After nearly 50 years in public service, what are Joe Biden’s accomplishments.

He's gotten lots of cushy well paying jobs for family members through his political connections
and somehow gotten away with it all.

His son, his brother, his wife, ect. Seriously...that's it. He's had a long career as a massively corrupt,
quasi racist, serial groper and none too bright lackey for Big Business.

The democrats have pushed all their chips in Biden's corner despite this all (brain damage and such) so he must have something on someone.

Challenging fat old Iowa farmers to push up contests when he faces tough questions from the public
doesn't bode well for him at all. The democrats are right to keep him hidden away but sooner or later he
has to stop hiding.
I don't get any free money. I earned my military pension. That enrages you for some reason. Have you considered maybe not being a sissy bedwetter?

Meanwhile, we're left with the inescapable fact that you're quoting as a political and economic expert an E-list actor whose greatest claim to fame was hosting "America's Funniest Home Videos".

Dood. You'd fuck up an anvil.
Wow! John Fugelsang..... :icon_rolleyes:
Don't forget he was John McEnroe's Ed McMahon during a television talk show that lasted about as long as
an 80 year old's honeymoon night.
A Monday morning bump to see if any Biden Worshipper can find a single accomplishment.
You PROGS are an interesting bunch. Nobody can cite a single accomplishment yet you want him for POTUS?

How about Trump accomplishments, can we manage that one? It's a long list, easy to find.

Conservatives = measurable
PROGS = our feelings

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