AGW causes .... yup


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2011
Prostitution. The evils of the internal combustion engine know no bounds.

"Dem resolution warns climate change could push women to ‘transactional sex’

Dem resolution warns climate change could push women to ?transactional sex? - The Hill's Floor Action

Note the new phraseology

"balanced participation of men and women" in climate change adaption efforts

"the number
of people living in extreme poverty could increase by up
to 3,000,000,000 by 2050 unless environmental disasters
are averted by coordinated global action"
Is there anything that they won't blame on AGW? Guess prostitution shoud be added to the ever growing list...

AIDS, Afghan poppies destroyed, African holocaust, aged deaths, poppies more potent, Africa devastated, Africa in conflict, African aid threatened, aggressive weeds, Air France crash...

More at Link:
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Another canary inna coal mine...
The starfish are dying, and no one knows why
28 Dec.`13 ~ Something is killing starfish up and down the West Coast and no one knows what.
A mysterious illness that first appeared in June in Washington state has now spread from Sitka, Alaska, to San Diego. Starfish first waste away and then "turn into goo," divers say. Whatever is causing it can spread with astonishing speed — a healthy group of starfish can die in just 24 hours. "It's widespread, it's very virulent and it's unlike anything we've seen in the past," said Pete Raimondi, a marine ecologist at the University of California-Santa Cruz who is one of the lead researchers in an international effort to track the outbreak.

The ailment seems to hit starfish the hardest, with smaller numbers of sea urchins and sea cucumbers reported falling to it. No one knows what percentage of the West Coast's starfish are affected but in some areas they've been wiped out. So far at least 12 different starfish species are known to be at risk, Raimondi said. Marine biologists call starfish "sea stars" because they are not actually fish, but invertebrates. They've dubbed the ailment "sea star wasting syndrome."


A pink sea star (Pisaster brevispinus) that has lost two of its arms to sea star wasting syndrome is beginning to dissolve into goo from the center out.

The first case was reported in a tide pool in Washington state's Olympic NationalPark in June. Within weeks sea stars in the Vancouver Aquarium in British Columbia were dying, and sea stars near Sitka, Alaska, also began to fall ill. The animals first "look a little bit odd," said Mike Murray, director of veterinary services at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, Calif. "Their arms may be twisted or weirdly positioned."

They then develop what look like tiny wounds on their surface and bits of whitish discoloration. Within days and sometimes hours, the animal begins to waste away and fall apart. "It's almost like they're melting," he says. "They turn into slime or goo, they just kind of disintegrate." Scientists are asking recreational divers to report outbreaks. Don Noviello is a member of the Kelp Krawlers Dive Club in Olympia Wash. He and a dive partner saw their first infected sea stars on Dec. 21. "It's like they become zombies of the sea," Noviello said. "I saw a leg walking away by itself," he said.

Would any of you suggest that - worldwide - women do NOT suffer more than men from natural disasters and economic hardship?
I thought it was the cold that produced more sex??

Maybe FREE sex.. Hard to be a street walker in a blizzard.. That must be why GW is gonna help prostitution... Blackouts increase babies.. So more renewables will be good for that.
I'm pretty sure that's a satire site.

I mean, seriously, it's got to be a satire site.

Oh my fucking god they're serious. :eek:

Well, I'm convinced of one thing, at least. There's no hope left for humanity.
I say go.....go.......go.........

The k00ks have been throwing absurd bombs for almost 20 years now.......goofier and goofier.......and their overall goal falls further and further into the shitter.( see thread: PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING)

Sadly, no. Denialist cultists really are as crazy, dishonest and illogical as they appear here in this thread. To push their cult religion, there is no cherry they won't pick, nothing they won't fabricate. Lord knows they won't talk about science, being they suck so hard at it.

That's basically why the whole world points and laughs at them now.
Sadly, no. Denialist cultists really are as crazy, dishonest and illogical as they appear here in this thread. To push their cult religion, there is no cherry they won't pick, nothing they won't fabricate. Lord knows they won't talk about science, being they suck so hard at it.

That's basically why the whole world points and laughs at them now.

What is the "science" that says global warming causes prostitution?
What is the "science" that says global warming causes prostitution?

If you're too lazy to read yourself, why should I bother educating you? Facts just bounce off denialists.

Any intelligent well-informed person is going to be familiar with the facts, and thus also know that denialists are stupid, crazy and wrong about everything. So, if you see a denialist, you know you're looking at a lazy thinker. They're too lazy to examine evidence for themselves, preferring to let their political cult do their thinking for them.
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Sadly, no. Denialist cultists really are as crazy, dishonest and illogical as they appear here in this thread. To push their cult religion, there is no cherry they won't pick, nothing they won't fabricate. Lord knows they won't talk about science, being they suck so hard at it.

That's basically why the whole world points and laughs at them now.

Really? Wanna have a go at it? Anytime... Bring a pal... But if you fill even a single post with crap like the last one -- You lose. Read 3 posts from you this morning and they are ALL nothing but the rants of a zealot...

Tell ya what.. We could discuss this OP!!!!!!!!!! Something that YOU are trying to OBSCURE as hard as you can.. Because that mile long list of stuff blamed on AGW came right out of your minions of religious morons ---- not mine.. Those are all YOUR brainwashed faithful coming up with 1000s of crisis blamed on a 1degF change. Would love to see you defend the SCIENCE in all of those biblical prophesies.. But you wont..
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Flac, I'm sure you're dying to tell us whatever it is the CultOfMcIntyre spoonfed you today. So why don't you skip the theatrics and just do so?
Prostitution. The evils of the internal combustion engine know no bounds.

