After 'she is Asian' tweets about McConnell's wife, Dems rebuke operative

CaféAuLait;9574868 said:
CaféAuLait;9574756 said:
Obama: "Michelle has accomplished a ton while working in the White House, look at her "Let's Move" program, the first person from Chicago to focus on issues with obese children, it has helped many".

Hey Obama, your wife is not from Chicago, she is Black.

Totally missed the praise he had for his wife and went for her race.

Why? Oh, yeah that's it! let's sit there and try to connect him to Black people, exactly what Groob continued to do, by referring to Chao as McConnell’s “Chinese wife,” and said McConnell is “wedded to free trade in China” not his wife.

I have no idea who you're quoting there but that's not racism either; it's just a false dilemma. Being from Chicago and being black are not mutually exclusive, therefore the latter does not eliminate the former. And neither being from Chicago nor being black are disparaged in the statement, therefore it's neither racist nor "localist".

I don't know why this is going over as if it's posted in Aramaic; it's fairly simple -- to be a racist statement, it has to make some judgment about the race as a whole. If it doesn't, then it's not a racist statement.

Um, okay. Groob constantly used Chao's birth place and her race to disparage McConnell politically.

And it's not racist?


No, it's not. And you're really digging yourself a deep hole here.

Right there above you've acknowledged the tweets reference place. Nowhere in the article does anyone mention a race.

"Google Elaine Chao, #MitchMcConnell's wife," Kathy Groob tweeted Saturday morning. "No mention of Kentucky, she is Asian."

"She isn't from Kentucky; she is Asian"

"Either way, she's not from KY, she is Asian..."

Geographical contrast. Every time. Asia is a place. A place that emphatically does not include Kentucky.

You don't even have so much as a racial reference to build a specious racist claim on, let alone any comment on a race. Not even a tweet saying "she isn't white; she's Asian". Doesn't exist.

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CaféAuLait;9574781 said:
I'm not sure FW, unless there were other disparaging remarks with that remark. I just can't see it. Libs will play that stupid game but not me. I know this is anecdotal but I've had people say that about my wife. She's asian. Its just not offensive to me. Now, if they referred to her as a chink or slant eyes, that would b different. Even then though, that stuff just doesn't bother me.

But the rest of the tweets kept referring back to her. First Groob said she was "Asian", then she said Mitch "wedded to China trade", then she referred to McConnell's wife as "McConnell's Chinese wife". She kept referring to her race to associate McConnell with China, and ran amuck all over his wife to try and prove some political point about McConnell using his wife's' race.

It is BS and racist. His wife has lived in the US since she was 7 years old, Groob used her birth place and her race to disparage McConnell.

"Asian" is not exclusively a racial term anyway. It can refer to "something or someone from Asia". Regardless what their race is. This computer I'm typing on is "Asian". If it's a reference to locality (Asia as contrasted with Kentucky) then it isn't even referring to race --- let alone disparaging it. In fact I just looked back at the OP article and there's no reference to ethnicity. Every time the tweeter referred to McConnell's wife as "Asian" it's placed in contrast to "Kentucky", which makes it a geographical adjective. Had it been a reference to ethnicity the contrast would have been to "white people" (or black people, etc). Apples to apples.

Hope this isn't really really really really really really complex... :rolleyes:

The first thing you gotta learn in threads like this is that whatever cockamamie article the OP brought in and whatever its title, just because someone posted a blog on the internets, or runs their own hair-on-fire headline here, doesn't mean either or both aren't riddled with logical flaws and inaccuracies that are easily exposed.

Just a few of Groob's tweets about McConnell's wife as she railed against McConnell on twitter because he simply stated his wife calls KY home. She then started to attack McConnell politics using his wife's race.

She is not from KY she is "Asian" Mitch.

Reagan even said she is "Chinese" Mitch!

McConnell is wedded to "China" trade.

McConnell's wife is "Chinese".

Groob used her birth place and her race over and over to disparage McConnell politically.

