After 'she is Asian' tweets about McConnell's wife, Dems rebuke operative

What the article doesn't seem to mention is that Groob was responding to a comment that Mitch made regarding out-of-towners. She implies that Mitch mentioned something, and she was countering his mention of said thing. Maybe there is more to this story than this article has let on?


Residence is measured in months. If they have been married more then a couple months she IS from Kentucky.

You're not "from" a place just because you live there.

I've been here in Carolina almost nine years but I'm not "from" here. I will never be "from" here simply because I wasn't born and raised here.

Okay then. That is the same thing as saying Obama's Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell is British, not American and or not from Washington State.

Or Samantha Power is NOT from Virginia, even though she lives there but she is Irish. and not American.
CaféAuLait;9569878 said:
Residence is measured in months. If they have been married more then a couple months she IS from Kentucky.

You're not "from" a place just because you live there.

I've been here in Carolina almost nine years but I'm not "from" here. I will never be "from" here simply because I wasn't born and raised here.

Okay then. That is the same thing as saying Obama's Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell is British, not American and or not from Washington State.

Or Samantha Power is NOT from Virginia, even though she lives there but she is Irish. and not American.

:dunno: It might be. I don't know them.

"From" means from; it doesn't mean "where I live". If you went to a person's house in Indiana and when you got there they had a New Zealand accent, you would ask them "where are you from". Obviously they're not from Indiana.
CaféAuLait;9569878 said:
You're not "from" a place just because you live there.

I've been here in Carolina almost nine years but I'm not "from" here. I will never be "from" here simply because I wasn't born and raised here.

Okay then. That is the same thing as saying Obama's Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell is British, not American and or not from Washington State.

Or Samantha Power is NOT from Virginia, even though she lives there but she is Irish. and not American.

:dunno: It might be. I don't know them.

"From" means from; it doesn't mean "where I live". If you went to a person's house in Indiana and when you got there they had a New Zealand accent, you would ask them "where are you from". Obviously they're not from Indiana.

Who care if they have an accent, right?

If McConnell and or his wife wants to state she is from KY since she adopted the US as her home, why does it matter? She has been married to McConnell sine 1993. And has lived in the United States for 52 years of her life. Why is anyone trying to say she is not a Kentuckian? Its insulting to say the least. and truly borders on racist if not outright racist.

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bullshit, cocksucker.

The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats at least rebuke any of their people who do stupid shit like this while Republicans look the other way and pretend like they didn't hear it.
CaféAuLait;9569912 said:
CaféAuLait;9569878 said:
Okay then. That is the same thing as saying Obama's Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell is British, not American and or not from Washington State.

Or Samantha Power is NOT from Virginia, even though she lives there but she is Irish. and not American.

:dunno: It might be. I don't know them.

"From" means from; it doesn't mean "where I live". If you went to a person's house in Indiana and when you got there they had a New Zealand accent, you would ask them "where are you from". Obviously they're not from Indiana.

Who care if they have an accent, right?

If McConnell and or his wife wants to state she is from KY since she adopted the US as her home, why does it matter? She has been married to McConnell sine 1993. And has lived in the United States for 52 years of her life. Why is anyone trying to say she is not a Kentuckian? Its insulting to say the least. and truly borders on racist if not outright racist.

I see we've given up on the previous point. Concession noted. Good, moving on...

Simply noting a person's race or national origin IS NOT RACISM. Racism requires a value judgment that members of Race X are inferior (or superior) to others. A simple predicate adjective DOES NOT DO THAT. :banghead:

"This jacket belongs to that black guy" is NOT a racist statement -- any more than "This jacket belongs to that woman" would be a sexist statement.
Suppose a person says, of herself, "I am Asian"... is she being racist on herself??

This is the most mindless thread I've seen all day. How dumbed down have we gotten where people think like this... :rolleyes:
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She is Asian. And she married Mitch the Bitch McConnell because Asians like turtles. And doesn't Mitch look like a big ole snapper?

Asians like turtles? Is that like blacks liking watermelon?

You know stereotyping?
I have no idea what the whole turtle thing is about. I always thought McConnell was "flashbulb man".

