Ahem.... You HusseinCare advocates... You were bragging about UK' nationalized health???

How can someone be fired if they already left. If one jumped ship, he was gone and couldn't be fired.

Again, only one company actually "downsized" me - after paying me a hefty "Please don't sue us" package. Others went out of business or I left to pursue other opportunities. Do try to keep up.

So you are a pussy that tells on people. No wonder you can't keep a job. If they don't do what you like, you kiss ass. You're good at that.

Yes, when you have a plant full of dangerous chemicals you aren't marking and not tellign your employees what the dangers are and dumping them down drains instead of using proper disposal procedures, I WILL TELL ON YOU!!!!

That you call their decisions stupid means you believe you could do it better. If so, start your own company and do it. Bet you don't last or don't have the guts to try.

Guy, i know this is hard for you believe, but most of us just want to get on with our lives. We don't want to be the sorry bastard who spends 70 hours a week at the office because he can't delegate and can't trust the people who work for him.

I'm sure that's what they said liar.

Sounds like you ran other businesses down, too.

Bet you wanted to get paid for that, too.

You say you don't want to because you know you can't. I know that's hard for you to admit but be a man and do it. By the way, being the #2 person, I spend about 45 hours/week and not all of it is in the office.

You want to be the sorry bastard that can't do but makes it appear as if he knows it all.
Yeah listening to the opinions of guys in bars is a good way to base your life decisions.

No wonder you're such a fucking loser that you can't get a better job

Who said I based my life decisions on it? What i do base is that as much as management gets high on the smell of their own flatulence, everyone else realizes they are just full of shit.

Is that what you told them when YOU left?

I do let them know the things they are doing wrong, or I think are stupid. sometimes they've even admitted I had good points.

Three companies I've worked for in the last few decades have tried to rehire me. (I only seriously considered one offer before rejecting it.)

As good as you claim you are, you should have taken it and you'd now be running it based on what you say you can do. Talk is cheap unless you're willing to back it up. That's how you operate. You're all about social welfare then demand others fund it.
Joe has told me before that he doesn't want to be a boss because ALL bosses are douche bags.

It's a text book example of projection

Joe doesn't want to be a boss because he knows he can't do it. That's why he makes excuses as to why he doesn't WANT to be one. As long as he says he doesn't WANT to, he doesn't have to admit he CAN'T.
Yeah listening to the opinions of guys in bars is a good way to base your life decisions.

No wonder you're such a fucking loser that you can't get a better job

Who said I based my life decisions on it? What i do base is that as much as management gets high on the smell of their own flatulence, everyone else realizes they are just full of shit.

Is that what you told them when YOU left?
He didn't leave he got shit canned.
And still claims it wasn't his fault.
The one things I've learned in 27 years is that although you may not like what he boss has to say, you better learn that he's the boss.

Sounds like you define smart as bosses doing things the way you would do them. Otherwise, you get pissed because they don't do it your way. Sounds like the bosses won with you. They still work and you didn't stay.

Well, no.

Few of my ex-bosses still work at the companies I worked with them at. For instance, the asshole who fired everyone at the last one jumped ship a week before being fired himself. Two companies I worked for went completely out of business after I left. (The nice letter I sent to OSHA probably helped in one case).

I don't get pissed when a boss doesnt' do things my way. I get pissed when their really stupid decisions end up sinking the company.
And yet you still don't have the ambition to want to do it right by running your own company.

I started working for myself because quite frankly I can't stand being told what to do.

You really have no ambition at all
Joe is one of those that show up just in time and you better not be looking for him one minute after the clock reads stopping time.
Like Churchill said, the 'Gospel of Envy.' They're losers, therefore they feel they're justified in stealing from others. And that Poster wonders why he or she got fired. I mean, it's pretty obvious why. He or she is a bitter whiny Entitlement douche. A cancer to any business. Yet he or she still bleats on & on about how it's all Ronald Reagan's fault. It's actually kinda funny.

Yeah, this would be the same racist crazy Churchill that got thrown out of office while he was at the Potsdam conference because he was nuts and wanted to start a war with Russia.

The only losers i see are Libertarians who want to live in a civilized society and don't want to pay for it or follow the rules.