It's not too "complex" for those of us who are honest to see. Additionally, Democrats stated Groob was "abhorrent" and strongly 'denounced' Groob. I wonder why are you defending the indefensible. Things that make you go hummm.
CaféAuLait;9574868 said:
CaféAuLait;9574756 said:
Obama: "Michelle has accomplished a ton while working in the White House, look at her "Let's Move" program, the first person from Chicago to focus on issues with obese children, it has helped many".

Hey Obama, your wife is not from Chicago, she is Black.

Totally missed the praise he had for his wife and went for her race.

Why? Oh, yeah that's it! let's sit there and try to connect him to Black people, exactly what Groob continued to do, by referring to Chao as McConnell’s “Chinese wife,” and said McConnell is “wedded to free trade in China” not his wife.

I have no idea who you're quoting there but that's not racism either; it's just a false dilemma. Being from Chicago and being black are not mutually exclusive, therefore the latter does not eliminate the former. And neither being from Chicago nor being black are disparaged in the statement, therefore it's neither racist nor "localist".

I don't know why this is going over as if it's posted in Aramaic; it's fairly simple -- to be a racist statement, it has to make some judgment about the race as a whole. If it doesn't, then it's not a racist statement.

Um, okay. Groob constantly used Chao's birth place and her race to disparage McConnell politically.

And it's not racist?


Yes, it is. She is Asian and not from KY, thus she is from somewhere else that is not obviously white.

I get a kick out of Dems and Pubs accusing each other of racism as if their own homes are clean.
CaféAuLait;9575033 said:
CaféAuLait;9574781 said:
But the rest of the tweets kept referring back to her. First Groob said she was "Asian", then she said Mitch "wedded to China trade", then she referred to McConnell's wife as "McConnell's Chinese wife". She kept referring to her race to associate McConnell with China, and ran amuck all over his wife to try and prove some political point about McConnell using his wife's' race.

It is BS and racist. His wife has lived in the US since she was 7 years old, Groob used her birth place and her race to disparage McConnell.

"Asian" is not exclusively a racial term anyway. It can refer to "something or someone from Asia". Regardless what their race is. This computer I'm typing on is "Asian". If it's a reference to locality (Asia as contrasted with Kentucky) then it isn't even referring to race --- let alone disparaging it. In fact I just looked back at the OP article and there's no reference to ethnicity. Every time the tweeter referred to McConnell's wife as "Asian" it's placed in contrast to "Kentucky", which makes it a geographical adjective. Had it been a reference to ethnicity the contrast would have been to "white people" (or black people, etc). Apples to apples.

Hope this isn't really really really really really really complex... :rolleyes:

The first thing you gotta learn in threads like this is that whatever cockamamie article the OP brought in and whatever its title, just because someone posted a blog on the internets, or runs their own hair-on-fire headline here, doesn't mean either or both aren't riddled with logical flaws and inaccuracies that are easily exposed.

Just a few of Groob's tweets about McConnell's wife as she railed against McConnell on twitter because he simply stated his wife calls KY home. She then started to attack McConnell politics using his wife's race.

She is not from KY she is "Asian" Mitch.

Reagan even said she is "Chinese" Mitch!

McConnell is wedded to "China" trade.

McConnell's wife is "Chinese".

Groob used her birth place and her race over and over to disparage McConnell politically.

It's not too "complex" for those of us who are honest to see. Additionally, Democrats stated Groob was "abhorrent" and strongly 'denounced' Groob. I wonder why are you defending the indefensible. Things that make you go hummm.

YOU are defending the indefensible here, deliberately acting stupid just to stoke some partisan point.

Post for me anywhere the tweeter made a reference to race. Any at all. But show how it's a reference to race and not place. Go ahead.

When a proper adjective might be either geographical or racial (and it's more directly geographical), the contrast shows the intent. Every one is contrasted with a geographic point. NONE are contrasted with race.

Stop acting stupid. Trying to make what is obviously a geographic reference into a racial one to try to score some kind of racist point, this shit is just blatantly dishonest even for Amurrikan Demagoguery.
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CaféAuLait;9574868 said:
I have no idea who you're quoting there but that's not racism either; it's just a false dilemma. Being from Chicago and being black are not mutually exclusive, therefore the latter does not eliminate the former. And neither being from Chicago nor being black are disparaged in the statement, therefore it's neither racist nor "localist".