Or is that..... an ocularist statement? :rolleyes:
CaféAuLait;9569912 said:
:dunno: It might be. I don't know them.

"From" means from; it doesn't mean "where I live". If you went to a person's house in Indiana and when you got there they had a New Zealand accent, you would ask them "where are you from". Obviously they're not from Indiana.

Who care if they have an accent, right?

If McConnell and or his wife wants to state she is from KY since she adopted the US as her home, why does it matter? She has been married to McConnell sine 1993. And has lived in the United States for 52 years of her life. Why is anyone trying to say she is not a Kentuckian? Its insulting to say the least. and truly borders on racist if not outright racist.

I see we've given up on the previous point. Concession noted. Good, moving on...

Simply noting a person's race or national origin IS NOT RACISM.. Racism requires a value judgment that members of Race X are inferior (or superior) to others. A simple predicate adjective DOES NOT DO THAT. :banghead:

This is the most mindless thread I've seen all day.

I'm just trying to figure the point of the twitter rant insisting what McConnell and his wife state is wrong and she is not Kentuckian. There was no reason to point out she is Asian. Why did this woman feel the need to insist Mrs. McConnell was Asian and not Kentuckian?

Why did Groob feel the need to repeat it and keep insisting his wife was not from Kentucky?

If this had been a black politician's wife and she immigrated from Africa over a half century ago and someone insisted she was African and not from Kentucky it would be seen as racist.
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CaféAuLait;9569945 said:
CaféAuLait;9569912 said:
Who care if they have an accent, right?

If McConnell and or his wife wants to state she is from KY since she adopted the US as her home, why does it matter? She has been married to McConnell sine 1993. And has lived in the United States for 52 years of her life. Why is anyone trying to say she is not a Kentuckian? Its insulting to say the least. and truly borders on racist if not outright racist.

I see we've given up on the previous point. Concession noted. Good, moving on...

Simply noting a person's race or national origin IS NOT RACISM.. Racism requires a value judgment that members of Race X are inferior (or superior) to others. A simple predicate adjective DOES NOT DO THAT. :banghead:

This is the most mindless thread I've seen all day.

I'm just trying to figure the point of the twitter rant insisting what McConnell and his wife state is wrong and she is not Kentuckian. There was no reason to point out she is Asian. Why did this woman feel the need to insist Mrs. McConnell was Asian and not Kentuckian?

Why did Groob feel the need to repeat it and keep insisting his wife was not from Kentucky?

If this had been a black politician's wife and she immigrated from Africa over a half century ago and someone insisted she was African and not from Kentucky it would be seen as racist.


You didn't read a damn thing I just wrote.

Exactly what part of THERE IS NO VALUE JUDGMENT in noting where a person comes from and therefore it's not racism eludes you?

CaféAuLait;9569945 said:
I see we've given up on the previous point. Concession noted. Good, moving on...

Simply noting a person's race or national origin IS NOT RACISM.. Racism requires a value judgment that members of Race X are inferior (or superior) to others. A simple predicate adjective DOES NOT DO THAT. :banghead:

This is the most mindless thread I've seen all day.

I'm just trying to figure the point of the twitter rant insisting what McConnell and his wife state is wrong and she is not Kentuckian. There was no reason to point out she is Asian. Why did this woman feel the need to insist Mrs. McConnell was Asian and not Kentuckian?

Why did Groob feel the need to repeat it and keep insisting his wife was not from Kentucky?

If this had been a black politician's wife and she immigrated from Africa over a half century ago and someone insisted she was African and not from Kentucky it would be seen as racist.


You didn't read a damn thing I just wrote.

Exactly what part of THERE IS NO VALUE JUDGMENT in noting where a person comes from and therefore it's not racism eludes you?


I don't think you would agree if one keep insisting the fictitious black politician's wife was not from Kentucky but was African over and over. Everyone would wonder why such BS was needed. There was no need to deny Mr. or Mrs. McConnell's wife her chosen place to state she where is from. None.

