After Six Years of Obamanomics: Five Things You Need to Know

If the next president makes Obama look like some noob failure who did a crap job of being president the liberal's heads are going to explode.
My, my. Well, let's see. President prior to President Obama entered office with a balance budget, the world at peace, and a minor recession. He left office with the nation in two wars, not doing well in either of them, the world in flames in general, and the nation headed into the Second Great Republican Depression. At the same kind of cost as the First Great Republican Depression cost us, we are now recovering, and the nation is moving ahead on all fronts. In spite of the GOP determination to put us back where we were at the end of 2008.

There is a very good chance that when President Obama leaves office, the Dow will be at 20,000, unemployment close to 5%, and the nation successfully switching to clean energy. We will have the beginning of a real Health Care System, in spite of the GOP, and Hillary can morph that into a single payer universal system in spite of the mewling and puking of the Republicans.
Are you claiming Obama is not responsible for the economy?
The economy and the stock market are two DIFFERENT things.
It's growing because the money is staying at the top. And the economy is FAILING because the money is staying at the top.
Another fine tribute to Reaganomics and the failure of trickle down

Anyone else?
You know IF and I say IF you were honest Reaganomics were TRICKLE UP because he seeded the money at the BOTTOM with tax cuts.

Obamanomics were TRICKLE DOWN because he seeded that money at the TOP and it stayed there.

What a complete waste of a post

Reagan set in motion an economic system that destroyed the wage structure of the middle class
LOL! You mean "I got canned under Reagan and havent been able to find a job since."
Obama's policies are dogshit. They have excaberbated income inequality and impoverished a generation of Americans. We will be digging out of his mistakes for 20 years.

Reagans great legacy is he set us down a path of Supply Side policies that Republicans have been unwilling to surrender

Record low tax rates on the rich, deregulation, union busting, low wages, minimal benefits

All while they scold the American worker for being lazy
If the next president makes Obama look like some noob failure who did a crap job of being president the liberal's heads are going to explode.
My, my. Well, let's see. President prior to President Obama entered office with a balance budget, the world at peace, and a minor recession. He left office with the nation in two wars, not doing well in either of them, the world in flames in general, and the nation headed into the Second Great Republican Depression. At the same kind of cost as the First Great Republican Depression cost us, we are now recovering, and the nation is moving ahead on all fronts. In spite of the GOP determination to put us back where we were at the end of 2008.

There is a very good chance that when President Obama leaves office, the Dow will be at 20,000, unemployment close to 5%, and the nation successfully switching to clean energy. We will have the beginning of a real Health Care System, in spite of the GOP, and Hillary can morph that into a single payer universal system in spite of the mewling and puking of the Republicans.

Look idiot Obama had nothing to do with the stock market gains, the unemployment percentage you note is a bald faced lie, so called clean energy is a bankrupt failure, and Obamacare is a giant mess, few can afford the deductibles, its so toxic to Democrats that they forced Obama to go on national TV and take the blame, then they still got obliterated in the 2014 elections. Sorry to inject some facts into your fantasy and burst your bubble.
What exactly does Obama have to do with the market being up?
Are you claiming Obama is not responsible for the economy?

Are you claiming he is? List the 5 top Obama policies that aided the economy...I won't hold my breath waiting you libs never produce this. By the way did he approved the Keystone Pipeline yet, the unions were looking forward to those higher paying middle class jobs.

Economic Stimulus: infused money into and economy that no other investor would touch
TARP: Saved the banks
Auto bailout: Saved the auto companies
Quantitative easement: provided a steady flow of cash into the economy
Financial reform: set policies to prevent another economic crash like the Great Republican crash of 2008

Keystone pipeline would have provided 35 jobs, the Obama economy provided eight million

Well now lets see...

Stimulus - He borrowed the Stimulus money, we will pay interest on that $800+ billion forever and most of it was sucked up by the public employee unions and used to avoid layoffs, meanwhile the private sector got screwed.

TARP - Meh and they showed their appreciation by screwing over home owners, brilliant.

Auto Bailout - The lawless thug stole GM from its lawful owners the bond holders. When are we getting our $50 billion dollars back? We are still paying interest on this one as well.

