Against the law to take down confederate statues in Florida

Superbadbreath, the one (off-key) note symPHONY of dull, is back with his limpdick “jackass” comment. :abgg2q.jpg:

And the faggot-ass pussy still can’t post on topic or responsively.

Backingthatassupagain take your homosexual fantasies somewhere else. :fu:
Unfortunately the bad guys won in the Civil War.
If that is what you think quit hanging out with the winners.
We have too many losers like you.
Many confederates went to Brazil after they lost. They have a confederate community in Brazil. Get your losing sorry ass down their and quit complaining and hanging with the winners
Backingthatassupagain take your homosexual fantasies somewhere else. :fu:
Poor pussy superbadbreath is blissfully unaware of his irony. :itsok:

Poor faggot. Go suck some more strangers’ dicks, you pussy.

Meanwhile: let me steer you in the direction of the topic. —-> it’s about the taking down of confederate statues.

Still a big nothing. But sissy superbadbreath is still crying over fuckin’ statues. He’s just not good about discussing it. Stupid and quiffy is no way to live your life, kid.
Not hard to figure out for a smart white man. Most State capitols and governors in the South were Democrats, now they are mostly republican. Both are still conservative and white.
so no democrat changed parties as you stated,,,

why did you lie about something so easy to prove??
Did you not notice SCOTUS overturning SCOTUS on abortion? SCOTUS may have the final say until overruled by another SCOTUS, but their opinion on what is constitutional isn't holy writ.
correct. Supreme court rulings are the law of the based on interpretation of the Constitution until another SCOTUS changes what is constitutional through a new interpretation.

No SCOTUS decision is unconstitutional. Every decision determines what is constitutional at the time of the decsion. A future SCOTUS ruling can have a different opinion based on evidence perform them.
It is not an appelate court that decides the constitutionality of a previous decision.
Do you not know that brother fought against brother, a union brother fighting against his own flesh-and-blood brother!!!
Has nothing to do with MAGA. Are you citing what happened to condemn what hasn't happened.

Sorta donkey asss stupid don't you think.
You trivialize real tragedy by your grandstanding. 70 Million voted for Trump and you , you little Himmler , want to say who of those millions should be hated !! A curse on your blind hatred.
I AM NOT TRIVIALIZING TRAGEDY. Just the opposite. If you don't remember histoy you repeat it.
Naziism, white supremacy dominated, created a war where many people are killed on both sides. Most soldiers are following the instructions of the leaders. There were relatives who were on opposite sides.
Confederacy used white supremacist philosophy that resulted in a horrible war where many people died.
MAGA has the backing of white supremacists neo-nazis and confederate wannabes. MAGA main complaint is whites are getting a raw deal in the USA.
It has too much similarity in purpose as the confederacy and nazism
That is no joke. To not relaize the similarities in the movemrnt, to past movements with similar purpose, is trivializing a serious situation.
How did I lie? It is right there for everyone to see.
you said all the dems switched to repube in the 60s and you cant name a single one let alone 3,,

and then you give me a link that show every person that switched parties throughout history,,

its things like this that show nothing you say should ever be believed and that you will lie about the sillyest little things even though you know it can be proven wrong,,
Lincoln and many felt secession would destroy our democracy.
"Secession would destroy the only democracy in existence and prove for all time - to both future Americans and the world - that a government of the people could not survive." Abraham Lincoln
We don't live in a democracy we live in a constitutional republic
We don't live in a democracy we live in a constitutional republic
It is a democraric constitutional republic
Our Founding Fathers wanted to form a government – a democratic republic – that empowered the people to decide their representation through elections
Some of the different types of government include a direct democracy, a representative democracy, socialism, communism, a monarchy, an oligarchy, and an autocracy. Let me help you a little further. It appears you cut your education short.
Let me help you a little further. It appears you cut your education short.
The US is not a direct democracy but it is a representative democracy as are most democracies through out the world.
It is a democraric constitutional republic
Our Founding Fathers wanted to form a government – a democratic republic – that empowered the people to decide their representation through elections
Some of the different types of government include a direct democracy, a representative democracy, socialism, communism, a monarchy, an oligarchy, and an autocracy. Let me help you a little further. It appears you cut your education short.
Let me help you a little further. It appears you cut your education short.
The US is not a direct democracy but it is a representative democracy as are most democracies through out the world.
Where did you cut and paste that from before repeating your "let me help" bs line?

I suggest you further your limited education and do some more reading start here

Where did you cut and paste that from before repeating your "let me help" bs line?

I suggest you further your limited education and do some more reading start here

Read your own article. The founders did not want an "extreme" democracy. A representative democracy is not an extreme democracy. It was a form of government that allowed a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. A people's government is a democracy.
You ask anyone through out the world what type of government is the USA is, all educated people will say a democracy.
MAGA, like you, are simple minded. In their simple minds, the only democracy is a direct democracy. Your simple mind will never comprehend other types of democracies.
Read your own article. The founders did not want an "extreme" democracy. A representative democracy is not an extreme democracy. It was a form of government that allowed a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. A people's government is a democracy.
You ask anyone through out the world what type of government is the USA is, all educated people will say a democracy.
MAGA, like you, are simple minded. In their simple minds, the only democracy is a direct democracy. Your simple mind will never comprehend other types of democracies.
An extreme democracy is what you're advocating that being a tyranny of the majority which our founders were very much against hence why we are a constitutional republic you nincompoop
An extreme democracy is what you're advocating that being a tyranny of the majority which our founders were very much against hence why we are a constitutional republic you nincompoop
I knew you could not comprehend anything but a direct democracy.
No one is advocating for a direct democracy. As long we are a representative government we will never be a direct democracy.
Do you know the difference between a direct democracy and a representative government?
An extreme democracy is what you're advocating that being a tyranny of the majority which our founders were very much against hence why we are a constitutional republic you nincompoop
The Founders believed in the tyranny of the individual plantation owner, with the majority of them being slavers and what not.....

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