After the GOP officially wins the senate the libs posters will be....

Bench strength? Who specifically?

O'Malley, Cuomo, Booker to name a few.

If that's your bench strength, you might want to think about switching hobbies.


The number of women getting their BA/BS degrees are staggeringly higher than their male counterparts. This solidly dependable democrat voting block's financial strength should be hitting critical mass about the same time they are finding their strides nationally.

Bright days ahead for the Dems.
Nope. They'll simply point to the one or two elections they managed to win (while getting booted out of office in dozens of locales around the country) and announce that those few elections mean the Republicans are clearly a dying breed with no future.

If things don't go your way, lie about your intentions.

And if they do go your way, lie about the results of your programs.

The creed that liberals (must) live by.
Do you always sell half a pair of shoes?
Oh come on, boys, you did much better the last election. With all your predictions of suicide watchs on liberals. And all your crowing about the Romney landslide.

Now this election, the odds are for the GOP to take the Senate. That is the way the seats that are at stake fall. In 2016, the seats are exactly the opposite for the Senate, and the GOP will lose it's gains. And maybe a lot more. But, that is two years in the future, a long time in politics.
Same thing you said in 2002?
Susan Rice? :rofl:

Probably will be a gubernatorial candidate if she stays in Politics. Six figure public speaker, senior counsel to Clinton II is more likely in the short-term.

She's a paid liar that will never hold an elective office.

False on the first count
Remains to be seen on the second count.
If I were her, I'd cash in with 6 figure advances and speaking fees.
We should cry voter fraud like the GOP did. LOL.

If we did that though, we would be kidding ourselves. The DEMS need to do a better job in off year elections when they have the Oval office; it's that simple. Being out of power and a joke for about 8 years invigorates the opposition and you have to match that intensity or you get beat as it certainly looks like (and has looked like for 2 years now) the DEMS will in 11/14.

If there is a silver lining for the DEMS, the bench strength of the DNC seems to be growing as does their constituencies. Getting out their numbers in an off year is the trick.
Yeah, losing young voters is a start. Should've elected Hillary, your lies might still have their support. Obama has lied so much, even they can tell liberals are full of it.

Then we can actually have intelligent conversations. I predicted this 2 years ago.
said the n00b who joined the forum 13 days ago. Yeah you can have citation-free, rw/lolibertarian, kool aid-fest, debates like you people are wont to do :thup:
Susan Rice? :rofl:

Probably will be a gubernatorial candidate if she stays in Politics. Six figure public speaker, senior counsel to Clinton II is more likely in the short-term.

She's a paid liar that will never hold an elective office.
So is Palin, but she can only muster half the fees Hillary can pull...
That's easy, liberals are stupid.
Must have had that retort copy and pasted...
Susan Rice? :rofl:

Probably will be a gubernatorial candidate if she stays in Politics. Six figure public speaker, senior counsel to Clinton II is more likely in the short-term.

She's a paid liar that will never hold an elective office.
So is Palin, but she can only muster half the fees Hillary can pull...
That's easy, liberals are stupid.
Must have had that retort copy and pasted...
What difference does it make?

The number of women getting their BA/BS degrees are staggeringly higher than their male counterparts. This solidly dependable democrat voting block's financial strength should be hitting critical mass about the same time they are finding their strides nationally.

Bright days ahead for the Dems.


None of any of that actually implies anything about political futures. So what if women are a "solidly dependable democrat voting block"? BTW, that's sexist, but I'll overlook it for now. So what if women are financially stable? That does not mean that your party's "rising stars" are viable candidates for upcoming national platforms.

The number of women getting their BA/BS degrees are staggeringly higher than their male counterparts. This solidly dependable democrat voting block's financial strength should be hitting critical mass about the same time they are finding their strides nationally.

Bright days ahead for the Dems.


None of any of that actually implies anything about political futures.
Sure it does.
So what if women are a "solidly dependable democrat voting block"? BTW, that's sexist, but I'll overlook it for now.
Not sexist...its the truth.
So what if women are financially stable? That does not mean that your party's "rising stars" are viable candidates for upcoming national platforms.
Few candidates if any go from zero to a "national platform". There are good Democrats who currently hold high State offices and federal ones as well. I think the better long-term DEMS are in the local levels currently but overall the future is bright. Having one of your most dependable voting blocks empowered financially only helps your outlook.

Financial backing does translate into your getting to be on the stage longer than otherwise nationally. Newt Gingrich had one benefactor who kept him in the game much longer than he otherwise would have been in 2012. Ultimately, it hurt the Party overall. I'm sure Newt is really broken up about that.
If Republicans we get to blame low information voters?

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