other human cells. The original company that developed the Merck "nucleotide" pill DROPPED research because there were issues in animal studies.

But besides my immediate concerns about "the pills" -- BOTH of these techniques are largely prophylactic because there is no CURE for most viruses. And no one should confuse EITHER of these methods to guarantee that no infections take hold.
They’re saying that NOW, because they have too. 100% not what they were saying up until a few months ago, coinciding with the rise of the delta.

I’ll say it once again, for probably the 50th time on this site. The vaccines were never going to work. There was always going to be an endless stream of booster shots that just never seem to keep up. Dolla dolla bills y’all for big pharma. YOU CANNOT USE A VACCINE WITH A NARROW SPECTRUM OF IMMUNITY AGAINST A RAPIDLY MUTATING RNA VIRUS. This is why we don’t have an HIV vaccine. Whichever one of the tens of millions of mutations out there that’s resistant to the vaccine will become the dominant strain. This isn’t super duper high level of biology stuff. The efficacy they’re citing for the vaccines against delta is cumulative from back when they were still using it on the alpha. 45% of covid hospitalizations are from the vaccinated. Considering most of the vaccinated live in rural areas vs cities where the chances of catching it are higher, that’s pretty damning. This isn’t just some harmless big pharma scam either. We are seeing higher viral loads in the vaccinated. Significantly higher. We are seeing a 25% increase in cardiac events for people under 40. This is evil. But this is also just big pharmas world and we’re just living in it. Leaky vaccines WILL eventually lead to enhancement, which is probably what were already seeing.

The Merck drug is also mutagenic to mammal cells, not just viral cells. It is insanely irresponsible to prescribe it without loads of long term data, unless someone is on deaths door with covid.
Dolla dolla bills y’all for big pharma.
That's what I've been saying, the continuing push for Boosters, kid vaccinations etc. while smearing the use of proven cheap drugs like HCQ and Ivermectin is ALL ABOUT PROFIT for the drug companies. And payoffs for the leaders pushing the jab.

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