QE - Brilliant plan, devalue everyone's savings by printing money, nice backdoor tax.

Keystone Pipeline - You lie, not that I'm surprised.

Borrowing money during an economic crisis?
Who could have imagined such a thing?

FDR borrowed money to get us out of the depression, Reagonomics was built on a mountain of debt

But Obama? Republicans thought austerity was the way out of a crisis. cut government hiring, NOW was the only time they worried about debt.....when the nation was struggling to recover

You really are dumb, most of the so called stimulus money for shovel ready jobs was diverted to his pals in the unions, facts vs your lies. That you would compare Obama's thug money laundering scam to FDR, that's low even for a liberal.
Are you claiming Obama is not responsible for the economy?

Are you claiming he is? List the 5 top Obama policies that aided the economy...I won't hold my breath waiting you libs never produce this. By the way did he approved the Keystone Pipeline yet, the unions were looking forward to those higher paying middle class jobs.

Economic Stimulus: infused money into and economy that no other investor would touch
TARP: Saved the banks
Auto bailout: Saved the auto companies
Quantitative easement: provided a steady flow of cash into the economy
Financial reform: set policies to prevent another economic crash like the Great Republican crash of 2008

Keystone pipeline would have provided 35 jobs, the Obama economy provided eight million

Well now lets see...

Stimulus - He borrowed the Stimulus money, we will pay interest on that $800+ billion forever and most of it was sucked up by the public employee unions and used to avoid layoffs, meanwhile the private sector got screwed.

TARP - Meh and they showed their appreciation by screwing over home owners, brilliant.

Auto Bailout - The lawless thug stole GM from its lawful owners the bond holders. When are we getting our $50 billion dollars back? We are still paying interest on this one as well.

QE - Brilliant plan, devalue everyone's savings by printing money, nice backdoor tax.

Keystone Pipeline - You lie, not that I'm surprised.

Borrowing money during an economic crisis?
Who could have imagined such a thing?

FDR borrowed money to get us out of the depression, Reagonomics was built on a mountain of debt

But Obama? Republicans thought austerity was the way out of a crisis. cut government hiring, NOW was the only time they worried about debt.....when the nation was struggling to recover

You really are dumb, most of the so called stimulus money for shovel ready jobs was diverted to his pals in the unions, facts vs your lies. That you would compare Obama's thug money laundering scam to FDR, that's low even for a liberal.

What complete nonsense

Stimulus money went for shovel ready public works projects, cops, firemen, teachers and tax cuts
And we've all been suffering for it. Just awful

After six years of Obamanomics, here are five things you need to know:

1.) Worst Recovery Ever

When Obama’s non recovery is compared to Reagan’s, there’s no contest!

As already noted by the GWP, the Obama economic recovery is dismal when compared to Reagan’s. Ronald Reagan’s economic plan saw GDP surge at a 3.5% clip – 4.9% after the recession. That’s a 32% bump. During the Obama years, thanks to his big government policies, the US economy has stalled. The US economy has grown an anemic 9.6% during the Obama years (excluding the 1st Quarter 2015’s dismal number). With the 1st Quarter of 2015 GDP declining at -0.7%, Obama has the lowest average 1st Quarter GDP growth of any president in history. In addition, using the number of jobs recovered after the recession as the measurement, then Obama’s recovery is the worst recovery ever.

2.) Worst Labor Participation Ever

The labor participation rate since Obama took over has plummeted to rates not seen since the Carter years (see chart above). The Obama regime has set the record for more Americans not working (more than 102 million) than at any time in US history. Obama touts the unemployment rate dipping since his first years in office but all of the decline in the unemployment rate since President Obama entered office has been due to workers leaving the work force, and therefore no longer counted as unemployed, rather than new jobs being created.

3.) Record Debt and Deficits

Currently the US the government has more than $18 trillion in Debt. Obama has nearly doubled the national debt in his 6 years with it somewhere near $9 to $10 trillion when he took office. Per, the accumulative total for all US Deficits for all presidents combined was $11.6 trillion through the end of 2014. A closer look at the deficits shows that the Obama Administration has accumulated more in deficits in six years than all prior years combined! (Note that the debt and deficits don’t even account for the estimated $205 trillion in unfunded liabilities now owed by the government, much of which has been accumulated during the Obama administration.) How will we ever pay any of this back?

