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After what the stupid party did in Colorado, they will soon be history.

And yet still no evidence that anything was rigged. Cruz has an amazing organization and his hard work paid off. Trump showed up at the lady second, did crappy work, and thus won nothing.

But somehow that's the party's fault.

No wonder this country is going to hell. You all want to blame others for why you didn't get what you want when you didn't put any effort into getting it.
And the people were silenced, being refused a vote and a voice.

Sugarcoat that asshole.
They weren't they had a voice, they chose. Spin is great till someone points out the truth.
Lets get it straight ok?..The national party wanted Colorado to have a primary, the state decided, not too because they didn't want their delegates commented. Quit listening to that nutjob Micheal "Savage"
No, YOU get this straight, no one is arguing that Colorado couldnt have a primary, dude.

What people are pissed off about is that the GOP broke its OWN RULES in the way they conducted their caucus by purging Trump supporters from the ballot and having the parties leading candidate not allowed to vote for.

Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier

Thy removed a delegate?...No way...WTF?..Micheal Savage conspiracy theory lunatics
The GOP, which is correctly known as the stupid party, oh wow, they really did themselves in by screwing the voters in Colorado. From voters burning their GOP papers, to Rush Limbaugh saying the GOP has done itself decades of damage. Where I believe Rush is wrong is, the stupid party would be fortunate to have done themselves decades of damage, because I think the stupid party will soon be history, just like the Whig Party.

Several members of my family, and friends are leaving the GOP over this, and finally going third party. I've always been registered third party because I always knew the GOP was just as big of a pile of shit as the Democratic Party.

I truly hope this the end of the GOP, it would serve them right for decades of hating their voting base, lying to them, stabbing them in the back, betraying America.

Burn in hell GOP
I call total bullshit. You have no friends or family leaving the GOP. This is merely a silly rant playing off the manufactured media hype.

The Facts: Cruz Swept Colorado because the Grassroots Chose Ted, not Trump

Read more at: The Facts: Cruz Swept Colorado because the Grassroots Chose Ted, not Trump, by Mark Antonio Wright, National Review

Have a read at what really happened. Anyone honest will see this wasn't a "Voterless establishment" choosing Cruz over Trump, it was voters very locally making choices that followed the more organized and ready candidate.

The only thing that is outrageous is how many fake republicans are claiming they are outraged over something that DID NOT HAPPEN the way the hype PR Spin is claiming.
Where in your source does it claim that the people had a vote?
Where in your source does it claim that the people had a vote?
While there are variations between counties, in general the selection process for Colorado’s delegation to the Republican national convention begins at the precinct level. The precinct caucuses, held March 1, selected delegates to the county caucuses. And the county assemblies voted on delegates to the congressional-district assemblies and Sunday’s state assembly where the national-convention delegates were selected.
“To say that the average voter had no say is a blatant falsehood. The average voter did have a say, and that’s why you have so many grassroots figures selected as delegates,” Athanasopoulos says. “You don’t have a lot of the traditional power brokers selected as national delegates, you have guys like me. A year ago we were considered the barbarians at the gate of the party establishment.” Which is to say that Cruz’s grassroots supporters didn’t disenfranchise Trump’s supporters; Cruz grass-roots supporters began organizing almost a year ago, showed up for the March 1 precinct caucuses, and made their voice heard by electing like-minded delegates to the state and congressional-district conventions. Trump’s people weren’t heard, because Trump’s people by and large didn’t show up.

Read more at: The Facts: Cruz Swept Colorado because the Grassroots Chose Ted, not Trump, by Mark Antonio Wright, National Review
Have a nice day.
The GOP is a private organization, at liberty to decide its nominee as it see fit; it was never the voters’ ‘place’ to have a ‘say’ to begin with.

THIS! The various political parties are not required by the Constitution or other Founding Documents, to hold primaries or to abide by the results of primaries they are not required to hold.

