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After Trump Is Overthrown: How "Deplorables" May Respond To The Coup...

2008: Dems claims that elections have consequences.
2016: Dems want no consequences for losing election.

Have I ever mentioned that snowflakes are hypocrites?
Grand Juries are merely pawns of prosecutors, who spoon feed them incriminating information without ANY rebuttal or exculpatory evidence.
I bet they throw their support behind Vice President Pence.

Just a guess.

Well, they won't have a choice if this attempted Coup is successful.

Nope. Coup is an inflammatory statement. Removing a President after impeachment and trial/conviction by Senate is a constitutional process.

It's a Coup d'etat. The NWO folks despise Trump. He's upset their 'Order.' They need to get one of their Puppets back in there. They need to get back to fucking America. That's the plan. So Trump has to go. But these days, they don't need to outright kill a leader to destroy them. They do it by other means now. It's happening all the time in Europe. They do it by excessive manufactured 'Scandal.' They declare the leader 'Corrupt', and set out to prosecute & imprison them.

The Globalist Elites control the mechanisms of Legal Systems. That's why you don't see Elites like Obama and Hillary Clinton being prosecuted for their dirty deeds. They're well-protected by their fellow NWO Globalist brethren. You can bet all corrupt Clinton and Obama lackeys will skate. But Trump obviously won't be afforded such protection. It will only be Trump associates who'll ever be prosecuted for anything. There's a slight chance Trump will survive this Coup-attempt, but many of his associates will be lynched. But i guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Buchanan is wrong. No attack like 911 would unite us. If anything the warring factions would use that as an excuse to blame each other even more.

The country is over. The experiment in self rule failed.
It does appear the NWO Globalist Elites are feeling more & more confident that their Coup-attempt is gonna be successful. So if they're right and their Coup d'etat happens, what will the aftermath look like? Pat Buchanan weighs in with a great article.

After The Coup, What Then?

That the Trump presidency is bedeviled is undeniable.

As President Donald Trump flew off for August at his Jersey club, there came word that Special Counsel Robert Mueller III had impaneled a grand jury and subpoenas were going out to Trump family and campaign associates.

The jurors will be drawn from a pool of citizens in a city Hillary Clinton swept with 91 percent of the vote. Trump got 4 percent.

Whatever indictments Mueller wants, Mueller gets.

Thanks to a media that savages him ceaselessly, Trump is down to 33 percent approval in a Quinnipiac University poll and below 40 percent in most of the rest.

Before Trump departed D.C., The Washington Post ran transcripts of his phone conversations with the leaders of Mexico and Australia.

Even Obama administration veterans were stunned.

So, it is time to ask: If this city brings Trump down, will the rest of America rejoice?

What will be the reaction out there in fly-over country, that land where the “deplorables” dwell who produce the soldiers to fight our wars? Will they toast the “free press” that brought down the president they elected, and in whom they had placed so much hope?

My guess:...

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After Trump Is Overthrown - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Trump is a pariah in the entire world. Nobody except the handful of useful idiots that still support this orange-turn will give a shit. He'll be gone, his time in 'office' will be forgotten and erased form memory for the most part, he'll be though of as the moment America stepped in a new steaming pile of dogshit, then wiped it's shoe and moved on.

But you angries who think the new civil war will be fought over this bugwit really have to join us back in reality.
It does appear the NWO Globalist Elites are feeling more & more confident that their Coup-attempt is gonna be successful. So if they're right and their Coup d'etat happens, what will the aftermath look like? Pat Buchanan weighs in with a great article.

After The Coup, What Then?

That the Trump presidency is bedeviled is undeniable.

As President Donald Trump flew off for August at his Jersey club, there came word that Special Counsel Robert Mueller III had impaneled a grand jury and subpoenas were going out to Trump family and campaign associates.

The jurors will be drawn from a pool of citizens in a city Hillary Clinton swept with 91 percent of the vote. Trump got 4 percent.

Whatever indictments Mueller wants, Mueller gets.

Thanks to a media that savages him ceaselessly, Trump is down to 33 percent approval in a Quinnipiac University poll and below 40 percent in most of the rest.

