After tonight, Trump is unstoppable.

according to your link, he has a small lead in AZ

polling for CA & PA are too old to matter

and Cruz is not out yet

I'm on board with Trump if he wins, but a brokered convention looks realistic right now

I'm on board with Trump if he wins

As a middle class person let me ask; What is Trump going to do to raise middle class wages?
Bring back jobs..............maybe more evil fossil fuels............maybe put the EPA in a cage...........Tariff Mexico and China...............lower the corporate rates..............which could stop inversion...........ditch Obamacare...............

You know.........everything the Libs hate and actually creates jobs........Oh BTW.....tell Obama to shove the TPP.

Or you can raise minimum wage to $15.00/hr. which will be spent in the economy.
Yeah.........that will bring all the companies back.

Yeah.........that will bring all the companies back.

Nothing is going to bring the companies back. All skated with tax monies owed through deferring.
You are already beaten............Just bitching about how they owe you taxes.............They don't have to stay here.................Something that one day maybe you'll understand.........because you just don't get it.
He is leading the polls in all of those states -

according to your link, he has a small lead in AZ

polling for CA & PA are too old to matter

and Cruz is not out yet

I'm on board with Trump if he wins, but a brokered convention looks realistic right now

The closer a brokered convention comes, the more it looks like Trump -who will undoubtedly have the most delegates- won't get the nomination......the more I expect conservatives to bitch and moan about democratic Superdelegates.

Oh hell yes he will, otherwise this whole nation will be closed down. There will be 24/7 demonstrations all across the country.

Nah. It will technically be within the rules. And it will be the republican party to doing it. It will just really piss off conservatives. And its not their way to shut down public streets because they're upset at the Republican party.

Donald Trump is drawing in all kinds of voters, not only conservatives, there is a popular movement behind him. He is the only one who can go up against the democrats. So yes, the American people won't tolerate denying him the nomination.

Its overwhelmingly conservatives who support Trump. The man has the single highest disapproval rating of any major candidate, ever.

You'll see plenty of pissed conservatives. And they won't be pissed at the government, they won't be pissed at the Democrats, they won't be pissed at Obama, they won't be pissed at their local cops.

They'll be pissed at the GOP. The likelyhood that conservatives will 'riot in the streets' because they are mad at the GOP is virtually nil. If they want to stick it to the GOP...they'll just form a third party.
Kasich won Ohio, which has just made it harder for Trump to win the nomination. Cruz can still pull it out, especially now that Rubio is suspending his campaign.

Trump needs to wn 60 percent of the remaining delegates for the win according to cnn.

That should be easy enough, given his divided opposition and the remaining Winner take all states.

CNN's nowhere near as optimistic as you are.
Reduce Middle Class taxes for one,

By how much?

increase demand for middle class workers.

Election 2016: Donald Trump unveils tax plan
The Trump plan lowers tax rates across the board and breaks the tax code into four brackets, instead of the current seven. Individuals earning less than $25,000 and married couples making less than $50,000 would pay no federal income tax. ...Trump's four tax brackets would be 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent. The top bracket is reserved for singles making upwards of $150,000 or $300,000 for a married couple.....He would preserve deductions for charitable donations and mortgage interest.

I think the lowest brackets for a married couple are 0 to $50k, the second of 10% is $50k to $100k, the 20% is for $100k to $300k and 25% above $300k. Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

He will increase demand for middle class workers by stopping abuse of the guest worker programs who get 75% of entry level STEM jobs, and only 50% of STEM American graduates can find work within 2 years of graduating.

I cant help you any further than that, dude.

Election 2016: Donald Trump unveils tax plan
The Trump plan lowers tax rates across the board and breaks the tax code into four brackets, instead of the current seven. Individuals earning less than $25,000 and married couples making less than $50,000 would pay no federal income tax. ...Trump's four tax brackets would be 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent. The top bracket is reserved for singles making upwards of $150,000 or $300,000 for a married couple.....He would preserve deductions for charitable donations and mortgage interest.

I think the lowest brackets for a married couple are 0 to $50k, the second of 10% is $50k to $100k, the 20% is for $100k to $300k and 25% above $300k. Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

He will increase demand for middle class workers by stopping abuse of the guest worker programs who get 75% of entry level STEM jobs, and only 50% of STEM American graduates can find work within 2 years of graduating.

I cant help you any further than that, dude.

Which would create a bigger problem than we have today. We still haven't paid down the Republican caused 2007-2008 financial crisis.