Even Democrats state the tweets were wrong, however Groob's apology came too late. She tried to bash Reagan, McConnell and Mrs. McConnell, in one fell swoop and it backfired in her face.

Kentucky Democratic Party, which said, “These comments are abhorrent and have no place in Kentucky politics. We strongly denounce them,” WHAS reported.

Groob backpedaled, heading back to Twitter and writing, ”My sincere apologies for poor choice of words,” WHAS added.
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CaféAuLait;9569980 said:
CaféAuLait;9569945 said:
I'm just trying to figure the point of the twitter rant insisting what McConnell and his wife state is wrong and she is not Kentuckian. There was no reason to point out she is Asian. Why did this woman feel the need to insist Mrs. McConnell was Asian and not Kentuckian?

Why did Groob feel the need to repeat it and keep insisting his wife was not from Kentucky?

If this had been a black politician's wife and she immigrated from Africa over a half century ago and someone insisted she was African and not from Kentucky it would be seen as racist.


You didn't read a damn thing I just wrote.

Exactly what part of THERE IS NO VALUE JUDGMENT in noting where a person comes from and therefore it's not racism eludes you?


I don't think you would agree if one keep insisting the fictitious black politician's wife was not from Kentucky but was African over and over. Everyone would wonder why such BS was needed. There was no need to deny Mr. or Mrs. McConnell's wife her chosen place to state she where is from. None.

Even Democrats state the tweets were wrong, however Groob's apology came too late. She tried to bash Reagan, McConnell and Mrs. McConnell, in one fell swoop and it backfired in her face.

Kentucky Democratic Party, which said, “These comments are abhorrent and have no place in Kentucky politics. We strongly denounce them,” WHAS reported.

Groob backpedaled, heading back to Twitter and writing, ”My sincere apologies for poor choice of words,” WHAS added.

Now you're deflecting ALL over the place. I don't know and couldn't care less why somebody put a Twit on Tweeter. Who cares. I'm correcting the point that the mere mention of race --- DOES NOT CONSTITUTE "RACISM". And it's either dishonest or plain stupid to claim that it does.

This hyper-PC horseshit is fricking mindless skulduggery. We just did the same thing here. That clown couldn't explain his bullshit either.
CaféAuLait;9569980 said:

You didn't read a damn thing I just wrote.

Exactly what part of THERE IS NO VALUE JUDGMENT in noting where a person comes from and therefore it's not racism eludes you?


I don't think you would agree if one keep insisting the fictitious black politician's wife was not from Kentucky but was African over and over. Everyone would wonder why such BS was needed. There was no need to deny Mr. or Mrs. McConnell's wife her chosen place to state she where is from. None.

Even Democrats state the tweets were wrong, however Groob's apology came too late. She tried to bash Reagan, McConnell and Mrs. McConnell, in one fell swoop and it backfired in her face.

Kentucky Democratic Party, which said, “These comments are abhorrent and have no place in Kentucky politics. We strongly denounce them,” WHAS reported.

Groob backpedaled, heading back to Twitter and writing, ”My sincere apologies for poor choice of words,” WHAS added.

Now you're deflecting ALL over the place. I don't know and couldn't care less why somebody put a Twit on Tweeter. Who cares. I'm correcting the point that the mere mention of race --- DOES NOT CONSTITUTE "RACISM". And it's either dishonest or plain stupid to claim that it does.

This hyper-PC horseshit is fricking mindless skulduggery. We just did the same thing here. That clown couldn't explain his bullshit either.

I'm not deflecting at all Pogo. Claim what you like. If this woman had been Black or Hispanic, it would still be called racist, and I am sure you realize this, no reason to bring up her race. I can't even imagine if that had been a republican who decided to call a democrat and his wife on stating they are from California and demanding they are wrong and "they are really Mexican or African".

Groob did not state she is FROM Asia she said she is Asian.

“Hey Mitch, nothing against you wife and spouses should be off limits; since you mentioned, she isn’t from KY, she is Asian

Elaine Chao, has been Asian her whole life, do tell any reason to point out her race, any reason to point out she is Asian-American? Nope, none at all.

