AG Nominee Barr is the butcher of Ruby Ridge and was seriously anti 2nd

He will try to make sure the Mueller report never sees the light of day. It's the only reason.
He can’t do that.

Ah but you see , that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when you idiot cheer on things like the Justice Department not turning over documents to Congress even after 3 years and multiple court rulings ordering them to do so, as happened multiple times when the magical negro was President.

I know nothing about the discipline called, "game theory" except a conclusion I heard expressed by those who know.

And the experts concluded that in a given contest the way to give yourself the best chance to win is to play by the dirtiest rules of engagement being used by any of the competitors.

If I understood that lesson correctly, it would argue that the President should be advised to wage his defensive campaign to foil the rebel forces using the same set of values as those who are trying to take him down.


If I were Trump I'd tell her

"Democrats can vote to tun the wall, or I will do it as a matter of national security by declaring a national emergency, and will bolster that by federalizing the CA National Guard and ordering them to arrest and detain every illegal alien they find in the state of California for the remainder of my time in office, and as a matter of national security, I would order the executive to ignore all court orders pertaining to my EO"
Show me why I should not support him.

You will never have a better opportunity than now.

It wouldn't matter. You're a true blue Trumper. You'd support Trump no matter what he does or what he did

I do like the reasoning:

“Trump like him”.

Trump nominated Sessions…did he like him?
Trump nominated Tillerson…did he like him?
Trump liked Omaroosa….until he called her a “dog” and fired her.
He will try to make sure the Mueller report never sees the light of day. It's the only reason.
He can’t do that.

Ah but you see , that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when you idiot cheer on things like the Justice Department not turning over documents to Congress even after 3 years and multiple court rulings ordering them to do so, as happened multiple times when the magical negro was President.

Oh no, I mean he can try to do it but as a practical matter, the House Democrats can certainly compel the release of the Mueller report.

Good to see that Obama still lives rent free in your rather empty cranium though. LOL

Does Obama stand to be in big legal trouble if Trump is not ‘taken down'?


From, “The Russia Hoax”

Staffers at the State Department and the White House, including President Obama, regularly communicated with the secretary of state at her private email address.7

Documents uncovered by the FBI show that Obama used a pseudonym in communicating with Clinton on her private email account.8

Sometimes he did so while his secretary of state was overseas using an unprotected mobile device.

When the FBI showed a copy of one such Obama email to Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, she exclaimed, “How is that not classified?”9

Indeed, it surely was classified.

Thereafter, the White House refused to disclose the contents of any of the president’s emails involving his fake name.

Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.
This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.

If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed.

It is hard to imagine that the president and others never noticed that Clinton was using a nongovernment, nonsecure private account. Indeed, emails prove that many of them did know.10

But the secretary of state was surrounded by long-time Clinton cronies.

They shielded her.

They were not about to challenge the person they were certain would become the next president of the United States.


8. Evelyn Rupert, “Obama Used Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton,” The Hill, September 23, 2016; Josh Gerstein and Nolan D. McCaskill, “Obama Used a Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton, FBI Documents Reveal,” Politico, September 23, 2016; Daniel Halper, “Obama Used Pseudonym to Talk with Hillary on Private Server,” September 24, 2016.
9. Ibid.
10. Chuck Ross, “Top Clinton Aides Face No Charges After Making False Statements to FBI,” Daily Caller, December 4, 2017.
11. Report by Office of Inspector General, Department of State, “Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements,” May 25, 2016; Steven Lee Myers and Eric Lichtblau, “Hillary Clinton Is Criticized for Private Emails in State Department Review,” New York Times, May 25, 2016.
He will try to make sure the Mueller report never sees the light of day. It's the only reason.
He can’t do that.

Ah but you see , that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when you idiot cheer on things like the Justice Department not turning over documents to Congress even after 3 years and multiple court rulings ordering them to do so, as happened multiple times when the magical negro was President.

I know nothing about the discipline called, "game theory" except a conclusion I heard expressed by those who know.

And the experts concluded that in a given contest the way to give yourself the best chance to win is to play by the dirtiest rules of engagement being used by any of the competitors.

If I understood that lesson correctly, it would argue that the President should be advised to wage his defensive campaign to foil the rebel forces using the same set of values as those who are trying to take him down.
Tough but fair is the way to consistently win in life.
He will try to make sure the Mueller report never sees the light of day. It's the only reason.
He can’t do that.