Primaries are a means by which the Parties seek to engage people in the Party and its candidates, and to judge which potential candidates appeal to the Party at large. However, the unthinkable has happened. The Republican Party has so thoroughly screwed over the unwashed public that the people who have suffered most under Republican economic policies since Reagan, the former manufacturing workers whose jobs are gone forever, and those who have believed the Republican deflections that economic conditions are the fault of immigrants, the phony war on Christianity, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS, email, Obamacare, and high taxes, have turned on them

The redistribution of wealth to the top 8%, the abandonment of anti-trust legislation, is allowing mega-corporations which are "too big to fail", to drive out all competition. There were good and valid reasons for that legislation in the first place, and all of our worst fears of what could happen when corporations get too large, are now being realized. Prix fixing, running stores at a loss to force competition to close, and then raising prices when the competition is gone. Using lack of competition for jobs to drive down wages to entire sectors of the economy.

The angry white guys in the Republican Party are starting to recognize that the Party has done nothing to protect their jobs or bring them back. That the Party continues to allow the mega-corporations and mega-wealthy to extract all of the wealth of the working classes, and improverishes them by failing to ensure that corporations pay living wages to their workers, and by using the tax dollars paid by working men and women as wage subsidies for underpaid staff in the low-wage food service and front-line retail industries.

Republicans have blamed these problems variously on immigrants, inner city blacks, communists, liberals, Obamacare, abortion, and the deficit. Yet their candidates have proposed no realistic solutions, and simply sling insults and blame liberals.

The American conservative economy is an abject failure. By failing to protect wages and jobs for the Middle Class, but allowing mega-corporations to flourish unchecked, you have destroyed your own economy. The people are what make a country rich, and great. Your government and the services it provides are rife with waste and corruption because you allowed conservatives to declare corporations were "people".

How much public money has the Republican Party spent investigating the Clintons. 7 investigations for Benghazi alone, and high-ranking members of the Committee have publically stated that they are pleased with the results of these investigations, not because they've found that Mrs. Clinton did anything wrong, but because her favourability ratings have consistently declined throughout the hearings, and hopefully they could keep the investigation going well into 2016 to further damage her credibility with the voting public.

20 years of investigating the Clintons and nothing. Just a bunch of innuendo and slander against a couple who have done far more for America and Americans, as well as other people in the world, than Donald Trump ever considered. That you believe their lies and slanders, shows how gullible you really are. No evidence, no charges, not one person in either of their offices have come out with anything against them other than Bill's affair with an intern, and his perjury about that matter.

Education is a mess because parents are free to put their children into schools which teach Creationism, and deny science. Those kids are going to be in great shape to compete with the Europeans, the Japanese, the Chinese, or the Koreans, in the competition for carbon-free sources of energy and production. This shit is real and pretending it isn't happening, means that the US will miss out of the moneys to be made in the new science-based climate change technologies, which will be a great source of income for the coming generation. And it won't have the trained scientist, engineers and designers who are ready to compete with the rest of the world.

As long as Americans continue to cling to the lies the Republicans tell them to deflect their attention to the collosal fuckup they've made of the economy since Reagan redirected the economy from demand driven to supply side economics.

Anyone who isn't part of the 1% is a fool to vote Republican.
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Lets get it straight ok?..The national party wanted Colorado to have a primary, the state decided, not too because they didn't want their delegates commented. Quit listening to that nutjob Micheal "Savage"
No, YOU get this straight, no one is arguing that Colorado couldnt have a primary, dude.

What people are pissed off about is that the GOP broke its OWN RULES in the way they conducted their caucus by purging Trump supporters from the ballot and having the parties leading candidate not allowed to vote for.

Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier

Thy removed a delegate?...No way...WTF?..Micheal Savage conspiracy theory lunatics

I repeat: Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier
And yet still no evidence that anything was rigged. Cruz has an amazing organization and his hard work paid off. Trump showed up at the lady second, did crappy work, and thus won nothing.

But somehow that's the party's fault.

No wonder this country is going to hell. You all want to blame others for why you didn't get what you want when you didn't put any effort into getting it.
And the people were silenced, being refused a vote and a voice.