I don't know why this is going over as if it's posted in Aramaic; it's fairly simple -- to be a racist statement, it has to make some judgment about the race as a whole. If it doesn't, then it's not a racist statement.

Um, okay. Groob constantly used Chao's birth place and her race to disparage McConnell politically.

And it's not racist?


Yes, it is. She is Asian and not from KY, thus she is from somewhere else that is not obviously white.

I get a kick out of Dems and Pubs accusing each other of racism as if their own homes are clean.

No it isn't, Jake! "Asian" and "from Kentucky" are not mutually exclusive racially. They ARE mutually exclusive geographically. That's how we know what the intent was.

You can be born of Asian ethnicity in Kentucky. But you cannot be born in China in Kentucky. The only way the statements work is in the geographic sense.
CaféAuLait;9575033 said:
"Asian" is not exclusively a racial term anyway. It can refer to "something or someone from Asia". Regardless what their race is. This computer I'm typing on is "Asian". If it's a reference to locality (Asia as contrasted with Kentucky) then it isn't even referring to race --- let alone disparaging it. In fact I just looked back at the OP article and there's no reference to ethnicity. Every time the tweeter referred to McConnell's wife as "Asian" it's placed in contrast to "Kentucky", which makes it a geographical adjective. Had it been a reference to ethnicity the contrast would have been to "white people" (or black people, etc). Apples to apples.

Hope this isn't really really really really really really complex... :rolleyes:

The first thing you gotta learn in threads like this is that whatever cockamamie article the OP brought in and whatever its title, just because someone posted a blog on the internets, or runs their own hair-on-fire headline here, doesn't mean either or both aren't riddled with logical flaws and inaccuracies that are easily exposed.

Just a few of Groob's tweets about McConnell's wife as she railed against McConnell on twitter because he simply stated his wife calls KY home. She then started to attack McConnell politics using his wife's race.

She is not from KY she is "Asian" Mitch.

Reagan even said she is "Chinese" Mitch!

McConnell is wedded to "China" trade.

McConnell's wife is "Chinese".

Groob used her birth place and her race over and over to disparage McConnell politically.

It's not too "complex" for those of us who are honest to see. Additionally, Democrats stated Groob was "abhorrent" and strongly 'denounced' Groob. I wonder why are you defending the indefensible. Things that make you go hummm.

YOU are defending the indefensible here, deliberately acting stupid just to stoke some partisan point.

Post for me anywhere the tweeter made a reference to race. Any at all. But show how it's a reference to race and not place. Go ahead.

When a proper adjective might be either geographical or racial (and it's more directly geographical), the contrast shows the intent. Every one is contrasted with a geographic point. NONE are contrasted with race.

Stop acting stupid.


Give me one good reason to refer to McConnell's wife's race and birthplace over and over while -at the same time tweeting McConnell is "married" to China's Free Trade?

Go on, just one! TIA!
CaféAuLait;9575113 said:
CaféAuLait;9575033 said:
Just a few of Groob's tweets about McConnell's wife as she railed against McConnell on twitter because he simply stated his wife calls KY home. She then started to attack McConnell politics using his wife's race.

She is not from KY she is "Asian" Mitch.

Reagan even said she is "Chinese" Mitch!

McConnell is wedded to "China" trade.

McConnell's wife is "Chinese".

Groob used her birth place and her race over and over to disparage McConnell politically.

It's not too "complex" for those of us who are honest to see. Additionally, Democrats stated Groob was "abhorrent" and strongly 'denounced' Groob. I wonder why are you defending the indefensible. Things that make you go hummm.

YOU are defending the indefensible here, deliberately acting stupid just to stoke some partisan point.

Post for me anywhere the tweeter made a reference to race. Any at all. But show how it's a reference to race and not place. Go ahead.

When a proper adjective might be either geographical or racial (and it's more directly geographical), the contrast shows the intent. Every one is contrasted with a geographic point. NONE are contrasted with race.