Ah but you see , that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when you idiot cheer on things like the Justice Department not turning over documents to Congress even after 3 years and multiple court rulings ordering them to do so, as happened multiple times when the magical negro was President.

Oh no, I mean he can try to do it but as a practical matter, the House Democrats can certainly compel the release of the Mueller report.

Good to see that Obama still lives rent free in your rather empty cranium though. LOL

Does Obama stand to be in big legal trouble if Trump is not ‘taken down'?


From, “The Russia Hoax”

Staffers at the State Department and the White House, including President Obama, regularly communicated with the secretary of state at her private email address.7

Documents uncovered by the FBI show that Obama used a pseudonym in communicating with Clinton on her private email account.8

Sometimes he did so while his secretary of state was overseas using an unprotected mobile device.

When the FBI showed a copy of one such Obama email to Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, she exclaimed, “How is that not classified?”9

Indeed, it surely was classified.

Thereafter, the White House refused to disclose the contents of any of the president’s emails involving his fake name.

Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.
This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.

If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed.

It is hard to imagine that the president and others never noticed that Clinton was using a nongovernment, nonsecure private account. Indeed, emails prove that many of them did know.10

But the secretary of state was surrounded by long-time Clinton cronies.

They shielded her.

They were not about to challenge the person they were certain would become the next president of the United States.


8. Evelyn Rupert, “Obama Used Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton,” The Hill, September 23, 2016; Josh Gerstein and Nolan D. McCaskill, “Obama Used a Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton, FBI Documents Reveal,” Politico, September 23, 2016; Daniel Halper, “Obama Used Pseudonym to Talk with Hillary on Private Server,” September 24, 2016.
9. Ibid.
10. Chuck Ross, “Top Clinton Aides Face No Charges After Making False Statements to FBI,” Daily Caller, December 4, 2017.
11. Report by Office of Inspector General, Department of State, “Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements,” May 25, 2016; Steven Lee Myers and Eric Lichtblau, “Hillary Clinton Is Criticized for Private Emails in State Department Review,” New York Times, May 25, 2016.
Fact-checking Fox News analyst’s pro-Trump ‘The Russia Hoax'
He will try to make sure the Mueller report never sees the light of day. It's the only reason.
He can’t do that.

Ah but you see , that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when you idiot cheer on things like the Justice Department not turning over documents to Congress even after 3 years and multiple court rulings ordering them to do so, as happened multiple times when the magical negro was President.

Oh no, I mean he can try to do it but as a practical matter, the House Democrats can certainly compel the release of the Mueller report.

Good to see that Obama still lives rent free in your rather empty cranium though. LOL

How could House Democrats compel the Justice Department to turn anything over? Ideally yes, the Justice Department should comply with Congressional requests, but as we have seen repeatedly , they don't, and Congress really can't do anything about it.

Again, I don’t recommend they do this but if the House Democrats want to get the Mueller report released….they could.

First, the given is that if the report clears Trump, it will be released. So, by logic, if it is embargoed, it will implicate the blob.

So lets assume the report is embargoed.

The leadership of both Houses of Congress will be briefed on the contents as is the custom in Executive session; away from the public.

The House moves forward with impeachment hearings (again I don’t recommend it). A House member from the 3rd district in a blue state comes out and says that he report proves Trump conspired with Russia. Whether it did or not is unimportant; just the allegation is enough.

So as the Impeachment proceedings move forward…what is the move by Trump and his supporters to clear his name? Releasing the report.

As for bringing up Obama, the man was POTUS for 8 years and bringing him up to point out YOUR hypocrisy doesn't mean anyone is my head.
Yeah…but you didn’t say that. You screamed “magic negro”….showing the you’re still upset that a black man became your president.

He lives rent free up between your ears. Nothing else is there so you may as well charge rent.
He will try to make sure the Mueller report never sees the light of day. It's the only reason.
He can’t do that.

Ah but you see , that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when you idiot cheer on things like the Justice Department not turning over documents to Congress even after 3 years and multiple court rulings ordering them to do so, as happened multiple times when the magical negro was President.

Oh no, I mean he can try to do it but as a practical matter, the House Democrats can certainly compel the release of the Mueller report.