Sugarcoat that asshole.
They weren't they had a voice, they chose. Spin is great till someone points out the truth.

I repeat; Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier
The various political parties are not required by the Constitution or other Founding Documents, to hold primaries or to abide by the results of primaries they are not required to hold.

So you think it is OK for institutions to defraud dues paying members by breaking their OWN RULES TO PURGE THEM FROM CONTENTION?

You are a blathering idiot or an amoral scoundrel. Fascism was built on numb skulls like you.
Where in your source does it claim that the people had a vote?
While there are variations between counties, in general the selection process for Colorado’s delegation to the Republican national convention begins at the precinct level. The precinct caucuses, held March 1, selected delegates to the county caucuses. And the county assemblies voted on delegates to the congressional-district assemblies and Sunday’s state assembly where the national-convention delegates were selected.
“To say that the average voter had no say is a blatant falsehood. The average voter did have a say, and that’s why you have so many grassroots figures selected as delegates,” Athanasopoulos says. “You don’t have a lot of the traditional power brokers selected as national delegates, you have guys like me. A year ago we were considered the barbarians at the gate of the party establishment.” Which is to say that Cruz’s grassroots supporters didn’t disenfranchise Trump’s supporters; Cruz grass-roots supporters began organizing almost a year ago, showed up for the March 1 precinct caucuses, and made their voice heard by electing like-minded delegates to the state and congressional-district conventions. Trump’s people weren’t heard, because Trump’s people by and large didn’t show up.

Read more at: The Facts: Cruz Swept Colorado because the Grassroots Chose Ted, not Trump, by Mark Antonio Wright, National Review
Have a nice day.
LOL, it refutes your claim. They elected delegates and the delegates are uncommitted after the rules change, they voted in unison so NO, the people didn't get a say.

You have a nice smug day.
The GOP, which is correctly known as the stupid party, oh wow, they really did themselves in by screwing the voters in Colorado. From voters burning their GOP papers, to Rush Limbaugh saying the GOP has done itself decades of damage. Where I believe Rush is wrong is, the stupid party would be fortunate to have done themselves decades of damage, because I think the stupid party will soon be history, just like the Whig Party.

Several members of my family, and friends are leaving the GOP over this, and finally going third party. I've always been registered third party because I always knew the GOP was just as big of a pile of shit as the Democratic Party.

I truly hope this the end of the GOP, it would serve them right for decades of hating their voting base, lying to them, stabbing them in the back, betraying America.

Burn in hell GOP

I don't believe they will ever recover from this blatant rigging of the election. I am anti Republican now! Who knows, maybe I'll vote for Sanders if given the opportunity.

It's all been laid bare this cycle. Everyone knew it's been happening but during these primaries it's been over the top outrageously rigged and the old bastards are giggling about it talking about parachuting someone new in.

Rove actually said he believed the party could give the electorate a "fresh face". Holy toledo!

Yeah that's probably what they're going to do at the convention. Really right now, they don't have anyone that can defeat Hillary Clinton, and what they fear is total loss if it's Trump. Meaning the Senate a ton of seats in the house, and all the down ballot state races.

If Trump is the nominee--we'll have Republicans running for reelection or new seats actually denouncing him or campaigning against him to save their own seats. This is the biggest mess I have ever seen in a primary.

Another Democrat 'worried' that the GOP might make a bad pick for their POTUS nominee.

Lol, give me a fucking break.

Says the Bernie supporter
Simple minded ...So sad ..."RINO"...."RINO"..."RINO":slap:...The Trump campaign in incompetent. Get it through your dumb as head old fool

Do you see the irony of your statement?

Amazing how people call others dumb, while misspelling words at the same time. Like unto spelling 'dumb as' instead of 'dumb ass'. I'm not the spelling police, but when they accuse others of being dumb, you'd think that they would at least check their spelling.