Remember the Bush tax cuts? Didn't do a thing except increase debt.
according to your link, he has a small lead in AZ

polling for CA & PA are too old to matter

and Cruz is not out yet

I'm on board with Trump if he wins, but a brokered convention looks realistic right now

I'm on board with Trump if he wins

As a middle class person let me ask; What is Trump going to do to raise middle class wages?
Bring back jobs..............maybe more evil fossil fuels............maybe put the EPA in a cage...........Tariff Mexico and China...............lower the corporate rates..............which could stop inversion...........ditch Obamacare...............

You know.........everything the Libs hate and actually creates jobs........Oh BTW.....tell Obama to shove the TPP.

Or you can raise minimum wage to $15.00/hr. which will be spent in the economy.
Yeah.........that will bring all the companies back.

Yeah.........that will bring all the companies back.

Nothing is going to bring the companies back. All skated with tax monies owed through deferring.
A one time special interest rate will bring it back, especially if accompanied by tariffs for companies that are mostly employing people overseas.
Reduce Middle Class taxes for one,

By how much?

increase demand for middle class workers.

Election 2016: Donald Trump unveils tax plan
The Trump plan lowers tax rates across the board and breaks the tax code into four brackets, instead of the current seven. Individuals earning less than $25,000 and married couples making less than $50,000 would pay no federal income tax. ...Trump's four tax brackets would be 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent. The top bracket is reserved for singles making upwards of $150,000 or $300,000 for a married couple.....He would preserve deductions for charitable donations and mortgage interest.

I think the lowest brackets for a married couple are 0 to $50k, the second of 10% is $50k to $100k, the 20% is for $100k to $300k and 25% above $300k. Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

He will increase demand for middle class workers by stopping abuse of the guest worker programs who get 75% of entry level STEM jobs, and only 50% of STEM American graduates can find work within 2 years of graduating.

I cant help you any further than that, dude.

Election 2016: Donald Trump unveils tax plan
The Trump plan lowers tax rates across the board and breaks the tax code into four brackets, instead of the current seven. Individuals earning less than $25,000 and married couples making less than $50,000 would pay no federal income tax. ...Trump's four tax brackets would be 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent. The top bracket is reserved for singles making upwards of $150,000 or $300,000 for a married couple.....He would preserve deductions for charitable donations and mortgage interest.

I think the lowest brackets for a married couple are 0 to $50k, the second of 10% is $50k to $100k, the 20% is for $100k to $300k and 25% above $300k. Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

He will increase demand for middle class workers by stopping abuse of the guest worker programs who get 75% of entry level STEM jobs, and only 50% of STEM American graduates can find work within 2 years of graduating.

I cant help you any further than that, dude.

Which would create a bigger problem than we have today. We still haven't paid down the Republican caused 2007-2008 financial crisis.

Remember the Bush tax cuts? Didn't do a thing except increase debt.

Lol, the Republican cause financial crisis?

You are a joke.

No more soup for you!
Or you can raise minimum wage to $15.00/hr. which will be spent in the economy.
While I sympathize with an increase in minimum wage, right now that would only result in more illegals being hired and fewer Americans getting jobs.

We need to secure the borders, reform the guest worker programs and that in and of itself will cause the minimum wages to go up across the board.

While I sympathize with an increase in minimum wage, right now that would only result in more illegals being hired and fewer Americans getting jobs.

How exactly would that work?

We need to secure the borders, reform the guest worker programs and that in and of itself will cause the minimum wages to go up across the board.

Securing the US/Mexico and US/Canadian borders would cost trillions per year. Where would we get the monies?

Cruz is not popular, I can't figure out what kind of people are voting for him. He's clearly en establishment tool to prevent Trump from clinching nomination. If we do go to convention, I highly doubt republican party will nominate anyone other than Trump, as popular support is rampant for him.

Cruz is Canadian. He's no Goldwater, Romney, or McCain.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: That is SO bad!!
Cruz is not popular, I can't figure out what kind of people are voting for him. He's clearly en establishment tool to prevent Trump from clinching nomination. If we do go to convention, I highly doubt republican party will nominate anyone other than Trump, as popular support is rampant for him.

Cruz is Canadian. He's no Goldwater, Romney, or McCain.

Cruz has citizenship not embodied in the constitution.
I'm on board with Trump if he wins

As a middle class person let me ask; What is Trump going to do to raise middle class wages?
Bring back jobs..............maybe more evil fossil fuels............maybe put the EPA in a cage...........Tariff Mexico and China...............lower the corporate rates..............which could stop inversion...........ditch Obamacare...............

You know.........everything the Libs hate and actually creates jobs........Oh BTW.....tell Obama to shove the TPP.

Or you can raise minimum wage to $15.00/hr. which will be spent in the economy.
Yeah.........that will bring all the companies back.

Yeah.........that will bring all the companies back.

