AGW Question

Here let me light that straw man on fire for you..


NASA has a real duty and its not climate or Muslim outreach..
Believing a weatherman is not a climate scientist, is like believing the Sun revolves around the Earth


You cant remember the last point you made, that weathermen were NOT scientists.. Now you say they are..

Make up your dam mind and quit running in circles..

Wowza! A mistype (not) has you playing 'gotcha' as if that makes any of your arguments more credible ad valid. :rofl:

you are a tool. for sure, a tool.

The tool is you.. You dont have even the slightest credibility with your blinders on firmly and killing your brain cell, your one functioning cell...
Rhetorical bs aside, Global Warming is not a hypothesis, it is a theory.

And a weatherman is not a climate scientist

Once more...theory -A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena. Most theories that are accepted by scientists have been repeatedly tested by experiments and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.

So where are these "repeated" experiments that verify the AGW hypothesis?....and as to predictive ability....there is a growing string of failed predictions decades is a hypothesis and a piss poor one at that.

And you are right, a weatherman is not a climate scientist..meterologists are members in good standing of a hard actual science...whereas climate "scientists" belong to a fraternity of soft sciences. Have you ever looked at the curriculum for climate scientists? is a field for people who aren't good at math and science.
Are those 4 AGW denier clowns still at it ... posting ludicrous science-related comments in a 4-ring circus of ignorance, pretending they know more about climatology, atmospheric & oceanic sciences than the WORLD's top scientists???
Or, it's a conspiracy! A cult of PhDs!
Actually, this is more than amusing; it's incredibly hilarious!!
Indeed, they probably also believe the moon landings were hoaxes ...
I think the Hole in the Ozone Layer is driving climate change
Oh yeah, Einstein?
Why don't you explain it; you can do that better than the leading scientists, no?
Or, were you referring to the Hole in your rear end ... "driving climate change"?
Are those 4 AGW denier clowns still at it ... posting ludicrous science-related comments in a 4-ring circus of ignorance, pretending they know more about climatology, atmospheric & oceanic sciences than the WORLD's top scientists???
Or, it's a conspiracy! A cult of PhDs!
Actually, this is more than amusing; it's incredibly hilarious!!
Indeed, they probably also believe the moon landings were hoaxes ...
When the science fails post up desperate logical fallacies. Now dude, that's fkn funny! Thanks for the scientific gumbo
Are those 4 AGW denier clowns still at it ... posting ludicrous science-related comments in a 4-ring circus of ignorance, pretending they know more about climatology, atmospheric & oceanic sciences than the WORLD's top scientists???
Or, it's a conspiracy! A cult of PhDs!
Actually, this is more than amusing; it's incredibly hilarious!!
Indeed, they probably also believe the moon landings were hoaxes ...
When the science fails post up desperate logical fallacies. Now dude, that's fkn funny! Thanks for the scientific gumbo
Science is falsifiable and always a work in progress toward understanding reality, unlike your "fate" belief.
Go ahead & try to explain your "logical fallacies" claim ...
Are those 4 AGW denier clowns still at it ... posting ludicrous science-related comments in a 4-ring circus of ignorance, pretending they know more about climatology, atmospheric & oceanic sciences than the WORLD's top scientists???
Or, it's a conspiracy! A cult of PhDs!
Actually, this is more than amusing; it's incredibly hilarious!!
Indeed, they probably also believe the moon landings were hoaxes ...
When the science fails post up desperate logical fallacies. Now dude, that's fkn funny! Thanks for the scientific gumbo
Science is falsifiable and always a work in progress toward understanding reality, unlike your "fate" belief.
Go ahead & try to explain your "logical fallacies" claim ...
. explain why the decades long string of failed predictions based on the AGW hypothesis has not resulted in the failed hypothesis being scrapped and a new, more viable hypothesis postulated.....why has the multiple decade hiatus in warming while CO2 continued to rise not resulted in the falsification of the hypothesis?...why has the failure of the predicted tropospheric hot spot to materialize not falsified the hypothesis?
Go ahead and continue displaying your science ignorance, if you don't want to learn about its methods.
No, i do not think opinion is fact. Did i ever say so?
I simply cited references from scientists who have opinions based on their evidence.
Science deals with probabilities, esp if research is complicated with multivariate analyses, but i don't expect noobs like you to understand that.

