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After what the stupid party did in Colorado, they will soon be history.

After seeing what happened in Colorado , only a fool or a party crony will support the GOP if Trump wins the most delegates and is not the nominee.

I hate to keep pounding you over your stupid head with this but the GOP has NEVER awarded the nomination on the basis of plurality. "Most delegates" doesn't mean a damn thing, the nominee has to get 1,237 to win the nomination. If he/she doesn't, they haven't won a majority of the delegates and someone else could.

What happened in Colorado is, the process established by the state for presidential caucuses was followed and Cruz beat Trump. Every state is different, they have a myriad of systems and each has it's own rule book. Nothing was suddenly changed by the party or Cruz, there was nothing unethical or under-handed done.

All this WHINING after the fact reminds me of LIBERALS! The Cruz campaign was organized and knew their shit. The Trump campaign was caught flat-footed and got creamed... tough shit... get over it and move on!

I can tell you this... I am not going to support a goddamn crybaby! If Trump plans to whine and complain about the unfairness when things don't go his way-- while the rest of the time, running around telling us all how great he is... how is that different than Obama? I'd rather have a man who does his homework, knows how the system works, figures out a winning strategy and implements it to perfection... like Cruz did in Colorado!

Reality contradicts your rhetorical nonsense.


Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier

Your argument that the rules were followed makes as much sense as a Soviet cop sending someone to the Gulag because 'that's the law'.

The GOP broke their own rules and committed fraud on its due paying members who were arbitrarily purged from the ballots because they voted for Trump.

How in Gods name do you think that is FAIR or going to help the GOP to attract more voters?

It wont, you can bet on that. The GOP has decided it is better to have Hillary Clinton chose four SCOTUS judges than it is to let Trump have a fair shot at winning the party nomination, and YOU are swallowing all their rationalizing bullshit whole in one big gulp.

All you have is a couple of bloggers claiming some wacko conspiracy theory. This "delegate" you Trumpsters keep throwing out there... DIDN'T FOLLOW THE PROCESS!

One delegate being removed because he didn't follow the rules is not the reason Ted Cruz stomped Trump's big fat white ass in Colorado! You can blow up like a flaming left-wing fuckgoof and scream "Gulag" and "Gestapo" until you're blue in the face, it's not going to win the delegates back for Trump. Your boy lost because he didn't know the system. He's smart in business, he can make deals and he can bag hot women... but he doesn't know the political system and process or how things work like Cruz and his campaign.

Cruz was organized. He and his team knew exactly what they needed to do and how to work within the system and rules to accomplish their goal. But just like every time in this campaign when Trump is bested... it's someone cheating or lying or doing him wrong. He is WORSE than Obama! He can never take blame for his own fuck ups and honestly, that's not what we need in a president... we've had 8 years of that shit!
The natl gop put in a rule this time that if a state caucus had official straw polls at it's various county or congressional caucuses, then that vote was binding on whom the delegates had to support at the natl convention. Last time Santorum won, which is not surprising since the issues most important to Colorado gopers are marriage, no abortion and guns. The dems tend to be tree huggers and pot smokers. Libertarians make up a sizeable number, but they tend to be disorganized.

But the state leaders didn't want to get saddled backing another loser who didn't make it to the convention. So, the put in a system whereby all but three of the national delegates had to be selected in two, and sometimes three, different races. But ANYONE who was either just turning 18 or previously registered as a goper could vote in at least one of those races.

Except if your voted for Trump, you mean, then you get purged from the party rosters as happened THIS TIME.
As well you should.
Trump is not Conservative, is a gun banning, pro-government seize property for developers, pro-abortion, pro-amnesty (you REALLY should read and listen to his full plan not just the "Wall and deport" you'll realize he's conning you) ProGovernment solution kinda guy.

Pretty much Trump is the opposite of a conservative. He's a blowhard whose business history is replete with failures. He talks a big game, but cannot walk the walk. He's an ego with money.
After seeing what happened in Colorado , only a fool or a party crony will support the GOP if Trump wins the most delegates and is not the nominee.

I hate to keep pounding you over your stupid head with this but the GOP has NEVER awarded the nomination on the basis of plurality. "Most delegates" doesn't mean a damn thing, the nominee has to get 1,237 to win the nomination. If he/she doesn't, they haven't won a majority of the delegates and someone else could.

What happened in Colorado is, the process established by the state for presidential caucuses was followed and Cruz beat Trump. Every state is different, they have a myriad of systems and each has it's own rule book. Nothing was suddenly changed by the party or Cruz, there was nothing unethical or under-handed done.

All this WHINING after the fact reminds me of LIBERALS! The Cruz campaign was organized and knew their shit. The Trump campaign was caught flat-footed and got creamed... tough shit... get over it and move on!

I can tell you this... I am not going to support a goddamn crybaby! If Trump plans to whine and complain about the unfairness when things don't go his way-- while the rest of the time, running around telling us all how great he is... how is that different than Obama? I'd rather have a man who does his homework, knows how the system works, figures out a winning strategy and implements it to perfection... like Cruz did in Colorado!

