After the GOP's disastrous foreign and domestic policies who could believe them over scientists????


Cool emoticon. It reminds me of that Johnny Quest spider eyeball thingy.

btw, has anyone ever noticed that the word 'emoticon' is shorthand for 'emotional conservative'?

I don't think of them as having emotion. I think of them as delusional.
dean calling someone else delusional?.....

Conservatives oppose the leftwing because they don't understand what it stand for.
Conservatives oppose the leftwing because they don't understand what it stand for.
and you can say the same thing if you switch the sides....we see it here all the time....if its a righty saying something,automatically all the lefties get on the guy......if its a lefty saying something,automatically all the righties get on the guy.......the only rational and sensible posts are from the "in-betweeners"....
Conservatives oppose the leftwing because they don't understand what it stand for.
It stands for over protecting the weak through government aid and stealing from the rich. It wants to go further and further towards socialism until eventually you can live a completely carefree life without having to work.
Conservatives oppose the leftwing because they don't understand what it stand for.
It stands for over protecting the weak through government aid and stealing from the rich. It wants to go further and further towards socialism until eventually you can live a completely carefree life without having to work.
Thank you for proving my point.
We've seen what GOP policies have done to this country and to the world. The crashed economy. The mess in the Middle East. Pockets of disease popping up because many have stopped vaccinating their children because, without a shred of evidence, they believe vaccines cause autism.

How have scientists touched our country? You could say in every way possible. Our technology, our drinking water, out medicine, our energy needs, in fact, in every way possible.

And look at USMB Republicans. How many times have they said scientists are in it for the money. That scientist live off their education. When they say that stuff, are they slandering scientists? Saying scientists are liars? Have no integrity?

When you look at what scientists have brought to the country and what Republicans brought to the country, who would you trust more?

As a democrat, I cease to question anything the minute the word "expert", or "scientist" is used because questioning things is just so silly.
dean would never question what the democrats say or i have said before....if dean heard the President and a bunch of Democrats talking about subverting the Country,his reaction?....he would find a way to blame it on the Republicans....
Mostly what Democrats have done is save us from GOP failure. Even with the many mountains of evidence, Republicans still can't admit their policies have fucked this country again and again.
i notice you did not comment on what i i must be right....
So you imagine something and then when I don't comment on it, so you imagine you must be right?
With that kind of reasoning, I KNOW you're delusional So I must be right because from your imaginary post, you believing in the imaginary makes me right.
Conservatives oppose the leftwing because they don't understand what it stand for.
It stands for over protecting the weak through government aid and stealing from the rich. It wants to go further and further towards socialism until eventually you can live a completely carefree life without having to work.
That's just plain stupid. Do you sit in a corner beating a pan with a spoon for entertainment?
Conservatives oppose the leftwing because they don't understand what it stand for.
and you can say the same thing if you switch the sides....we see it here all the time....if its a righty saying something,automaticlly all the lefties get on the guy......if its a lefty saying something,automatically all the righties get on the guy.......the only rational and sensible posts are from the "in-betweeners"....
You can't say the same about both sides. We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base. How do I know? We post links with video of what their leaders are saying so there can be no doubt. They make up the most ridiculous shit about us that they never can prove.
We've seen what GOP policies have done to this country and to the world. The crashed economy. The mess in the Middle East. Pockets of disease popping up because many have stopped vaccinating their children because, without a shred of evidence, they believe vaccines cause autism.

How have scientists touched our country? You could say in every way possible. Our technology, our drinking water, out medicine, our energy needs, in fact, in every way possible.

And look at USMB Republicans. How many times have they said scientists are in it for the money. That scientist live off their education. When they say that stuff, are they slandering scientists? Saying scientists are liars? Have no integrity?

When you look at what scientists have brought to the country and what Republicans brought to the country, who would you trust more?

