AGW nutter tornado scare fAiL

What a bunch of lying corksmokers you deniars are.

Extreme Weather Weather Underground

However, this increase may be entirely caused by factors unrelated to climate change:

  1. Population growth has resulted in more tornadoes being reported.
  2. Advances in weather radar, particularly the deployment of about 100 Doppler radars across the U.S. in the mid-1990s, has resulted in a much higher tornado detection rate.
  3. Tornado damage surveys have grown more sophisticated over the years. For example, we now commonly classify multiple tornadoes along a damage path that might have been attributed to just one twister in the past.
Given these uncertainties in the tornado data base, it is unknown how the frequency of tornadoes might be changing over time. The "official word" on climate science, the 2007 United Nations IPCC report, stated it thusly: "There is insufficient evidence to determine whether trends exist in small scale phenomena such as tornadoes, hail, lighting, and dust storms."
Extreme Weather Weather Underground

Heavy precipitation

Are heavy rain events becoming more frequent due to climate change? That is a difficult question to answer, since reliable records are not available at all in many parts of the world, and extend back only a few decades elsewhere. However, we do have a fairly good set of precipitation records for many parts of the globe, and those records show that the heaviest types of rains--those likely to cause flooding--have increased in recent years. According to the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007 report, "The frequency of heavy precipitation events has increased over most land areas". Indeed, global warming theory has long predicted an increase in heavy precipitation events. As the climate warms, evaporation of moisture from the oceans increases, resulting in more water vapor in the air. According to the 2007 IPCC report, water vapor in the global atmosphere has increased by about 5% over the 20th century, and 4% since 1970. Satellite measurements (Trenberth et al., 2005) have shown a 1.3% per decade increase in water vapor over the global oceans since 1988. Santer et al. (2007) used a climate model to study the relative contribution of natural and human-caused effects on increasing water vapor, and concluded that this increase was "primarily due to human-caused increases in greenhouse gases". This was also the conclusion of Willet et al. (2007).

More water vapor equals more precipitation
This increase in water vapor has very likely led to an increase in global precipitation. For instance, over the U.S., where we have very good precipitation records, annual average precipitation has increased 7% over the past century (Groisman et al., 2004). The same study also found a 14% increase in heavy (top 5%) and 20% increase in very heavy (top 1%) precipitation events over the U.S. in the past century. Kunkel et al. (2003) also found an increase in heavy precipitation events over the U.S. in recent decades, but noted that heavy precipitation events were nearly as frequent at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, though the data is not as reliable back then. Thus, there is a large natural variation in extreme precipitation events.

Very heavy precipitation events, a 20% increase. But we saw the same around 1900. We shall see how this plays out in the coming years. The increase in water vapor in the atmosphere pretty much says we are going to see even more of these events.
What a bunch of lying corksmokers you deniars are.

Extreme Weather Weather Underground

However, this increase may be entirely caused by factors unrelated to climate change:

  1. Population growth has resulted in more tornadoes being reported.
  2. Advances in weather radar, particularly the deployment of about 100 Doppler radars across the U.S. in the mid-1990s, has resulted in a much higher tornado detection rate.
  3. Tornado damage surveys have grown more sophisticated over the years. For example, we now commonly classify multiple tornadoes along a damage path that might have been attributed to just one twister in the past.
Given these uncertainties in the tornado data base, it is unknown how the frequency of tornadoes might be changing over time. The "official word" on climate science, the 2007 United Nations IPCC report, stated it thusly: "There is insufficient evidence to determine whether trends exist in small scale phenomena such as tornadoes, hail, lighting, and dust storms."

So, now it's NOT because of Manmade climate disruption?

Can you pick a fucking story and stick with it??????
Well........I guess the US Storm Prediction Center ( SPC) is lying then!!:biggrin:

But here are the facts.........tornado activity is down dramatically.........and several years ago the climate change crowd were sounding bull horn cries that the size and frequency of tornado's were becoming epic.