Reality contradicts your rhetorical nonsense.


Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier

Your argument that the rules were followed makes as much sense as a Soviet cop sending someone to the Gulag because 'that's the law'.

The GOP broke their own rules and committed fraud on its due paying members who were arbitrarily purged from the ballots because they voted for Trump.

How in Gods name do you think that is FAIR or going to help the GOP to attract more voters?

It wont, you can bet on that. The GOP has decided it is better to have Hillary Clinton chose four SCOTUS judges than it is to let Trump have a fair shot at winning the party nomination, and YOU are swallowing all their rationalizing bullshit whole in one big gulp.

All you have is a couple of bloggers claiming some wacko conspiracy theory. This "delegate" you Trumpsters keep throwing out there... DIDN'T FOLLOW THE PROCESS!

One delegate being removed because he didn't follow the rules is not the reason Ted Cruz stomped Trump's big fat white ass in Colorado! You can blow up like a flaming left-wing fuckgoof and scream "Gulag" and "Gestapo" until you're blue in the face, it's not going to win the delegates back for Trump. Your boy lost because he didn't know the system. He's smart in business, he can make deals and he can bag hot women... but he doesn't know the political system and process or how things work like Cruz and his campaign.

Cruz was organized. He and his team knew exactly what they needed to do and how to work within the system and rules to accomplish their goal. But just like every time in this campaign when Trump is bested... it's someone cheating or lying or doing him wrong. He is WORSE than Obama! He can never take blame for his own fuck ups and honestly, that's not what we need in a president... we've had 8 years of that shit!

Yeah, those Nazis werent bad; they just knew the law about being Jewish in Germany! Those stupid Jews should have changed their religion! So its their own fault, stop slamming on Nazis"....etc...etc

One mark of an established tyranny is how many useless ass kissers sign up to defend them for an extra slice of potato.

No, Larry Wayne Lindsey was NOT ‘turned away’ from the Colorado state convention | Politics

No, Larry Wayne Lindsey was NOT ‘turned away’ from the Colorado state convention

It appears that Trump supporters who have rallied behind Larry Wayne Lindsey have been schlonged.

Lindsey became an overnight sensation after the Trump Report Drudge Report highlighted a video of the wannabe Trump delegate burning his Republican party registration after pro-Cruz political insiders cast him aside. The trouble with Larry’s story is that it is a big fat lie.

Larry did not attend the county caucus, which is where he needed to go in order to get elected as a delegate to the state convention.

Crista Huff, a Republican activist in Colorado writes:

“On Saturday, April 9, 2016, a man named Larry from Douglas County, CO slandered Douglas County (CO) Republicans on Facebook. In that Facebook post, Larry claimed that he went to his neighborhood caucus meeting on March 1st, at which a precinct captain named Jan Morgan had threatened him about being a Trump supporter, with the implication that Trump supporters would not be allowed to be delegates to the April 9th State Republican Assembly.”

After some digging, Crista “learned that this ‘Jan Morgan’ person is not a precinct person in District 3, and might not exist at all…” She writes,

“On Sunday, April 10th, quite a variety of Douglas County caucus attendees, delegates, and Republican Party volunteers were interviewed, to determine exactly what took place. The paper trail was examined, from Larry’s caucus meeting, and from the Douglas County Assembly. None of the gentleman’s story holds water…”

As reported at the Federalist:

“…according to a series of conversations with party officials, while Lindsey did show up to his precinct caucus and was elected as a delegate to the county assembly, he never showed up to the county assembly, or, at the very least, never signed in for his credentials. On Facebook, he erroneously claimed he’d been elected as a delegate to the state assembly from his precinct caucus, something that is not possible under the rules in Douglas County.”

NBC News actually reported that Larry was not shut out likely due to his own “lack of familiarity with the process.”

“But a sign-in sheet from his county’s March 19 assembly, the second step of the process where delegates were elected to the statewide assembly, reveals that Lindsey never showed up to that meeting, and an alternate signed in for him instead.”

And when confronted with the fact that he did not attend the correct meeting, Larry Wayne Lindsey, who regularly posts Prntly articles headlining Ted Cruz’s alleged sexual exploits and supposed ineligibility, “admits he may have missed a meeting,” but following in the footsteps of his dear leader, shockingly blames one of the “many Cruz supporters who deliberately tried to mislead him on several occasions, including on dates and times of meetings.”

And perhaps Larry forgot that he did not attend the County Caucus, which he admitted to NBC that he “may have missed,” because he explicitly says on Facebook:

I attended the Douglas County Assembly, and then the County Caucus and was elected as a delegate.

Larry seems to be enjoying the spotlight, as he posted on Facebook:

“…I am going to be interviewed this afternoon by NBC News (national), tomorrow morning by MSNBC (national), and tomorrow afternoon, live on Fox New’s Varney and Company. And there are a slew of local radio talk shows, local TV news and national blogs who are wanting interviews with me!

