Aggravation, agitation are well suited for political change


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
and when change is not forthcoming, revolution presides. While I might prefer the former, I'll accept the latter. So which side are you on?

Originally posted by Psychoblues
and when change is not forthcoming, revolution presides. While I might prefer the former, I'll accept the latter. So which side are you on?


what in the name of Issac H Newton are you talking about?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
and when change is not forthcoming, revolution presides. While I might prefer the former, I'll accept the latter. So which side are you on?


Do I favor revolution as a means to achieve political change when agrivation and agitation aren't enough?

Is that the question?
Change is good.
Revolution is a last resort.
Can you clarify your question?
Psycho, if you stand in the middle, noone can push you.
I often advertise myself here in USMB as a moderate Democrat, cc. But nonetheless I am associated with radicals and otherwise derilects. Liberal I am. Honest I am as well. I only hinge on radicalism. I think revolution is only brought about by frustration that results in radicalism. Many here with far more right wing ideologies appear to be also on the verge. Do you dig it, cc?

Problem is you are defending the status quo and not change.

Affirmative action.


The current problems with the education system.

Social security

Trying to protect the power of the left.

but you guys cant handle being out of power in a free society. Your ideas lost. So you guys want revolution. Its your death.
The United States is too civilized to start a revolution. We like things being predictable, and safe. But if we don't find a solution soon, the revolution will come to us.
Like I said, I'm on my second Mike's, so bear with me.

Now I know why you're all addicted. (to this board) I want someone to start mediating an interesting discussion about merging left-winged and right-winged ideas. Or facilitating a give-and-take type barter.

It's fine to sit back and talk about all the issues that need to be addressed, when things are going well in the world. But right now we need to stop fighting and sort out some solutions to the really big problems that work for Everyone. Or else Everyone will keep fighting and eventually Someone's going to get really hurt.

Then people can take a load off, and start up on the smaller, but still very important issues that affect our day-to-day lives. Like healthcare, education, etc etc.
So start a thread with a topic. I'll assume you will be coming from the left, there will be plenty from the right. Just pick a topic, a viewpoint and defend. Let the fireworks fly. (in a nice way of course.)
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Like I said, I'm on my second Mike's, so bear with me.

Now I know why you're all addicted. (to this board) I want someone to start mediating an interesting discussion about merging left-winged and right-winged ideas. Or facilitating a give-and-take type barter.

It's fine to sit back and talk about all the issues that need to be addressed, when things are going well in the world. But right now we need to stop fighting and sort out some solutions to the really big problems that work for Everyone. Or else Everyone will keep fighting and eventually Someone's going to get really hurt.

Then people can take a load off, and start up on the smaller, but still very important issues that affect our day-to-day lives. Like healthcare, education, etc etc.

There is NO way to get anything done in government without compromise. Some issues are hard if not impossible to compromise on, but if there is no effort there will only be failure.

My two cents.
Originally posted by Kathianne
So start a thread with a topic. I'll assume you will be coming from the left, there will be plenty from the right. Just pick a topic, a viewpoint and defend. Let the fireworks fly. (in a nice way of course.)

And that's pretty much how threads go here.

Canada, I would suggest mentioning that the goal of your thread is to find some common ground/compromise on the issue if possible. It would be interesting to see how we do.:D
It should be a lot easier here, than in gov't, with all the red tape and bullshit you go through to get anything done. I think I'll wait til tomorrow if you're holding out for me, though. I need some real-life time right now. Alrighty?
Originally posted by nycflasher
There is NO way to get anything done in government without compromise. Some issues are hard if not impossible to compromise on, but if there is no effort there will only be failure.

My two cents.

Not in the next term when Bush gets 2 if not 3 SC nominees through the Republican controlled congress.
Like in religion, Kathianne, there just isn't a nice way to defend political ideology. Though tried often, it generally results in WAR. I thought all that impossible after WWII. My teachings and understandings have certainly been proven very wrong over the last 40 or so years. We're still fighting the same wars that we fought centuries ago and exploiting ignorance as if it were water.

You may be right here Psycho. There really isn't a middleground between the ideas of preemption and appeasement, they are more oil and water than oil and water. Yet, perhaps we can learn a piece of the whole.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
The United States is too civilized to start a revolution. We like things being predictable, and safe. But if we don't find a solution soon, the revolution will come to us.

Im not sure i believe that. Both sides of the political extremes are getting way antsy.
Whoa dude, SE, don't be so shy. Speak up or shut up, that's the USMB way, isn't it? You got differing opinions? Express 'em, my friend, but don't tell me to shut up or go home. Your time here is just like my own, an opportunity to express without getting pithy, or so jimnyc told me. Lord knows, I've seen enough pithy to dispel that rule.


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