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After what the stupid party did in Colorado, they will soon be history.

And yet still no evidence that anything was rigged. Cruz has an amazing organization and his hard work paid off. Trump showed up at the lady second, did crappy work, and thus won nothing.

But somehow that's the party's fault.

No wonder this country is going to hell. You all want to blame others for why you didn't get what you want when you didn't put any effort into getting it.

Dude, you've been shown evidence. And yet, you perpetuate this mindless organization spin. I've lost respect for you; I honestly have.

Actually, no you haven't. Granted I actually take evidence to mean something more than baseless asccusations so that could be the disconnect.

BTW there is absolutely nothing in your history that shows I should care about your respect. Especially if you are going to pretend Trump was cheated when he didn't bother showing up to compete.
Your 'baseless accusation': "I think he does, which is why so many businesses of his fail, go into bankruptcy or get him sued for fraud".
Trump has been involved in hundreds of businesses over the last forty five years.
It is inevitable some businesses will fail. Some will go bankrupt. Some disgruntled people will sue Trump.
The FACT is Trump became a Billionaire by being a very smart man.
BTW. Anyone can 'sue' anyone.The result is what's important.
Trump University had a triple A rating. 98% of the people who were students agree what they received for what they spent on the courses was excellent. That's a higher positive percentage than Harvard.
And learn how to spell the word 'accusation' OK?

I can't believe people are still trying to pretend trump university wasn't a complete and utter failure.

And fyi. It's complete fact that most of trumps Endeavours have failed, that he has gone bankrupt multiple times, and is still being sued for fraud. So they aren't accusations. Rather they are a patter of business behavior.

But sure trump university got 98% approval rating during the free portion of the program. Never mind the significant increase in dissatisfaction for what was paid for. And sure they got an A plus rating after they no longer had students and the time for the complaints that gave them the D minus rating lapsed. But if you think that is evidence that trump is a good business man I've got a nice piece of swamp land to sell you.

A plus companies don't go out of business. Just saying
Trump’s Business Success Is More Than Marginal
Ya right.
Wise up.
The anti-Trump corporate tools dont give a flying poop about accurate facts.

IF the shit sticks they fling it.
Dude, you've been shown evidence. And yet, you perpetuate this mindless organization spin. I've lost respect for you; I honestly have.
You lose respect for people who deal with the facts, and then have the audacity to call them dishonest? Your post has the ring of a right wing reactionary
And your post has the smell of the Clinton Lie Machine.
The GOP, which is correctly known as the stupid party, oh wow, they really did themselves in by screwing the voters in Colorado. From voters burning their GOP papers, to Rush Limbaugh saying the GOP has done itself decades of damage. Where I believe Rush is wrong is, the stupid party would be fortunate to have done themselves decades of damage, because I think the stupid party will soon be history, just like the Whig Party.

Several members of my family, and friends are leaving the GOP over this, and finally going third party. I've always been registered third party because I always knew the GOP was just as big of a pile of shit as the Democratic Party.

I truly hope this the end of the GOP, it would serve them right for decades of hating their voting base, lying to them, stabbing them in the back, betraying America.

Burn in hell GOP

I don't believe they will ever recover from this blatant rigging of the election. I am anti Republican now! Who knows, maybe I'll vote for Sanders if given the opportunity.

It's all been laid bare this cycle. Everyone knew it's been happening but during these primaries it's been over the top outrageously rigged and the old bastards are giggling about it talking about parachuting someone new in.

Rove actually said he believed the party could give the electorate a "fresh face". Holy toledo!

Yeah that's probably what they're going to do at the convention. Really right now, they don't have anyone that can defeat Hillary Clinton, and what they fear is total loss if it's Trump. Meaning the Senate a ton of seats in the house, and all the down ballot state races.

If Trump is the nominee--we'll have Republicans running for reelection or new seats actually denouncing him or campaigning against him to save their own seats. This is the biggest mess I have ever seen in a primary.

Another Democrat 'worried' that the GOP might make a bad pick for their POTUS nominee.

Lol, give me a fucking break.
And while we see all the handwringing or glee about the GOP's inevitable demise they should take a quick look over to the left and realize a socialist might very well win if it weren't for their corrupt rules. Hillary has had to move even further left to compete with the old goat. I think it is time for a third party. A real party of the people for the people.