Not sure how I am going to be able to fit everyone in, but I am going to try!

Colorado GOP, you started this, now I am going to finish it!”

Further, Lindsey got a personal call from Donald Trump:

I just got a call from Donald Trump, himself! What an amazing and gracious man, to take time out of his busy day, to call and thank me! Thank you, Mr. Trump! God bless you!

Posted by Larry Wayne Lindsey on Monday, April 11, 2016

Larry’s call from Trump reminds this author of Clock boy’s call from Obama.

The story is unfortunate, but it is clearly Larry’s own fault, just like Donald’s inability to grab delegates is his own fault. As noted by political writer Ari Armstrong, some Trump supporters are not happy about how the GOPe treated Larry.

Numerous Colorado Republicans received death threats today for participating in a caucus system around since 1912. Stay classy Trumpists.

Lol, pardon me if I think a former 15 year GOP member who burns his membership has more credibility than a bunch of Republican party apparatchiks.

But if you can use some bloggers authority, I guess I can reference the World Net Daily too then.

‘Big Steal’: RNC playing with rules to deny Trump nomination

“People are under the misconception that it’s the results of the caucus and the results of the primary that determines who becomes the nominee. In actuality, it’s the delegates at the national convention that are supposed to pick the nominee,” Diana Orrock, a delegate from Nevada and Donald Trump supporter, told CNBC Monday. “Going into this convention, they’re going to try to do a lot of manipulation to try to keep Trump from becoming the nominee. A lot of political operatives in the Republican Party are trying to take Trump out at all costs.”

U.S. News & World Report likened a scenario where Trump is denied the Republican Party’s presidential nomination due to procedural sleight of hand to the National Football League “changing the rules of the Super Bowl in the middle of the third quarter.”

“That’s essentially what the Republican National Committee would need to do in order to impede Donald Trump’s advance to the presidential nomination at the July convention,” the magazine reported Sunday.

Peter Feaman, a Republican National Committeeman from Florida, said the RNC knows it would be “bad for the party” if millions of people walked away thinking the process was unfair.

“Nobody really wants a free-for-all. That’s not good for the party,” Feaman said Sunday.

A.J. Spiker, 2012 Republican delegate who was chairman of the Iowa GOP, appeared to confirm Trump supporters’ worst fears.

“The question is: Can Trump buy off enough people to keep people in line? These people are all for sale,” Spiker said Sunday. “If you haven’t made enough friends to pick up those votes, you don’t win. I think if Trump goes to the convention short a delegate, he’s not going to be the nominee. There’s no way in hell.”

Republicans in Montana are doing little to quell rumors of plots to deny Trump the Republican nomination. Party officials have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to move before the state’s June 7 election to “close” its primary to voters outside the GOP.

“This is a First Amendment right,” state Republican Party lawyer Matthew Monforton told Fox News on Monday. “Without relief from this court, non-members and Democratic-aligned institutions will soon exploit Montana’s open primary and seek to nominate Republican candidates opposed by the majority of Republican voters.”

Montana has had an “open” primary since 1912.

The GOP needs to die off so that a real genuine opposition party to the Democrats can emerge.
Very true--
After seeing what happened in Colorado , only a fool or a party crony will support the GOP if Trump wins the most delegates and is not the nominee.

I hate to keep pounding you over your stupid head with this but the GOP has NEVER awarded the nomination on the basis of plurality. "Most delegates" doesn't mean a damn thing, the nominee has to get 1,237 to win the nomination. If he/she doesn't, they haven't won a majority of the delegates and someone else could.

What happened in Colorado is, the process established by the state for presidential caucuses was followed and Cruz beat Trump. Every state is different, they have a myriad of systems and each has it's own rule book. Nothing was suddenly changed by the party or Cruz, there was nothing unethical or under-handed done.

All this WHINING after the fact reminds me of LIBERALS! The Cruz campaign was organized and knew their shit. The Trump campaign was caught flat-footed and got creamed... tough shit... get over it and move on!

I can tell you this... I am not going to support a goddamn crybaby! If Trump plans to whine and complain about the unfairness when things don't go his way-- while the rest of the time, running around telling us all how great he is... how is that different than Obama? I'd rather have a man who does his homework, knows how the system works, figures out a winning strategy and implements it to perfection... like Cruz did in Colorado!

Reality contradicts your rhetorical nonsense.


Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier

Your argument that the rules were followed makes as much sense as a Soviet cop sending someone to the Gulag because 'that's the law'.

The GOP broke their own rules and committed fraud on its due paying members who were arbitrarily purged from the ballots because they voted for Trump.

How in Gods name do you think that is FAIR or going to help the GOP to attract more voters?

It wont, you can bet on that. The GOP has decided it is better to have Hillary Clinton chose four SCOTUS judges than it is to let Trump have a fair shot at winning the party nomination, and YOU are swallowing all their rationalizing bullshit whole in one big gulp.

