Again, what is Sessions' "sin"???

Jeff Sessions Is Growing ‘Pissed’ at Trump, His Allies Say. And He Doesn’t Plan to Quit.

I don't like Sessions (few people do now) ....but who can blame him. He left a cushy job in the Senate to join the orange posse....and now he's the "fall guy: for Trump's own fuck ups.
Ahhh remember the good old days of having a competent president? When inane things like "what his pastor said " was a big deal? the big deal is more along the lines: "what did his Russian handlers tell him to do?."
Trump should place an ad in the Wash Post......

Attorney General Wanted.....

Someone whose ONLY qualifications is to make my Russian collusion problems just go away..... Main requirement is a loyalty oath to my orange fat ass.

Please call Jarred........(if he's not testifying in congress....)

Maybe Ivanka could answer the ad....???????..............LOLi

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