Good to see that Obama still lives rent free in your rather empty cranium though. LOL

Does Obama stand to be in big legal trouble if Trump is not ‘taken down'?


From, “The Russia Hoax”

Staffers at the State Department and the White House, including President Obama, regularly communicated with the secretary of state at her private email address.7

Documents uncovered by the FBI show that Obama used a pseudonym in communicating with Clinton on her private email account.8

Sometimes he did so while his secretary of state was overseas using an unprotected mobile device.

When the FBI showed a copy of one such Obama email to Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, she exclaimed, “How is that not classified?”9

Indeed, it surely was classified.

Thereafter, the White House refused to disclose the contents of any of the president’s emails involving his fake name.

Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.
This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.

If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed.

It is hard to imagine that the president and others never noticed that Clinton was using a nongovernment, nonsecure private account. Indeed, emails prove that many of them did know.10

But the secretary of state was surrounded by long-time Clinton cronies.

They shielded her.

They were not about to challenge the person they were certain would become the next president of the United States.


8. Evelyn Rupert, “Obama Used Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton,” The Hill, September 23, 2016; Josh Gerstein and Nolan D. McCaskill, “Obama Used a Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton, FBI Documents Reveal,” Politico, September 23, 2016; Daniel Halper, “Obama Used Pseudonym to Talk with Hillary on Private Server,” September 24, 2016.
9. Ibid.
10. Chuck Ross, “Top Clinton Aides Face No Charges After Making False Statements to FBI,” Daily Caller, December 4, 2017.
11. Report by Office of Inspector General, Department of State, “Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements,” May 25, 2016; Steven Lee Myers and Eric Lichtblau, “Hillary Clinton Is Criticized for Private Emails in State Department Review,” New York Times, May 25, 2016.

The only thing Obama would have to worry about is scraping enough money together to pay your bar tab; it looks like you’re drunk posting.
He will try to make sure the Mueller report never sees the light of day. It's the only reason.
He can’t do that.

Ah but you see , that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when you idiot cheer on things like the Justice Department not turning over documents to Congress even after 3 years and multiple court rulings ordering them to do so, as happened multiple times when the magical negro was President.

I know nothing about the discipline called, "game theory" except a conclusion I heard expressed by those who know.

And the experts concluded that in a given contest the way to give yourself the best chance to win is to play by the dirtiest rules of engagement being used by any of the competitors.

If I understood that lesson correctly, it would argue that the President should be advised to wage his defensive campaign to foil the rebel forces using the same set of values as those who are trying to take him down.


If I were Trump I'd tell her

"Democrats can vote to tun the wall, or I will do it as a matter of national security by declaring a national emergency, and will bolster that by federalizing the CA National Guard and ordering them to arrest and detain every illegal alien they find in the state of California for the remainder of my time in office, and as a matter of national security, I would order the executive to ignore all court orders pertaining to my EO"

Wow…not only recommending a tax but now federal takeover of a State office.

I remember back when you guys were for lower taxes and state’s rights.
Show me why I should not support him.

You will never have a better opportunity than now.

It wouldn't matter. You're a true blue Trumper. You'd support Trump no matter what he does or what he did

I do like the reasoning:

“Trump like him”.

Trump nominated Sessions…did he like him?
Trump nominated Tillerson…did he like him?
Trump liked Omaroosa….until he called her a “dog” and fired her.

You apparently abandoned your fundamental citizen's pact with your government.

I blame those GD Leftists trying to confuse you.

The basic citizen's pact calls for a serious vetting and investigation of the candidates, then once a victor has been declared, you keep an eye on their performance and you comnunicate with them when you feel you must.

But basically, you trust your selection process and let him have your trust and the benefit of the doubt.

Then in 4 years if he cant win your support a second time, he is out.

You dont get to dog his every move and decision unless you are an enemy of America.

If you are let me know.
Last edited:
The President likes him.

That's enuff for me.
He has the neocon warmonger Bolton on staff....He's getting some seriously shitty advice from somewhere.

Bolton should be a valued addition to ANY Administrative braintrust.
You're out of your mind.

Maybe you know stuff about him that I should be made aware of.
He's a trigger happy Bushbot warmongering fool, who is up to his armpits in swamp shit.