(Oh, I got fired because our managers managed to lose 60% of our business in a year when they were sniffing each other's farts. It was brilliant.)

Churchill was a great successful man who will be remembered forever. While you on the other hand, not so much. No one will care when you go, or will know you ever even existed. You're just a petty whiny Entitlement douche. You're a loser, therefore you lash out. I mean, still blaming Ronald Reagan 40yrs later? That really is as pathetic as it gets. Get a job, then get a life.

I'm all for people like you that think one person deserves another perosn's money using your own. I you cared as much as you said, you'd do it with your own money and not demand the rest of us be forced to do it.

Why should my children do with a penny less of what I want to give them so a child that's not mine can get it?

why should my children do with less because you guys start a war based on lies against a country that wasn't our enemy? I mean, if you want to go tit-for-tat, I don't particularly want to pay for Aircraft Carriers. I don't want to subsidize the military academies that spend half a million dollars to produce one 2LT or Ensign. I don't want to pay for huge corporate welfare payments that end up putting Americans out of work.

If you want to all go there, let's put a page on the 1040 and say, what are you willing to pay for.

1> Socialized Medicine
2> War on Terror

Betcha 1 gets funded before 2 does.
Joe is one of those that show up just in time and you better not be looking for him one minute after the clock reads stopping time.

YOu know, I've read that sentence twice and it still doesn't make any sense.

Incidently, I'm salaried. I don't even have to punch a clock. But I'm usually the first on in in the morning and the last one out the door.
Churchill was a great successful man who will be remembered forever.

Actually, he'll be remembered as the guy who tried to prolong the evil British Empire even after most British didn't want to do it. THe only thing that saved him was that Ghandi said, "Okay, we'll save your asses, but we want independence afterwards."
I'm sure that's what they said liar.

Sounds like you ran other businesses down, too.

As one of the few managers I respected once said, you don't get people in trouble, people get themselves in trouble. They broke the laws, I just let OSHA in on it. Heh, heh, heh...

Bet you wanted to get paid for that, too.

You say you don't want to because you know you can't. I know that's hard for you to admit but be a man and do it. By the way, being the #2 person, I spend about 45 hours/week and not all of it is in the office.

You want to be the sorry bastard that can't do but makes it appear as if he knows it all.

Guy, I have no desire to be that person, and frankly, if you are spending lots of overtime, it's usually the sign of a badly managed company. You are either understaffed or bad at delegating. And usually, you see one problem like that, the other are beneath the surface.
Joe doesn't want to be a boss because he knows he can't do it. That's why he makes excuses as to why he doesn't WANT to be one. As long as he says he doesn't WANT to, he doesn't have to admit he CAN'T.

Guy, I've been a supervisor. I've been an NCO in the army. What I wasn't was a guy who spent his whole career looking at who I could stab in the back to move up.
I'm sure that's what they said liar.

Sounds like you ran other businesses down, too.

As one of the few managers I respected once said, you don't get people in trouble, people get themselves in trouble. They broke the laws, I just let OSHA in on it. Heh, heh, heh...

Bet you wanted to get paid for that, too.

You say you don't want to because you know you can't. I know that's hard for you to admit but be a man and do it. By the way, being the #2 person, I spend about 45 hours/week and not all of it is in the office.

You want to be the sorry bastard that can't do but makes it appear as if he knows it all.

Guy, I have no desire to be that person, and frankly, if you are spending lots of overtime, it's usually the sign of a badly managed company. You are either understaffed or bad at delegating. And usually, you see one problem like that, the other are beneath the surface.

You ran like a little bitch thinking it would get you some browny points. Wipe your nose off son.

You consider 5 hours/week as a lot of overtime? Interesting that when you were let go, you weren't even working 1 hour/week.
You ran like a little bitch thinking it would get you some browny points. Wipe your nose off son.

Naw, that was a pure act of fucking revenge. Only worked there for three weeks and knew it was a fucked up place in one. IT was already a dying company, all I did was put the nail in the coffin.

You consider 5 hours/week as a lot of overtime? Interesting that when you were let go, you weren't even working 1 hour/week.

Actually, I was working up to 60 hours a week because they didn't want to hire enough people to get the job done.