4.) Poverty, Food Stamps and Welfare Programs at Record Highs

ALL of it here:
After Six Years of Obamanomics Five Things You Need to Know The Gateway Pundit

People who have an education and skills are doing very well, thankyou
As they train their East Indian replacements and draw their last checks!!!
Are you claiming he is? List the 5 top Obama policies that aided the economy...I won't hold my breath waiting you libs never produce this. By the way did he approved the Keystone Pipeline yet, the unions were looking forward to those higher paying middle class jobs.

Economic Stimulus: infused money into and economy that no other investor would touch
TARP: Saved the banks
Auto bailout: Saved the auto companies
Quantitative easement: provided a steady flow of cash into the economy
Financial reform: set policies to prevent another economic crash like the Great Republican crash of 2008

Keystone pipeline would have provided 35 jobs, the Obama economy provided eight million

Well now lets see...

Stimulus - He borrowed the Stimulus money, we will pay interest on that $800+ billion forever and most of it was sucked up by the public employee unions and used to avoid layoffs, meanwhile the private sector got screwed.

TARP - Meh and they showed their appreciation by screwing over home owners, brilliant.

Auto Bailout - The lawless thug stole GM from its lawful owners the bond holders. When are we getting our $50 billion dollars back? We are still paying interest on this one as well.

QE - Brilliant plan, devalue everyone's savings by printing money, nice backdoor tax.

Keystone Pipeline - You lie, not that I'm surprised.

Borrowing money during an economic crisis?
Who could have imagined such a thing?

FDR borrowed money to get us out of the depression, Reagonomics was built on a mountain of debt

But Obama? Republicans thought austerity was the way out of a crisis. cut government hiring, NOW was the only time they worried about debt.....when the nation was struggling to recover

You really are dumb, most of the so called stimulus money for shovel ready jobs was diverted to his pals in the unions, facts vs your lies. That you would compare Obama's thug money laundering scam to FDR, that's low even for a liberal.

What complete nonsense

Stimulus money went for shovel ready public works projects, cops, firemen, teachers and tax cuts
Stimulus money went to crooks and 1%ers.

Why lie?
Are you claiming he is? List the 5 top Obama policies that aided the economy...I won't hold my breath waiting you libs never produce this. By the way did he approved the Keystone Pipeline yet, the unions were looking forward to those higher paying middle class jobs.

Economic Stimulus: infused money into and economy that no other investor would touch
TARP: Saved the banks
Auto bailout: Saved the auto companies
Quantitative easement: provided a steady flow of cash into the economy
Financial reform: set policies to prevent another economic crash like the Great Republican crash of 2008

Keystone pipeline would have provided 35 jobs, the Obama economy provided eight million

Well now lets see...

Stimulus - He borrowed the Stimulus money, we will pay interest on that $800+ billion forever and most of it was sucked up by the public employee unions and used to avoid layoffs, meanwhile the private sector got screwed.

TARP - Meh and they showed their appreciation by screwing over home owners, brilliant.

Auto Bailout - The lawless thug stole GM from its lawful owners the bond holders. When are we getting our $50 billion dollars back? We are still paying interest on this one as well.

QE - Brilliant plan, devalue everyone's savings by printing money, nice backdoor tax.

Keystone Pipeline - You lie, not that I'm surprised.

Borrowing money during an economic crisis?
Who could have imagined such a thing?

FDR borrowed money to get us out of the depression, Reagonomics was built on a mountain of debt

But Obama? Republicans thought austerity was the way out of a crisis. cut government hiring, NOW was the only time they worried about debt.....when the nation was struggling to recover

You really are dumb, most of the so called stimulus money for shovel ready jobs was diverted to his pals in the unions, facts vs your lies. That you would compare Obama's thug money laundering scam to FDR, that's low even for a liberal.

