After tonight, Trump is unstoppable.

Az, will go Trump. Jan Brewer who is deeply admired here has been out working hard for him.
so is sheriff Joe

you are probably correct on AZ

Arpaio is upside down in his own county which makes up most of Arizona's population.

Public Policy Polling: Arizona

-Voters in Maricopa County have gotten pretty sour on long time Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Only 38% have a favorable opinion of him to 53% with a negative one. Interestingly Arpaio is far more popular in the rest of Arizona- a 50/41 favorability rating- than he is in his own county. It's hard to say if Maricopa voters unhappy with him- especially the Republican ones- would go so far as to vote him out but he's clearly not in good standing right now.

Trump also has a Mormon problem. We are sour on him. And the large Mormon population is much more likely to drift to Cruz.

Trump also has a Mormon problem. We are sour on him. And the large Mormon population is much more likely to drift to Cruz.

You should leave organized religion (if you can) and switch your brain on and vote for the candidate that promotes raising the wages of the middle class (which is you).
And......please learn before it is too late. Nobody can bring back manufacturing jobs. We will begin losing the need for many manual labor positions.....including drivers....over the next decade. The only way forward is innovative thinking matched with a drastic improvement in how we educate our youth.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

I disagree. Those jobs are leaving because the Chinese and others have set things up for a labor arbitrage situation.

Change the laws and trade practices so that those arbitrage plays no longer pay out and the jobs come back.

Its easy. Why do you think these trade treaties forbid currency manipulation, but everyone taking the opposite side in our deals engages in currency manipulation? The Yen, the Yaun, the Euro, etc, they all manipulate their currencies to rip off Uncle Sugar.

And why do we let them get away with it? Because THEY DONATE TO OUR POLITICIANS 'CHARITIES'.
Seize the charities used in these schemes, throw their owners in jail, renegotiate our treaties and hit the ones that wont revise the agreements with tariffs.

Raising trariffs wont start a trade war that will lkill our economy, why? BECAUSE THEY ARE SELLING THEIR SHIT TO US BUT NOT BUYING OUR SHIT. If we had an even reciprocal relationship, and we dont, we would be exposed in a trade war. But we are not so we aint.
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Here is an excerpt from a study you can buy.

10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

Safer than assholes texting and driving.

For either to be viable you have to eliminate hacking. Two weeks ago Googles car ran into a bus. How in the hell can you miss a bus? Hacking made the car miss the bus.

The other huge problem is technology. We're currently at a roadblock and doing nothing except fine-tuning what is already developed.

The book and the study are possible, but not in the near future.

Fixing the hacking is a simple problem except for 'Zero Day' exploits, and those can be patched once found, as I understand it. The problem is that the hackers have a faster turn around time to evade patches than the corporations. So car manufacturers will have to buy better software that isnt cheap ass Indian made shit.

Remote Zero Day Car Hack – Daily Security Byte EP.117

Microsoft Ships Fix-It for IE 10 Zero Day

Apache Killer Killed: Zero Day Exploit, Zero Day Fix
Those are indeed part of the solution. But the reality is that our current political leaders seem much more willing to talk about solutions then to actually take the necessary steps to stem the flow.

Trumps wall, in my humble opinion is simply a shot to the gut to get the process jump started. Without him talking in that way, the illegal immigration problem would, once again get swept under the rug.

Any developer knows, if you want to build a 20 story building, and zoning only permits 15, you apply for a varience for a 25 story building and let the city think they win by allowing only a 20 story development.

It is, the "art" of the deal
Our current system is open fraud and criminality as our politicians network with corporate buddies that they went to school with at Harvard and Yale and such..

They keep setting up systems that only fail if the whole system fails, by distributing the consequences of their bad decisions, and corruption to all elements in the system.

Everyone gets rich because the whole system stands or fails together, and if it fails, their buddies in the government bail them out.

Except the worker class, who just pays the tab for the bail outs.
And......please learn before it is too late. Nobody can bring back manufacturing jobs. We will begin losing the need for many manual labor positions.....including drivers....over the next decade. The only way forward is innovative thinking matched with a drastic improvement in how we educate our youth.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

I disagree. Those jobs are leaving because the Chinese and others have set things up for a labor arbitrage situation.

Change the laws and trade practices so that those arbitrage plays no longer pay out and the jobs come back.

Its easy. Why do you think these trade treaties forbid currency manipulation, but everyone taking the opposite side in our deals engages in currency manipulation? The Yen, the Yaun, the Euro, etc, they all manipulate their currencies to rip off Uncle Sugar.

And why do we let them get away with it? Because THEY DONATE TO OUR POLITICIANS 'CHARITIES'.
Seize the charities used in these schemes, throw their owners in jail, renegotiate our treaties and hit the ones that wont revise the agreements with tariffs.

Raising trariffs wont start a trade war that will lkill our economy, why? BECAUSE THEY ARE SELLING THEIR SHIT TO US BUT NOT BUYING OUR SHIT. If we had an even reciprocal relationship, and we dont, we would be exposed in a trade war. But we are not so we aint.
We need to cut the balls off the bull Jim. And that means NO overseas donations to people running for office. That should be criminal.
While I sympathize with an increase in minimum wage, right now that would only result in more illegals being hired and fewer Americans getting jobs.