Given your skepticism, you must be a God disbeliever, right?

Which "evidence" might it be that their opinions are based on....I have been asking for at least a couple of decades now for some observed, measured, quantified empirical evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis...thus far, not a smidge....not the first bit....nothing supporting the anthropogenic component of the AGW hypothesis....there is certainly ample evidence that the climate is changing...of course it goes back to the beginning of the earth....climate is always changing but evidence that man is causing it on a global scale?....not a bit of evidence...hell for all the thousands of billions of dollars flushed down the toilet on climate science, there isn't even a real attempt to quantify the supposed human contribution to climate change....There simply is no actual tell me how you believe a hypothesis can be elevated to the status of a theory when absolutely no actual, observed, measured, quantified evidence exists in support of that hypothesis..
Why don't you get your head out of the toilet and look at the ABUNDANT evidence in the AR5 pdf i provided in my post #152? Does it strain your 1st grade brain?
Prefer simple explanations like "God did it?".

Fate has several definitions & they differ by dictionary; that's why i asked for yours.
Ok then, here's a definition from Merriam-Webster that fits your simplistic mind:
"the three goddesses who determine the course of human life in classical mythology".
You have evidence for your belief?

If there is "abundant" actual observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in AR5, then you should have no problem picking out a couple of bits of it and bringing it here....I have been asking people who believe there is any actual evidence in that steaming pile of pseudoscience to bring forward some actual evidence since it came by all means, go ahead and bring some of this evidence you claim here and post it...

I predict no such evidence will be forthcoming....and then you should ask yourself, since you believe that evidence is there, and you can't find it to bring it here for the purpose of slapping me down with it, which one of us actually has the first grade brain? I don't believe in magic....clearly you do.
Oh, another atheist.
The AR5 has lots of evidence.
Which do you dispute in that pdf i provided?
Unlike "God", science is falsifiable.
If you don't like the evidence presented, then cite an opposing argument by a real climate scientist, which you are not.

So bring a bit of it here....bring some actual observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence from AR5 that supports the anthropogenic component of the AGW hypothesis...

Again, I predict that no such evidence will be forthcoming. By the way, can you clip out anything in your pdf that you consider to be actual, observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of the anthropogenic component of the AGW hypothesis and post it here? It would be interesting to see what your first grade brain accepts as evidence.
Are those 4 AGW denier clowns still at it ... posting ludicrous science-related comments in a 4-ring circus of ignorance, pretending they know more about climatology, atmospheric & oceanic sciences than the WORLD's top scientists???
Or, it's a conspiracy! A cult of PhDs!
Actually, this is more than amusing; it's incredibly hilarious!!
Indeed, they probably also believe the moon landings were hoaxes ...

If the evidence in support of AGW is so overwhelming and compelling, then bring some of it here....slap me down with it....make me your me some actual , observed, measured, quantified, empirical data in support of the anthropogenic component of the AGW hypothesis....I am sure all your warmer wacko buddies would love to see it...lets see the evidence upon which this supposed consensus bases their opinion.

ONCE MORE...I predict that no such actual evidence will be forthcoming....want to know why? is a hint....BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST....there doesn't exist one shred of actual observed, measured, quantified, empirical data in support of even the most basic tenet of the AGW hypothesis...
Are those 4 AGW denier clowns still at it ... posting ludicrous science-related comments in a 4-ring circus of ignorance, pretending they know more about climatology, atmospheric & oceanic sciences than the WORLD's top scientists???
Or, it's a conspiracy! A cult of PhDs!
Actually, this is more than amusing; it's incredibly hilarious!!
Indeed, they probably also believe the moon landings were hoaxes ...
When the science fails post up desperate logical fallacies. Now dude, that's fkn funny! Thanks for the scientific gumbo
Science is falsifiable and always a work in progress toward understanding reality, unlike your "fate" belief.
Go ahead & try to explain your "logical fallacies" claim ...
you should learn what a logical fallacy is so you can avoid posting them so frequently. It seems it is the only argument that you have.

BTW, I haven't seen the observed material that SSDD requested from you yet. What the F?
If any actual evidence existed....observed, measured, quantified couldn't avoid it....they would have it posted everywhere....

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