Stop acting stupid. Trying to make what is obviously a geographic reference into a racial one to try to score some kind of racist point, this shit is just blatantly dishonest even for Amurrikan Demagoguery.


Give me one good reason to refer to McConnell's wife's race and birthplace over and over while -at the same time tweeting McConnell is "married" to China's Free Trade?

Go on, just one! TIA!

Give me just one reference to her race. Just one.
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CaféAuLait;9575113 said:
YOU are defending the indefensible here, deliberately acting stupid just to stoke some partisan point.

Post for me anywhere the tweeter made a reference to race. Any at all. But show how it's a reference to race and not place. Go ahead.

When a proper adjective might be either geographical or racial (and it's more directly geographical), the contrast shows the intent. Every one is contrasted with a geographic point. NONE are contrasted with race.

Stop acting stupid.


Give me one good reason to refer to McConnell's wife's race and birthplace over and over while -at the same time tweeting McConnell is "married" to China's Free Trade?

Go on, just one! TIA!

Give me just one reference to her race. Just one.

I already have over and over, perhaps you need to read ALL of Groob's tweets. When you do, get back to me!

I have to run out for a bit, maybe by the time I am back you can spin some yarn about how none of the words Groob used described her race as you claim.

Groob wrote these words to describe Chao, McConnell's wife:

"Chao is McConnell’s Chinese wife,”
"She’s not from KY…She is Asian"
"She is Asian and Bush openly touted that."

All the while Groob was stating McConnell was "wedded to Chinn's Free trade". :doubt:

Have fun with that! See you later.
CaféAuLait;9575244 said:

I have to run out for a bit, maybe by the time I am back you can spin some yarn about how none of the words Groob used described her race as you claim.

Groob wrote these words to describe Chao, McConnell's wife:

"Chao is McConnell’s Chinese wife,”
"She’s not from KY…She is Asian"
"She is Asian and Bush openly touted that."

All the while Groob was stating McConnell was "wedded to Chinn's Free trade". :doubt:

Have fun with that! See you later.

See what I'm saying? You cannot quote a reference to race because none exist. Right there in your own quotes are the geographic contrasts. Not once is there a reference to a race.

Blatantly dishonest hackitude.
What the article doesn't seem to mention is that Groob was responding to a comment that Mitch made regarding out-of-towners. She implies that Mitch mentioned something, and she was countering his mention of said thing. Maybe there is more to this story than this article has let on?


Residence is measured in months. If they have been married more then a couple months she IS from Kentucky.

Residing somewhere isn't the same as being from somewhere.

I reside in California. I'm registered to vote here. I could run for office here, if I wanted.

But I'm from Brooklyn.
What the article doesn't seem to mention is that Groob was responding to a comment that Mitch made regarding out-of-towners. She implies that Mitch mentioned something, and she was countering his mention of said thing. Maybe there is more to this story than this article has let on?


Residence is measured in months. If they have been married more then a couple months she IS from Kentucky.

Residing somewhere isn't the same as being from somewhere.

I reside in California. I'm registered to vote here. I could run for office here, if I wanted.

But I'm from Brooklyn.

Once again for the SLOW and STUPID, the reference was that she was not from Kentucky as in an outsider. That is not true she is a resident of Kentucky and has been as long as she has been married at least. Her husband was referring to outsiders as in NOT residents of Kentucky. And you know it. As well as all the other dumb asses in this thread claiming otherwise.
Why are we threading an "event" that happened a year and a half ago anyway?

Residence is measured in months. If they have been married more then a couple months she IS from Kentucky.

Residing somewhere isn't the same as being from somewhere.

I reside in California. I'm registered to vote here. I could run for office here, if I wanted.

But I'm from Brooklyn.

Once again for the SLOW and STUPID, the reference was that she was not from Kentucky as in an outsider. That is not true she is a resident of Kentucky and has been as long as she has been married at least. Her husband was referring to outsiders as in NOT residents of Kentucky. And you know it. As well as all the other dumb asses in this thread claiming otherwise.

It will keep getting spun.