Before Trump departed D.C., The Washington Post ran transcripts of his phone conversations with the leaders of Mexico and Australia.

Even Obama administration veterans were stunned.

So, it is time to ask: If this city brings Trump down, will the rest of America rejoice?

What will be the reaction out there in fly-over country, that land where the “deplorables” dwell who produce the soldiers to fight our wars? Will they toast the “free press” that brought down the president they elected, and in whom they had placed so much hope?

My guess:...

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After Trump Is Overthrown - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Rockwell? Paranoid much? LOL

Look, Trump is a resident of DC and possibly NYC. Mueller isn't forum shopping. The grand jury ain't gonna be in butfck Ayran Nation Idaho. And generations ago people cleverer than us noted "a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich." It's how the beast works. Whether there's a conviction or even a trial is another matter.

But you are noticing that it's not the dems behind this. Trump's trying to paint Mueller and Comey as some sleeper dem agents is beyond pathetic, as are the Trumpbots falling for it. These guys are career prosecutors. They get their jollies from cutting off the balls of famous people like Phil Mickelson and Martha Stewart for doing really next to nothing. They could make Yuuuge salaries at law firms, but they earn decent money and their kids get into Ivys and the little ivys if they show aptitude, and the schools find the money. You call it the deep state, but really what it is is a meritocracy that punishes anyone regardless of ideology that "cheats." Of course not all cheats get prosecuted.

The dems have not shown much interest in impeaching anyone since Nixon. Yeah they hated him, but the gop didn't like him too much in the end either. Nobody wanted a piece of Reagan for Iran Contra even though he was in that up to his ass. The dems would much rather run against Trump than Pence.
Please don't try to convince us the Mewler and Comey are some kind of apolitical professionals. The evidence that they are a couple of partisan douche bags is manifest. This is a witch hunt. That is simply beyond dispute.

Yup, the Jurors are being pooled from a city Hillary Clinton won with 91% of the vote. So, Trump supporters better start accepting the fact that an attempted Coup d'etat is well-underway. It is reality.
I've yet to see a liberal on this forum that has any idea what reality is. Liberals, you, are the people, for one thing, that are siding with a mad man who has threatened to nuke us countless times over the president who inherited the mess jug head left.
It does appear the NWO Globalist Elites are feeling more & more confident that their Coup-attempt is gonna be successful. So if they're right and their Coup d'etat happens, what will the aftermath look like? Pat Buchanan weighs in with a great article.

After The Coup, What Then?

That the Trump presidency is bedeviled is undeniable.

As President Donald Trump flew off for August at his Jersey club, there came word that Special Counsel Robert Mueller III had impaneled a grand jury and subpoenas were going out to Trump family and campaign associates.

The jurors will be drawn from a pool of citizens in a city Hillary Clinton swept with 91 percent of the vote. Trump got 4 percent.

Whatever indictments Mueller wants, Mueller gets.

Thanks to a media that savages him ceaselessly, Trump is down to 33 percent approval in a Quinnipiac University poll and below 40 percent in most of the rest.

Before Trump departed D.C., The Washington Post ran transcripts of his phone conversations with the leaders of Mexico and Australia.

Even Obama administration veterans were stunned.

So, it is time to ask: If this city brings Trump down, will the rest of America rejoice?

What will be the reaction out there in fly-over country, that land where the “deplorables” dwell who produce the soldiers to fight our wars? Will they toast the “free press” that brought down the president they elected, and in whom they had placed so much hope?

My guess:...

Read More:
After Trump Is Overthrown - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Trump is a pariah in the entire world. Nobody except the handful of useful idiots that still support this orange-turn will give a shit. He'll be gone, his time in 'office' will be forgotten and erased form memory for the most part, he'll be though of as the moment America stepped in a new steaming pile of dogshit, then wiped it's shoe and moved on.