I'm all for people like you that think one person deserves another perosn's money using your own. I you cared as much as you said, you'd do it with your own money and not demand the rest of us be forced to do it.

Why should my children do with a penny less of what I want to give them so a child that's not mine can get it?

why should my children do with less because you guys start a war based on lies against a country that wasn't our enemy? I mean, if you want to go tit-for-tat, I don't particularly want to pay for Aircraft Carriers. I don't want to subsidize the military academies that spend half a million dollars to produce one 2LT or Ensign. I don't want to pay for huge corporate welfare payments that end up putting Americans out of work.

If you want to all go there, let's put a page on the 1040 and say, what are you willing to pay for.

1> Socialized Medicine
2> War on Terror

Betcha 1 gets funded before 2 does.

Until you change the Constitution to say war can't be fought, you have no argument. As for the aircraft carriers, until the Constitution is changed, you have no argument. Until the word food stamps, healthcare, WIC, etc. are in the Constitution you have no argument.

War is in the Constitution. Socialized medicine is not.

If 1 got funded before 2, we wouldn't have taxes to fund #1. You bleeding hearts that would put your vote there could already meet what you say you would if given the choice to decide. That proves we don't need government doing it if you admit you're willing to put it first. That's the problem. When people don't choose #1 like you think they should, you have to use the government to force them to do what you say should be a choice.
You ran like a little bitch thinking it would get you some browny points. Wipe your nose off son.

Naw, that was a pure act of fucking revenge. Only worked there for three weeks and knew it was a fucked up place in one. IT was already a dying company, all I did was put the nail in the coffin.

You consider 5 hours/week as a lot of overtime? Interesting that when you were let go, you weren't even working 1 hour/week.

Actually, I was working up to 60 hours a week because they didn't want to hire enough people to get the job done.

It was an act of cowardice.

You must have been working 60 because you're too stupid to get it done in 40. If you're as good as you claim, they didn't need more.
Until you change the Constitution to say war can't be fought, you have no argument. As for the aircraft carriers, until the Constitution is changed, you have no argument. Until the word food stamps, healthcare, WIC, etc. are in the Constitution you have no argument.

We haven't fought a declared war since 1945. So all the wars since then have been illegal. and the constitution only calls for the COMMON defense of the United States, not the defense of Saudi Arabia and Israel. You guys are really so fond of the Founding Slave Rapists, you do know that Geo. Washington stated that America shouldn't have a standing army or any foreign entanglements in his farewell address, right?

If 1 got funded before 2, we wouldn't have taxes to fund #1. You bleeding hearts that would put your vote there could already meet what you say you would if given the choice to decide.

again, dumbass, the money is there. It's just being spent badly. Every other country spends 8%-11% GDP on medicine, we spend 18% of GDP on it. We waste a shitload of money because you live in mortal fear that some poor black child might get the same quality of care you get.
We haven't fought a declared war since 1945. So all the wars since then have been illegal. and the constitution only calls for the COMMON defense of the United States, not the defense of Saudi Arabia and Israel. You guys are really so fond of the Founding Slave Rapists, you do know that Geo. Washington stated that America shouldn't have a standing army or any foreign entanglements in his farewell address, right?

This seems like an odd point of view for you to cite, Joe. Are you finally giving up on Democrats?
This seems like an odd point of view for you to cite, Joe. Are you finally giving up on Democrats?

I just pointed out to Conservatard67 that as long as we moderates have to pay for his Wars for Israel, he should be happy to pay for our Health Care for Poor kids.
Joe is one of those that show up just in time and you better not be looking for him one minute after the clock reads stopping time.

YOu know, I've read that sentence twice and it still doesn't make any sense.

Incidently, I'm salaried. I don't even have to punch a clock. But I'm usually the first on in in the morning and the last one out the door.
Yeah you like to start whining early
"Ahem.... You HusseinCare advocates... You were bragging about UK' nationalized health???"

You and most others on the right clearly don't get it – and likely never will.

If you and other conservatives have a better plan than the ACA, a plan to ensure all Americans have access to affordable healthcare, where all Americans are able to receive routine checkups/health maintenance, then by all means repeal the ACA and implement that plan; democrats will fully support you on the repeal of the ACA and the enactment of that plan.

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