AGAIN: Intel Committee Chair: ‘NO EVIDENCE' Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign And Russians

"The Democrats made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign. Big advantage in Electoral College & lost!" - Trump
So? Circumstantial is still evidence and can still be quite convincing, especially when paired with DIRECT EVIDENCE OF TRUMP'S ADMIN LYING about it.
Circumstantial is a lack of REAL, CONCLUSSIVE evidence that requires assumption and speculation.


'Trump collusion' is a made-up liberal conspiracy theory to distract from their
- Piss-poor cyber-security / failure to protect classified / secure data
- Rigging their Primary / Cheating in debates
- Racist, sexist, homophobic e-mails
- Worst candidate in US history
Lol Gowdy is trying to go after the whistleblowers now. What a gutless weasel. I guess he's desparate to make up for his Benghazi failure.
Whistleblowers? Even Comey is saying those who leaked it committed a felony. Besides, Flynn didn't commit any crime to begin with.
Regardless, we were spared a corrupt, and likely criminal National Security Adviser thanks to the leaker. Best of luck to them.
There is circumstantial evidence of collusion.
Thank you - 'circumstantial' in NO DIRECT< SMOKING-GUN, HARD, SOLID EVIDENCE. All snowflakes have is accusation and Conspiracy Theory BS!

Again, Hacking DNC e-mails is NOT 'hacking the election'. Such an act is not even LOOSELY related to 'hacking the election'. Hacking the DNC's e-mails is a spate event that happened during an election that cast a bad light on Democrats!

It's B U L L S H I T!

So? Circumstantial is still evidence and can still be quite convincing, especially when paired with DIRECT EVIDENCE OF TRUMP'S ADMIN LYING about it.
What exactly is that circumstantial evidence?
There is circumstantial evidence of collusion.
Thank you - 'circumstantial' in NO DIRECT< SMOKING-GUN, HARD, SOLID EVIDENCE. All snowflakes have is accusation and Conspiracy Theory BS!

Again, Hacking DNC e-mails is NOT 'hacking the election'. Such an act is not even LOOSELY related to 'hacking the election'. Hacking the DNC's e-mails is a spate event that happened during an election that cast a bad light on Democrats!

It's B U L L S H I T!

So? Circumstantial is still evidence and can still be quite convincing, especially when paired with DIRECT EVIDENCE OF TRUMP'S ADMIN LYING about it.
What exactly is that circumstantial evidence?
Starskey, can you answer the question?
I want to hear more from Trey Gowdy! Not BS from Democrats!!!!

Crazy lunatic Schiff is now reading tweets from Roger Stone

Sewell is trying to compare Flynn to an intelligence agent that needs to disclose contact with foreigners? How dumb are these Democrats?
Lakhota posted in an article that the 'circumstantial evidence' and decision that collusion had happened occurred during a Obama hold-over 'secret meeting' in the CIA...ya know, the guys who illegally leaked the information. If you can't trust them then who can you trust? :p
There is circumstantial evidence of collusion.
Thank you - 'circumstantial' in NO DIRECT< SMOKING-GUN, HARD, SOLID EVIDENCE. All snowflakes have is accusation and Conspiracy Theory BS!

Again, Hacking DNC e-mails is NOT 'hacking the election'. Such an act is not even LOOSELY related to 'hacking the election'. Hacking the DNC's e-mails is a spate event that happened during an election that cast a bad light on Democrats!

It's B U L L S H I T!

So? Circumstantial is still evidence and can still be quite convincing, especially when paired with DIRECT EVIDENCE OF TRUMP'S ADMIN LYING about it.
What exactly is that circumstantial evidence?
Starskey, can you answer the question?

Certainly. I need to ask though, why can't you?

There are multiple Trump people meeting multiple times with Russian officials at critical times within the timeline of the hacking, some with prior knowledge of information that was to be released.

Follow that with the fact that all of them, including Trump, have claimed no knowledge of meetings during the campaign.

That has been shown to be false and is certainly grounds for further investigation.
Comey: "Its not just that the Russians didn't have a preference for her. They also had a preference for him."

Comey: "Russia interfered with our election. They wanted to hurt Hillary & they wanted to help Trump. That was clear to us."

All in direct contact with Russia...all lied about it
They lied about contacting we should believe them when they say it had nothing to do with the campaign?

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Crazy Terri Sewell pushes for a criminal investigation of Flynn

She's got some balls. oh, wait...
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Crazy Terri Sewell pushes for a criminal investigation of Flynn

She's got some balls. oh, wait...

She thinks a private citizen should be held to the same standard as an active intelligence officer. She's clearly unqualified to be on that committee.
But you know...affirmative action and all..
No answer from Comey to Gowdy mentioning the NYT/Post reports of senior officials illegally wiretapping Flynn.
There are multiple Trump people meeting multiple times with Russian officials at critical times within the timeline of the hacking, some with prior knowledge of information that was to be released.

At this same time:
- Bill Clinton is taking $50K per speech from Vladimir Putin Ex-KGB buddies

- The brother of Hillary Clinton's campaign manager is working for the 'KGB Bank' that is tied closely to Vladimir Putin and the Russian Spy agency that does the actual hacking of the DNC computers.

- 3 Pakistani brothers - holding their mother hostage and spending the money of the father they potentially murdered / 1 having a criminal record / all 3 connected to terrorists - were hired by Democrats and had illegal access to House and DNC files.

Even after they were banned from the house and a criminal investigation was being held Debbie Wasserman Schultz IGNORES the ban and the criminal espionage investigation and hires 1 of the brothers on to help her, giving him full access to DNC usernames/passwords/emails - the emails they were eventually hacked.

There is far, FAR more evidence that Democrats aided and abetted spies and facilitated not only Russian hacking of their e-mails but also foreign espionage of the House secret files!

If anyone should be investigated further it should be DEMOCRATS, and if anyone should go to jail now it is Debbie Wasserman Schultz for ignoring the House Ban and criminal investigation of the 3 'spy' brothers in order to give them even more access to files they had no business dealing with.
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Breaking Update: Grassley is pissed. Comey isn't being truthful and forthcoming.

ChuckGrassley‏Verified account @ChuckGrassley 2h2 hours ago FBI Dir Comey needs to be transparent + tell the public what he told me about whether he is or is not investigating @POTUS

ChuckGrassley‏Verified account @ChuckGrassley 2h2 hours ago After Comey briefing + doc review I can say @POTUS and Clapper R both right about this No evidence of Trump collusion w Russia

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