I would rather have a democratic socialist running the country for four years than to continue a party that is led by Corporate Whores who will lie to and cheat their own party members so that their corporate masters can continue to export jobs, leave our borders wide open to terrorists and let Wall Street Banks and international corporations run this country into the ground.

Oh hell yeah, Sanders is the easy choice over that slime continuing to run the GOP, damned right. And shame on the GOP for not removing these crooks themselves.

Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier
You are naive if you think Bernie will part money from the politicals running the government. The left is just as married to big business, they talk the talk but walk to the bank.
The GOP, which is correctly known as the stupid party, oh wow, they really did themselves in by screwing the voters in Colorado. From voters burning their GOP papers, to Rush Limbaugh saying the GOP has done itself decades of damage. Where I believe Rush is wrong is, the stupid party would be fortunate to have done themselves decades of damage, because I think the stupid party will soon be history, just like the Whig Party.

Several members of my family, and friends are leaving the GOP over this, and finally going third party. I've always been registered third party because I always knew the GOP was just as big of a pile of shit as the Democratic Party.

I truly hope this the end of the GOP, it would serve them right for decades of hating their voting base, lying to them, stabbing them in the back, betraying America.

Burn in hell GOP

I live in Colorado, and last year they were talking about going to a Presidential primary that fell through. It desperately needs that as we are a purple state, and these caucus states typically represent less than 1% of the vote and they're really the symbol of the worst case in voter disenfranchisement in this country today.

IOW--Had Colorado followed through on a primary--I believe that Ted Cruz or John Kasich would have won it anyway, I don't think there were a lot of Trump supporters in this state.

Albeit it was a low blow to do it, but really both parties in this state need to get it together and go with a Presidential primary.
The only poll I have seen of the GOP primary/caucus was last year and Trump was winning it.


That is why the Establishment Nazis have decided they dont want real people in their party in Colorado; just political insiders and whores.
You are naive if you think Bernie will part money from the politicals running the government. The left is just as married to big business, they talk the talk but walk to the bank.
That is the underlying problem to all politicians; are they going to do what they say that they will do?

In the case of the Republican elite, we KNOW FOR A FACT that they will lie to us then do whatever the fuck they want to when the get into office. With Sanders he has been consistent and kept his word for years now in the Senate.

I'll take my chances with Sanders over a 'White Knight' from the same GOP Elites that have been lying to our faces, exporting jobs, leaving our borders wide open for anyone to enter, and driving this country into the ground in a million different ways.

No, it is time to try something else, hell anything else.
The GOP, which is correctly known as the stupid party, oh wow, they really did themselves in by screwing the voters in Colorado. From voters burning their GOP papers, to Rush Limbaugh saying the GOP has done itself decades of damage. Where I believe Rush is wrong is, the stupid party would be fortunate to have done themselves decades of damage, because I think the stupid party will soon be history, just like the Whig Party.

Several members of my family, and friends are leaving the GOP over this, and finally going third party. I've always been registered third party because I always knew the GOP was just as big of a pile of shit as the Democratic Party.

I truly hope this the end of the GOP, it would serve them right for decades of hating their voting base, lying to them, stabbing them in the back, betraying America.

Burn in hell GOP
WINNER! I agree with you. What do you think happens if Trump gets the nomination though? Think he can take the GOP to the edge and let them teeter on the edge of destruction and once he wins in November remold the GOP into a new American first Nationalist party?

Take your NAZI crap somewhere else nutter..People like you are part of the problems with the Trump campaign.:cuckoo:
Says the Jew lover who puts a foreign country before his own. Oh the irony of your statement.

"The Irony of your statement".. Jew hater...I'm a Jew, so are Trump 's grand kids. Do you hate Trump's grand-kids Jew hater? Should Trump be proud scum like you love him?:dunno:
His DAUGHTERS grandkids are HALF jews. If you are a jew then stop flying my countries flag and fly your own. We BOTH know you have no loyalty to the US. I hate all jews but I am not voting for his grandkids...I am voting for HIS policies.

You're a nutter who who needs psychological help:cuckoo:
No, I showerd her how the Colorado GOP sent out a memo forbidding delegates from voting for Trump and how they'd lose credentials if they did. And I showed her the video of the guy who had that happen to him.