"Dem resolution warns climate change could push women to ‘transactional sex’

Dem resolution warns climate change could push women to ?transactional sex? - The Hill's Floor Action

Note the new phraseology

"balanced participation of men and women" in climate change adaption efforts

"the number
of people living in extreme poverty could increase by up
to 3,000,000,000 by 2050 unless environmental disasters
are averted by coordinated global action"

Why don't we just boil this down to what the fellow was actually saying rather than your creative cherry pick-cut-n-paste.

Global warming is going to make things tougher on everyone. In tough times, women tend to have it worse than men. Tough economic times drive some women into prostitution.

Now why don't the lot of you get together and decide with which of those facts you disagree.
Prostitution. The evils of the internal combustion engine know no bounds.

"Dem resolution warns climate change could push women to ‘transactional sex’

Dem resolution warns climate change could push women to ?transactional sex? - The Hill's Floor Action

Note the new phraseology

"balanced participation of men and women" in climate change adaption efforts

"the number
of people living in extreme poverty could increase by up
to 3,000,000,000 by 2050 unless environmental disasters
are averted by coordinated global action"

Why don't we just boil this down to what the fellow was actually saying rather than your creative cherry pick-cut-n-paste.

Global warming is going to make things tougher on everyone. In tough times, women tend to have it worse than men. Tough economic times drive some women into prostitution.

Now why don't the lot of you get together and decide with which of those facts you disagree.

Your premis that people cause the earths climate to get warmer in any measurable way has never been established as fact. Quite the opposite, objective data analysis tends to indicate that there is no causal relationship.

This isn't rocket science. The only prostitutes are the academics who wish to continue receiving grant money.

Prostitution. The evils of the internal combustion engine know no bounds.

"Dem resolution warns climate change could push women to ‘transactional sex’

Dem resolution warns climate change could push women to ?transactional sex? - The Hill's Floor Action

Note the new phraseology

"balanced participation of men and women" in climate change adaption efforts

"the number
of people living in extreme poverty could increase by up
to 3,000,000,000 by 2050 unless environmental disasters
are averted by coordinated global action"

Why don't we just boil this down to what the fellow was actually saying rather than your creative cherry pick-cut-n-paste.

Global warming is going to make things tougher on everyone. In tough times, women tend to have it worse than men. Tough economic times drive some women into prostitution.

Now why don't the lot of you get together and decide with which of those facts you disagree.

Your premis that people cause the earths climate to get warmer in any measurable way has never been established as fact. Quite the opposite, objective data analysis tends to indicate that there is no causal relationship.

This isn't rocket science. The only prostitutes are the academics who wish to continue receiving grant money.


Since you don't seem to understand the absolute basics of the scientific method, allow me to point out that it will never be established as a fact, no matter the final results.

Objective analysis quite clearly indicates there is a causal relationship. Try reading any of the five IPCC reports if you disagree. Just out of curiosity, though, to what specific "objective data analysis" were you referring?

Academics in all branches of science like to get grant money. It funds their research which advances their careers. Do you therefore reject ALL science ?
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Why don't we just boil this down to what the fellow was actually saying rather than your creative cherry pick-cut-n-paste.

Global warming is going to make things tougher on everyone. In tough times, women tend to have it worse than men. Tough economic times drive some women into prostitution.

Now why don't the lot of you get together and decide with which of those facts you disagree.

Your premis that people cause the earths climate to get warmer in any measurable way has never been established as fact. Quite the opposite, objective data analysis tends to indicate that there is no causal relationship.

This isn't rocket science. The only prostitutes are the academics who wish to continue receiving grant money.


Since you don't seem to understand the absolute basics of the scientific method, allow me to point out that it will never be established as a fact, no matter the final results.

Objective analysis quite clearly indicates there is a causal relationship. Try reading any of the five IPCC reports if you disagree. Just out of curiosity, though, to what specific "objective data analysis" were you referring?

Academics in all branches of science like to get grant money. It funds their research which advances their careers. Do you therefore reject ALL science ?

Nice try. The challenge to you, if you choose to accept the mission, is to point to an objective analysis that shows a causal relationship between human activity and global warming. IPCC political summaries do not count.
It wasn't a try, it was a "do". The IPCC analysis reports are objective analyses, not political summaries. That you would say such a thing clearly indicates you've never read a single one of them.

I take it from your response that, as I suspected, you had no specific "objective analysis" in mind (because none exists which comes to such a conclusion) but were just bullshitting.

And, if you don't like the IPCC reports, we can use just about any of the 11-12,000 peer reviewed studies on which those reports are based. Ninety-seven percent of those support AGW. What a surprise.
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It wasn't a try, it was a "do". The IPCC analysis reports are objective analyses, not political summaries. That you would say such a thing clearly indicates you've never read a single one of them.

I take it from your response that, as I suspected, you had no specific "objective analysis" in mind (because none exists which comes to such a conclusion) but were just bullshitting.

And, if you don't like the IPCC reports, we can use just about any of the 11-12,000 peer reviewed studies on which those reports are based. Ninety-seven percent of those support AGW. What a surprise.

So there arre no summaries in the IPCC reports that are chaired by non--scientists??
No political participants in the preparations of the ARs????

BOOM Youre waaay busted.......

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