What complete nonsense

Stimulus money went for shovel ready public works projects, cops, firemen, teachers and tax cuts

Listen to yourself "cops, firemen, teachers" unions, unions, unions those are not shovel ready jobs for the millions in the private sector who lost their jobs you moron gawd but you are dense.
Are you claiming he is? List the 5 top Obama policies that aided the economy...I won't hold my breath waiting you libs never produce this. By the way did he approved the Keystone Pipeline yet, the unions were looking forward to those higher paying middle class jobs.

Economic Stimulus: infused money into and economy that no other investor would touch
TARP: Saved the banks
Auto bailout: Saved the auto companies
Quantitative easement: provided a steady flow of cash into the economy
Financial reform: set policies to prevent another economic crash like the Great Republican crash of 2008

Keystone pipeline would have provided 35 jobs, the Obama economy provided eight million

Well now lets see...

Stimulus - He borrowed the Stimulus money, we will pay interest on that $800+ billion forever and most of it was sucked up by the public employee unions and used to avoid layoffs, meanwhile the private sector got screwed.

TARP - Meh and they showed their appreciation by screwing over home owners, brilliant.

Auto Bailout - The lawless thug stole GM from its lawful owners the bond holders. When are we getting our $50 billion dollars back? We are still paying interest on this one as well.

QE - Brilliant plan, devalue everyone's savings by printing money, nice backdoor tax.

Keystone Pipeline - You lie, not that I'm surprised.

Borrowing money during an economic crisis?
Who could have imagined such a thing?

FDR borrowed money to get us out of the depression, Reagonomics was built on a mountain of debt

But Obama? Republicans thought austerity was the way out of a crisis. cut government hiring, NOW was the only time they worried about debt.....when the nation was struggling to recover

You really are dumb, most of the so called stimulus money for shovel ready jobs was diverted to his pals in the unions, facts vs your lies. That you would compare Obama's thug money laundering scam to FDR, that's low even for a liberal.

What complete nonsense

Stimulus money went for shovel ready public works projects, cops, firemen, teachers and tax cuts
There were no shovel ready jobs. Unless you think Obama is lying here.

Economic Stimulus: infused money into and economy that no other investor would touch
TARP: Saved the banks
Auto bailout: Saved the auto companies
Quantitative easement: provided a steady flow of cash into the economy
Financial reform: set policies to prevent another economic crash like the Great Republican crash of 2008

Keystone pipeline would have provided 35 jobs, the Obama economy provided eight million

Well now lets see...

Stimulus - He borrowed the Stimulus money, we will pay interest on that $800+ billion forever and most of it was sucked up by the public employee unions and used to avoid layoffs, meanwhile the private sector got screwed.

TARP - Meh and they showed their appreciation by screwing over home owners, brilliant.

Auto Bailout - The lawless thug stole GM from its lawful owners the bond holders. When are we getting our $50 billion dollars back? We are still paying interest on this one as well.

QE - Brilliant plan, devalue everyone's savings by printing money, nice backdoor tax.

Keystone Pipeline - You lie, not that I'm surprised.

Borrowing money during an economic crisis?
Who could have imagined such a thing?

FDR borrowed money to get us out of the depression, Reagonomics was built on a mountain of debt

But Obama? Republicans thought austerity was the way out of a crisis. cut government hiring, NOW was the only time they worried about debt.....when the nation was struggling to recover

You really are dumb, most of the so called stimulus money for shovel ready jobs was diverted to his pals in the unions, facts vs your lies. That you would compare Obama's thug money laundering scam to FDR, that's low even for a liberal.

What complete nonsense

Stimulus money went for shovel ready public works projects, cops, firemen, teachers and tax cuts

Listen to yourself "cops, firemen, teachers" unions, unions, unions those are not shovel ready jobs for the millions in the private sector who lost their jobs you moron gawd but you are dense.

No, not unions...families

The money went to the families of cops, teachers and firemen. As well as the families of construction workers who weere now employed

Economic Stimulus: infused money into and economy that no other investor would touch
TARP: Saved the banks
Auto bailout: Saved the auto companies
Quantitative easement: provided a steady flow of cash into the economy
Financial reform: set policies to prevent another economic crash like the Great Republican crash of 2008

Keystone pipeline would have provided 35 jobs, the Obama economy provided eight million

Well now lets see...