Groob mentioned her race and place of birth to discredit McConnell- and this is not the first time either. It is also not the first time democrats have done so. They also stated the end of 2013 the reason jobs were going over seas to China, was because of McConnell's wife.

She came to this country when she was 7 flippin years old, but somehow she is not American, nor is from the state she claims, but the fact she was born in and ESCAPED a communist regime in during Chinese Civil War in 1949 with her parents at the tender age of 7 makes her the impetus jobs are being sent to China. Seriously messed up.
CaféAuLait;9576065 said:
Why are we threading an "event" that happened a year and a half ago anyway?


This went down this past Saturday, August 2, 2014.

--- then why is it referred to here in an "update", dated February 2013? One of several such links from that time...
CaféAuLait;9576105 said:
Residing somewhere isn't the same as being from somewhere.

I reside in California. I'm registered to vote here. I could run for office here, if I wanted.

But I'm from Brooklyn.

Once again for the SLOW and STUPID, the reference was that she was not from Kentucky as in an outsider. That is not true she is a resident of Kentucky and has been as long as she has been married at least. Her husband was referring to outsiders as in NOT residents of Kentucky. And you know it. As well as all the other dumb asses in this thread claiming otherwise.

It will keep getting spun.

Groob mentioned her race and place of birth to discredit McConnell- and this is not the first time either. It is also not the first time democrats have done so. They also stated the end of 2013 the reason jobs were going over seas to China, was because of McConnell's wife.

She came to this country when she was 7 flippin years old, but somehow she is not American, nor is from the state she claims, but the fact she was born in and ESCAPED a communist regime in during Chinese Civil War in 1949 with her parents at the tender age of 7 makes her the impetus jobs are being sent to China. Seriously messed up.

You still can't find a mention of race, can you?

What does that tell you? Take your time... :eusa_whistle:
CaféAuLait;9576105 said:
Residing somewhere isn't the same as being from somewhere.

I reside in California. I'm registered to vote here. I could run for office here, if I wanted.

But I'm from Brooklyn.

Once again for the SLOW and STUPID, the reference was that she was not from Kentucky as in an outsider. That is not true she is a resident of Kentucky and has been as long as she has been married at least. Her husband was referring to outsiders as in NOT residents of Kentucky. And you know it. As well as all the other dumb asses in this thread claiming otherwise.

It will keep getting spun.

Groob mentioned her race and place of birth to discredit McConnell- and this is not the first time either. It is also not the first time democrats have done so. They also stated the end of 2013 the reason jobs were going over seas to China, was because of McConnell's wife.

She came to this country when she was 7 flippin years old, but somehow she is not American, nor is from the state she claims, but the fact she was born in and ESCAPED a communist regime in during Chinese Civil War in 1949 with her parents at the tender age of 7 makes her the impetus jobs are being sent to China. Seriously messed up.

That is a really good trick, considering she wasn't even born until 1953. In Taiwan.

I'm starting to get a clear picture of the depth of your reading comprehension....
CaféAuLait;9576065 said:
Why are we threading an "event" that happened a year and a half ago anyway?


This went down this past Saturday, August 2, 2014.

--- then why is it referred to here in an "update", dated February 2013? One of several such links from that time...


Because that was the first time she has DONE THE SAME DAMN THING, I have already referred you to such.

She has been doing this for sometime just as your article states. She is a racist. Period.

From YOUR link:

Progress Kentucky, a Democratic super PAC with its sights on toppling Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), has drawn backlash for a persistent effort to suggest that the senator's wife's Chinese roots have led him to embrace anti-American policies.

Even Huffington Post ( your link above) recognized what she had been doing over a year ago! Then she does it AGAIN this past weekend!


What took place this weekend ( 8-2-2014) was the same racist shit ( using McConnell's wife's race and country of origin to bash McConnell and Chao) she has been spouting for almost 2 years now! Is it that hard to see the dates on the new tweets?

In Kentucky, Elaine Chao Endures Racist Attacks From Liberals - The Daily Beast

After 'she is Asian' tweets about McConnell's wife, Dems rebuke operative | Louisville

Mitch McConnell, Alison Lundergan Grimes face off at Fancy Farm - James Hohmann -


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