But you angries who think the new civil war will be fought over this bugwit really have to join us back in reality.
He's better than purple lipped jug head. Jug head left this mess for Trump.
Be careful what you wish for lefties. It's more likely that Barry Hussein's former A.G. and Hilly Clinton as well as Bill Clinton could be indicted for influence peddling and a range of other stuff.
It does appear the NWO Globalist Elites are feeling more & more confident that their Coup-attempt is gonna be successful. So if they're right and their Coup d'etat happens, what will the aftermath look like? Pat Buchanan weighs in with a great article.

After The Coup, What Then?

That the Trump presidency is bedeviled is undeniable.

As President Donald Trump flew off for August at his Jersey club, there came word that Special Counsel Robert Mueller III had impaneled a grand jury and subpoenas were going out to Trump family and campaign associates.

The jurors will be drawn from a pool of citizens in a city Hillary Clinton swept with 91 percent of the vote. Trump got 4 percent.

Whatever indictments Mueller wants, Mueller gets.

Thanks to a media that savages him ceaselessly, Trump is down to 33 percent approval in a Quinnipiac University poll and below 40 percent in most of the rest.

Before Trump departed D.C., The Washington Post ran transcripts of his phone conversations with the leaders of Mexico and Australia.

Even Obama administration veterans were stunned.

So, it is time to ask: If this city brings Trump down, will the rest of America rejoice?

What will be the reaction out there in fly-over country, that land where the “deplorables” dwell who produce the soldiers to fight our wars? Will they toast the “free press” that brought down the president they elected, and in whom they had placed so much hope?

My guess:...

Read More:
After Trump Is Overthrown - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Trump is a pariah in the entire world. Nobody except the handful of useful idiots that still support this orange-turn will give a shit. He'll be gone, his time in 'office' will be forgotten and erased form memory for the most part, he'll be though of as the moment America stepped in a new steaming pile of dogshit, then wiped it's shoe and moved on.

But you angries who think the new civil war will be fought over this bugwit really have to join us back in reality.
He's better than purple lipped jug head. Jug head left this mess for Trump.

LOL The imaginary mess that Trump whines about?

Republicans destroyed the economy in 2008 then handed it to Obama to keep the world from falling off a cliff into a new Great Depression, which he did. Obama took unemployment from 10.2% to 4.5% and the DOW Jones from 8,500 to 19,500, and Isis to 95% defeated.

Yes oh what a mess.
I bet they throw their support behind Vice President Pence.

Just a guess.

Well, they won't have a choice if this attempted Coup is successful.

LOL coup......

Poor Trumpster snowflakes........who believe that any criticism of President Snowflake is an attempted coup- while your Dear Leader spent 5 years telling the American people that President Obama was not actually our legally elected President.
I bet they throw their support behind Vice President Pence.

Just a guess.

Well, they won't have a choice if this attempted Coup is successful.

LOL coup......

Poor Trumpster snowflakes........who believe that any criticism of President Snowflake is an attempted coup- while your Dear Leader spent 5 years telling the American people that President Obama was not actually our legally elected President.

There is an attempted Coup happening. What's going on now, goes way way beyond 'criticism.' The NWO Globalist Elites are making their move. They are attempting a Coup d'etat.
I bet they throw their support behind Vice President Pence.

Just a guess.

Well, they won't have a choice if this attempted Coup is successful.

LOL coup......

Poor Trumpster snowflakes........who believe that any criticism of President Snowflake is an attempted coup- while your Dear Leader spent 5 years telling the American people that President Obama was not actually our legally elected President.

There is an attempted Coup happening. What's going on now, goes way way beyond 'criticism.' The NWO Globalist Elites are making their move. They are attempting a Coup d'etat.

LOL. If there were a "New World Order" Trump would demand to be its king.

Meanwhile- what you call a 'coup' is our Constitution in action.

Of course we all know that Trumpsters despise the Constititution.
If Trump directed Jr to meet with Russans to get the dirt on Hillary, and then wrote Jr's excuse note intentionally misrepresenting facts .... that is not a Coup. LOL
It does appear the NWO Globalist Elites are feeling more & more confident that their Coup-attempt is gonna be successful. So if they're right and their Coup d'etat happens, what will the aftermath look like? Pat Buchanan weighs in with a great article.

After The Coup, What Then?