Stimulus - He borrowed the Stimulus money, we will pay interest on that $800+ billion forever and most of it was sucked up by the public employee unions and used to avoid layoffs, meanwhile the private sector got screwed.

TARP - Meh and they showed their appreciation by screwing over home owners, brilliant.

Auto Bailout - The lawless thug stole GM from its lawful owners the bond holders. When are we getting our $50 billion dollars back? We are still paying interest on this one as well.

QE - Brilliant plan, devalue everyone's savings by printing money, nice backdoor tax.

Keystone Pipeline - You lie, not that I'm surprised.

Borrowing money during an economic crisis?
Who could have imagined such a thing?

FDR borrowed money to get us out of the depression, Reagonomics was built on a mountain of debt

But Obama? Republicans thought austerity was the way out of a crisis. cut government hiring, NOW was the only time they worried about debt.....when the nation was struggling to recover

You really are dumb, most of the so called stimulus money for shovel ready jobs was diverted to his pals in the unions, facts vs your lies. That you would compare Obama's thug money laundering scam to FDR, that's low even for a liberal.

What complete nonsense

Stimulus money went for shovel ready public works projects, cops, firemen, teachers and tax cuts

Listen to yourself "cops, firemen, teachers" unions, unions, unions those are not shovel ready jobs for the millions in the private sector who lost their jobs you moron gawd but you are dense.

wow, He's a true blue paid Obot goon. who has that information on hand. what a joke
Well now lets see...

Stimulus - He borrowed the Stimulus money, we will pay interest on that $800+ billion forever and most of it was sucked up by the public employee unions and used to avoid layoffs, meanwhile the private sector got screwed.

TARP - Meh and they showed their appreciation by screwing over home owners, brilliant.

Auto Bailout - The lawless thug stole GM from its lawful owners the bond holders. When are we getting our $50 billion dollars back? We are still paying interest on this one as well.

QE - Brilliant plan, devalue everyone's savings by printing money, nice backdoor tax.

Keystone Pipeline - You lie, not that I'm surprised.

Borrowing money during an economic crisis?
Who could have imagined such a thing?

FDR borrowed money to get us out of the depression, Reagonomics was built on a mountain of debt

But Obama? Republicans thought austerity was the way out of a crisis. cut government hiring, NOW was the only time they worried about debt.....when the nation was struggling to recover

You really are dumb, most of the so called stimulus money for shovel ready jobs was diverted to his pals in the unions, facts vs your lies. That you would compare Obama's thug money laundering scam to FDR, that's low even for a liberal.

What complete nonsense

Stimulus money went for shovel ready public works projects, cops, firemen, teachers and tax cuts

Listen to yourself "cops, firemen, teachers" unions, unions, unions those are not shovel ready jobs for the millions in the private sector who lost their jobs you moron gawd but you are dense.

No, not unions...families

The money went to the families of cops, teachers and firemen. As well as the families of construction workers who weere now employed
Bullshit. It went to the employees with deductions from their checks to the unions. There werent many more construction workers employed. Shovel ready wasnt as shovel ready as we thought-B.Obama.

Economic Stimulus: infused money into and economy that no other investor would touch
TARP: Saved the banks
Auto bailout: Saved the auto companies
Quantitative easement: provided a steady flow of cash into the economy
Financial reform: set policies to prevent another economic crash like the Great Republican crash of 2008

Keystone pipeline would have provided 35 jobs, the Obama economy provided eight million

Well now lets see...

Stimulus - He borrowed the Stimulus money, we will pay interest on that $800+ billion forever and most of it was sucked up by the public employee unions and used to avoid layoffs, meanwhile the private sector got screwed.

TARP - Meh and they showed their appreciation by screwing over home owners, brilliant.

Auto Bailout - The lawless thug stole GM from its lawful owners the bond holders. When are we getting our $50 billion dollars back? We are still paying interest on this one as well.

QE - Brilliant plan, devalue everyone's savings by printing money, nice backdoor tax.

Keystone Pipeline - You lie, not that I'm surprised.