The Untold Story of John Bolton’s Campaign for War With Iran
Show me why I should not support him.

You will never have a better opportunity than now.

It wouldn't matter. You're a true blue Trumper. You'd support Trump no matter what he does or what he did

I do like the reasoning:

“Trump like him”.

Trump nominated Sessions…did he like him?
Trump nominated Tillerson…did he like him?
Trump liked Omaroosa….until he called her a “dog” and fired her.

You apparently abandoned your fundamental citizen's pact with your government.

I blame those GD Leftists trying to confuse you.

The basic citizen's pact calls for a seriiys vetting and investigation of the candidates, then once a victor has been declared, you keep an eye on their perfirmance and you comnunicate with them when you feel you must.

But basicalky, you tryst your selection process and let him have your trust and the benefit of the doubt.

Then in 4 years if he cant win your suppirt a second time, he is out.

You dont get to dig his every move and decision unless you are an enemy of America.

If you are let me know.

I’ll take Word Soup for $400 Alex!
He will try to make sure the Mueller report never sees the light of day. It's the only reason.
He can’t do that.

Ah but you see , that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when you idiot cheer on things like the Justice Department not turning over documents to Congress even after 3 years and multiple court rulings ordering them to do so, as happened multiple times when the magical negro was President.

I know nothing about the discipline called, "game theory" except a conclusion I heard expressed by those who know.

And the experts concluded that in a given contest the way to give yourself the best chance to win is to play by the dirtiest rules of engagement being used by any of the competitors.

If I understood that lesson correctly, it would argue that the President should be advised to wage his defensive campaign to foil the rebel forces using the same set of values as those who are trying to take him down.


If I were Trump I'd tell her

"Democrats can vote to tun the wall, or I will do it as a matter of national security by declaring a national emergency, and will bolster that by federalizing the CA National Guard and ordering them to arrest and detain every illegal alien they find in the state of California for the remainder of my time in office, and as a matter of national security, I would order the executive to ignore all court orders pertaining to my EO"

Wow…not only recommending a tax but now federal takeover of a State office.

I remember back when you guys were for lower taxes and state’s rights.

Um what tax did I recommend and what state office did I suggest a federal takeover of?

This should be rich.
He will try to make sure the Mueller report never sees the light of day. It's the only reason.
He can’t do that.

Ah but you see , that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when you idiot cheer on things like the Justice Department not turning over documents to Congress even after 3 years and multiple court rulings ordering them to do so, as happened multiple times when the magical negro was President.

Oh no, I mean he can try to do it but as a practical matter, the House Democrats can certainly compel the release of the Mueller report.

Good to see that Obama still lives rent free in your rather empty cranium though. LOL

Does Obama stand to be in big legal trouble if Trump is not ‘taken down'?


From, “The Russia Hoax”

Staffers at the State Department and the White House, including President Obama, regularly communicated with the secretary of state at her private email address.7

Documents uncovered by the FBI show that Obama used a pseudonym in communicating with Clinton on her private email account.8

Sometimes he did so while his secretary of state was overseas using an unprotected mobile device.

When the FBI showed a copy of one such Obama email to Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, she exclaimed, “How is that not classified?”9

Indeed, it surely was classified.

Thereafter, the White House refused to disclose the contents of any of the president’s emails involving his fake name.

Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.
This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.

If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed.

It is hard to imagine that the president and others never noticed that Clinton was using a nongovernment, nonsecure private account. Indeed, emails prove that many of them did know.10

But the secretary of state was surrounded by long-time Clinton cronies.

They shielded her.

They were not about to challenge the person they were certain would become the next president of the United States.


8. Evelyn Rupert, “Obama Used Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton,” The Hill, September 23, 2016; Josh Gerstein and Nolan D. McCaskill, “Obama Used a Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton, FBI Documents Reveal,” Politico, September 23, 2016; Daniel Halper, “Obama Used Pseudonym to Talk with Hillary on Private Server,” September 24, 2016.
9. Ibid.
10. Chuck Ross, “Top Clinton Aides Face No Charges After Making False Statements to FBI,” Daily Caller, December 4, 2017.
11. Report by Office of Inspector General, Department of State, “Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements,” May 25, 2016; Steven Lee Myers and Eric Lichtblau, “Hillary Clinton Is Criticized for Private Emails in State Department Review,” New York Times, May 25, 2016.