All you have is a couple of bloggers claiming some wacko conspiracy theory. This "delegate" you Trumpsters keep throwing out there... DIDN'T FOLLOW THE PROCESS!

One delegate being removed because he didn't follow the rules is not the reason Ted Cruz stomped Trump's big fat white ass in Colorado! You can blow up like a flaming left-wing fuckgoof and scream "Gulag" and "Gestapo" until you're blue in the face, it's not going to win the delegates back for Trump. Your boy lost because he didn't know the system. He's smart in business, he can make deals and he can bag hot women... but he doesn't know the political system and process or how things work like Cruz and his campaign.

Cruz was organized. He and his team knew exactly what they needed to do and how to work within the system and rules to accomplish their goal. But just like every time in this campaign when Trump is bested... it's someone cheating or lying or doing him wrong. He is WORSE than Obama! He can never take blame for his own fuck ups and honestly, that's not what we need in a president... we've had 8 years of that shit!

Very true--while Right wingers love the caucus system they just got screwed over by one. For a few years they have fought a Presidential primary in Colorado. Believing that the caucus gave them more individual power, and yes indeed it did. Now it's come back to bite them in the ass.

Local caucus Trump delegates went to the State Convention and ran head into the Evangelical wing of the party that in no way was going to represent their votes at the National Convention. All done perfectly legal and according to the rules.

Maybe now they'll support a Presidential primary in this state. In other news the Republican state chairman has already received 3000 death threats to himself and family, and he had nothing to do with this, as he was just following the rules.

If you're a Coloradoan you can sign up on Facebook for Kill the Caucus at this link. It also has more information on what happened.
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The natl gop put in a rule this time that if a state caucus had official straw polls at it's various county or congressional caucuses, then that vote was binding on whom the delegates had to support at the natl convention. Last time Santorum won, which is not surprising since the issues most important to Colorado gopers are marriage, no abortion and guns. The dems tend to be tree huggers and pot smokers. Libertarians make up a sizeable number, but they tend to be disorganized.

But the state leaders didn't want to get saddled backing another loser who didn't make it to the convention. So, the put in a system whereby all but three of the national delegates had to be selected in two, and sometimes three, different races. But ANYONE who was either just turning 18 or previously registered as a goper could vote in at least one of those races.

Except if your voted for Trump, you mean, then you get purged from the party rosters as happened THIS TIME.
We have no idea what occurred. What is more likely than "purge" is he voted for Trump in a first election in which Trump won the body/vote of the guy for the second round, but then in the second round Trump didn't have enough bodies from the first round to win a body.

ps, oh I missed the post. Apparently Larry failed to show up for the second vote and was upset he was ineligible to vote at the state level. color me so unsurprised. LOL
Last edited:
Yeah, those Nazis werent bad; they just knew the law about being Jewish in Germany! Those stupid Jews should have changed their religion! So its their own fault, stop slamming on Nazis"....etc...etc

One mark of an established tyranny is how many useless ass kissers sign up to defend them for an extra slice of potato.

You know, this GOP primary has really opened my eyes. I didn't think the Republican party had sleazebags like you in it. Several weeks ago, I defended Trump against left-wing smear merchants who wanted to compare him to Hitler... now here you come, sounding just like them!

Do you HONESTLY think there is ANY comparison between this and one of the most horrific chapters in human history? In any way... any context... any measure of rational thought?

This is just insulting and highly offensive to me. To think that you would stoop to exploit the pain and suffering of Jews in the Holocaust in order to make some lame excuse for Trump failing to perform well in Colorado. And absolutely NO shame in doing so!
Very true--while Right wingers love the caucus system they just got screwed over by one. For a few years they have fought a Presidential primary in Colorado. Believing that the caucus gave them more individual power, and yes indeed it did. Now it's come back to bite them in the ass.

Local caucus Trump delegates went to the State Convention and ran head into the Evangelical wing of the party that in no way was going to represent their votes at the National Convention. All done perfectly legal and according to the rules.

Maybe now they'll support a Presidential primary in this state. In other news the Republican state chairman has already received 3000 death threats to himself and family, and he had nothing to do with this, as he was just following the rules.

Oh, this is hilarious; you think that Trumps supporters are to the right of Ted Cruz?











Hoooeee, that was funny.
The natl gop put in a rule this time that if a state caucus had official straw polls at it's various county or congressional caucuses, then that vote was binding on whom the delegates had to support at the natl convention. Last time Santorum won, which is not surprising since the issues most important to Colorado gopers are marriage, no abortion and guns. The dems tend to be tree huggers and pot smokers. Libertarians make up a sizeable number, but they tend to be disorganized.

But the state leaders didn't want to get saddled backing another loser who didn't make it to the convention. So, the put in a system whereby all but three of the national delegates had to be selected in two, and sometimes three, different races. But ANYONE who was either just turning 18 or previously registered as a goper could vote in at least one of those races.