Borrowing money during an economic crisis?
Who could have imagined such a thing?

FDR borrowed money to get us out of the depression, Reagonomics was built on a mountain of debt

But Obama? Republicans thought austerity was the way out of a crisis. cut government hiring, NOW was the only time they worried about debt.....when the nation was struggling to recover

You really are dumb, most of the so called stimulus money for shovel ready jobs was diverted to his pals in the unions, facts vs your lies. That you would compare Obama's thug money laundering scam to FDR, that's low even for a liberal.

What complete nonsense

Stimulus money went for shovel ready public works projects, cops, firemen, teachers and tax cuts
There were no shovel ready jobs. Unless you think Obama is lying here.

As have things backwards

Obama did not promise shovel ready jobs.
He used the term "shovel ready" as a criteria for receiving stimulus money. If your proposed project was not ready to provide jobs "right now", you did not receive funding

It was left up to the individual states to identify shovel ready projects. Some were good at it......most red states blew their chance
You Obots on here are Shameless.

the people didn't vote OUT THE Democrats from control of congress under your Dear leaders reign of terror, because they thought the ECONOMY, jobs, etc was all just fine and dandy

damn you people are shameful
Well now lets see...

Stimulus - He borrowed the Stimulus money, we will pay interest on that $800+ billion forever and most of it was sucked up by the public employee unions and used to avoid layoffs, meanwhile the private sector got screwed.

TARP - Meh and they showed their appreciation by screwing over home owners, brilliant.

Auto Bailout - The lawless thug stole GM from its lawful owners the bond holders. When are we getting our $50 billion dollars back? We are still paying interest on this one as well.

QE - Brilliant plan, devalue everyone's savings by printing money, nice backdoor tax.

Keystone Pipeline - You lie, not that I'm surprised.

Borrowing money during an economic crisis?
Who could have imagined such a thing?

FDR borrowed money to get us out of the depression, Reagonomics was built on a mountain of debt

But Obama? Republicans thought austerity was the way out of a crisis. cut government hiring, NOW was the only time they worried about debt.....when the nation was struggling to recover

You really are dumb, most of the so called stimulus money for shovel ready jobs was diverted to his pals in the unions, facts vs your lies. That you would compare Obama's thug money laundering scam to FDR, that's low even for a liberal.

What complete nonsense

Stimulus money went for shovel ready public works projects, cops, firemen, teachers and tax cuts

Listen to yourself "cops, firemen, teachers" unions, unions, unions those are not shovel ready jobs for the millions in the private sector who lost their jobs you moron gawd but you are dense.

No, not unions...families

The money went to the families of cops, teachers and firemen. As well as the families of construction workers who weere now employed

Hey dummy the unemployment rate of public sector unions was 3.8% it was the private sector that was suffering with unemployment north of 10% yet Obama and you assholes gave the unions the stimulus money. Stick that up your ass.
Borrowing money during an economic crisis?
Who could have imagined such a thing?

FDR borrowed money to get us out of the depression, Reagonomics was built on a mountain of debt

But Obama? Republicans thought austerity was the way out of a crisis. cut government hiring, NOW was the only time they worried about debt.....when the nation was struggling to recover

You really are dumb, most of the so called stimulus money for shovel ready jobs was diverted to his pals in the unions, facts vs your lies. That you would compare Obama's thug money laundering scam to FDR, that's low even for a liberal.

What complete nonsense

Stimulus money went for shovel ready public works projects, cops, firemen, teachers and tax cuts

Listen to yourself "cops, firemen, teachers" unions, unions, unions those are not shovel ready jobs for the millions in the private sector who lost their jobs you moron gawd but you are dense.

No, not unions...families

The money went to the families of cops, teachers and firemen. As well as the families of construction workers who weere now employed

Hey dummy the unemployment rate of public sector unions was 3.8% it was the private sector that was suffering with unemployment north of 10% yet Obama and you assholes gave the unions the stimulus money. Stick that up your ass.