The only thing Obama would have to worry about is scraping enough money together to pay your bar tab; it looks like you’re drunk posting.

If we are now to trade insults, let me know.

I enjoy that sort of posting.
He can’t do that.

Ah but you see , that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when you idiot cheer on things like the Justice Department not turning over documents to Congress even after 3 years and multiple court rulings ordering them to do so, as happened multiple times when the magical negro was President.

I know nothing about the discipline called, "game theory" except a conclusion I heard expressed by those who know.

And the experts concluded that in a given contest the way to give yourself the best chance to win is to play by the dirtiest rules of engagement being used by any of the competitors.

If I understood that lesson correctly, it would argue that the President should be advised to wage his defensive campaign to foil the rebel forces using the same set of values as those who are trying to take him down.


If I were Trump I'd tell her

"Democrats can vote to tun the wall, or I will do it as a matter of national security by declaring a national emergency, and will bolster that by federalizing the CA National Guard and ordering them to arrest and detain every illegal alien they find in the state of California for the remainder of my time in office, and as a matter of national security, I would order the executive to ignore all court orders pertaining to my EO"

Wow…not only recommending a tax but now federal takeover of a State office.

I remember back when you guys were for lower taxes and state’s rights.

Um what tax did I recommend and what state office did I suggest a federal takeover of?

This should be rich.

Tax on another thread (by another Republican)
The CA National Guard. About 4 minutes ago.
He can’t do that.

Ah but you see , that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when you idiot cheer on things like the Justice Department not turning over documents to Congress even after 3 years and multiple court rulings ordering them to do so, as happened multiple times when the magical negro was President.

Oh no, I mean he can try to do it but as a practical matter, the House Democrats can certainly compel the release of the Mueller report.

Good to see that Obama still lives rent free in your rather empty cranium though. LOL

Does Obama stand to be in big legal trouble if Trump is not ‘taken down'?


From, “The Russia Hoax”

Staffers at the State Department and the White House, including President Obama, regularly communicated with the secretary of state at her private email address.7

Documents uncovered by the FBI show that Obama used a pseudonym in communicating with Clinton on her private email account.8

Sometimes he did so while his secretary of state was overseas using an unprotected mobile device.

When the FBI showed a copy of one such Obama email to Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, she exclaimed, “How is that not classified?”9

Indeed, it surely was classified.

Thereafter, the White House refused to disclose the contents of any of the president’s emails involving his fake name.

Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.
This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.

If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed.

It is hard to imagine that the president and others never noticed that Clinton was using a nongovernment, nonsecure private account. Indeed, emails prove that many of them did know.10

But the secretary of state was surrounded by long-time Clinton cronies.

They shielded her.

They were not about to challenge the person they were certain would become the next president of the United States.


8. Evelyn Rupert, “Obama Used Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton,” The Hill, September 23, 2016; Josh Gerstein and Nolan D. McCaskill, “Obama Used a Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton, FBI Documents Reveal,” Politico, September 23, 2016; Daniel Halper, “Obama Used Pseudonym to Talk with Hillary on Private Server,” September 24, 2016.
9. Ibid.
10. Chuck Ross, “Top Clinton Aides Face No Charges After Making False Statements to FBI,” Daily Caller, December 4, 2017.
11. Report by Office of Inspector General, Department of State, “Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements,” May 25, 2016; Steven Lee Myers and Eric Lichtblau, “Hillary Clinton Is Criticized for Private Emails in State Department Review,” New York Times, May 25, 2016.

The only thing Obama would have to worry about is scraping enough money together to pay your bar tab; it looks like you’re drunk posting.

If we are now to trade insults, let me know.

I enjoy that sort of posting.

Your post was ridiculous. It’s borderline gibberish.
The President likes him.

That's enuff for me.
He has the neocon warmonger Bolton on staff....He's getting some seriously shitty advice from somewhere.

Bolton should be a valued addition to ANY Administrative braintrust.
You're out of your mind.

Maybe you know stuff about him that I should be made aware of.
He's a trigger happy Bushbot warmongering fool, who is up to his armpits in swamp shit.

The Untold Story of John Bolton’s Campaign for War With Iran

Yep, he's more proof that Trump simply wasn't really expecting to win. Once he won, he had to put swamp creatures into positions because he hadn't planned on winning and thus didn't have outsiders lined up .

