After 'she is Asian' tweets about McConnell's wife, Dems rebuke operative

CaféAuLait;9570145 said:
CaféAuLait;9569980 said:
I don't think you would agree if one keep insisting the fictitious black politician's wife was not from Kentucky but was African over and over. Everyone would wonder why such BS was needed. There was no need to deny Mr. or Mrs. McConnell's wife her chosen place to state she where is from. None.

Even Democrats state the tweets were wrong, however Groob's apology came too late. She tried to bash Reagan, McConnell and Mrs. McConnell, in one fell swoop and it backfired in her face.

Now you're deflecting ALL over the place. I don't know and couldn't care less why somebody put a Twit on Tweeter. Who cares. I'm correcting the point that the mere mention of race --- DOES NOT CONSTITUTE "RACISM". And it's either dishonest or plain stupid to claim that it does.

This hyper-PC horseshit is fricking mindless skulduggery. We just did the same thing here. That clown couldn't explain his bullshit either.

I'm not deflecting at all Pogo. Claim what you like. If this woman had been Black or Hispanic, it would still be called racist, and I am sure you realize this, no reason to bring up her race. I can't even imagine if that had been a republican who decided to call a democrat and his wife on stating they are from California and demanding they are wrong and "they are really Mexican or African".

Groob did not state she is FROM Asia she said she is Asian.

“Hey Mitch, nothing against you wife and spouses should be off limits; since you mentioned, she isn’t from KY, she is Asian

Elaine Chao, has been Asian her whole life, do tell any reason to point out her race, any reason to point out she is Asian-American? Nope, none at all.


How can you possibly be this dense? Merely stating a person's race (or national origin, or gender, etc) is NOT A RACIST STATEMENT (or sexist etc.). Everything and Everyone is eligible for descriptive adjectives! :banghead:

Is it "racist" to tell you my car is black?? THINK.

>> rac·ism
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. <<

There is NO VALUE JUDGMENT PRESENT in the statement "she is Asian" or "I am black" or "they are white". There is NO VALUE JUDGMENT in the phrase "white girls" or "Chinese people" or "Italian men". You MUST have a value judgment to define racism.

Do you actually think "Asians" are by virtue of their race, inferior?
CaféAuLait;9569912 said:
Who care if they have an accent, right?

If McConnell and or his wife wants to state she is from KY since she adopted the US as her home, why does it matter? She has been married to McConnell sine 1993. And has lived in the United States for 52 years of her life. Why is anyone trying to say she is not a Kentuckian? Its insulting to say the least. and truly borders on racist if not outright racist.

I see we've given up on the previous point. Concession noted. Good, moving on...

Simply noting a person's race or national origin IS NOT RACISM. Racism requires a value judgment that members of Race X are inferior (or superior) to others. A simple predicate adjective DOES NOT DO THAT. :banghead:

"This jacket belongs to that black guy" is NOT a racist statement -- any more than "This jacket belongs to that woman" would be a sexist statement.
Suppose a person says, of herself, "I am Asian"... is she being racist on herself??

This is the most mindless thread I've seen all day. How dumbed down have we gotten where people think like this... :rolleyes:

Saying something like, did you see the black man take that coat could be.

Or saying, she isn't one of us, she is an Asian, is what I think the Tweet meant, and so did the Democrats.

Neither of those statements espouses a belief about the race in question. Saying the guy took the coat is in no way saying "he took the coat because he's black, and black people take coats". Saying 'she's not one of us' is in no way saying "she's not one of us because she's Asian and Asians are not like us" --- even THEN it doesn't say anything disparaging about the class of persons called "Asians".

So no, those statements CANNOT be defined as "racist".
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I see we've given up on the previous point. Concession noted. Good, moving on...

Simply noting a person's race or national origin IS NOT RACISM. Racism requires a value judgment that members of Race X are inferior (or superior) to others. A simple predicate adjective DOES NOT DO THAT. :banghead:

"This jacket belongs to that black guy" is NOT a racist statement -- any more than "This jacket belongs to that woman" would be a sexist statement.
Suppose a person says, of herself, "I am Asian"... is she being racist on herself??

This is the most mindless thread I've seen all day. How dumbed down have we gotten where people think like this... :rolleyes:

Saying something like, did you see the black man take that coat could be.

Or saying, she isn't one of us, she is an Asian, is what I think the Tweet meant, and so did the Democrats.

Neither of those statements espouses a belief about the race in question. Saying the guy took the coat is in no way saying "he took the coat because he's black, and black people take coats". Saying 'she's not one of us' is in no way saying "she's not one of us because she's Asian and Asians are not like us" --- even THEN it doesn't say anything disparaging about the class of persons called "Asians".

So no, those statements CANNOT be defined as "racist".

Who is Elaine Chao?

My problem with Elaine Chao is not race or some of her conservative politics, but I believe to this day she is the reason Chinagate back in the Clinton years was not really investigated, she is connected to the Riady's.
I am posting this before Hazelnut posts it as if it were a Republican who made racist remarks.