Do you know the difference between typos and misspellings? I don't think you do...No, your right, i really think "is" is spelled "in" ..Yeah you got me:slap:

There you go again with 'No, your right'.... it's actually spelled no, you're right. The contraction for you are. I, as a high school dropout know these things and you don't, so maybe you're a grade school dropout? Anyway, I don't give a crap about mistakes, just saying if you call someone a dumb ass, at least check your spelling etc.
We have no way to know what actually happened to that delegate. We only have his word that he was "removed.' However, he may have been improperly "selected," or perhaps he was actually confused that his election at the county or congressional level did not mean that he also had to be elected at the state convention ... in order to being "removed." The fact is Colorado republicans actually had two, and in some cases, three "elections" to select their delegates, although it appears three slots were reserved for party officials (sorta like superdelegates). And, it is a requirement under the party rules that ALL national delegates to to the natl convention officially NOT bound to any candidate.
How Do Caucuses Work In Colorado?
And yet still no evidence that anything was rigged. Cruz has an amazing organization and his hard work paid off. Trump showed up at the lady second, did crappy work, and thus won nothing.

But somehow that's the party's fault.

No wonder this country is going to hell. You all want to blame others for why you didn't get what you want when you didn't put any effort into getting it.
I live in Colorado. Unless you are a party insider you have no voice. There is absolutely no reason I can see to be a registered republican in this state. Give me a Trump/ Sanders ticket and I'll give you my vote.

Did you go to the caucus?

That's a fair question. No, I dropped my party affiliation in 2009. But I can tell you I did go to the 2008 caucus, and guess what - I got to vote and it counted. Now the Colorado GOP has decided that they will pick delegates whom they can coerce to vote the way they want. It's disgusting and they will lose more of the base. Good riddance to the GOP!
Where in your source does it claim that the people had a vote?
While there are variations between counties, in general the selection process for Colorado’s delegation to the Republican national convention begins at the precinct level. The precinct caucuses, held March 1, selected delegates to the county caucuses. And the county assemblies voted on delegates to the congressional-district assemblies and Sunday’s state assembly where the national-convention delegates were selected.
“To say that the average voter had no say is a blatant falsehood. The average voter did have a say, and that’s why you have so many grassroots figures selected as delegates,” Athanasopoulos says. “You don’t have a lot of the traditional power brokers selected as national delegates, you have guys like me. A year ago we were considered the barbarians at the gate of the party establishment.” Which is to say that Cruz’s grassroots supporters didn’t disenfranchise Trump’s supporters; Cruz grass-roots supporters began organizing almost a year ago, showed up for the March 1 precinct caucuses, and made their voice heard by electing like-minded delegates to the state and congressional-district conventions. Trump’s people weren’t heard, because Trump’s people by and large didn’t show up.

Read more at: The Facts: Cruz Swept Colorado because the Grassroots Chose Ted, not Trump, by Mark Antonio Wright, National Review
Have a nice day.
LOL, it refutes your claim. They elected delegates and the delegates are uncommitted after the rules change, they voted in unison so NO, the people didn't get a say.

You have a nice smug day.
It's like you read things that are not there...
And yet still no evidence that anything was rigged. Cruz has an amazing organization and his hard work paid off. Trump showed up at the lady second, did crappy work, and thus won nothing.

But somehow that's the party's fault.

No wonder this country is going to hell. You all want to blame others for why you didn't get what you want when you didn't put any effort into getting it.
And the people were silenced, being refused a vote and a voice.

Sugarcoat that asshole.
They weren't they had a voice, they chose. Spin is great till someone points out the truth.

I repeat; Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier
A: Good
B: Good
C: Who cares? Trump is a chump.
D: One guy making wild claims, claims that are good for America so I still fail to see why I should care.
Where in your source does it claim that the people had a vote?
While there are variations between counties, in general the selection process for Colorado’s delegation to the Republican national convention begins at the precinct level. The precinct caucuses, held March 1, selected delegates to the county caucuses. And the county assemblies voted on delegates to the congressional-district assemblies and Sunday’s state assembly where the national-convention delegates were selected.
“To say that the average voter had no say is a blatant falsehood. The average voter did have a say, and that’s why you have so many grassroots figures selected as delegates,” Athanasopoulos says. “You don’t have a lot of the traditional power brokers selected as national delegates, you have guys like me. A year ago we were considered the barbarians at the gate of the party establishment.” Which is to say that Cruz’s grassroots supporters didn’t disenfranchise Trump’s supporters; Cruz grass-roots supporters began organizing almost a year ago, showed up for the March 1 precinct caucuses, and made their voice heard by electing like-minded delegates to the state and congressional-district conventions. Trump’s people weren’t heard, because Trump’s people by and large didn’t show up.