Except if your voted for Trump, you mean, then you get purged from the party rosters as happened THIS TIME.
We have no idea what occurred. What is more likely than "purge" is he voted for Trump in a first election in which Trump won the body/vote of the guy for the second round, but then in the second round Trump didn't have enough bodies from the first round to win a body

Trump supporters ran into the Evangelical wing of the party at the state convention that has no obligation to represent them at the National Convention. I know I live in Colorado. They followed the rules, nothing illegal happened here. If you want to blame someone, blame an Evangelical.

We have been trying to go to a Presidential Primary in this state for a couple of years, and it's the right wing of the party that continually fights it. Now it's come back to bite them in the ass.
Yeah, those Nazis werent bad; they just knew the law about being Jewish in Germany! Those stupid Jews should have changed their religion! So its their own fault, stop slamming on Nazis"....etc...etc

One mark of an established tyranny is how many useless ass kissers sign up to defend them for an extra slice of potato.

You know, this GOP primary has really opened my eyes. I didn't think the Republican party had sleazebags like you in it. Several weeks ago, I defended Trump against left-wing smear merchants who wanted to compare him to Hitler... now here you come, sounding just like them!

Do you HONESTLY think there is ANY comparison between this and one of the most horrific chapters in human history? In any way... any context... any measure of rational thought?

Doh, I did not say Trump was a Nazi, I simply recast your logical defense of the Colorado GOP crooks that purged its own dues paying members from the ballot.

Sometimes that change in objects in an analogy can serve to let some see the absurdity of the logic they use. But in other cases like yours not even that can help them.

This is just insulting and highly offensive to me. To think that you would stoop to exploit the pain and suffering of Jews in the Holocaust in order to make some lame excuse for Trump failing to perform well in Colorado. And absolutely NO shame in doing so!

I am not exploiting jack shit, bubba and yo know it.

"Oh, he made a comparison to the Holocaust and he isnt even a JEw! Oh how outrageous to think that he would do this and not be a JEw! No one can udnerstand what JEws went through unless they were a Jewish person who lived through it or had family that did! Oh, OOOHHHH!!!!"


Horse shit.

If you dont like what I posted the go fuck yourself and put me on ignore.
The GOP, which is correctly known as the stupid party, oh wow, they really did themselves in by screwing the voters in Colorado. From voters burning their GOP papers, to Rush Limbaugh saying the GOP has done itself decades of damage. Where I believe Rush is wrong is, the stupid party would be fortunate to have done themselves decades of damage, because I think the stupid party will soon be history, just like the Whig Party.

Several members of my family, and friends are leaving the GOP over this, and finally going third party. I've always been registered third party because I always knew the GOP was just as big of a pile of shit as the Democratic Party.

I truly hope this the end of the GOP, it would serve them right for decades of hating their voting base, lying to them, stabbing them in the back, betraying America.

Burn in hell GOP

trumpsters are whiny
The natl gop put in a rule this time that if a state caucus had official straw polls at it's various county or congressional caucuses, then that vote was binding on whom the delegates had to support at the natl convention. Last time Santorum won, which is not surprising since the issues most important to Colorado gopers are marriage, no abortion and guns. The dems tend to be tree huggers and pot smokers. Libertarians make up a sizeable number, but they tend to be disorganized.

But the state leaders didn't want to get saddled backing another loser who didn't make it to the convention. So, the put in a system whereby all but three of the national delegates had to be selected in two, and sometimes three, different races. But ANYONE who was either just turning 18 or previously registered as a goper could vote in at least one of those races.

Except if your voted for Trump, you mean, then you get purged from the party rosters as happened THIS TIME.
We have no idea what occurred. What is more likely than "purge" is he voted for Trump in a first election in which Trump won the body/vote of the guy for the second round, but then in the second round Trump didn't have enough bodies from the first round to win a body

Trump supporters ran into the Evangelical wing of the party at the state convention that has no obligation to represent them at the National Convention. I know I live in Colorado. They followed the rules, nothing illegal happened here. If you want to blame someone, blame an Evangelical.

We have been trying to go to a Presidential Primary in this state for a couple of years, and it's the right wing of the party that continually fights it. Now it's come back to bite them in the ass.
Yep. And I suspect Trump ran into the Tea Party wing of the party as well. The libertarian folks aren't really in the state gop because they don't see eye to eye with the evangelicals. . . WHO are HUGE. Simply put, the Donald didn't get the votes.
Very true--
After seeing what happened in Colorado , only a fool or a party crony will support the GOP if Trump wins the most delegates and is not the nominee.

I hate to keep pounding you over your stupid head with this but the GOP has NEVER awarded the nomination on the basis of plurality. "Most delegates" doesn't mean a damn thing, the nominee has to get 1,237 to win the nomination. If he/she doesn't, they haven't won a majority of the delegates and someone else could.

What happened in Colorado is, the process established by the state for presidential caucuses was followed and Cruz beat Trump. Every state is different, they have a myriad of systems and each has it's own rule book. Nothing was suddenly changed by the party or Cruz, there was nothing unethical or under-handed done.