We need to secure the borders, reform the guest worker programs and that in and of itself will cause the minimum wages to go up across the board.

While I sympathize with an increase in minimum wage, right now that would only result in more illegals being hired and fewer Americans getting jobs.

How exactly would that work?

We need to secure the borders, reform the guest worker programs and that in and of itself will cause the minimum wages to go up across the board.

Securing the US/Mexico and US/Canadian borders would cost trillions per year. Where would we get the monies?

Ignoring it is far less expensive. Right?

Ignoring it is far less expensive. Right?

Arresting, fines, and incarceration for employers knowingly hiring illegals is much less expensive, doable, and more effective.

Those are indeed part of the solution. But the reality is that our current political leaders seem much more willing to talk about solutions then to actually take the necessary steps to stem the flow.

Trumps wall, in my humble opinion is simply a shot to the gut to get the process jump started. Without him talking in that way, the illegal immigration problem would, once again get swept under the rug.

Any developer knows, if you want to build a 20 story building, and zoning only permits 15, you apply for a varience for a 25 story building and let the city think they win by allowing only a 20 story development.

It is, the "art" of the deal

Those are indeed part of the solution. But the reality is that our current political leaders seem much more willing to talk about solutions then to actually take the necessary steps to stem the flow.

The solution I posted removes the reason illegals come. Money.

The political leaders are people like Sheriff Joe who won't bite the hand that feeds them, which is why I'm so against elected Police.

We had 20+ years to do why you proposed while our leaders slept.

Read Art of the Deal

If you want a law making employers criminally responsible, yet the lawmakers ignore the simple solution, threaten a law and accept your proposal as the compromise!

Here is an excerpt from a study you can buy.

10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

Safer than assholes texting and driving.

For either to be viable you have to eliminate hacking. Two weeks ago Googles car ran into a bus. How in the hell can you miss a bus? Hacking made the car miss the bus.

The other huge problem is technology. We're currently at a roadblock and doing nothing except fine-tuning what is already developed.

The book and the study are possible, but not in the near future.

Fixing the hacking is a simple problem except for 'Zero Day' exploits, and those can be patched once found, as I understand it. The problem is that the hackers have a faster turn around time to evade patches than the corporations. So car manufacturers will have to buy better software that isnt cheap ass Indian made shit.

Remote Zero Day Car Hack – Daily Security Byte EP.117

Microsoft Ships Fix-It for IE 10 Zero Day

Apache Killer Killed: Zero Day Exploit, Zero Day Fix

Hacking costs nearly half a trillion dollars per year, with an average of $15M per US company. IT IS NOT AN EASY FIX. Hackers have their own convention; DEF CON.

Ok, that is hilarious.
Here we go I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. /sarcasm

Feb, 2016 - Lindsey Graham, "Ted Cruz might be worse than Obama"

Mar, 2016 - Lindsey Graham, "I'm backing Ted Cruz"
While I sympathize with an increase in minimum wage, right now that would only result in more illegals being hired and fewer Americans getting jobs.

How exactly would that work?

We need to secure the borders, reform the guest worker programs and that in and of itself will cause the minimum wages to go up across the board.

Securing the US/Mexico and US/Canadian borders would cost trillions per year. Where would we get the monies?

Ignoring it is far less expensive. Right?

Ignoring it is far less expensive. Right?

Arresting, fines, and incarceration for employers knowingly hiring illegals is much less expensive, doable, and more effective.

Those are indeed part of the solution. But the reality is that our current political leaders seem much more willing to talk about solutions then to actually take the necessary steps to stem the flow.

Trumps wall, in my humble opinion is simply a shot to the gut to get the process jump started. Without him talking in that way, the illegal immigration problem would, once again get swept under the rug.

Any developer knows, if you want to build a 20 story building, and zoning only permits 15, you apply for a varience for a 25 story building and let the city think they win by allowing only a 20 story development.

It is, the "art" of the deal

Those are indeed part of the solution. But the reality is that our current political leaders seem much more willing to talk about solutions then to actually take the necessary steps to stem the flow.

The solution I posted removes the reason illegals come. Money.

The political leaders are people like Sheriff Joe who won't bite the hand that feeds them, which is why I'm so against elected Police.

We had 20+ years to do why you proposed while our leaders slept.

Read Art of the Deal

If you want a law making employers criminally responsible, yet the lawmakers ignore the simple solution, threaten a law and accept your proposal as the compromise!


We had 20+ years to do why you proposed while our leaders slept.

Read Art of the Deal

If you want a law making employers criminally responsible, yet the lawmakers ignore the simple solution, threaten a law and accept your proposal as the compromise!


It's illegal for employers to hire illegal aliens. Local authorities (Sheriff Joe) won't enforce the laws.
We need to cut the balls off the bull Jim. And that means NO overseas donations to people running for office. That should be criminal.

How we have come to tolerate foreign donations I'll never know.

How we have come to tolerate foreign donations I'll never know.

Reagan put us in world economy. I'll illustrate; Is Halliburton a foreign corporation?

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