Now then, the Colorado politicians got rid of the primaries in 00. Then each party set up their super delegate bull shit. Then further, they made it about elitist politics as to who was who and finally on the GOP side, they just cut out the straw poll to eliminate visibility and the caucuses to fully disenfranchise voters. In Colorado, Sanders won the people and lost the delegates. The same may very well have been true with Trump if the system wasn't corrupt. Don't tell me it's a matter of "organization" when it's clearly puppeteering. And Avatar4321 wants the Constitution preserved for what? I'm assuming fairness. And in the midst of all this unfairness, she is justifying crooked politics. You want fairness? Then practice it and stop giving lame fucking rationalizations. There's nothing fucking reactionary about that. That's called having principles, dude.

Lol, yeah, these idiots claim that Trump was 'out organized' as if anyone he sent to the meetings would have not been simply purged like the rest have been.

Trump could have shown up with 90% of the attendees and the Colorado GOP would STILL have purged them from the ballot.

You cannot reason with crooks or idiots.
The GOP, which is correctly known as the stupid party, oh wow, they really did themselves in by screwing the voters in Colorado. From voters burning their GOP papers, to Rush Limbaugh saying the GOP has done itself decades of damage. Where I believe Rush is wrong is, the stupid party would be fortunate to have done themselves decades of damage, because I think the stupid party will soon be history, just like the Whig Party.

Several members of my family, and friends are leaving the GOP over this, and finally going third party. I've always been registered third party because I always knew the GOP was just as big of a pile of shit as the Democratic Party.

I truly hope this the end of the GOP, it would serve them right for decades of hating their voting base, lying to them, stabbing them in the back, betraying America.

Burn in hell GOP

I live in Colorado, and last year they were talking about going to a Presidential primary that fell through. It desperately needs that as we are a purple state, and these caucus states typically represent less than 1% of the vote and they're really the symbol of the worst case in voter disenfranchisement in this country today.

IOW--Had Colorado followed through on a primary--I believe that Ted Cruz or John Kasich would have won it anyway, I don't think there were a lot of Trump supporters in this state.

Albeit it was a low blow to do it, but really both parties in this state need to get it together and go with a Presidential primary.
The only poll I have seen of the GOP primary/caucus was last year and Trump was winning it.


That is why the Establishment Nazis have decided they dont want real people in their party in Colorado; just political insiders and whores.

Lets get it straight ok?..The national party wanted Colorado to have a primary, the state decided, not too because they didn't want their delegates commented. Quit listening to that nutjob Micheal "Savage"
No, I showerd her how the Colorado GOP sent out a memo forbidding delegates from voting for Trump and how they'd lose credentials if they did. And I showed her the video of the guy who had that happen to him.

Now then, the Colorado politicians got rid of the primaries in 00. Then each party set up their super delegate bull shit. Then further, they made it about elitist politics as to who was who and finally on the GOP side, they just cut out the straw poll to eliminate visibility and the caucuses to fully disenfranchise voters. In Colorado, Sanders won the people and lost the delegates. The same may very well have been true with Trump if the system wasn't corrupt. Don't tell me it's a matter of "organization" when it's clearly puppeteering. And Avatar4321 wants the Constitution preserved for what? I'm assuming fairness. And in the midst of all this unfairness, she is justifying crooked politics. You want fairness? Then practice it and stop giving lame fucking rationalizations. There's nothing fucking reactionary about that. That's called having principles, dude.

Lol, yeah, these idiots claim that Trump was 'out organized' as if anyone he sent to the meetings would have not been simply purged like the rest have been.

Trump could have shown up with 90% of the attendees and the Colorado GOP would STILL have purged them from the ballot.

You cannot reason with crooks or idiots.
He had nobody there. He's an incompetent joke when it comes to organizing delegates
After seeing what happened in Colorado , only a fool or a party crony will support the GOP if Trump wins the most delegates and is not the nominee.

I hate to keep pounding you over your stupid head with this but the GOP has NEVER awarded the nomination on the basis of plurality. "Most delegates" doesn't mean a damn thing, the nominee has to get 1,237 to win the nomination. If he/she doesn't, they haven't won a majority of the delegates and someone else could.

What happened in Colorado is, the process established by the state for presidential caucuses was followed and Cruz beat Trump. Every state is different, they have a myriad of systems and each has it's own rule book. Nothing was suddenly changed by the party or Cruz, there was nothing unethical or under-handed done.

All this WHINING after the fact reminds me of LIBERALS! The Cruz campaign was organized and knew their shit. The Trump campaign was caught flat-footed and got creamed... tough shit... get over it and move on!