Unions received no stimulus money
You Obots on here are Shameless.

the people didn't vote OUT THE Democrats from control of congress under your Dear leaders reign of terror, because they thought the ECONOMY, jobs, etc was all just fine and dandy

damn you people are shameful


Someone let Stephanie out
And I just ran across this. while we are all struggling. WHY DO WE HAVE A CONGRESS?????

New Locality Pay Areas Will Give 102K Feds a Raise

The Obama administration made official on Monday its proposal that 102,000 federal employees receive a significant raise in the near future, as it moves forward with its decision tocreate 13 new locality pay areas.

The Office of Personnel Management published aproposed rulespelling out the reasons for and impact of the change, and asking for comments from the public in the next month. OPM did not propose the exact amounts for each locality percentage, saying the president would determine those rates “at a later date.”

The cost of the new locality changes will be offset with lower pay increases in existing pay areas, OPM said, though locality pay rates have been frozen since 2010. The implementation of the rule could still change pending the issuance of a final regulation.

ALL of it here:
New Locality Pay Areas Will Give 102K Feds a Raise - Pay Benefits -
And I just ran across this. while we are all struggling. WHY DO WE HAVE A CONGRESS?????

New Locality Pay Areas Will Give 102K Feds a Raise

The Obama administration made official on Monday its proposal that 102,000 federal employees receive a significant raise in the near future, as it moves forward with its decision tocreate 13 new locality pay areas.

The Office of Personnel Management published aproposed rulespelling out the reasons for and impact of the change, and asking for comments from the public in the next month. OPM did not propose the exact amounts for each locality percentage, saying the president would determine those rates “at a later date.”

The cost of the new locality changes will be offset with lower pay increases in existing pay areas, OPM said, though locality pay rates have been frozen since 2010. The implementation of the rule could still change pending the issuance of a final regulation.

ALL of it here:
New Locality Pay Areas Will Give 102K Feds a Raise - Pay Benefits -

Federal pay scales are based on surveys of pay rates in each region
If those pay rates go up, so do the federal pay rates. Each area is adjusted accordingly

The cost of the new locality changes will be offset with lower pay increases in existing pay areas
And we've all been suffering for it. Just awful

After six years of Obamanomics, here are five things you need to know:

1.) Worst Recovery Ever

When Obama’s non recovery is compared to Reagan’s, there’s no contest!

As already noted by the GWP, the Obama economic recovery is dismal when compared to Reagan’s. Ronald Reagan’s economic plan saw GDP surge at a 3.5% clip – 4.9% after the recession. That’s a 32% bump. During the Obama years, thanks to his big government policies, the US economy has stalled. The US economy has grown an anemic 9.6% during the Obama years (excluding the 1st Quarter 2015’s dismal number). With the 1st Quarter of 2015 GDP declining at -0.7%, Obama has the lowest average 1st Quarter GDP growth of any president in history. In addition, using the number of jobs recovered after the recession as the measurement, then Obama’s recovery is the worst recovery ever.

2.) Worst Labor Participation Ever

The labor participation rate since Obama took over has plummeted to rates not seen since the Carter years (see chart above). The Obama regime has set the record for more Americans not working (more than 102 million) than at any time in US history. Obama touts the unemployment rate dipping since his first years in office but all of the decline in the unemployment rate since President Obama entered office has been due to workers leaving the work force, and therefore no longer counted as unemployed, rather than new jobs being created.

3.) Record Debt and Deficits

Currently the US the government has more than $18 trillion in Debt. Obama has nearly doubled the national debt in his 6 years with it somewhere near $9 to $10 trillion when he took office. Per, the accumulative total for all US Deficits for all presidents combined was $11.6 trillion through the end of 2014. A closer look at the deficits shows that the Obama Administration has accumulated more in deficits in six years than all prior years combined! (Note that the debt and deficits don’t even account for the estimated $205 trillion in unfunded liabilities now owed by the government, much of which has been accumulated during the Obama administration.) How will we ever pay any of this back?

4.) Poverty, Food Stamps and Welfare Programs at Record Highs

ALL of it here:
After Six Years of Obamanomics Five Things You Need to Know The Gateway Pundit

People who have an education and skills are doing very well, thankyou
But Obama said he was going to help the ones who aren't. They are in worse shape.

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