That the Trump presidency is bedeviled is undeniable.

As President Donald Trump flew off for August at his Jersey club, there came word that Special Counsel Robert Mueller III had impaneled a grand jury and subpoenas were going out to Trump family and campaign associates.

The jurors will be drawn from a pool of citizens in a city Hillary Clinton swept with 91 percent of the vote. Trump got 4 percent.

Whatever indictments Mueller wants, Mueller gets.

Thanks to a media that savages him ceaselessly, Trump is down to 33 percent approval in a Quinnipiac University poll and below 40 percent in most of the rest.

Before Trump departed D.C., The Washington Post ran transcripts of his phone conversations with the leaders of Mexico and Australia.

Even Obama administration veterans were stunned.

So, it is time to ask: If this city brings Trump down, will the rest of America rejoice?

What will be the reaction out there in fly-over country, that land where the “deplorables” dwell who produce the soldiers to fight our wars? Will they toast the “free press” that brought down the president they elected, and in whom they had placed so much hope?

My guess:...

Read More:
After Trump Is Overthrown - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Trump is a pariah in the entire world. Nobody except the handful of useful idiots that still support this orange-turn will give a shit. He'll be gone, his time in 'office' will be forgotten and erased form memory for the most part, he'll be though of as the moment America stepped in a new steaming pile of dogshit, then wiped it's shoe and moved on.

But you angries who think the new civil war will be fought over this bugwit really have to join us back in reality.
He's better than purple lipped jug head. Jug head left this mess for Trump.

LOL The imaginary mess that Trump whines about?

Republicans destroyed the economy in 2008 then handed it to Obama to keep the world from falling off a cliff into a new Great Depression, which he did. Obama took unemployment from 10.2% to 4.5% and the DOW Jones from 8,500 to 19,500, and Isis to 95% defeated.

Yes oh what a mess.
You aren't capable of telling the truth are you?
I bet they throw their support behind Vice President Pence.

Just a guess.

Well, they won't have a choice if this attempted Coup is successful.

LOL coup......

Poor Trumpster snowflakes........who believe that any criticism of President Snowflake is an attempted coup- while your Dear Leader spent 5 years telling the American people that President Obama was not actually our legally elected President.

There is an attempted Coup happening. What's going on now, goes way way beyond 'criticism.' The NWO Globalist Elites are making their move. They are attempting a Coup d'etat.

LOL. If there were a "New World Order" Trump would demand to be its king.

Meanwhile- what you call a 'coup' is our Constitution in action.

Of course we all know that Trumpsters despise the Constititution.
Thanks Goebbels. Jug head bypassed the Constitution so many times it's not funny.
It does appear the NWO Globalist Elites are feeling more & more confident that their Coup-attempt is gonna be successful. So if they're right and their Coup d'etat happens, what will the aftermath look like? Pat Buchanan weighs in with a great article.

After The Coup, What Then?

That the Trump presidency is bedeviled is undeniable.

As President Donald Trump flew off for August at his Jersey club, there came word that Special Counsel Robert Mueller III had impaneled a grand jury and subpoenas were going out to Trump family and campaign associates.

The jurors will be drawn from a pool of citizens in a city Hillary Clinton swept with 91 percent of the vote. Trump got 4 percent.

Whatever indictments Mueller wants, Mueller gets.

Thanks to a media that savages him ceaselessly, Trump is down to 33 percent approval in a Quinnipiac University poll and below 40 percent in most of the rest.

Before Trump departed D.C., The Washington Post ran transcripts of his phone conversations with the leaders of Mexico and Australia.

Even Obama administration veterans were stunned.

So, it is time to ask: If this city brings Trump down, will the rest of America rejoice?

What will be the reaction out there in fly-over country, that land where the “deplorables” dwell who produce the soldiers to fight our wars? Will they toast the “free press” that brought down the president they elected, and in whom they had placed so much hope?

My guess:...

Read More:
After Trump Is Overthrown - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Trump is a pariah in the entire world. Nobody except the handful of useful idiots that still support this orange-turn will give a shit. He'll be gone, his time in 'office' will be forgotten and erased form memory for the most part, he'll be though of as the moment America stepped in a new steaming pile of dogshit, then wiped it's shoe and moved on.