You see........the way it works for the AGW crowd is they hedge all the time on weather related events......they'd get along great with the Sunday fantasy football guys. If they are right, they thump their chest out and say "Seeeeeeeeeeee told you so!!!". When they are wrong............which is often......they flee and take cover!!! "We never said that!!":gay:
What a bunch of lying corksmokers you deniars are.

Extreme Weather Weather Underground

However, this increase may be entirely caused by factors unrelated to climate change:

  1. Population growth has resulted in more tornadoes being reported.
  2. Advances in weather radar, particularly the deployment of about 100 Doppler radars across the U.S. in the mid-1990s, has resulted in a much higher tornado detection rate.
  3. Tornado damage surveys have grown more sophisticated over the years. For example, we now commonly classify multiple tornadoes along a damage path that might have been attributed to just one twister in the past.
Given these uncertainties in the tornado data base, it is unknown how the frequency of tornadoes might be changing over time. The "official word" on climate science, the 2007 United Nations IPCC report, stated it thusly: "There is insufficient evidence to determine whether trends exist in small scale phenomena such as tornadoes, hail, lighting, and dust storms."

So, now it's NOT because of Manmade climate disruption?

Can you pick a fucking story and stick with it??????

The Narrative changes as often as I change my underwear.. In each of Old Crocks posts there is the disclaimer "may be caused by AGW". They want it both ways. They are covering all the bases so they can not be seen as wrong. In doing so they out that they are liars and charlatans who haven't a fucking clue.
You know what Billy...........when they tell me they can tell when and where and how hard and for how long a hurricane or tornado is going to hit with certainty, then I might listen to these knuckleheads. Until then.......all this shit is phoney.

I just put up a thread of well over 100 climate crusader predictions that fell flat on their faces..........and now this tornado stuff can be added to the list.
Skook, instead of digging in deeper with your big lie, why not just apologize for lying about the tornado predictions?

Look, we all know you're not bright enough to have thought of the lie yourself. You just copied it off a blog. You can just assign the blame to the blog that lied to you. Which blog was it? Don't defend the blog. That would be like a battered woman defending her abuser.
Skook, instead of digging in deeper with your big lie, why not just apologize for lying about the tornado predictions?

Look, we all know you're not bright enough to have thought of the lie yourself. You just copied it off a blog. You can just assign the blame to the blog that lied to you. Which blog was it? Don't defend the blog. That would be like a battered woman defending her abuser.

what a dummy...................

Scientists Predict More Deadly Weather Due to Global Warming

In the U.S., tornados and flood have caused
$32 billions in damages this year

By John Broder, The New York Times, June 15, 2011

WASHINGTON — The United States experienced some of the most extreme weather events in its history this spring, including deadly outbreaks of tornadoes, near-record flooding, drought and wildfires.

Kevin Trenberth, distinguished senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research“........"Global warming is contributing to an increased incidence of extreme weather because the environment in which all storms form has changed from human activities,” Dr. Trenberth said in a telephone interview Wednesday. “Records are not just broken, they are smashed. It is as clear a warning as we are going to get about prospects for the future.”

April was a particularly devastating month for tornadoes and rainfall, with 875 tornadoes reported during the month and heavy rain and snowmelt contributing to Mississippi River flooding later in the spring that surpassed the historic floods of 1927 and 1937, NOAA reported.

Wait Mamooth......allow me to post your response..............its the same shit when you are made to look like a dickhead.........

[URL=][/URL] review............

1) Several years ago, climate alarmists throw bombs about extreme weather getting out of control, including tornado's ( referenced with link in post 29 above )

2) Tornado activity down significantly over the past 3 years >> Tame tornadoes Quietest 3 years for twisters on record

3) The AGW nuts call BS

4) Skooks throws in another link....from 2012 IPCC >> Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (pdf) .........ghey:gay:

5) Once again, Skooks displays that the dickheads will say ANYTHING to not look like dickheads:funnyface:

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