All this WHINING after the fact reminds me of LIBERALS! The Cruz campaign was organized and knew their shit. The Trump campaign was caught flat-footed and got creamed... tough shit... get over it and move on!

I can tell you this... I am not going to support a goddamn crybaby! If Trump plans to whine and complain about the unfairness when things don't go his way-- while the rest of the time, running around telling us all how great he is... how is that different than Obama? I'd rather have a man who does his homework, knows how the system works, figures out a winning strategy and implements it to perfection... like Cruz did in Colorado!

Reality contradicts your rhetorical nonsense.


Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier

Your argument that the rules were followed makes as much sense as a Soviet cop sending someone to the Gulag because 'that's the law'.

The GOP broke their own rules and committed fraud on its due paying members who were arbitrarily purged from the ballots because they voted for Trump.

How in Gods name do you think that is FAIR or going to help the GOP to attract more voters?

It wont, you can bet on that. The GOP has decided it is better to have Hillary Clinton chose four SCOTUS judges than it is to let Trump have a fair shot at winning the party nomination, and YOU are swallowing all their rationalizing bullshit whole in one big gulp.

All you have is a couple of bloggers claiming some wacko conspiracy theory. This "delegate" you Trumpsters keep throwing out there... DIDN'T FOLLOW THE PROCESS!

One delegate being removed because he didn't follow the rules is not the reason Ted Cruz stomped Trump's big fat white ass in Colorado! You can blow up like a flaming left-wing fuckgoof and scream "Gulag" and "Gestapo" until you're blue in the face, it's not going to win the delegates back for Trump. Your boy lost because he didn't know the system. He's smart in business, he can make deals and he can bag hot women... but he doesn't know the political system and process or how things work like Cruz and his campaign.

Cruz was organized. He and his team knew exactly what they needed to do and how to work within the system and rules to accomplish their goal. But just like every time in this campaign when Trump is bested... it's someone cheating or lying or doing him wrong. He is WORSE than Obama! He can never take blame for his own fuck ups and honestly, that's not what we need in a president... we've had 8 years of that shit!

Very true--while Right wingers love the caucus system they just got screwed over by one. For a few years they have fought a Presidential primary in Colorado. Believing that the caucus gave them more individual power, and yes indeed it did. Now it's come back to bite them in the ass.

Local caucus Trump delegates went to the State Convention and ran head into the Evangelical wing of the party that in no way was going to represent their votes at the National Convention. All done perfectly legal and according to the rules.

Maybe now they'll support a Presidential primary in this state. In other news the Republican state chairman has already received 3000 death threats to himself and family, and he had nothing to do with this, as he was just following the rules.

If you're a Coloradoan you can sign up on Facebook for Kill the Caucus at this link. It also has more information on what happened.

Well you can certainly complain because Colorado has a caucus instead of a primary. That's not Ted Cruz's fault. I don't even think it's the GOP's fault... Colorado is free to set up whatever system they want to handle this.... just as EVERY state is.

And every state is different, that doesn't mean people are being disenfranchised or cheated. Is it "cheating" because Ohio awards all it's delegates to Kasich? Everyone in Ohio certainly didn't vote for Kasich. What about all the other "winner take all" states? Is that FAIR? In some states, is it FAIR that if you get 50%+1 you win all the delegates but not if you only win 49.9%? What about states with unbound delegates? It's how the state parties have established their system and it applies to every candidate equally... that's the rules of the game. We can't change the rules of the game because Trump doesn't get his way! Sorry!
Very true--
After seeing what happened in Colorado , only a fool or a party crony will support the GOP if Trump wins the most delegates and is not the nominee.

I hate to keep pounding you over your stupid head with this but the GOP has NEVER awarded the nomination on the basis of plurality. "Most delegates" doesn't mean a damn thing, the nominee has to get 1,237 to win the nomination. If he/she doesn't, they haven't won a majority of the delegates and someone else could.

What happened in Colorado is, the process established by the state for presidential caucuses was followed and Cruz beat Trump. Every state is different, they have a myriad of systems and each has it's own rule book. Nothing was suddenly changed by the party or Cruz, there was nothing unethical or under-handed done.

All this WHINING after the fact reminds me of LIBERALS! The Cruz campaign was organized and knew their shit. The Trump campaign was caught flat-footed and got creamed... tough shit... get over it and move on!

I can tell you this... I am not going to support a goddamn crybaby! If Trump plans to whine and complain about the unfairness when things don't go his way-- while the rest of the time, running around telling us all how great he is... how is that different than Obama? I'd rather have a man who does his homework, knows how the system works, figures out a winning strategy and implements it to perfection... like Cruz did in Colorado!

Reality contradicts your rhetorical nonsense.


Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier

Your argument that the rules were followed makes as much sense as a Soviet cop sending someone to the Gulag because 'that's the law'.

The GOP broke their own rules and committed fraud on its due paying members who were arbitrarily purged from the ballots because they voted for Trump.

How in Gods name do you think that is FAIR or going to help the GOP to attract more voters?