Someone who was TRULY prepared to take on the swamp wouldn't have had a single insider at any position higher than Deputy Secretary of a given agency. And had given them orders to fire any and all civil service employees who didn't follow orders to the tee.

Trump just didn't think he'd be able to overcome the cheating and defeat Hillary and thus was unprepared.
I don't have a warm and fuzzy about Barr at all. I absolutely do not understand this nomination.

"You may remember that Barr’s federal agents descended on Randy Weaver’s Idaho compound in August, 1992, and (1) shot weaver in the back; (2) shot Weaver’s wife Vicki to death, while she was holding her infant son; (3) shot Weaver’s 14 year-old son to death; and (4) shot Weaver’s dog.

Courts subsequently largely exonerated Weaver, while excoriating the FBI and the Department of Justice. And, although then-Attorney General William Barr claimed to know nothing about the Ruby Ridge fiasco, a 1995 Washington Post article reported that there were 20 high-level DOJ calls about Weaver in the 24 hours preceding the murder of his wife — and two of them directly involved Barr.

After that, Barr spent huge amounts of pro bono time trying to get exoneration for the FBI sniper who shot Vicki Weaver to death. He pushed for immunity from prosecution, organized letters on his behalf, and framed arguments before the trial and appeals courts.

But long before Ruby Ridge, Barr’s hatred for the Second Amendment was clear.

Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1991, Barr pushed the gun control “grand bargain” which, two years later under Clinton, was to become the biggest blow to the Second Amendment since the passage of the 1968 Gun Control Act."

More at link:

OPINION: Bill Barr Needs To Answer For His Role In Ruby Ridge
Wonder why it took so long for this to come out
Ah but you see , that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that can happen when you idiot cheer on things like the Justice Department not turning over documents to Congress even after 3 years and multiple court rulings ordering them to do so, as happened multiple times when the magical negro was President.

I know nothing about the discipline called, "game theory" except a conclusion I heard expressed by those who know.

And the experts concluded that in a given contest the way to give yourself the best chance to win is to play by the dirtiest rules of engagement being used by any of the competitors.

If I understood that lesson correctly, it would argue that the President should be advised to wage his defensive campaign to foil the rebel forces using the same set of values as those who are trying to take him down.


If I were Trump I'd tell her

"Democrats can vote to tun the wall, or I will do it as a matter of national security by declaring a national emergency, and will bolster that by federalizing the CA National Guard and ordering them to arrest and detain every illegal alien they find in the state of California for the remainder of my time in office, and as a matter of national security, I would order the executive to ignore all court orders pertaining to my EO"

Wow…not only recommending a tax but now federal takeover of a State office.

I remember back when you guys were for lower taxes and state’s rights.

Um what tax did I recommend and what state office did I suggest a federal takeover of?

This should be rich.

Tax on another thread (by another Republican)
The CA National Guard. About 4 minutes ago.

I don't know what tax you are talking about.

As for the CA National Guard oh ignorant one, the National Guard is a division of the US Army and thus answers to the Commander in Chief at any time as he chooses to activate them, as the law allows. This law was passed in 2006. POTUS can declare a national emergency and use the US military as a police force inside the US, including the National Guard.
Show me why I should not support him.

You will never have a better opportunity than now.

It wouldn't matter. You're a true blue Trumper. You'd support Trump no matter what he does or what he did

I do like the reasoning:

“Trump like him”.

Trump nominated Sessions…did he like him?
Trump nominated Tillerson…did he like him?
Trump liked Omaroosa….until he called her a “dog” and fired her.

You apparently abandoned your fundamental citizen's pact with your government.

I blame those GD Leftists trying to confuse you.

The basic citizen's pact calls for a seriiys vetting and investigation of the candidates, then once a victor has been declared, you keep an eye on their perfirmance and you comnunicate with them when you feel you must.

But basicalky, you tryst your selection process and let him have your trust and the benefit of the doubt.

Then in 4 years if he cant win your suppirt a second time, he is out.

You dont get to dig his every move and decision unless you are an enemy of America.

If you are let me know.

I’ll take Word Soup for $400 Alex!

I thought my post was somewhat evocative of the 53 VW sphere -ist vision.

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