AG Barr Addresses ‘Obamagate,’ Says He Doesn’t Expect Durham to Criminally Investigate Obama or Biden


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
994 looks like the DOJ and Trump are looking for a soft landing on this ObamaGate bullshit!

"After a Monday press conference that largely consisted of Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray criticizing Apple for refusing to assist federal law enforcement in unlocking the Naval Air Station Pensacola terrorist’s phone, Barr took questions. Pete Williams of NBC News went there with his second question, asking the attorney general to comment on Obamagate.

The major headline here is that Barr, based on what he knows at this moment, doesn’t expect John Durham‘s criminal investigation of the origins of the Russia probe will yield criminal investigations of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Barr, whose department recently moved to dismiss the criminal case against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, said that he would not allow the criminal justice system to be used for “partisan political ends.”"
~~ AG Barr Addresses ‘Obamagate,’ Says He Doesn’t Expect Durham to Criminally Investigate Obama or Biden ~~
The odds that they would be charged, no matter how filthy dirty they are, were always extremely long.
For some unknown and bizarre reason, Obama remains a popular figure. Due to that popularity, it would probably be difficult to get a conviction. That doesn't mean he isn't guilty of the crimes involved in ObamaGate.
For some unknown and bizarre reason, Obama remains a popular figure. Due to that popularity, it would probably be difficult to get a conviction. That doesn't mean he isn't guilty of the crimes involved in ObamaGate.
If Durham can't find any criminality, as the article states you unread, unwashed screwball, do you propose a Trump Kangaroo court try them? Popularity has nothing to do with a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free-Card you bloody fool! It's the absence of criminality.
For some unknown and bizarre reason, Obama remains a popular figure. Due to that popularity, it would probably be difficult to get a conviction. That doesn't mean he isn't guilty of the crimes involved in ObamaGate.
If Durham can't find any criminality, as the article states you unread, unwashed screwball, do you propose a Trump Kangaroo court try them? Popularity has nothing to do with a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free-Card you bloody fool! It's the absence of criminality.
Yeah, just like Nixon got criminally prosecuted.

Oh wait......

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