AGWCult finally self destructs


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Their latest attempt to "hide the decline" will be their last. They morphed from global warming to climate change and now, quadrupling down on a losing bet, they're totally done with atmospheric CO2 altogether. They are now telling us that "the ocean ate my global warming"

It's their swan song. It's getting delisted from NYSE and moving to the pink sheets. The records for ocean temperatures more readily lend themselves to manipulation and with the NOAA already altering data its easy to see why they made this losing bet.

No warming for 2 decades so they decide to toss all their previous data and theories aside and say that the oceans, which take far more energy to warm, are the repository of the missing warming.
Weather this year has been interesting, extremely hot, windy and rainy where we live. A links below for the non corporate faithful.

Is The Earth Past A Point of No Return?
Is The Earth Past A Point of No Return Pioneer News

'The Danger The Planet Faces Because Human Instinct Overpowers Human Reason'
The Danger The Planet Faces Because Human Instinct Overpowers Human Reason David Ropeik

2014 Was The Hottest Year Since At Least 1880, Government Finds'
2014 Was The Hottest Year Since At Least 1880 Government Finds
Their latest attempt to "hide the decline" will be their last. They morphed from global warming to climate change and now, quadrupling down on a losing bet, they're totally done with atmospheric CO2 altogether. They are now telling us that "the ocean ate my global warming"

It's their swan song. It's getting delisted from NYSE and moving to the pink sheets. The records for ocean temperatures more readily lend themselves to manipulation and with the NOAA already altering data its easy to see why they made this losing bet.

No warming for 2 decades so they decide to toss all their previous data and theories aside and say that the oceans, which take far more energy to warm, are the repository of the missing warming.
Not to fear Frank! Al Gore says and I quote "Global warming causes global cooling". And you know as well as I some idiot will buy that!
Based on the observations we do the arctic has been underestimated...So really, how can you say this correction isn't the right one?

What is your solution? Defund everything and do away with our meteorological institutions as you can't stand the reality of it.
Based on the observations we do the arctic has been underestimated...So really, how can you say this correction isn't the right one?

What is your solution? Defund everything and do away with our meteorological institutions as you can't stand the reality of it.
No Matthew no. You reduce funding to the point of college studies to keep an eye on it. And then you re-direct the funding that WAS used there for something that has PROVEN and PAID rewards like your NASA.

It's not an issue of spending less it's an issue of spending SMARTER.
Based on the observations we do the arctic has been underestimated...So really, how can you say this correction isn't the right one?

What is your solution? Defund everything and do away with our meteorological institutions as you can't stand the reality of it.
Zero out all climate change funding, declare IPCC a terrorist organization, charge the AGWCult under RICO
Based on the observations we do the arctic has been underestimated...So really, how can you say this correction isn't the right one?

What is your solution? Defund everything and do away with our meteorological institutions as you can't stand the reality of it.

Most meterologists...actual scientists are not on board the AGW crazy train.
Weather this year has been interesting, extremely hot, windy and rainy where we live. A links below for the non corporate faithful.

Is The Earth Past A Point of No Return?
Is The Earth Past A Point of No Return Pioneer News

'The Danger The Planet Faces Because Human Instinct Overpowers Human Reason'
The Danger The Planet Faces Because Human Instinct Overpowers Human Reason David Ropeik

2014 Was The Hottest Year Since At Least 1880, Government Finds'
2014 Was The Hottest Year Since At Least 1880 Government Finds

How gullible must you be to believe Popeye was accurately measuring ocean temperatures in tenths of a degree back in 1880

NOAA is a serial data manipulator, they have 0.00000 credibility
Weather this year has been interesting, extremely hot, windy and rainy where we live. A links below for the non corporate faithful.

Is The Earth Past A Point of No Return?
Is The Earth Past A Point of No Return Pioneer News

'The Danger The Planet Faces Because Human Instinct Overpowers Human Reason'
The Danger The Planet Faces Because Human Instinct Overpowers Human Reason David Ropeik

2014 Was The Hottest Year Since At Least 1880, Government Finds'
2014 Was The Hottest Year Since At Least 1880 Government Finds

How gullible must you be to believe Popeye was accurately measuring ocean temperatures in tenths of a degree back in 1880
NOAA is a serial data manipulator, they have 0.00000 credibility
popeye is smarter than that. yak, yak, yak, yak
So interesting in the study of human minds is it that 'belief' in a scientific phenomena is ALSO an issue that happens down partisan lines.

Oh what a coinkidink
So interesting in the study of human minds is it that 'belief' in a scientific phenomena is ALSO an issue that happens down partisan lines.

Oh what a coinkidink
that should tell you immediately the issue is money.
So interesting in the study of human minds is it that 'belief' in a scientific phenomena is ALSO an issue that happens down partisan lines.

Oh what a coinkidink
that should tell you immediately the issue is money.
It tells me to go with the consensus of the experts in the field because all else is likely, and you're right, driven by money and propaganda. I'll go with science for 1000 Alex
The hardcore denier trolls here keep getting more hysterical.

That makes people stop paying attention to them.

So they get more hysterical.

So more people stop paying attention to them.

So they get more hysterical.

And the vicious cycle continues. They refuse to believe the world is laughing at them because they're acting like crazy people. In their conspiracy-addled minds, it must be because of a vast secret global socialist plot directed against them.

One could write very interesting papers documenting the abnormal psychology of deniers. Oh wait, that's already been done, by Lewandowski and Cook. Naturally, deniers declared that was also part of the conspiracy against them. In the world of a hardcore conspiracy cultist, every piece of evidence automatically supports their conspiracy theory somehow.