But you angries who think the new civil war will be fought over this bugwit really have to join us back in reality.
He's better than purple lipped jug head. Jug head left this mess for Trump.

LOL The imaginary mess that Trump whines about?

Republicans destroyed the economy in 2008 then handed it to Obama to keep the world from falling off a cliff into a new Great Depression, which he did. Obama took unemployment from 10.2% to 4.5% and the DOW Jones from 8,500 to 19,500, and Isis to 95% defeated.

Yes oh what a mess.
You aren't capable of telling the truth are you?
I bet they throw their support behind Vice President Pence.

Just a guess.

Well, they won't have a choice if this attempted Coup is successful.

LOL coup......

Poor Trumpster snowflakes........who believe that any criticism of President Snowflake is an attempted coup- while your Dear Leader spent 5 years telling the American people that President Obama was not actually our legally elected President.

There is an attempted Coup happening. What's going on now, goes way way beyond 'criticism.' The NWO Globalist Elites are making their move. They are attempting a Coup d'etat.

LOL. If there were a "New World Order" Trump would demand to be its king.

Meanwhile- what you call a 'coup' is our Constitution in action.

Of course we all know that Trumpsters despise the Constititution.
Thanks Goebbels. Jug head bypassed the Constitution so many times it's not funny.

I know my voice is muffled because you live in the alt-right-facts-never-penetrate bubble. Even easily verifiable facts are your enemy. We shall call you Bubble-Boy.
I bet they throw their support behind Vice President Pence.

Just a guess.

Well, they won't have a choice if this attempted Coup is successful.

there is no coup, conspiracy loon.

was it a coup when they impeached bill Clinton.


Apples and lugnuts ya wingnut. They weren't undermining Clinton at every turn since day one. Geeze you're dense.
Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia
It does appear the NWO Globalist Elites are feeling more & more confident that their Coup-attempt is gonna be successful. So if they're right and their Coup d'etat happens, what will the aftermath look like? Pat Buchanan weighs in with a great article.

After The Coup, What Then?

That the Trump presidency is bedeviled is undeniable.

As President Donald Trump flew off for August at his Jersey club, there came word that Special Counsel Robert Mueller III had impaneled a grand jury and subpoenas were going out to Trump family and campaign associates.

The jurors will be drawn from a pool of citizens in a city Hillary Clinton swept with 91 percent of the vote. Trump got 4 percent.

Whatever indictments Mueller wants, Mueller gets.

Thanks to a media that savages him ceaselessly, Trump is down to 33 percent approval in a Quinnipiac University poll and below 40 percent in most of the rest.

Before Trump departed D.C., The Washington Post ran transcripts of his phone conversations with the leaders of Mexico and Australia.

Even Obama administration veterans were stunned.

So, it is time to ask: If this city brings Trump down, will the rest of America rejoice?

What will be the reaction out there in fly-over country, that land where the “deplorables” dwell who produce the soldiers to fight our wars? Will they toast the “free press” that brought down the president they elected, and in whom they had placed so much hope?

My guess:...

Read More:
After Trump Is Overthrown - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Trump is a pariah in the entire world. Nobody except the handful of useful idiots that still support this orange-turn will give a shit. He'll be gone, his time in 'office' will be forgotten and erased form memory for the most part, he'll be though of as the moment America stepped in a new steaming pile of dogshit, then wiped it's shoe and moved on.

But you angries who think the new civil war will be fought over this bugwit really have to join us back in reality.
He's better than purple lipped jug head. Jug head left this mess for Trump.

LOL The imaginary mess that Trump whines about?

Republicans destroyed the economy in 2008 then handed it to Obama to keep the world from falling off a cliff into a new Great Depression, which he did. Obama took unemployment from 10.2% to 4.5% and the DOW Jones from 8,500 to 19,500, and Isis to 95% defeated.

Yes oh what a mess.

That's the Dim fairy tale. I'm sure they tell it to their kids every night.

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