It wont, you can bet on that. The GOP has decided it is better to have Hillary Clinton chose four SCOTUS judges than it is to let Trump have a fair shot at winning the party nomination, and YOU are swallowing all their rationalizing bullshit whole in one big gulp.

All you have is a couple of bloggers claiming some wacko conspiracy theory. This "delegate" you Trumpsters keep throwing out there... DIDN'T FOLLOW THE PROCESS!

One delegate being removed because he didn't follow the rules is not the reason Ted Cruz stomped Trump's big fat white ass in Colorado! You can blow up like a flaming left-wing fuckgoof and scream "Gulag" and "Gestapo" until you're blue in the face, it's not going to win the delegates back for Trump. Your boy lost because he didn't know the system. He's smart in business, he can make deals and he can bag hot women... but he doesn't know the political system and process or how things work like Cruz and his campaign.

Cruz was organized. He and his team knew exactly what they needed to do and how to work within the system and rules to accomplish their goal. But just like every time in this campaign when Trump is bested... it's someone cheating or lying or doing him wrong. He is WORSE than Obama! He can never take blame for his own fuck ups and honestly, that's not what we need in a president... we've had 8 years of that shit!

Very true--while Right wingers love the caucus system they just got screwed over by one. For a few years they have fought a Presidential primary in Colorado. Believing that the caucus gave them more individual power, and yes indeed it did. Now it's come back to bite them in the ass.

Local caucus Trump delegates went to the State Convention and ran head into the Evangelical wing of the party that in no way was going to represent their votes at the National Convention. All done perfectly legal and according to the rules.

Maybe now they'll support a Presidential primary in this state. In other news the Republican state chairman has already received 3000 death threats to himself and family, and he had nothing to do with this, as he was just following the rules.

If you're a Coloradoan you can sign up on Facebook for Kill the Caucus at this link. It also has more information on what happened.

Well you can certainly complain because Colorado has a caucus instead of a primary. That's not Ted Cruz's fault. I don't even think it's the GOP's fault... Colorado is free to set up whatever system they want to handle this.... just as EVERY state is.

And every state is different, that doesn't mean people are being disenfranchised or cheated. Is it "cheating" because Ohio awards all it's delegates to Kasich? Everyone in Ohio certainly didn't vote for Kasich. What about all the other "winner take all" states? Is that FAIR? In some states, is it FAIR that if you get 50%+1 you win all the delegates but not if you only win 49.9%? What about states with unbound delegates? It's how the state parties have established their system and it applies to every candidate equally... that's the rules of the game. We can't change the rules of the game because Trump doesn't get his way! Sorry!

Lol, anyone else notice the slight of hand here?

Everyone I know has complained about the dirty tricks, the stripping of delegates from ballots and the lack of informing members of accurate times and locales for these non caucus yet caucus like meetings.

Yeah yo guys would make the Chekists proud, very very proud.
Very true--
I hate to keep pounding you over your stupid head with this but the GOP has NEVER awarded the nomination on the basis of plurality. "Most delegates" doesn't mean a damn thing, the nominee has to get 1,237 to win the nomination. If he/she doesn't, they haven't won a majority of the delegates and someone else could.

What happened in Colorado is, the process established by the state for presidential caucuses was followed and Cruz beat Trump. Every state is different, they have a myriad of systems and each has it's own rule book. Nothing was suddenly changed by the party or Cruz, there was nothing unethical or under-handed done.

All this WHINING after the fact reminds me of LIBERALS! The Cruz campaign was organized and knew their shit. The Trump campaign was caught flat-footed and got creamed... tough shit... get over it and move on!

I can tell you this... I am not going to support a goddamn crybaby! If Trump plans to whine and complain about the unfairness when things don't go his way-- while the rest of the time, running around telling us all how great he is... how is that different than Obama? I'd rather have a man who does his homework, knows how the system works, figures out a winning strategy and implements it to perfection... like Cruz did in Colorado!

Reality contradicts your rhetorical nonsense.


Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump - Dr. Rich Swier

Your argument that the rules were followed makes as much sense as a Soviet cop sending someone to the Gulag because 'that's the law'.

The GOP broke their own rules and committed fraud on its due paying members who were arbitrarily purged from the ballots because they voted for Trump.

How in Gods name do you think that is FAIR or going to help the GOP to attract more voters?

It wont, you can bet on that. The GOP has decided it is better to have Hillary Clinton chose four SCOTUS judges than it is to let Trump have a fair shot at winning the party nomination, and YOU are swallowing all their rationalizing bullshit whole in one big gulp.

All you have is a couple of bloggers claiming some wacko conspiracy theory. This "delegate" you Trumpsters keep throwing out there... DIDN'T FOLLOW THE PROCESS!

One delegate being removed because he didn't follow the rules is not the reason Ted Cruz stomped Trump's big fat white ass in Colorado! You can blow up like a flaming left-wing fuckgoof and scream "Gulag" and "Gestapo" until you're blue in the face, it's not going to win the delegates back for Trump. Your boy lost because he didn't know the system. He's smart in business, he can make deals and he can bag hot women... but he doesn't know the political system and process or how things work like Cruz and his campaign.

