AGAIN: Intel Committee Chair: ‘NO EVIDENCE' Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign And Russians


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes said Sunday that there is “no evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government during the presidential campaign.'

So now will snowflakes PLEASE STFU with the FAKE NEWS, ALL-IN Liberal BUTT-HURT Conspiracy BS?!

There never was 'collusion', and the Russians never 'hacked the election'. They hacked piss-poor incompetently cyber-security-protected DNC E-mails that did not reveal anything people didn't already know about the Democrats (they cheat during primaries / elections and are a bunch od racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites)!


"The California Republican told Fox News’ Chris Wallace that the only crime there is evidence for is the leaking of the names of Americans who were caught up in surveillance, such as former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn."


Intel Committee Chair: ‘No Evidence’ Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign And Russians
I agree, snowflakes like you need to STFU with your butt-hurt.

Top Intel Democrat: 'Circumstantial evidence of collusion' between Trump and Russia

"I was surprised to see Director Clapper say that because I don't think you can make that claim categorically as he did. I would characterize it this way at the outset of the investigation: There is circumstantial evidence of collusion. There is direct evidence, I think, of deception and that's where we begin the investigation."
The Alt Right cucks are filling their pants in hysteria.

We have direct deliberate deception by the most divisive president in our history as he lied about Obama wire tapping him.

We have the FBI and 16 intel agencies saying there was collusion, which is being investigated.

We have Comey testifying to the committee today.

Yup, you guys have every right to worry.
The Dems called Trump every name in the book used every dirty trick in their effort to win, Russia claim just another bs trick
I agree, snowflakes like you need to STFU with your butt-hurt.

Top Intel Democrat: 'Circumstantial evidence of collusion' between Trump and Russia

"I was surprised to see Director Clapper say that because I don't think you can make that claim categorically as he did. I would characterize it this way at the outset of the investigation: There is circumstantial evidence of collusion. There is direct evidence, I think, of deception and that's where we begin the investigation."
Circumstantial? There's "circumstantial" evidence that Hillary accepted influence peddling money while Sec State and up until she lost the election and no longer had anything to peddle.
James Comey just admitted that Russia didn't change ANY votes in swing states Trump won! This means his win is valid.

James Comey cannot know the unknowable. Trump might have won without the hacked e-mails but he might not have. Trump himself made a big deal of the e-mails so he thought they would influence voters to either vote for him or stay home. He certainly encouraged the release of these hacked e-mails.

There may never be direct evidence of it but it does not mean that it did not happen. If the burglars had not been caught Watergate never would have happened. Nunes is a Trump sycophant so he certainly would try to help Trump.
James Comey just admitted that Russia didn't change ANY votes in swing states Trump won! This means his win is valid.

James Comey cannot know the unknowable. Trump might have won without the hacked e-mails but he might not have. Trump himself made a big deal of the e-mails so he thought they would influence voters to either vote for him or stay home. He certainly encouraged the release of these hacked e-mails.

There may never be direct evidence of it but it does not mean that it did not happen. If the burglars had not been caught Watergate never would have happened. Nunes is a Trump sycophant so he certainly would try to help Trump.
No one cares that you rigged your own primaries, except Bernie fans, and they are bunch of loser nut jobs anyway.
Lol Gowdy is trying to go after the whistleblowers now. What a gutless weasel. I guess he's desparate to make up for his Benghazi failure.
Lol Gowdy is trying to go after the whistleblowers now. What a gutless weasel. I guess he's desparate to make up for his Benghazi failure.
Whistleblowers? Even Comey is saying those who leaked it committed a felony. Besides, Flynn didn't commit any crime to begin with.
"I can't answer that"
"I can't answer that"
"I can't answer that"
"I can't answer that"
There is circumstantial evidence of collusion.
Thank you - 'circumstantial' in NO DIRECT< SMOKING-GUN, HARD, SOLID EVIDENCE. All snowflakes have is accusation and Conspiracy Theory BS!

Again, Hacking DNC e-mails is NOT 'hacking the election'. Such an act is not even LOOSELY related to 'hacking the election'. Hacking the DNC's e-mails is a spate event that happened during an election that cast a bad light on Democrats!

It's B U L L S H I T!
There is circumstantial evidence of collusion.
Thank you - 'circumstantial' in NO DIRECT< SMOKING-GUN, HARD, SOLID EVIDENCE. All snowflakes have is accusation and Conspiracy Theory BS!

Again, Hacking DNC e-mails is NOT 'hacking the election'. Such an act is not even LOOSELY related to 'hacking the election'. Hacking the DNC's e-mails is a spate event that happened during an election that cast a bad light on Democrats!

It's B U L L S H I T!

So? Circumstantial is still evidence and can still be quite convincing, especially when paired with DIRECT EVIDENCE OF TRUMP'S ADMIN LYING about it.
So Comey admits what happens is a crime, but refuses to say they will investigate it. What a piece of shit.
I want to hear more from Trey Gowdy! Not BS from Democrats!!!!

Crazy lunatic Schiff is now reading tweets from Roger Stone

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