As a democrat, I cease to question anything the minute the word "expert", or "scientist" is used because questioning things is just so silly.
dean would never question what the democrats say or i have said before....if dean heard the President and a bunch of Democrats talking about subverting the Country,his reaction?....he would find a way to blame it on the Republicans....
Mostly what Democrats have done is save us from GOP failure. Even with the many mountains of evidence, Republicans still can't admit their policies have fucked this country again and again.
i notice you did not comment on what i i must be right....
So you imagine something and then when I don't comment on it, so you imagine you must be right?
With that kind of reasoning, I KNOW you're delusional So I must be right because from your imaginary post, you believing in the imaginary makes me right.
i did not imagine anything....i made a comment about you putting party ahead of country and you did not defend i wondered i right are a delusional obsessed individual who would ignore someone from your party talking about subverting the country just so you can blame your obsession,the Republicans as the ones doing it....i dont think many here are surprised...i sure as hell aint.....
Conservatives oppose the leftwing because they don't understand what it stand for.
and you can say the same thing if you switch the sides....we see it here all the time....if its a righty saying something,automaticlly all the lefties get on the guy......if its a lefty saying something,automatically all the righties get on the guy.......the only rational and sensible posts are from the "in-betweeners"....
You can't say the same about both sides. We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base. How do I know? We post links with video of what their leaders are saying so there can be no doubt. They make up the most ridiculous shit about us that they never can prove.
and yet you make up shit about them you cant the one i have been waiting about 5 years for you to prove....remember this title of your thread?...."Republicans HATE Education and want to END it" have never produced any Republican/Conservative saying they hate education so much they would like to just end Education all together...not even a far right religious wacko....WERE is that vaunted link you claim you always produce backing you up?....
Conservatives oppose the leftwing because they don't understand what it stand for.
and you can say the same thing if you switch the sides....we see it here all the time....if its a righty saying something,automaticlly all the lefties get on the guy......if its a lefty saying something,automatically all the righties get on the guy.......the only rational and sensible posts are from the "in-betweeners"....
You can't say the same about both sides. We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base. How do I know? We post links with video of what their leaders are saying so there can be no doubt. They make up the most ridiculous shit about us that they never can prove.
We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base
you have been telling us for years how if one Republican says something they all agree to it.....:dunno:
As a democrat, I cease to question anything the minute the word "expert", or "scientist" is used because questioning things is just so silly.
dean would never question what the democrats say or i have said before....if dean heard the President and a bunch of Democrats talking about subverting the Country,his reaction?....he would find a way to blame it on the Republicans....
Mostly what Democrats have done is save us from GOP failure. Even with the many mountains of evidence, Republicans still can't admit their policies have fucked this country again and again.
i notice you did not comment on what i i must be right....
So you imagine something and then when I don't comment on it, so you imagine you must be right?
With that kind of reasoning, I KNOW you're delusional So I must be right because from your imaginary post, you believing in the imaginary makes me right.
i did not imagine anything....i made a comment about you putting party ahead of country and you did not defend i wondered i right are a delusional obsessed individual who would ignore someone from your party talking about subverting the country just so you can blame your obsession,the Republicans as the ones doing it....i dont think many here are surprised...i sure as hell aint.....
I don't need to defend the ridiculous.
Conservatives oppose the leftwing because they don't understand what it stand for.
and you can say the same thing if you switch the sides....we see it here all the time....if its a righty saying something,automaticlly all the lefties get on the guy......if its a lefty saying something,automatically all the righties get on the guy.......the only rational and sensible posts are from the "in-betweeners"....
You can't say the same about both sides. We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base. How do I know? We post links with video of what their leaders are saying so there can be no doubt. They make up the most ridiculous shit about us that they never can prove.
We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base
you have been telling us for years how if one Republican says something they all agree to it.....:dunno:
You just made that up.
Conservatives oppose the leftwing because they don't understand what it stand for.
and you can say the same thing if you switch the sides....we see it here all the time....if its a righty saying something,automaticlly all the lefties get on the guy......if its a lefty saying something,automatically all the righties get on the guy.......the only rational and sensible posts are from the "in-betweeners"....
You can't say the same about both sides. We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base. How do I know? We post links with video of what their leaders are saying so there can be no doubt. They make up the most ridiculous shit about us that they never can prove.
We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base
you have been telling us for years how if one Republican says something they all agree to it.....:dunno:
You just made that up.
You know you believe in destroying this country. That's the only way anyone would ever vote democrat.
After the GOP's disastrous foreign and domestic policies who could believe them over scientists????

The GOP minions believe themselves and what they are told to believe by their leaders. Isn't that all that really matters?
Their leaders mostly know they lie. They believe that they can say or do anything to attempt to defeat those they have decided are their enemies.

Independently thinking people don't have leaders. They have elected representatives.
Don't worry! If we elect another republican next year, we can invade a bunch of countries and let financial corporations do whatever the hell they want! It'll fix EVERYTHING!

And that is different than if a Democrat wins next year how exactly?
Conservatives oppose the leftwing because they don't understand what it stand for.
and you can say the same thing if you switch the sides....we see it here all the time....if its a righty saying something,automaticlly all the lefties get on the guy......if its a lefty saying something,automatically all the righties get on the guy.......the only rational and sensible posts are from the "in-betweeners"....
You can't say the same about both sides. We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base. How do I know? We post links with video of what their leaders are saying so there can be no doubt. They make up the most ridiculous shit about us that they never can prove.
We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base
you have been telling us for years how if one Republican says something they all agree to it.....:dunno:
You just made that up.
You know you believe in destroying this country. That's the only way anyone would ever vote democrat.

You do know that you are mentally ill, right? Up your meds. You will be all right.
and you can say the same thing if you switch the sides....we see it here all the time....if its a righty saying something,automaticlly all the lefties get on the guy......if its a lefty saying something,automatically all the righties get on the guy.......the only rational and sensible posts are from the "in-betweeners"....
You can't say the same about both sides. We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base. How do I know? We post links with video of what their leaders are saying so there can be no doubt. They make up the most ridiculous shit about us that they never can prove.
We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base
you have been telling us for years how if one Republican says something they all agree to it.....:dunno:
You just made that up.
You know you believe in destroying this country. That's the only way anyone would ever vote democrat.

You do know that you are mentally ill, right? Up your meds. You will be all right.
Basis? Because I don't agree with you mindless sheep?
Don't worry! If we elect another republican next year, we can invade a bunch of countries and let financial corporations do whatever the hell they want! It'll fix EVERYTHING!
yeah :) We can put it on the grand kid's credit card/borrow from the red Chinese like the last Repub did in vietraq w/ such smashing success in only 12+ years :)

Damn, it's amazing how Tweedledum can look at Tweedledee and not recognize yourself
You can't say the same about both sides. We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base. How do I know? We post links with video of what their leaders are saying so there can be no doubt. They make up the most ridiculous shit about us that they never can prove.
We actually listen to what Republicans say, unlike the GOP base
you have been telling us for years how if one Republican says something they all agree to it.....:dunno:
You just made that up.
You know you believe in destroying this country. That's the only way anyone would ever vote democrat.

You do know that you are mentally ill, right? Up your meds. You will be all right.
Basis? Because I don't agree with you mindless sheep?

I can see that appearing to be a moron does not impair you saying stupid things.

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