Cruz was organized. He and his team knew exactly what they needed to do and how to work within the system and rules to accomplish their goal. But just like every time in this campaign when Trump is bested... it's someone cheating or lying or doing him wrong. He is WORSE than Obama! He can never take blame for his own fuck ups and honestly, that's not what we need in a president... we've had 8 years of that shit!

Very true--while Right wingers love the caucus system they just got screwed over by one. For a few years they have fought a Presidential primary in Colorado. Believing that the caucus gave them more individual power, and yes indeed it did. Now it's come back to bite them in the ass.

Local caucus Trump delegates went to the State Convention and ran head into the Evangelical wing of the party that in no way was going to represent their votes at the National Convention. All done perfectly legal and according to the rules.

Maybe now they'll support a Presidential primary in this state. In other news the Republican state chairman has already received 3000 death threats to himself and family, and he had nothing to do with this, as he was just following the rules.

If you're a Coloradoan you can sign up on Facebook for Kill the Caucus at this link. It also has more information on what happened.

Well you can certainly complain because Colorado has a caucus instead of a primary. That's not Ted Cruz's fault. I don't even think it's the GOP's fault... Colorado is free to set up whatever system they want to handle this.... just as EVERY state is.

And every state is different, that doesn't mean people are being disenfranchised or cheated. Is it "cheating" because Ohio awards all it's delegates to Kasich? Everyone in Ohio certainly didn't vote for Kasich. What about all the other "winner take all" states? Is that FAIR? In some states, is it FAIR that if you get 50%+1 you win all the delegates but not if you only win 49.9%? What about states with unbound delegates? It's how the state parties have established their system and it applies to every candidate equally... that's the rules of the game. We can't change the rules of the game because Trump doesn't get his way! Sorry!

Lol, anyone else notice the slight of hand here?

Everyone I know has complained about the dirty tricks, the stripping of delegates from ballots and the lack of informing members of accurate times and locales for these non caucus yet caucus like meetings.

Yeah yo guys would make the Chekists proud, very very proud.

if everyone you know thinks it's "dirty tricks" then you're talking to people who think like you..... and therefore aren't a good gauge of what occurred.
A: Good
B: Good
C: Who cares? Trump is a chump.
D: One guy making wild claims, claims that are good for America so I still fail to see why I should care.
Because he's the front runner? He's won most of the votes, and delegates. Why should people care about those that don't care?
He didn't win shit, as he didn't put any effort to achieve success in Colorado based on the rules set out in August of LAST YEAR. This is like a beauty queen crying cause she lost the make up challenge after showing up with no makeup.
Getting hysterical to complain about drama? That's priceless. Trump is the front runner and your response is Colorado? WTF?
Trump failed to do the work to secure delegates... I fail to see how that's anyone but Trumps fault.

Yep, you fail to see - Trump failed to do the work to secure delegates... I fail to see how that's anyone but Trumps fault.[/QUOTE]

I'll bet you also fail to understand why he is leading in delegates. GOP/RNC is Myopic.
A: Good
B: Good
C: Who cares? Trump is a chump.
D: One guy making wild claims, claims that are good for America so I still fail to see why I should care.
Because he's the front runner? He's won most of the votes, and delegates. Why should people care about those that don't care?
He didn't win shit, as he didn't put any effort to achieve success in Colorado based on the rules set out in August of LAST YEAR. This is like a beauty queen crying cause she lost the make up challenge after showing up with no makeup.
Getting hysterical to complain about drama? That's priceless. Trump is the front runner and your response is Colorado? WTF?
Trump failed to do the work to secure delegates... I fail to see how that's anyone but Trumps fault.

Yep, you fail to see - Trump failed to do the work to secure delegates... I fail to see how that's anyone but Trumps fault.

I'll bet you also fail to understand why he is leading in delegates. GOP/RNC is Myopic.[/QUOTE]
Our degrading education system is pushing out more stupid people then it did 10 years ago.
And yet still no evidence that anything was rigged. Cruz has an amazing organization and his hard work paid off. Trump showed up at the lady second, did crappy work, and thus won nothing.

But somehow that's the party's fault.

No wonder this country is going to hell. You all want to blame others for why you didn't get what you want when you didn't put any effort into getting it.

Dude, you've been shown evidence. And yet, you perpetuate this mindless organization spin. I've lost respect for you; I honestly have.

Actually, no you haven't. Granted I actually take evidence to mean something more than baseless asccusations so that could be the disconnect.

BTW there is absolutely nothing in your history that shows I should care about your respect. Especially if you are going to pretend Trump was cheated when he didn't bother showing up to compete.

Very Obamian of you. The accusations are baseless! You make broad denials cos the truth is of no consequence to you. You were the last person I would have thought would be so dishonest. Oh, well. You've made it clear you don't care about respecting; that shouldn't surprise me.

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