after tweeting: "Every police department violating people's civil rights must be stripped of funding", Crazy Bernie comes out against defunding police


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
another Democrat hypocrite!



The Police department members cost cities many millions violating civil rights of civilians, those cops should be held liable to pay that settlement when they violate civil rights.
Pretty good article linked from The New Yorker. Not surprising to hear less defunding Rhetoric, as it is not an across the board solution, not shown to work, and is not going to be a popular idea across America. Also not surprising he has a better relationship with Biden than he did with The Hill. Like trump, she didn't exactly engender trust. All that said, there will be continued push by many in some area to disband and start anew law enforcement/policing organization where systemic problem are too deeply entrenched in department culture for a more normal reform strategy to be effective. As a snap judgement, disbanding and starting new has take most of us by surprise, as it wasn't put out with roadmap, explaining "What does that look like?" Drudge had a link to an article today by Scotty Andrew with CNN. Disbanding is not new and sometimes it has worked. It is also true that tactics and strategies are terrain and situational dependent, so I like most on this board cannot and do not predict success or failure, but in certain situations it is another strategy to actually be evaluated instead of absolutely rejecting out of hand.

This city disbanded its police department 7 years ago. Here's what happened next
How the new Camden police changed its approach
What Minneapolis can learn from criticism of Camden

"defunding police would be good for robbers and rapists" - Trump

well then that would be good for you, Donald!
Liberals don't need to abolish the police. Just make being an officer unpalatable so that no one would want to do it. Subject to frivolous lawsuits only those with nothing to lose will hire on. Knowing they will only have a short time before they are harassed out of a job they will use the time they have in graft and corruption. It always goes the same way.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders rejected the calls from progressive Democrats and protesters across the country to abolish police departments.

“Do I think we should not have police departments in America? No, I don’t. There’s no city in the world that does not have police departments,” he told The New Yorker.

“I called for police departments that have well-educated, well-trained, well-paid professionals.”

Sanders said that many police officers around the country don’t have much education or training and that they “take the job at very low payment.”

“I want to change that,” he said.

BJ -
Never, Never did I think that I would see the day that Bernie Sanders was the voice of reason within The Democratic Party.
Occasional Cortex has to be rethinking how she ever supported this guy.
Crazy Bernie is gonna be persona non grata with white liberals and the BLM crowd. ... :cool:

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