Anyways, this thread should be in the conspiracy folder, along with many denier threads.
The hardcore denier trolls here keep getting more hysterical.

That makes people stop paying attention to them.

So they get more hysterical.

So more people stop paying attention to them.

So they get more hysterical.

And the vicious cycle continues. They refuse to believe the world is laughing at them because they're acting like crazy people. In their conspiracy-addled minds, it must be because of a vast secret global socialist plot directed against them.

One could write very interesting papers documenting the abnormal psychology of deniers. Oh wait, that's already been done, by Lewandowski and Cook. Naturally, deniers declared that was also part of the conspiracy against them. In the world of a hardcore conspiracy cultist, every piece of evidence automatically supports their conspiracy theory somehow.

Anyways, this thread should be in the conspiracy folder, along with many denier threads.
and evidence of any solution. hmmmmmmmmmm it must be terrible, critical to life on earth, so much so that daily your main concern is updating posts on a message board.

you make me laugh.

Edit, there is no solution because there is no issue.
Oh yes, they have self destructed. Do NOT let them give you some formula any longer to prove their point. From here forward, ask them about these.......

1. What the enviros and leftists GENIUSES said on earth day, 1970! 13 Most Ridiculous Predictions Made on Earth Day 1970 Ricochet Now these predictions should give you a flavor of how CRAZY they are, and how you can't ask them what time the sun will go down, because they will probably be wrong!

2. Now this link here is fascinating. The enviros will tell you it comes from some denier site, which may possibly be true. But where the rubber hits the road, if you check out the facts elsewhere they report on, you find they are accurate! Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry The point is, they can't get ANYTHING correct, but want you to listen to them.

As they say perfectly, "if your local weatherperson was always wrong on what they predicted, would you listen to them?" That is all you need to know. These people said "this stuff was going to happen," and were specific by when. It was no doubt about it, it was a crisis, we were ALL GOING TO DROWN!!!!!!!!!!! Or burn, or starve, or have no toilet paper, lol.

They are PHONEY-BALONEYS, and if you buy into any of their crap, YOU are a sandwich short of a full picnic basket. I don't care how scientific their formulas sound, nothing those formulas have predicted; said by THEIR EXPERTS, has happened.

Read what is in the link, and you will know they are just fearmongering, wanting more tax money. Either that, or they are as dumb as a box of rocks, and want to feel normal by making you as DUMB AS A BOX OF ROCKS too!

Always remember the old doesn't make any difference what is true, if you keep repeating a lie, people will start to believe it! That is what they have been trying to do to you! Now the question is, are you smart enough not to fall for it?!?!?!?!

Let me put it another way..........are you going to let people on here who are NOT experts convince you of something that is happening, or will happen, when the experts they are using for their theory, can't get ANYTHING correct themselves? I know all of you are smarter than that. Don't let these people convince you of anything or you may as well purchase a piece of the Brooklyn Bridge. Only thing the people on here can do is regurgitate; and the only thing they can regurgitate is formulas used to PREDICT ALL OF THESE FAILURES.

Who you going to believe, them, or your lying eyes, lolololol!
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So interesting in the study of human minds is it that 'belief' in a scientific phenomena is ALSO an issue that happens down partisan lines.

Oh what a coinkidink

Yeah, they can't show us in a lab how 120PPM of additional can warm air, now they have a bigger problem because they're claiming that the CO2, that can't warm air, is warming a far greater volume of water that takes far more energy to warm!

You just have to have faith that the data manipulators are telling us the truth
So interesting in the study of human minds is it that 'belief' in a scientific phenomena is ALSO an issue that happens down partisan lines.

Oh what a coinkidink

Yeah, they can't show us in a lab how 120PPM of additional can warm air, now they have a bigger problem because they're claiming that the CO2, that can't warm air, is warming a far greater volume of water that takes far more energy to warm!

You just have to have faith that the data manipulators are telling us the truth
I think its clear that any data manipulating is you goofballs not understanding or even wanting to understand how science works.

Further....i think you even know that.
So interesting in the study of human minds is it that 'belief' in a scientific phenomena is ALSO an issue that happens down partisan lines.

Oh what a coinkidink

Yeah, they can't show us in a lab how 120PPM of additional can warm air, now they have a bigger problem because they're claiming that the CO2, that can't warm air, is warming a far greater volume of water that takes far more energy to warm!

You just have to have faith that the data manipulators are telling us the truth
hey Frank, I concluded after several discussions lately about the CO2 in the oceans, the manipulation likely occurring is the adding of heat due to back radiation temperatures. In one of the posts over the weekend, one of the lefties stated something about using a spectrometer and reading back radiation. Seems logical since that is there biggest belief is that added back radiation is heating the water right?
So interesting in the study of human minds is it that 'belief' in a scientific phenomena is ALSO an issue that happens down partisan lines.

Oh what a coinkidink

Yeah, they can't show us in a lab how 120PPM of additional can warm air, now they have a bigger problem because they're claiming that the CO2, that can't warm air, is warming a far greater volume of water that takes far more energy to warm!

You just have to have faith that the data manipulators are telling us the truth
I think its clear that any data manipulating is you goofballs not understanding or even wanting to understand how science works.

Further....i think you even know that.

GT, manipulating data to fit a failed theory is the opposite of how science works.

If the data doesn't fit the Theory, the theory has to go.

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