CaféAuLait;9569912 said:
CaféAuLait;9569878 said:
Okay then. That is the same thing as saying Obama's Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell is British, not American and or not from Washington State.

Or Samantha Power is NOT from Virginia, even though she lives there but she is Irish. and not American.

:dunno: It might be. I don't know them.

"From" means from; it doesn't mean "where I live". If you went to a person's house in Indiana and when you got there they had a New Zealand accent, you would ask them "where are you from". Obviously they're not from Indiana.

Who care if they have an accent, right?

If McConnell and or his wife wants to state she is from KY since she adopted the US as her home, why does it matter? She has been married to McConnell sine 1993. And has lived in the United States for 52 years of her life. Why is anyone trying to say she is not a Kentuckian? Its insulting to say the least. and truly borders on racist if not outright racist.

A Kentuckian of Asian descent...Groob would do well to think before "tweeting".
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CaféAuLait;9569912 said:
:dunno: It might be. I don't know them.

"From" means from; it doesn't mean "where I live". If you went to a person's house in Indiana and when you got there they had a New Zealand accent, you would ask them "where are you from". Obviously they're not from Indiana.

Who care if they have an accent, right?

If McConnell and or his wife wants to state she is from KY since she adopted the US as her home, why does it matter? She has been married to McConnell sine 1993. And has lived in the United States for 52 years of her life. Why is anyone trying to say she is not a Kentuckian? Its insulting to say the least. and truly borders on racist if not outright racist.

I see we've given up on the previous point. Concession noted. Good, moving on...

Simply noting a person's race or national origin IS NOT RACISM. Racism requires a value judgment that members of Race X are inferior (or superior) to others. A simple predicate adjective DOES NOT DO THAT. :banghead:

"This jacket belongs to that black guy" is NOT a racist statement -- any more than "This jacket belongs to that woman" would be a sexist statement.
Suppose a person says, of herself, "I am Asian"... is she being racist on herself??

This is the most mindless thread I've seen all day. How dumbed down have we gotten where people think like this... :rolleyes:

Saying something like, did you see the black man take that coat could be.

Or saying, she isn't one of us, she is an Asian, is what I think the Tweet meant, and so did the Democrats.
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I'm not seeing anything racist here.

Why do you think that her being Asian was mentioned in a tweet? Why do you think that the democrats rebuked her?

I'm not sure FW, unless there were other disparaging remarks with that remark. I just can't see it. Libs will play that stupid game but not me. I know this is anecdotal but I've had people say that about my wife. She's asian. Its just not offensive to me. Now, if they referred to her as a chink or slant eyes, that would b different. Even then though, that stuff just doesn't bother me.
CaféAuLait;9569945 said:
CaféAuLait;9569912 said:
Who care if they have an accent, right?

If McConnell and or his wife wants to state she is from KY since she adopted the US as her home, why does it matter? She has been married to McConnell sine 1993. And has lived in the United States for 52 years of her life. Why is anyone trying to say she is not a Kentuckian? Its insulting to say the least. and truly borders on racist if not outright racist.

I see we've given up on the previous point. Concession noted. Good, moving on...

Simply noting a person's race or national origin IS NOT RACISM.. Racism requires a value judgment that members of Race X are inferior (or superior) to others. A simple predicate adjective DOES NOT DO THAT. :banghead:

This is the most mindless thread I've seen all day.

I'm just trying to figure the point of the twitter rant insisting what McConnell and his wife state is wrong and she is not Kentuckian. There was no reason to point out she is Asian. Why did this woman feel the need to insist Mrs. McConnell was Asian and not Kentuckian?

Why did Groob feel the need to repeat it and keep insisting his wife was not from Kentucky?

If this had been a black politician's wife and she immigrated from Africa over a half century ago and someone insisted she was African and not from Kentucky it would be seen as racist.

You will never get an honest answer from him. Just saying :lol:

The entire issue is stupid. Mitch addressed out of towners in the crowd and the idiots all decided he was being judgmental and is deserving of backlash. Clearly they have nothing else to jump on him for besides his appearance

Now they are trying to tell us we dont understand that where people actually live is where they come from. Her town/state is KS.

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