Nothing is going to bring the companies back. All skated with tax monies owed through deferring.
You are already beaten............Just bitching about how they owe you taxes.............They don't have to stay here.................Something that one day maybe you'll understand.........because you just don't get it.

You are already beaten............Just bitching about how they owe you taxes.............They don't have to stay here.................Something that one day maybe you'll understand.........because you just don't get it.

I asked a very simple question that nobody can answer. How is Trump going to raise wages for working Americans?
I'm on board with Trump if he wins

As a middle class person let me ask; What is Trump going to do to raise middle class wages?
Bring back jobs..............maybe more evil fossil fuels............maybe put the EPA in a cage...........Tariff Mexico and China...............lower the corporate rates..............which could stop inversion...........ditch Obamacare...............

You know.........everything the Libs hate and actually creates jobs........Oh BTW.....tell Obama to shove the TPP.

Or you can raise minimum wage to $15.00/hr. which will be spent in the economy.
Yeah.........that will bring all the companies back.

Yeah.........that will bring all the companies back.

Nothing is going to bring the companies back. All skated with tax monies owed through deferring.
A one time special interest rate will bring it back, especially if accompanied by tariffs for companies that are mostly employing people overseas.

A one time special interest rate will bring it back, especially if accompanied by tariffs for companies that are mostly employing people overseas.

You're going to give companies that skated a bonus? WTF!
Kasich winning Ohio stumps Trump a bit. It looks like he'll stay in the race, spreading remaining delegates among 3 instead of 2 -possibly preventing Trump from getting the nomination outright, leading to a contested convention. We'll see.
Kasich winning Ohio stumps Trump a bit. It looks like he'll stay in the race, spreading remaining delegates among 3 instead of 2 -possibly preventing Trump from getting the nomination outright, leading to a contested convention. We'll see.

Actually it helps Trump by keeping Kasich in the race splitting his opposition. Trump will win more states in the north because he has two opponents instead of only one.
Az, will go Trump. Jan Brewer who is deeply admired here has been out working hard for him.
so is sheriff Joe

you are probably correct on AZ

Arpaio is upside down in his own county which makes up most of Arizona's population.

Public Policy Polling: Arizona

-Voters in Maricopa County have gotten pretty sour on long time Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Only 38% have a favorable opinion of him to 53% with a negative one. Interestingly Arpaio is far more popular in the rest of Arizona- a 50/41 favorability rating- than he is in his own county. It's hard to say if Maricopa voters unhappy with him- especially the Republican ones- would go so far as to vote him out but he's clearly not in good standing right now.
Reduce Middle Class taxes for one,

By how much?

increase demand for middle class workers.

Election 2016: Donald Trump unveils tax plan
The Trump plan lowers tax rates across the board and breaks the tax code into four brackets, instead of the current seven. Individuals earning less than $25,000 and married couples making less than $50,000 would pay no federal income tax. ...Trump's four tax brackets would be 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent. The top bracket is reserved for singles making upwards of $150,000 or $300,000 for a married couple.....He would preserve deductions for charitable donations and mortgage interest.

I think the lowest brackets for a married couple are 0 to $50k, the second of 10% is $50k to $100k, the 20% is for $100k to $300k and 25% above $300k. Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

He will increase demand for middle class workers by stopping abuse of the guest worker programs who get 75% of entry level STEM jobs, and only 50% of STEM American graduates can find work within 2 years of graduating.

I cant help you any further than that, dude.

Election 2016: Donald Trump unveils tax plan
The Trump plan lowers tax rates across the board and breaks the tax code into four brackets, instead of the current seven. Individuals earning less than $25,000 and married couples making less than $50,000 would pay no federal income tax. ...Trump's four tax brackets would be 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent. The top bracket is reserved for singles making upwards of $150,000 or $300,000 for a married couple.....He would preserve deductions for charitable donations and mortgage interest.

I think the lowest brackets for a married couple are 0 to $50k, the second of 10% is $50k to $100k, the 20% is for $100k to $300k and 25% above $300k. Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

He will increase demand for middle class workers by stopping abuse of the guest worker programs who get 75% of entry level STEM jobs, and only 50% of STEM American graduates can find work within 2 years of graduating.

I cant help you any further than that, dude.

Which would create a bigger problem than we have today. We still haven't paid down the Republican caused 2007-2008 financial crisis.

Remember the Bush tax cuts? Didn't do a thing except increase debt.

Lol, the Republican cause financial crisis?

You are a joke.

No more soup for you!

Lol, the Republican cause financial crisis?

You are a joke.

No more soup for you!

Name one merger/acquisition approved by the GW Bush SEC that didn't turn into a financial horror show or a bankruptcy.

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