Read more at: The Facts: Cruz Swept Colorado because the Grassroots Chose Ted, not Trump, by Mark Antonio Wright, National Review
Have a nice day.
LOL, it refutes your claim. They elected delegates and the delegates are uncommitted after the rules change, they voted in unison so NO, the people didn't get a say.

You have a nice smug day.
It's like you read things that are not there...
It's like you don't read at all. The delegates made the primary pick, not the people. It's dishonest to claim they voted when all they did was vote on the delegates.
And yet still no evidence that anything was rigged. Cruz has an amazing organization and his hard work paid off. Trump showed up at the lady second, did crappy work, and thus won nothing.

But somehow that's the party's fault.

No wonder this country is going to hell. You all want to blame others for why you didn't get what you want when you didn't put any effort into getting it.
And the people were silenced, being refused a vote and a voice.

Sugarcoat that asshole.
They weren't they had a voice, they chose. Spin is great till someone points out the truth.

I repeat; Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier
A: Good
B: Good
C: Who cares? Trump is a chump.
D: One guy making wild claims, claims that are good for America so I still fail to see why I should care.
Because he's the front runner? He's won most of the votes, and delegates. Why should people care about those that don't care?
A: Good
B: Good
C: Who cares? Trump is a chump.
D: One guy making wild claims, claims that are good for America so I still fail to see why I should care.

Anyone that loves this democratic Republic should care about how the corporate crony network has the ability to turn a political party against its own members.

But you are apparently either a Trump hater, a hack or a dimwit, so have a nice day and welcome to my ignore list.
We have no way to know what actually happened to that delegate. We only have his word that he was "removed.' However, he may have been improperly "selected," or perhaps he was actually confused that his election at the county or congressional level did not mean that he also had to be elected at the state convention ... in order to being "removed." The fact is Colorado republicans actually had two, and in some cases, three "elections" to select their delegates, although it appears three slots were reserved for party officials (sorta like superdelegates). And, it is a requirement under the party rules that ALL national delegates to to the natl convention officially NOT bound to any candidate.
How Do Caucuses Work In Colorado?

Dude this isnt some little thing that took place in Lower Slobovia and reporters cant get in to ferett things out.

This happened right here in the USA and is being talked about all over the conservative media.
The GOP, which is correctly known as the stupid party, oh wow, they really did themselves in by screwing the voters in Colorado. From voters burning their GOP papers, to Rush Limbaugh saying the GOP has done itself decades of damage. Where I believe Rush is wrong is, the stupid party would be fortunate to have done themselves decades of damage, because I think the stupid party will soon be history, just like the Whig Party.

Several members of my family, and friends are leaving the GOP over this, and finally going third party. I've always been registered third party because I always knew the GOP was just as big of a pile of shit as the Democratic Party.

I truly hope this the end of the GOP, it would serve them right for decades of hating their voting base, lying to them, stabbing them in the back, betraying America.

Burn in hell GOP

I don't believe they will ever recover from this blatant rigging of the election. I am anti Republican now! Who knows, maybe I'll vote for Sanders if given the opportunity.

It's all been laid bare this cycle. Everyone knew it's been happening but during these primaries it's been over the top outrageously rigged and the old bastards are giggling about it talking about parachuting someone new in.

Rove actually said he believed the party could give the electorate a "fresh face". Holy toledo!

he's saying that the rich & well-connected are the only ones smart enough to choose a candidate. Pretty condescending if you ask me :dunno:

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