The Democrat party did rebuke him for letting their inherent racism out of the bag, good for them.

A Democrat operative, you don't suppose it was Jake, do ya?

As partisans prepared for the much anticipated Fancy Farm speeches Saturday afternoon, the Kentucky Democratic Party has delivered a sharp rebuke to a series of comments on Twitter from a Democratic operative who referenced the ethnicity of Elaine Chao, the wife of Republican U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell.

After 'she is Asian' tweets about McConnell's wife, Dems rebuke operative | Louisville

Good to see partisan hackery set back in its corner.
Her domicile is Kentucky, the US is a mixture of cultures, as that is a large part of our strength..
Freewill is one of the political paid operatives on the Board, I suspect.

Racism is extant in both parties and to a great extent in the tea potty movement.

Good that the Dems outed the dude and rebuked the action.
CaféAuLait;9570145 said:
Now you're deflecting ALL over the place. I don't know and couldn't care less why somebody put a Twit on Tweeter. Who cares. I'm correcting the point that the mere mention of race --- DOES NOT CONSTITUTE "RACISM". And it's either dishonest or plain stupid to claim that it does.

This hyper-PC horseshit is fricking mindless skulduggery. We just did the same thing here. That clown couldn't explain his bullshit either.

I'm not deflecting at all Pogo. Claim what you like. If this woman had been Black or Hispanic, it would still be called racist, and I am sure you realize this, no reason to bring up her race. I can't even imagine if that had been a republican who decided to call a democrat and his wife on stating they are from California and demanding they are wrong and "they are really Mexican or African".

Groob did not state she is FROM Asia she said she is Asian.

“Hey Mitch, nothing against you wife and spouses should be off limits; since you mentioned, she isn’t from KY, she is Asian

Elaine Chao, has been Asian her whole life, do tell any reason to point out her race, any reason to point out she is Asian-American? Nope, none at all.


How can you possibly be this dense? Merely stating a person's race (or national origin, or gender, etc) is NOT A RACIST STATEMENT (or sexist etc.). Everything and Everyone is eligible for descriptive adjectives! :banghead:

Is it "racist" to tell you my car is black?? THINK.

>> rac·ism
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. <<

There is NO VALUE JUDGMENT PRESENT in the statement "she is Asian" or "I am black" or "they are white". There is NO VALUE JUDGMENT in the phrase "white girls" or "Chinese people" or "Italian men". You MUST have a value judgment to define racism.

Do you actually think "Asians" are by virtue of their race, inferior?

Obama: "Michelle has accomplished a ton while working in the White House, look at her "Let's Move" program, the first person from Chicago to focus on issues with obese children, it has helped many".

Hey Obama, your wife is not from Chicago, she is Black.

Totally missed the praise he had for his wife and went for her race.

Why? Oh, yeah that's it! let's sit there and try to connect him to Black people, exactly what Groob continued to do, by referring to Chao as McConnell’s “Chinese wife,” and said McConnell is “wedded to free trade in China” not his wife.
I'm not seeing anything racist here.

Why do you think that her being Asian was mentioned in a tweet? Why do you think that the democrats rebuked her?

I'm not sure FW, unless there were other disparaging remarks with that remark. I just can't see it. Libs will play that stupid game but not me. I know this is anecdotal but I've had people say that about my wife. She's asian. Its just not offensive to me. Now, if they referred to her as a chink or slant eyes, that would b different. Even then though, that stuff just doesn't bother me.

But the rest of the tweets kept referring back to her. First Groob said she was "Asian", then she said Mitch "wedded to China trade", then she referred to McConnell's wife as "McConnell's Chinese wife". She kept referring to her race to associate McConnell with China, and ran amuck all over his wife to try and prove some political point about McConnell using his wife's' race.

It is BS and racist. His wife has lived in the US since she was 7 years old, Groob used her birth place and her race to disparage McConnell.
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I am posting this before Hazelnut posts it as if it were a Republican who made racist remarks.

The Democrat party did rebuke him for letting their inherent racism out of the bag, good for them.

A Democrat operative, you don't suppose it was Jake, do ya?

As partisans prepared for the much anticipated Fancy Farm speeches Saturday afternoon, the Kentucky Democratic Party has delivered a sharp rebuke to a series of comments on Twitter from a Democratic operative who referenced the ethnicity of Elaine Chao, the wife of Republican U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell.

After 'she is Asian' tweets about McConnell's wife, Dems rebuke operative | Louisville

Racism (real racism) is par for the course as far as democrats are concerned. Always has been.
CaféAuLait;9574756 said:
CaféAuLait;9570145 said:
I'm not deflecting at all Pogo. Claim what you like. If this woman had been Black or Hispanic, it would still be called racist, and I am sure you realize this, no reason to bring up her race. I can't even imagine if that had been a republican who decided to call a democrat and his wife on stating they are from California and demanding they are wrong and "they are really Mexican or African".

Groob did not state she is FROM Asia she said she is Asian.

Elaine Chao, has been Asian her whole life, do tell any reason to point out her race, any reason to point out she is Asian-American? Nope, none at all.