I can tell you this... I am not going to support a goddamn crybaby! If Trump plans to whine and complain about the unfairness when things don't go his way-- while the rest of the time, running around telling us all how great he is... how is that different than Obama? I'd rather have a man who does his homework, knows how the system works, figures out a winning strategy and implements it to perfection... like Cruz did in Colorado!

Reality contradicts your rhetorical nonsense.


Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier

Your argument that the rules were followed makes as much sense as a Soviet cop sending someone to the Gulag because 'that's the law'.

The GOP broke their own rules and committed fraud on its due paying members who were arbitrarily purged from the ballots because they voted for Trump.

How in Gods name do you think that is FAIR or going to help the GOP to attract more voters?

It wont, you can bet on that. The GOP has decided it is better to have Hillary Clinton chose four SCOTUS judges than it is to let Trump have a fair shot at winning the party nomination, and YOU are swallowing all their rationalizing bullshit whole in one big gulp.
Lets get it straight ok?..The national party wanted Colorado to have a primary, the state decided, not too because they didn't want their delegates commented. Quit listening to that nutjob Micheal "Savage"
No, YOU get this straight, no one is arguing that Colorado couldnt have a primary, dude.

What people are pissed off about is that the GOP broke its OWN RULES in the way they conducted their caucus by purging Trump supporters from the ballot and having the parties leading candidate not allowed to vote for.

Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier
"Family and friends leaving the GOP" yeah right, more Alinsky tricks from the left. Only the GOP gets criticized for stuff like this because you expect the GOP to be honest but as usual the democrat party gets a free ride.. Case in point, little outrage that the democrats kicked their former V.P. candidate (Joe Lieberman) out of the freaking party for being too moderate and he had to run as an independent against a radical leftie whom he beat handily. Nobody expected the shrill wife of a pervert former president to play it straight when she allegedly won six coin tosses in a row in Iowa and walked away with the delegates because nobody expects democrats to be honest or moral or anything but Marxists and enablers for sexual abuse.

So this guy is just performing an Alinsky Trick?

Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier

Lol, you are watching the GOP destroy itself and your best response is to repeat the RNC talking points memo?

Lol, I really cant wait to see the GOP die a slow and painful death. Then maybe we can have a REAL opposition party to the Dems.
The GOP, which is correctly known as the stupid party, oh wow, they really did themselves in by screwing the voters in Colorado. From voters burning their GOP papers, to Rush Limbaugh saying the GOP has done itself decades of damage. Where I believe Rush is wrong is, the stupid party would be fortunate to have done themselves decades of damage, because I think the stupid party will soon be history, just like the Whig Party.

Several members of my family, and friends are leaving the GOP over this, and finally going third party. I've always been registered third party because I always knew the GOP was just as big of a pile of shit as the Democratic Party.

I truly hope this the end of the GOP, it would serve them right for decades of hating their voting base, lying to them, stabbing them in the back, betraying America.

Burn in hell GOP

I don't believe they will ever recover from this blatant rigging of the election. I am anti Republican now! Who knows, maybe I'll vote for Sanders if given the opportunity.

Great, but the dems are rigging their primary votes too. They are both corrupt. They both need to go.

If anyone thinks this is only a GOP problem, you are very ignorant or very naïve or very indoctrinated with partisan bullshit.
You are naive if you think Bernie will part money from the politicals running the government. The left is just as married to big business, they talk the talk but walk to the bank.
That is the underlying problem to all politicians; are they going to do what they say that they will do?

In the case of the Republican elite, we KNOW FOR A FACT that they will lie to us then do whatever the fuck they want to when the get into office. With Sanders he has been consistent and kept his word for years now in the Senate.

I'll take my chances with Sanders over a 'White Knight' from the same GOP Elites that have been lying to our faces, exporting jobs, leaving our borders wide open for anyone to enter, and driving this country into the ground in a million different ways.

No, it is time to try something else, hell anything else.
Sanders is running for president, not dictator. He won't change a thing. Plus, he's a pushover. Remember the two BLM chicks that took his mic away?
You are naive if you think Bernie will part money from the politicals running the government. The left is just as married to big business, they talk the talk but walk to the bank.
That is the underlying problem to all politicians; are they going to do what they say that they will do?

In the case of the Republican elite, we KNOW FOR A FACT that they will lie to us then do whatever the fuck they want to when the get into office. With Sanders he has been consistent and kept his word for years now in the Senate.

I'll take my chances with Sanders over a 'White Knight' from the same GOP Elites that have been lying to our faces, exporting jobs, leaving our borders wide open for anyone to enter, and driving this country into the ground in a million different ways.

No, it is time to try something else, hell anything else.
Sanders is running for president, not dictator. He won't change a thing. Plus, he's a pushover. Remember the two BLM chicks that took his mic away?

Sanders and Putin at a summit.

Putin: I want the Balkans, Ukraine, and Poland.

Sanders: Great, how about taking France and Cuba too
The GOP, which is correctly known as the stupid party, oh wow, they really did themselves in by screwing the voters in Colorado. From voters burning their GOP papers, to Rush Limbaugh saying the GOP has done itself decades of damage. Where I believe Rush is wrong is, the stupid party would be fortunate to have done themselves decades of damage, because I think the stupid party will soon be history, just like the Whig Party.

Several members of my family, and friends are leaving the GOP over this, and finally going third party. I've always been registered third party because I always knew the GOP was just as big of a pile of shit as the Democratic Party.

I truly hope this the end of the GOP, it would serve them right for decades of hating their voting base, lying to them, stabbing them in the back, betraying America.

Burn in hell GOP
I call total bullshit. You have no friends or family leaving the GOP. This is merely a silly rant playing off the manufactured media hype.

The Facts: Cruz Swept Colorado because the Grassroots Chose Ted, not Trump

Read more at: The Facts: Cruz Swept Colorado because the Grassroots Chose Ted, not Trump, by Mark Antonio Wright, National Review

Have a read at what really happened. Anyone honest will see this wasn't a "Voterless establishment" choosing Cruz over Trump, it was voters very locally making choices that followed the more organized and ready candidate.

The only thing that is outrageous is how many fake republicans are claiming they are outraged over something that DID NOT HAPPEN the way the hype PR Spin is claiming.
You are naive if you think Bernie will part money from the politicals running the government. The left is just as married to big business, they talk the talk but walk to the bank.
That is the underlying problem to all politicians; are they going to do what they say that they will do?

In the case of the Republican elite, we KNOW FOR A FACT that they will lie to us then do whatever the fuck they want to when the get into office. With Sanders he has been consistent and kept his word for years now in the Senate.

I'll take my chances with Sanders over a 'White Knight' from the same GOP Elites that have been lying to our faces, exporting jobs, leaving our borders wide open for anyone to enter, and driving this country into the ground in a million different ways.

No, it is time to try something else, hell anything else.
Sanders loves open borders. He wants all those illegals on Obamacare and government assistance. Try to keep up with the communist ok?
And yet still no evidence that anything was rigged. Cruz has an amazing organization and his hard work paid off. Trump showed up at the lady second, did crappy work, and thus won nothing.

But somehow that's the party's fault.

No wonder this country is going to hell. You all want to blame others for why you didn't get what you want when you didn't put any effort into getting it.
And the people were silenced, being refused a vote and a voice.

Sugarcoat that asshole.
How were people silenced? and who was refused a voice and a vote?
Voters were not allowed to vote in Colorado.

The GOP just exposed a MASSIVE, CRITICAL FLAW in the way Americans have thought: The Constitution protects people's right to vote...in genera lelections...not in PRIMARIES.

The GOP and DNC are in essence big 'clubs'. They elect people within their ranks to run for office, but they can run those primaries any way they want because it's THEIR 'club'. As Reince Priebus, Chariman of the Republican Party, told Republicans last week, 'If you don't like how we run OUR primaries you can sit down and shut up'...or go find another party. 'You have NO say'. If the GOP, or DNC, made new rules declaring the way their party picks a candidate for President is by bringing 1 representative from each state and have them play poker - winner gets to pick the nominee, as a 'club' they could pretty much do that. No one if forcing anyone to be a member and to support the GOP. As Priebus said, don't like how we do bid'ness go find another party.

This blows people's minds because they thought THEY were the GOP / DNC, that what THEY wanted / said actually mattered. SURPRISE...it DOESN'T!

Yet anytime we have suggested voting systems which are more European in using Alternative voting or PR voting we get the usual deluge of insults...

They is nothing stopping anyone in America from setting up their own party. It is the absolute stupid way the election is run that causes only two parties...

Using this and multiple seat constituencies would give Americas an actual choice... There would be multiple Parties in America... More choice, more competition, better government...

And balanced branches of government is a bit crap too.. This is a system were nobody is in charge therefore no one is responsible...

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