How can you possibly be this dense? Merely stating a person's race (or national origin, or gender, etc) is NOT A RACIST STATEMENT (or sexist etc.). Everything and Everyone is eligible for descriptive adjectives! :banghead:

Is it "racist" to tell you my car is black?? THINK.

>> rac·ism
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. <<

There is NO VALUE JUDGMENT PRESENT in the statement "she is Asian" or "I am black" or "they are white". There is NO VALUE JUDGMENT in the phrase "white girls" or "Chinese people" or "Italian men". You MUST have a value judgment to define racism.

Do you actually think "Asians" are by virtue of their race, inferior?

Obama: "Michelle has accomplished a ton while working in the White House, look at her "Let's Move" program, the first person from Chicago to focus on issues with obese children, it has helped many".

Hey Obama, your wife is not from Chicago, she is Black.

Totally missed the praise he had for his wife and went for her race.

Why? Oh, yeah that's it! let's sit there and try to connect him to Black people, exactly what Groob continued to do, by referring to Chao as McConnell’s “Chinese wife,” and said McConnell is “wedded to free trade in China” not his wife.

I have no idea who you're quoting there but that's not racism either; it's just a false dilemma. Being from Chicago and being black are not mutually exclusive, therefore the latter does not eliminate the former. And neither being from Chicago nor being black are disparaged in the statement, therefore it's neither racist nor "localist".

I don't know why this is going over as if it's posted in Aramaic; it's fairly simple -- to be a racist statement, it has to make some judgment about the race as a whole. If it doesn't, then it's not a racist statement.
CaféAuLait;9574756 said:
How can you possibly be this dense? Merely stating a person's race (or national origin, or gender, etc) is NOT A RACIST STATEMENT (or sexist etc.). Everything and Everyone is eligible for descriptive adjectives! :banghead:

Is it "racist" to tell you my car is black?? THINK.

>> rac·ism
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. <<

There is NO VALUE JUDGMENT PRESENT in the statement "she is Asian" or "I am black" or "they are white". There is NO VALUE JUDGMENT in the phrase "white girls" or "Chinese people" or "Italian men". You MUST have a value judgment to define racism.

Do you actually think "Asians" are by virtue of their race, inferior?

Obama: "Michelle has accomplished a ton while working in the White House, look at her "Let's Move" program, the first person from Chicago to focus on issues with obese children, it has helped many".

Hey Obama, your wife is not from Chicago, she is Black.

Totally missed the praise he had for his wife and went for her race.

Why? Oh, yeah that's it! let's sit there and try to connect him to Black people, exactly what Groob continued to do, by referring to Chao as McConnell’s “Chinese wife,” and said McConnell is “wedded to free trade in China” not his wife.

I have no idea who you're quoting there but that's not racism either; it's just a false dilemma. Being from Chicago and being black are not mutually exclusive, therefore the latter does not eliminate the former. And neither being from Chicago nor being black are disparaged in the statement, therefore it's neither racist nor "localist".

I don't know why this is going over as if it's posted in Aramaic; it's fairly simple -- to be a racist statement, it has to make some judgment about the race as a whole. If it doesn't, then it's not a racist statement.

Um, okay. Groob constantly used Chao's birth place and her race to disparage McConnell politically.

And it's not racist?

CaféAuLait;9574781 said:
Why do you think that her being Asian was mentioned in a tweet? Why do you think that the democrats rebuked her?

I'm not sure FW, unless there were other disparaging remarks with that remark. I just can't see it. Libs will play that stupid game but not me. I know this is anecdotal but I've had people say that about my wife. She's asian. Its just not offensive to me. Now, if they referred to her as a chink or slant eyes, that would b different. Even then though, that stuff just doesn't bother me.

But the rest of the tweets kept referring back to her. First Groob said she was "Asian", then she said Mitch "wedded to China trade", then she referred to McConnell's wife as "McConnell's Chinese wife". She kept referring to her race to associate McConnell with China, and ran amuck all over his wife to try and prove some political point about McConnell using his wife's' race.

It is BS and racist. His wife has lived in the US since she was 7 years old, Groob used her birth place and her race to disparage McConnell.

"Asian" is not exclusively a racial term anyway. It can refer to "something or someone from Asia". Regardless what their race is. This computer I'm typing on is "Asian". If it's a reference to locality (Asia as contrasted with Kentucky) then it isn't even referring to race --- let alone disparaging it. In fact I just looked back at the OP article and there's no reference to ethnicity. Every time the tweeter referred to McConnell's wife as "Asian" it's placed in contrast to "Kentucky", which makes it a geographical adjective. Had it been a reference to ethnicity the contrast would have been to "white people" (or black people, etc). Apples to apples.

Hope this isn't really really really really really really complex... :rolleyes:

The first thing you gotta learn in threads like this is that whatever cockamamie article the OP brought in and whatever its title, just because someone posted a blog on the internets, or runs their own hair-on-fire headline here, doesn't mean either or both aren't riddled with logical flaws and inaccuracies that are easily exposed.
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